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Re: OT: New stats on Autism

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Hi Jim,

Dr. Klinghardt in one of his videos said that first born children are most

susceptable to heavy metal poisoning due to the fact that the mother gives 25%

of her heavy metal load to her baby. How many mothers have mercury/Amalgams in

their mouths while they are pregnant? I work in a public school and I have a

group of extended resource students most of them are somewhere on the autism

spectrum and many of them are oldest children, so he may be onto something.

The other thing I was thinking about being that you and I are similar ages, do

you remember when lead was in gasoline? Every car that was driven was spewing

lead into the air we breathe, we had lead in paint, ceramic glazes and even our

pencils. That alone would cause our generation to have higher then normal heavy

metals and then add in the Mercury/Thimerisol connection in vaccines and it

seems that we are all walking Lead and Mercury vessels.

My husband just got his heavy metals test back and it was off the charts in lead

and mercury, just like I was. He was also high in Uranium just like I was.

Unfortunately, there is no way to detox Uranium because it gets in our bones.

We lived in the Pacific Northwest when Chernobyl blew and a day or two later

they warned everyone in Oregon and Washington that a radioactive cloud would

blow over N. America from west to east. I wonder if the the Uranium toxicity

has anything to do with that event? If so imagine the levels in people in

Fukoshima. I realize that Strontium 90 is the component that is the most

radioactive, but I am sure none of these disasters are helping our Autism

picture. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of Autism in all of the

different countries in the world. I wonder if it is more likely in developed

countries where vaccines are so readily available and Nuclear plants are most

common and where everyone has a cell phone so cell towers are everywhere.

We also lived in a valley that was on well water in Oregon and it was downstream

from an abandoned Mercury mine. EPA determined that the creek in our valley

could not be dammed up for recreational purposes because of high mercury levels

in the soil meaning that all fish that would come from the reservoir would be

contaminated. If we also add in the electromagnetic pollution, and of course

poor dietary habits, is it any wonder that we are experiencing an increase in


I suspect that all of the pharmaceutical drugs that are going into our sewage

systems could also play a role. The waters off of Seattle near where treated

sewage is dumped into the ocean shows high levels of pharmaceutical drugs. You

can treat the sewage as it is mostly organic matter but the drugs and chemicals

remain. Fish consume this stuff and it gets in the food chain.

If we don't come to terms with how to turn this around, there will be more

people walking around with Autism then there are normal people. You want to

talk about high health care costs!


> Hi all,


> Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...


> Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...


> http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html


> Take care,

> Jim


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Oh BTW. Did you hear on NBC news a month or so ago that the government is going

to tighten the standards for what they consider to be Autism. The reason was

they believed it was being over diagnosed. That is absolutely the most absurd

thing I have ever heard. When you don't like the statistics just skew them by

changing the criteria. Basically, what that means is anyone who is currently on

the mildly autistic spectrum will no longer be considered Autistic, oh but no

worries, they will come up with a new name for it, so Big Pharma can manufacture

a drug to treat the symptoms. Just like restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia,

Lupus or any of these other diseases of recent years with catchy names. Of

course most of us Lymies know that infection combined with metal poisoning is a

big cause of a lot of these diseases.


> Hi all,


> Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...


> Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...


> http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html


> Take care,

> Jim


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I would be very curious to see how many children/adults with autism have Lyme.

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> >

> > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> >

> > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> >

> > Take care,

> > Jim

> >


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Hi Suzan ,

Do you have by any chance Dct K protocol for autisme adn a video from him about it for the son of a girlfreind of mine please?

Kindly Marie

To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:07 PMSubject: Re: OT: New stats on Autism

Oh BTW. Did you hear on NBC news a month or so ago that the government is going to tighten the standards for what they consider to be Autism. The reason was they believed it was being over diagnosed. That is absolutely the most absurd thing I have ever heard. When you don't like the statistics just skew them by changing the criteria. Basically, what that means is anyone who is currently on the mildly autistic spectrum will no longer be considered Autistic, oh but no worries, they will come up with a new name for it, so Big Pharma can manufacture a drug to treat the symptoms. Just like restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lupus or any of these other diseases of recent years with catchy names. Of course most of us Lymies know that infection combined with metal poisoning is a big cause of a lot of these diseases.>> Hi all,> > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.> In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...> > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...> > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html> > Take care,> Jim>

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Hi , I would be curious as well. I don't believe all of them have it, but

do believe it is part of the equation for some, that's for sure. In my opinion

too many people are looking for one causative factor. I believe it is from one

to many assaults.

