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RE: Re: the virus within (now probably OT)

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But, how? That's what I don't understand. How would our access to protocols

such as Dr. G's be limited or eliminated entirely? Already he does not

accept most insurance policies, and his waiting list is months long. How

will a more efficient health care system affect our access to doctors like

Dr. G? If anything, IMHO opinion, it will free up more of our personal

resources to be able to more readily afford doctors like Dr. G.

I also understand the proposed health care premium changes to allow more

individuals access to insurance - NOT government provided insurance but the

funds to purchase privately held policies. The more privately held policies,

the across-the-board costs are lowered, so it's more affordable for

everyone. One way costs will go down is, again IMHO, a very necessary change

and that is the access to the information that doctors and hospitals use to

more effectively treat us. My experience is that every doctor/hospital we go

to has to take yet another complete medical history, then process it, then

they still can't decipher our needs and have to order a bunch of (usually)

unnecessary tests. A better info system will help bring costs down



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Robyn

& Greg Coggins

Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 12:04 PM

Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

One of the reasons that medical and dental care is so expensive in this

country is the cost of malpractice insurance. I agree that the cost of

medical care is out of control in this country. We've seen our premiums go

up and our copays along with it. I'm just concerned that our access to

protocols such as Dr. G's would be limited or eliminated entirely if the

government creates a medical " advisory " board to direct patient care.

all the best,


> > >

> > > > I'm reading The Virus Within right now

> and

> > > it's

> > > > scary! It just astounds me that this

> information

> > > > isn't household news. According to the

> book,

> > the

> > > CDC

> > > > and other medical bureaucracies were more

> > interested

> > > > in pursuing diseases caused by lifestyle

> choices.

> > > > The medical community believed that diseases

> born

> > > > out of viruses, bacteria, etc., were, for

> the

> > most

> > > > part, under control.

> > > >

> > > > These are the same people who may have total

> > control

> > > > of our health care choices in a few years.

> > I'm not

> > > > sure which is scarier--HHV6 or government

> run

> > health

> > > > care.

> > > >

> > > > robyn

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > ,

> > > > > what's the name of the followup

> book to

> > > 'The virus

> > > > within' ??

> > > > >

> > > > > I have so many articles in my files on

> > > > retroviruses and what damage they

> > > > > cause that it's scary.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > doris

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > May the Lord bless you and keep you!

> > >

> > > Visit my blog :)

> > >

> > > http://bloominwhereyourplanted.blogspot.com/

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hmm.. thats an interesting point of view. I never

thought of it that way.

I was worried that our doctors like Dr. G will not

have the freedom to do what they want. But your view

definitely makes sense, too!


--- Kristy Nardini <knardini@...> wrote:

> But, how? That's what I don't understand. How would

> our access to protocols

> such as Dr. G's be limited or eliminated entirely?

> Already he does not

> accept most insurance policies, and his waiting list

> is months long. How

> will a more efficient health care system affect our

> access to doctors like

> Dr. G? If anything, IMHO opinion, it will free up

> more of our personal

> resources to be able to more readily afford doctors

> like Dr. G.




> I also understand the proposed health care premium

> changes to allow more

> individuals access to insurance - NOT government

> provided insurance but the

> funds to purchase privately held policies. The more

> privately held policies,

> the across-the-board costs are lowered, so it's more

> affordable for

> everyone. One way costs will go down is, again IMHO,

> a very necessary change

> and that is the access to the information that

> doctors and hospitals use to

> more effectively treat us. My experience is that

> every doctor/hospital we go

> to has to take yet another complete medical history,

> then process it, then

> they still can't decipher our needs and have to

> order a bunch of (usually)

> unnecessary tests. A better info system will help

> bring costs down

> substantially.




> Kristy




> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Robyn

> & Greg Coggins

> Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 12:04 PM


> Subject: RE: Re: the virus within





> One of the reasons that medical and dental care is

> so expensive in this

> country is the cost of malpractice insurance. I

> agree that the cost of

> medical care is out of control in this country.

