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Re: OT: Essiac tea

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While there still wet......microwave them for 20 secs

The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized

bottles. Do you all sterilize the bottles & if so,

how? I thought I could just wash them in hot soapy water,

dry them & that would be good enough. I don't want to

have to buy more equipment just to sterilize the bottles.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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It couldn't get any easier than that! Thanks alot.


> >

> > The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized bottles. Do

> > you all sterilize the bottles & if so, how? I thought I could just

> > wash them in hot soapy water, dry them & that would be good enough. I

> > don't want to have to buy more equipment just to sterilize the

> > bottles. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks.

> >

> > Susie

> >

> >


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Hi Susie,

No need to use sterilized bottles, just good clean ones...

If you want to sterilize your bottles, put 3 activated drops of MMS with a few

ounces of water in the empty bottle and swish it all around, empty and allow to

air dry, it is sterilized... This is not necessary though..

Take care,



> The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized bottles. Do you all

sterilize the bottles & if so, how? I thought I could just wash them in hot

soapy water, dry them & that would be good enough. I don't want to have to buy

more equipment just to sterilize the bottles. Any suggestions greatly

appreciated. Thanks.


> Susie


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Thanks Jim, the less work the better.


> >

> > The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized bottles. Do you

all sterilize the bottles & if so, how? I thought I could just wash them in hot

soapy water, dry them & that would be good enough. I don't want to have to buy

more equipment just to sterilize the bottles. Any suggestions greatly

appreciated. Thanks.

> >

> > Susie

> >


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Hi Susie,

I actually left out some important Essiac tea history about sterilizing


Back in the day when Nurse Caisse was making this tea, she made two gallons

at a time as she had many patients coming to her home daily for their dose

of Essiac. This is the original recipe Nurse Caisse used for the tea, notice

it contains 256 ounces of water, this is exactly 2 gallons:


Well back then, the way to save foods (well today also) was canning.. So she

would can her Essiac tea the same way food was canned, by first sterilizing

the bottles, then adding the tea. This way the tea would be good for a long


although she typically used this up in just 2 - 3 months...

Today when we make Essiac, I've actually broken the recipe down to pints

1 1/2 pints and quarts of Essiac, so we don't need to " can " this tea as it

has a shelf life of about 2 months (or less) refrigerated... So there is

absolutely no

reason to sterilize your glass container, just wash after each batch is used

up and rinse well and allow to air dry.

And remember, Essiac is a time proven detoxifier... It immobilizes toxins from

our fat cells (including metals) and they are flushed from the body.. I also

use a good toxin binder, Glucomannan so I can be sure these immobilized toxins

are bound and removed from the body... I am not sure if a toxin binder is


but I consider it good insurance.. I take it 1 hour after drinking my Essiac


Essiac also has one more very important function, this is actually why Essiac


discovered in the first place... It is an excellent detoxer for cancer, it also


the cancer tumor and prevents it from spreading. Sometimes the body will

effeciently remove the tumor, other times it remains and if surgery is


it is in one neat little package and easy to remove as it has not spread.

Nurse Caisse was not allowed to treat cancer patients, she lost out because she

came up 3 votes short in the Canadian gov't vote to allow her a nurse to treat

patients, however, she was given the right to treat stage 4 cancer patients that

were released by their doctors and sent home to die. Many of these stage 4 and

4+ cancer patients had their lives extended because of the efforts of Nurse

Caisse, and she never excepted any money for her efforts, he tea was free to all

cancer patients.

I consider Essiac tea to be one of the most important supplements we Lymies use,

I an others have felt better after starting to drink the tea... After my new

tick bite last year I was not doing

so well until early fall when I discovered Essiac tea and I felt better the

first week I started drinking it.. This told me my problem was not a " killing "

problem, but rather a detox problem.



> >

> > The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized bottles. Do you

all sterilize the bottles & if so, how? I thought I could just wash them in hot

soapy water, dry them & that would be good enough. I don't want to have to buy

more equipment just to sterilize the bottles. Any suggestions greatly

appreciated. Thanks.

> >

> > Susie

> >


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That's even easier yet. I'll have to remember the air dry part. I ordered my

herbs so I'll be making it probably this week. Thanks.


> > >

> > > The instructions say to pour the tea into hot sterilized bottles. Do you

all sterilize the bottles & if so, how? I thought I could just wash them in hot

soapy water, dry them & that would be good enough. I don't want to have to buy

more equipment just to sterilize the bottles. Any suggestions greatly

appreciated. Thanks.

> > >

> > > Susie

> > >

> >


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Hi Susie,

Essiac tea should be taken 1 hr before or 2 hour after food, supps and meds...

The recommended time is first thing in the AM or last thing in the PM...

Important, use just one dose of the tea daily at just 1 oz of the tea, which

should be cold out of the fridge, add to this 2 oz of hot water, stir and sip

everything, including the sediment on the bottom.

It is very important not to take the tea near food, supps and meds.




> Hi all,


> Can essiac tea be taken a couple hours after breakfast or mid afternoon? The

woman at Mountain herbs said to take it on an empty stomach before bed. I can't

go to bed without eating something small, plus I take my mms around 8:30 or 9 pm

& don't know if that would conflict. Thanks.


> Susie


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  • 2 weeks later...
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JimOh Lord High mucky mucky of Lyme_and Rife,Sir JimI Thank ye for your acknowledgement Curtsies lowloljan Re: OT: Essiac

tea Posted by: "jimjax2" jimjax2@... jimjax2 Date: Fri Apr 6, 2012 7:01 pm ((PDT))Hi Susie,I agree with Jan about shaking the tea concentrate before using it, otherwise you will weak tea to begin with, strong tea near the end of the bottle... But please don't put anything into your stomach, you have to take Essiac 1 hour before or 2 hours after food.. Best option is to try what mentioned, sipping it slowly... If this does not work, then instead of using 1 oz of the concentrate, try 1/2 ounce, uh as Jan says, then scale up from here... If you can only use 1/2 ounce to start with, try to do this twice daily as 1 ounce is the correct dose daily for Essiac tea.. Did you strain the tea after making it? I have forgotten ever time except for today!! If it is not strained, it is stronger. If it is strained, then drink all of the tea including the small sediment on the bottom, uh again as Jan

mentioned, it is all pure health!!Remember too, you need to take one week off from the tea monthly... Required for efficacy.. Take care,Jim "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller

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Oh lord high mucky muck ruler of all things Lyme_and_RifeThe question mi'lord, is ,Subject to what ? lolsignedYour loyal 'subjective' Re: OT: Essiac tea Posted by: "jimjax2" jimjax2@... jimjax2 Date: Sat Apr 7, 2012 6:20 pm ((PDT))Hi Jan,You are a great one of my subjects... .LOL!!Sir Jim! "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything

really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller

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