My son was hammered with vaccines...42 shots by the time he was 18 months. He

wasn't born with autism that is for sure! I lost over 45 lbs while pregnant and

was very ill. I def. didn't know then what I do now....but I am/was a toxic

waste dump and that 45lbs that I shed was all passed through my son. Drugs,

metals, bacteria, virus's etc. and were passed onto him before he got the

vaccines. The add multiple rounds of 6 plus vaccines at one shot..You have the

perfect storm that is for sure! Boys are the worse, too. It is now 1 in 52! My

son made tremendous progress........now we just have to keep picking at the

layers of assaults to get him where he needs to be. Jodie L.

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > >

> > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > >

> > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Jim

> > >

> >


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You are doing a great job! I also agree that genetics, immune system, vaccine

reactions all play an important role as well.

> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have


> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Very good Marie,

Aussume that yoru son is improving .

Kindly marie

To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Friday, March 30, 2012 6:24 PMSubject: Re: OT: New stats on Autism

Hi , I would be curious as well. I don't believe all of them have it, but do believe it is part of the equation for some, that's for sure. In my opinion too many people are looking for one causative factor. I believe it is from one to many assaults. My son was hammered with vaccines...42 shots by the time he was 18 months. He wasn't born with autism that is for sure! I lost over 45 lbs while pregnant and was very ill. I def. didn't know then what I do now....but I am/was a toxic waste dump and that 45lbs that I shed was all passed through my son. Drugs, metals, bacteria, virus's etc. and were passed onto him before he got the vaccines. The add multiple rounds of 6 plus vaccines at one shot..You have the perfect storm that is for sure! Boys are the worse, too. It is now 1 in 52! My son made tremendous progress........now we just have to keep picking at the layers of assaults to get him where he needs to be. Jodie L.> > >> > > Hi all,> > > > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.> > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...> > > > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...> > > > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html> > > > > > Take care,> > > Jim> > >> >>

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Hi ,Very interesting about Dr. K's thinking and then your direct experience with " oldest children. " Something I've not heard of before...Oh yes, I recall leaded gas... Back then I knew little about the ill health effect of lead and 

to be honest with you, I've never given this much of a thought until now.. I recall many werenot happy our leaded gas was being fazed out... I just wonder if all that lead everyone breathed

in had some kind of effect on Autism..  The vaccines I became familiar with when

used to post all the time about them, I started doing my own research and concluded wasright on... He actually convinced me of the direct link between vaccines and Autism.. 

I don't know much about Chernobyl, what I do know it's far worse than the authorities let on... And Japan is just as bad or worse.. Strontium 90 if my memory is correct is pretty heavy and 

will mostly affect the area around the nuclear plants.. The big fear is the Iodine-131, this iseasily airborne and many in the US may have been susceptible to it.. Heck in North Florida

we were concerned...  

I did bookmark a few websites during the time of the Japan disaster, this one has a few suggestions

about Uranium, including some studies where Homeopathic tinctures may be of help. And you don'thave to just worry about Japan as some US weapons are made from Uranium.. 


Can you believe that Plutonium-239 has a half life of 24,000 years... Basically, that part of the earth

is no longer inhabitable. Again, I don't believe Plutonium travels far the the reactor. This link says Iodine-131 is one of the most dangerous as it becomes a gas and it easily airborne... I think most of 

the US was affected by this.. You guys probably the worst as you are not too far from Japan and the first in the USto get this.. 


Delaney appears to have researched Autism and he's got some interesting stats... First  autism rates 

are higher along expressways, the wealthier, more educated, the Military andoddly enough people who shampoo their pets... He also feels Autism may be affecting the child while

in the womb, first I have heard of this..http://www.mheproducts.com/autism/PFCs_and_Autism.htm

I think when the US now has a number of 1 out of every 88 kids has Autism, this is going to get the attention

finally of those in power to spend some money on researching the cause.. Many of us believe it is vaccines, weneed to know for sure and if so, what can be done about it.. 

