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Re: Re: whoah, good to see activity here//Imogene

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Sounds like you are a day behind us with the temperature dropping. That

happened to us on Sunday - went from 51 to 30 in an hour then kept dropping and

within a 3 hr. span it had dropped another 20 degrees. Current temp. is 4 with

snow falling. Supposed to be the light fluffy stuff up to an inch an hour and

freezing rain and snow tomorrow through Thursday. Isn't officially winter yet.


We haven't seen 60-70 degree weather since...um, can't remember when.


Will keep the weather up here. Wouldn't want you out in this especially

driving. I could come pick you up though in my truck F150 4 X 4 - definitely

fun driving and no scares of getting stuck. I do hold to the rule that I can't

stop any quicker though. Some 4X4's get a bit cocky with their driving and

" stopping " abilities.

Everyone keep warm!


Des Moines, IA

-- " lauraf13 " wrote:

I think our weather has LBD since we are on such a roller coaster. Day before

yesterday we

were 75 F for a high and then the cold front rolled through and dropped our

temp 30

degrees in about 1 hour . Our high for yesterday was 35 F. Yesterday afternoon

we started

to get freezing rain, but so far we only have a patchy ice on the roads. We

won't get above

freezing until tomorrow afternoon, but Friday we are supposed to have a high of

71 F.

Another cold front is due over the weekend and then we are back to the 30's. At

least the

cold weather usually doesn't last very long.

Just can't figure out what to wear. Around here you have to keep both your

winter clothes

and your summer clothes in the closet.

in Dallas


> Hi , I read in the paper that it is 70 below in Siberia. They can have

> it. Whew!

> Love a lot,

> Imogene



> In a message dated 12/14/2008 9:36:19 PM Central Standard Time,

> stim@... writes:


> I'm thinking our Yahoo site has been taken down by the ice storm. Not sure

> where we

> originate from. Good to see someone getting through. Hoping all are doing

> OK out there. It

> must be horrendous to be a caregiver without hydro! Warmest thoughts to all

> as this Arctic

> air mass moves through. Oh yes, to you it may be coming from Canada but

> from here it is

> coming from Alaska and Siberia. Where does the buck end?


> Gibsons BC

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