> We've seen our premiums go

> up and our copays along with it. I'm just concerned

> that our access to

> protocols such as Dr. G's would be limited or

> eliminated entirely if the

> government creates a medical " advisory " board to

> direct patient care.


> all the best,


> Robyn



> >

> > > From: Kristy Nardini <knardini@...

> <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>

> > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com> >

> > > Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

> > >

> <mailto:%40>

> > <mailto:%40>

> > > Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 10:59 AM

> > > Why are people from here going to Mexico and

> India for

> > > medical care???

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Kristy

> > >

> > >


=== message truncated ===

May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Visit my blog :)


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During the Clinton administration, their health care reform proposal basically

" nationalized " health care. It was government provided and government

controlled. Patients could be fined for seeking medical care outside the system,

including going to other countries. Although I'm not claiming that this is the

current administration's position, I'm just pointing out the downside to

government control of health care.

According to what I read about this medical information clearinghouse, it

provides for onsite medical consultation with your physician regarding your

condition and appropriate treatments. In other words, while you're in the

doctor's office, he/she would contact a government employee, give the diagnosis

and consult with said employee about appropriate treatments. Of course, this is

just in the preliminary stages, so who know where it will go from here.

I'm totally supportive of giving people access to quality, affordable medical

care. My concern is that we may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

All the best,


> > >

> > > > From: Kristy Nardini

> <knardini@...

> > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>

> > > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com> >

> > > > Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

> > > >

> > <mailto:%40>

> > > <mailto:%40>

> > > > Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 10:59 AM

> > > > Why are people from here going to Mexico and

> > India for

> > > > medical care???

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Kristy

> > > >

> > > >

> >

> === message truncated ===



> May the Lord bless you and keep you!



> Visit my blog :)


> http://bloominwhereyourplanted.blogspot.com/

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> just to jump in with a thought on nationalised health care, as it is in Europe

> ­ the biggest danger (esp from autism-treatment point of view) is that that

> type of health care becomes institutionalised and dogmatised. Meaning any

> doctor who thinks outside the box, outside what is approved and accepted by

> the institution, would necessarily end up working outside that national health

> care. Meaning any doctor like drGoldberg would be forced to either keep his

> mouth shut and not treat patients according to his beliefs and standards, or

> would end up in a private practice, outside the national health system

> insurance. So at the moment we have this supposedly wonderful free-for all

> health system (it is for rare, non complicated things), but all parents

> looking to treat their kids end up paying through their noses for private

> (non-insurance) doctors because all state-insurance doctors are forced to tell

> us that Œautism is all in the head and nothing you can do about it...¹.

> natasa




> During the Clinton administration, their health care reform proposal basically

> " nationalized " health care. It was government provided and government

> controlled. Patients could be fined for seeking medical care outside the

> system, including going to other countries. Although I'm not claiming that

> this is the current administration's position, I'm just pointing out the

> downside to government control of health care.


> According to what I read about this medical information clearinghouse, it

> provides for onsite medical consultation with your physician regarding your

> condition and appropriate treatments. In other words, while you're in the

> doctor's office, he/she would contact a government employee, give the

> diagnosis and consult with said employee about appropriate treatments. Of

> course, this is just in the preliminary stages, so who know where it will go

> from here.


> I'm totally supportive of giving people access to quality, affordable medical

> care. My concern is that we may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


> All the best,


> Robyn



>>>> > > >

>>>>> > > > > From: Kristy Nardini

>> > <knardini@... <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>

>>> > > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>

>>>> > > > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com> >

>>>>> > > > > Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

>>>>> > > > > <mailto:%40>

>>> > > <mailto:%40>

>>>> > > > <mailto:%40>

>>>>> > > > > Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 10:59 AM

>>>>> > > > > Why are people from here going to Mexico and

>>> > > India for

>>>>> > > > > medical care???