Here is a map and included are stats on Autism... This is a small map, could have been larger...


I've been concerned about Big pharma drugs that have been flushed for a long time... We used to be instructed

to flush our old drugs, now we are drinking them... Sure makes the case for distilled water.. 

, we are already there with 1 out of 88 kids having Autism, health care costs will be huge for this as will the huge cost to society with all of these people not being able to work and pay taxes... And who will care for 

most of these people as they age? Is this not society's responsibility? Are we not the cause? And think abouthow much families are changed because of Autism.. Any family with an Autistic child has a great deal

more responsibility to that child and also has to be much higher health care costs.. I have to believe this most recent Autism number is going to mean a lot more money for Autism research. I thought

1 out of 150 was a major concern, 1 out of 88 is just unconscionable. And then there is the Lyme connection too....

One of my favorite reads about Autism... Written by Jim Carrey, the actor... Well written, to the point!


Take care,


Re: OT: New stats on Autism

Hi Jim,Dr. Klinghardt in one of his videos said that first born children are mostsusceptable to heavy metal poisoning due to the fact that the mother gives 25%of her heavy metal load to her baby. How many mothers have mercury/Amalgams in

their mouths while they are pregnant? I work in a public school and I have agroup of extended resource students most of them are somewhere on the autismspectrum and many of them are oldest children, so he may be onto something.

The other thing I was thinking about being that you and I are similar ages, doyou remember when lead was in gasoline? Every car that was driven was spewinglead into the air we breathe, we had lead in paint, ceramic glazes and even our

pencils. That alone would cause our generation to have higher then normal heavymetals and then add in the Mercury/Thimerisol connection in vaccines and itseems that we are all walking Lead and Mercury vessels.

My husband just got his heavy metals test back and it was off the charts in leadand mercury, just like I was. He was also high in Uranium just like I was. Unfortunately, there is no way to detox Uranium because it gets in our bones. 

We lived in the Pacific Northwest when Chernobyl blew and a day or two laterthey warned everyone in Oregon and Washington that a radioactive cloud wouldblow over N. America from west to east. I wonder if the the Uranium toxicity

has anything to do with that event? If so imagine the levels in people inFukoshima. I realize that Strontium 90 is the component that is the mostradioactive, but I am sure none of these disasters are helping our Autism

picture. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of Autism in all of thedifferent countries in the world. I wonder if it is more likely in developedcountries where vaccines are so readily available and Nuclear plants are most

common and where everyone has a cell phone so cell towers are everywhere.We also lived in a valley that was on well water in Oregon and it was downstreamfrom an abandoned Mercury mine. EPA determined that the creek in our valley

could not be dammed up for recreational purposes because of high mercury levelsin the soil meaning that all fish that would come from the reservoir would becontaminated. If we also add in the electromagnetic pollution, and of course

poor dietary habits, is it any wonder that we are experiencing an increase inAutism.I suspect that all of the pharmaceutical drugs that are going into our sewagesystems could also play a role. The waters off of Seattle near where treated

sewage is dumped into the ocean shows high levels of pharmaceutical drugs. Youcan treat the sewage as it is mostly organic matter but the drugs and chemicalsremain. Fish consume this stuff and it gets in the food chain.

If we don't come to terms with how to turn this around, there will be morepeople walking around with Autism then there are normal people. You want totalk about high health care costs!

>> Hi all,>> Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.> In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...>> Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

>> http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html>> Take care,> Jim


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Hi ,

The one thing that is hard to dispute is when an ex-BIG Phama senior scientist

talks about this,

she's been on both sides of the fence and has taken this position:


And let's not forget, in 2011 the US Supreme Court issued a ruling protecting

drug companies making vaccines that harm humans, and specifically noting " brain

damage. "



Makes me wonder why any company would be protected from making a dangerous

product.. AND, especially something as important as a vaccine that is injected

into young people...

I've only had one vaccine as an adult, my doctor in October 2005 talked me into

getting a flu shot, one month later, the day after Christmas that same year I

awoke with the worst flu, which actually turned out to be my first major herx as

I entered into the world of chronic neuro Lyme.

