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Re: / fifths disease/ meltdowns

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Hi ,

I am SO sorry to hear about what your son is going through! I though

we'd loose our minds when my son contracted PANDAS early September of

2006. He ultimately took 14 supplements a day, Epsom salts, mud baths...

you name it.

On December 17th, 2008 (8 weeks ago today!) I began giving my son

glutathione. I should mention that we tried several other glutathione

supplements before with no real " results " including DMSA chelation.

THIS glutathione was created by Dr. Keller. Here's a great article:



My son is now acting so awesome that it makes me cry with joy! Even my

husband remarked this morning, " Wow, did you see what Tanner just did?

He is acting just so... normal. " I don't see my husband get emotional

very often but I choked me up to see tears in his eyes. We received a

request to do an " IEP re-evaluation " last week - because he is " doing so

well! " WOW.

The glutathione is only $65 a month and 100% money back guaranteed! The

full details are right here: http://www.maxgxl.com/158429

Hang in there! Blessings to you AND your son!

Also - I give FREE programs, Autism Awareness: From Suspicion to Success

- details on my site below.



Roll wrote:

> My son Elijah is 6 years old. During the Christmas break he broke out in the

fifths disease. Since then he is aggressive, having horrible meltdowns, talking

back, won't behave, you name he is doing it. Oh he also regressed terribly. His

doctor put him on Valtrex, clonidine and zithromax( plus his supplements. His

meltdowns did not get any better. The doctor thinks the fifths triggered pandas.

We have since taken him off the valtrex. I see the doctor on Thursday can anyone

help give me ideas to bounce off her?

> thanks

> Sandy


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I don't have any ideas but do have a comment. Fifth Disease is Parvovirus

B19 (totally different than the parvovirus that dogs get). Dr. Goldberg has

been checking the Parvovirus B19 antibodies in my sons once in a while... he

says that many of his patients are coming back with high numbers on their

Parvovirus B19 labs... he mentioned that 6.5 is a common number. He says

that is an inappropriate elevation but that he doesn't yet know what it


My son's parvo numbers just keep going up rather than down.

Anyway, just a thought.

Caroline G.

> From: Roll <roll_house@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 13:57:07 -0500

> <nids >

> Subject: / fifths disease/ meltdowns


> My son Elijah is 6 years old. During the Christmas break he broke out in the

> fifths disease. Since then he is aggressive, having horrible meltdowns,

> talking back, won't behave, you name he is doing it. Oh he also regressed

> terribly. His doctor put him on Valtrex, clonidine and zithromax( plus his

> supplements. His meltdowns did not get any better. The doctor thinks the

> fifths triggered pandas. We have since taken him off the valtrex. I see the

> doctor on Thursday can anyone help give me ideas to bounce off her?

> thanks

> Sandy

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My son Elijah is also six, he doesn't have Fifths Disease and acts just like you

describe. He is on Famvir, Nizoral and Paxil. Have you had a PANDAS workup? It

can cause a lot of stress in the body and caus the behaviors you're talking

about; however, I'm not sure what Fifths disease has to do with PANDAS; one is

viral and the other is bacterial.

Something that helped us behaviorally is 1-23 Magic.

All the best,


> From: Roll <roll_house@...>

> Subject: / fifths disease/ meltdowns

> nids

> Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 10:57 AM

> My son Elijah is 6 years old. During the Christmas break he

> broke out in the fifths disease. Since then he is

> aggressive, having horrible meltdowns, talking back,

> won't behave, you name he is doing it. Oh he also

> regressed terribly. His doctor put him on Valtrex, clonidine

> and zithromax( plus his supplements. His meltdowns did not

> get any better. The doctor thinks the fifths triggered

> pandas. We have since taken him off the valtrex. I see the

> doctor on Thursday can anyone help give me ideas to bounce

> off her?

> thanks

> Sandy













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