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > > Kristy

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>> > >

>> > === message truncated ===

>> >

>> >

>> > May the Lord bless you and keep you!

>> >

>> >

>> > Visit my blog :)

>> >

>> > http://bloominwhereyourplanted.blogspot.com/





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It already is that way in the US ;-(

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:45 PM

Subject: Re: Re: the virus within (now probably OT)

> just to jump in with a thought on nationalised health care, as it is in


> ­ the biggest danger (esp from autism-treatment point of view) is that


> type of health care becomes institutionalised and dogmatised. Meaning any

> doctor who thinks outside the box, outside what is approved and accepted


> the institution, would necessarily end up working outside that national


> care. Meaning any doctor like drGoldberg would be forced to either keep


> mouth shut and not treat patients according to his beliefs and standards,


> would end up in a private practice, outside the national health system

> insurance. So at the moment we have this supposedly wonderful free-for all

> health system (it is for rare, non complicated things), but all parents

> looking to treat their kids end up paying through their noses for private

> (non-insurance) doctors because all state-insurance doctors are forced to


> us that Œautism is all in the head and nothing you can do about it...¹.

> natasa




> During the Clinton administration, their health care reform proposal


> " nationalized " health care. It was government provided and government

> controlled. Patients could be fined for seeking medical care outside the

> system, including going to other countries. Although I'm not claiming that

> this is the current administration's position, I'm just pointing out the

> downside to government control of health care.


> According to what I read about this medical information clearinghouse, it

> provides for onsite medical consultation with your physician regarding


> condition and appropriate treatments. In other words, while you're in the

> doctor's office, he/she would contact a government employee, give the

> diagnosis and consult with said employee about appropriate treatments. Of

> course, this is just in the preliminary stages, so who know where it will


> from here.


> I'm totally supportive of giving people access to quality, affordable


> care. My concern is that we may be jumping from the frying pan into the



> All the best,


> Robyn



>>>> > > >

>>>>> > > > > From: Kristy Nardini

>> > <knardini@... <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>


>>> > > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com>

>>>> > > > <mailto:knardini%40roadrunner.com> >

>>>>> > > > > Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

>>>>> > > > > <mailto:%40>


>>> > > <mailto:%40>

>>>> > > > <mailto:%40>

>>>>> > > > > Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 10:59 AM

>>>>> > > > > Why are people from here going to Mexico and

>>> > > India for

>>>>> > > > > medical care???

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > > Kristy

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>> > >

>> > === message truncated ===

>> >

>> >

>> > May the Lord bless you and keep you!

>> >

>> >

>> > Visit my blog :)

>> >

>> > http://bloominwhereyourplanted.blogspot.com/





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Hi I don't know where you are in the UK but at a the recent March 09

Bournemouth Autism Awareness Conference one of the speakers was a qualified


Physician Dr Anton Van Rhijn who practices at the Royal Homeopathic Hospital

in London and he showed some impressive video footage of autistic children he

has treated successfully in before and after shots including parental views.

He was NOT allowed for some bizarre reason,by the powers that be (roll on

the general election and good riddance to New Labour) to include the name of The

Royal Homeopathic Hospital within the credits of the video,where the

children were treated by him, under the National Health Service!. There is


a concerted effort by the mainstream medics who occupy 85% of the building

housing The Royal Homeopathic Hospital to have it closed down this includes

lobbying the Minister for Health, so right to the heart of our Government. How

can that be good for choice or democracy particularly as some of those

resident mainstream medics include neurologists who mostly claim nothing can be

done for those children affected by the MUST AT ALL COSTS BE DENIED current

'Genetic Epidemic'. Dr Van Rhijn suggests that parents should visit their

Family Physicians and ask for referral to the Homeopathic Hospital, which of

course will not be easy since it is far cheaper on GP budgets to follow the

current trend of believing the future for these children is limited in the


and so too should services, so be prepared to be relentless if you want to

pursue this option! Parents should routinely be told that this is a further

option available on the Health Service.