I had some serious symptoms during this time, I've always wondered if that flu

shot exacerbated those symptoms... Will never know...


> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> >

> > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> >

> > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> >

> > Take care,

> > Jim

> >


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Hi Jim,

I have heard of more cases of people getting flu after having vaccines. At the

very least these vaccines damage immune function. As far as Pharma being

protected against law suits, it is no surprise, they have all of the money and

influence. I personally believe the Pharma companies run our country because

they virtually own our media so to get any information that runs counter to the

Pharma industry is not going to happen. Even the things Dr. Oz talks about is

really whitewashed. While the Pharma industry is making dangerous drugs and

vaccines, they also create pseudo scienctific studies that make claims that

taking vitamins will shorten your life or vitamin E is bad for you. They have

the lobbyists and provide lots of perks to the FDA members. Is it any surprise

that the FDA continues to go after the supplement industry which has done little

harm if any, or after doctors who are actually curing Cancer or Lyme disease.

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > >

> > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > >

> > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Jim

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

I agree!!

60 Minutes did a segment about 3 - 4 years ago about the number of FDA employees

and Congressmen

get jobs at Big Pharma and those are the ones that do have a history of helping

Big Pharma, while FDA employees and Congressmen that aren't so helpful, don't

get the jobs!

One Congressmen they interviewed was actually stepping down so he could start

his position with Big Pharma!!

AND, these are very lucrative positions they are given!!


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have


> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Jim, I would put money down on the fact that the flu shot ... exacerbated your

symptoms. Course their is no way to prove it.....But I believe it! I know what

I have seen with my own eyes with my son....and the vaccine clears/reactions he

has done and gone through. 42 shots by the time he was 18 months......here you

speak of 1 shot in your entire life. AND the rate of injections per visit have

gone up...since we have stopped vaccinating. HMMMM........and we wonder why

boys rate is at 1 in 52 with Autism and is even projected to be 1 in 26 by year

2013. I will spare all the details....but makes me sick :( Jodie L.

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > >

> > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > >

> > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Jim

> > >

> >


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at least his 'stepping down' go him out of the government.  but he probably had his 'friends' continue on with his 'work'.barbara


Hi ,

I agree!!

60 Minutes did a segment about 3 - 4 years ago about the number of FDA employees and Congressmen

get jobs at Big Pharma and those are the ones that do have a history of helping Big Pharma, while FDA employees and Congressmen that aren't so helpful, don't get the jobs!

One Congressmen they interviewed was actually stepping down so he could start his position with Big Pharma!!

AND, these are very lucrative positions they are given!!


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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jodie,makes me angry!!barbara


Jim, I would put money down on the fact that the flu shot ... exacerbated your symptoms. Course their is no way to prove it.....But I believe it! I know what I have seen with my own eyes with my son....and the vaccine clears/reactions he has done and gone through. 42 shots by the time he was 18 months......here you speak of 1 shot in your entire life. AND the rate of injections per visit have gone up...since we have stopped vaccinating. HMMMM........and we wonder why boys rate is at 1 in 52 with Autism and is even projected to be 1 in 26 by year 2013. I will spare all the details....but makes me sick :( Jodie L.

> > >

> > > Hi all,

> > >

> > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > >

> > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > >

> > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > >

> > > Take care,

> > > Jim

> > >

> >


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ji,.i don't think you need to wonder on if that shot had an effect on your health.  the answer is it did.  we had a friend many yrs ago when they first came out with the swine flu shots--i think in the '70's, maybe early 80's.  she was healthy until she got the shot.  she ended up in the hospital with paralysis that moved upward in her body.  many died as it hit the lungs.  she was lucky as she was spared.  but some damage was permanent.  she did receive a settlement that was substantial for that time.

this flu shot was known to have these complications. yet people were not told.  today's shots are so much more virulent then the shots they had then.  so if one is to get sick following a shot, the odds are probably 99.9 percent chance (no, probably more fact than chance) that it is the result of the shot.  

my generation was the first to get vaccines, first one being polio.  my generation is the first to show up with high percentages of these 'new' diseases.  chance? coincidence?  i don't think so.  population control?  profits for big pharma, medical corps, politicians, etc.  i think so.  my being cynical? conspiracy theory, negative?  don't think so.  reality?  think so.

just my take on it.barbara


Hi ,

I agree!!

60 Minutes did a segment about 3 - 4 years ago about the number of FDA employees and Congressmen

get jobs at Big Pharma and those are the ones that do have a history of helping Big Pharma, while FDA employees and Congressmen that aren't so helpful, don't get the jobs!

One Congressmen they interviewed was actually stepping down so he could start his position with Big Pharma!!

AND, these are very lucrative positions they are given!!


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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that's jim, not ji,think i did that to your name before!!!  and i proof read what i wrote.  hmmm.  barbara

ji,.i don't think you need to wonder on if that shot had an effect on your health.  the answer is it did.  

we had a friend many yrs ago when they first came out with the swine flu shots--i think in the '70's, maybe early 80's.  she was healthy until she got the shot.  she ended up in the hospital with paralysis that moved upward in her body.  many died as it hit the lungs.  she was lucky as she was spared.  but some damage was permanent.  she did receive a settlement that was substantial for that time.

this flu shot was known to have these complications. yet people were not told.  today's shots are so much more virulent then the shots they had then.  so if one is to get sick following a shot, the odds are probably 99.9 percent chance (no, probably more fact than chance) that it is the result of the shot.  

my generation was the first to get vaccines, first one being polio.  my generation is the first to show up with high percentages of these 'new' diseases.  chance? coincidence?  i don't think so.  population control?  profits for big pharma, medical corps, politicians, etc.  i think so.  my being cynical? conspiracy theory, negative?  don't think so.  reality?  think so.

just my take on it.barbara


Hi ,

I agree!!

60 Minutes did a segment about 3 - 4 years ago about the number of FDA employees and Congressmen

get jobs at Big Pharma and those are the ones that do have a history of helping Big Pharma, while FDA employees and Congressmen that aren't so helpful, don't get the jobs!

One Congressmen they interviewed was actually stepping down so he could start his position with Big Pharma!!

AND, these are very lucrative positions they are given!!


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have Autism.

> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Lots of people agree with you on that score, Barbara!


> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hi all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have

> > Autism.

> > > > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Take care,

> > > > > > Jim

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Jodie L,

I am sure that flu shot did not help me at all.. But I was well on my way to

Lyme hell as in August 2005, I had my second set of steroid nerve blocks for my

gut pain (didn't know I had Lyme) and by the time I had that flu shot in

October, I'd been to the ER 4 times since September and one more time after the

flu shot.. I got what I thought was the flu on December 26, 2005, which turned

out to be my first major herx...

So I was well on the way already because of steroid nerve block injections,

maybe the flu shot just made it happen a bit faster.. The only reason I got that

shot was my doctor was very concerned about all my ER visits back then, he told

me " the last thing you want now is to get the flu... " That was my first and

last flu shot!!

I think it is criminal the number of vaccines kids get today... Nothing says

they work and you can't hold the drug company responsible if something goes

wrong.. And it appears something is terribly wrong. I really hope that 1 out of

88 kids who now have Autism will wake up our leaders.. And yes, I was even more

shocked when you posted boys are worse at 1 out of 52, that is almost amazing

our country would allow this to go this far. A simple study would be to take 50

kids and not give them vaccines and see how many contract Autism. I am sure many

would like to know the answer to this.. Soon, most boys will have Autism at this


Believe me Jodie, noting gets the attention of those in power more than

something that is going to cost this country a lot of money, we are already

nearly broke.... Autism I believe will now get their attention as it is going to

be so expensive... Not only the cost of treatments, but then the cost of

disability.. I believe this is going to be very expensive and I also think the

pressure from all these family's is going to get something done, finally. I

sure hope that 2013 number does not come true, do you realize how many men/boys

will be disabled from this? Almost hard to believe.. And I don't have to tell

you, the whole family suffers from this..

Makes me mad and very concerned...


> > > >

> > > > Hi all,

> > > >

> > > > Just heard on the news that 1 out of 88 babies will have now have


> > > > In 2000, just 12 years ago, it was 1 out of 150...

> > > >

> > > > Check this link, it clearly shows a frightening trend...

> > > >

> > > > http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

> > > >

> > > > Take care,

> > > > Jim

> > > >

> > >

> >


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