I am one of those parents who opted out of the State machine (and travelled

to see other experts including Dr Goldberg in the United States and recognise

the fortune in being able to do so) because of the damage the collective of

Education and Health Services here almost made permanent for one of my

children while we were stupid enough to believe that they knew what they were


We managed to recover a second child from a serious Language Impairment

with no help from the State and our youngest son who has a severe

receptive/expressive Language Impairment is making sustained progress after

regression, I

believe because we have refused all State intervention on the grounds of it's

utter failure to our first child. And guess what my youngest son's school

has just contacted us to advise that our wonderful Government has now mandated

without any consultation that all children in the UK (even those who forgo

the use of their incompetent services and choose private health and education)

must be placed on their new super database with every single professional

involvement also recorded to further 'improve' the 'services' to our Nation of

Children. I imagine following this gross invasion of privacy,( if recent

experience of those charged with protecting such private and sensitive


is anything to go by) we will be reading about it as a national scandal in

our daily newspapers because it was left behind on a train, burgled car,

unlocked office etc!!

Increasingly parents are being devalued and undermined by the very people we

put into office, who tell us that they know what is best and what we need and

apparently that is State interference on a grand scale!

In a message dated 31/03/2009 20:47:52 GMT Daylight Time,

neno@... writes:

> just to jump in with a thought on nationalised health care, as it is in


> & shy; the biggest danger (esp from autism-treatment point of view) is that


> type of health care becomes institutionalised and dogmatised. Meaning any

> doctor who thinks outside the box, outside what is approved and accepted by

> the institution, would necessarily end up working outside that national


> care. Meaning any doctor like drGoldberg would be forced to either keep his

> mouth shut and not treat patients according to his beliefs and standards,


> would end up in a private practice, outside the national health system

> insurance. So at the moment we have this supposedly wonderful free-for all

> health system (it is for rare, non complicated things), but all parents

> looking to treat their kids end up paying through their noses for private

> (non-insurance) doctors because all state-insurance doctors are forced to


> us that Œautism is all in the head and nothing you can do about it...¹.

> natasa




> During the Clinton administration, their health care reform proposal


> " nationalized " health care. It was government provided and government

> controlled. Patients could be fined for seeking medical care outside the

> system, including going to other countries. Although I'm not claiming that

> this is the current administration' this is the current administration'<WBR>

> downside to government control of health care.


> According to what I read about this medical information clearinghouse, it

> provides for onsite medical consultation with your physician regarding your

> condition and appropriate treatments. In other words, while you're in the

> doctor's office, he/she would contact a government employee, give the

> diagnosis and consult with said employee about appropriate treatments. Of

> course, this is just in the preliminary stages, so who know where it will


> from here.


> I'm totally supportive of giving people access to quality, affordable


> care. My concern is that we may be jumping from the frying pan into the



> All the best,


> Robyn



>>>> > > >

>>>>> > > > > From: Kristy Nardini

>> > <_knardini@roadrunnerknar_ (mailto:knardini@...)


>>> > > <mailto:knardini%mailto:knardimai>

>>>> > > > <mailto:knardini%mailto:knardimai> >

>>>>> > > > > Subject: RE: Re: the virus within

>>>>> > > > > _@..._ (mailto: )


>>> > > <mailto:%mailto:%<Wmai>

>>>> > > > <mailto:%mailto:%<Wmai>

>>>>> > > > > Date: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 10:59 AM

>>>>> > > > > Why are people from here going to Mexico and

>>> > > India for

>>>>> > > > > medical care???

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > > Kristy

>>>>> > > > >

>>>>> > > > >

>>> > >

>> > === message truncated ===

>> >

>> >

>> > May the Lord bless you and keep you!

>> >

>> >

>> > Visit my blog :)

>> >

>> > _http://bloominwherehttp://bloomhttp://blhttp_






[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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