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OT: Magnesium oil vs. Oral magnesium (was) Re: Potassium deficie

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Jim, I didn't mean to imply that you're just copying and pasting stuff all day -

you do yeoman's work on this list and I appreciate the effort. I have read

everything that you have to say about mag before, however, in those exact words,

and I'm still not convinced.

My big issue is not that oral mag doesn't absorb well or causes loose bowels -

that's manageable. My big issue is with perpetuating the claim that oral mag

feeds the spiros, or is used by them to create bio-films (I have read both so

even those in the Lyme community who agree that oral mag is bad don't agree on

why) when the only source of that info is one doctor that is arguably on the

very fringe of Lyme medicine. Again, I'm not trying to impugn Dr. K but, IMO,

and that of my LLMD and many others, he is way out there, and he charges a lot

of money to even listen to his lectures, let alone see him as a patient, so it

has hard to verify what he says.

I know, by the way, that conventional med is no help with Lyme - I've been at

this since 2004 myself and I've seen many docs, gone to the Cleveland Clinic,

and I treated with Dr. J when he was still in SC (by the way, Dr. J puts all of

his patients on oral mag, according to my LLMD who shadowed him for a week last


I agree with you (or whoever said it recently) that most of the symptoms that we

are all experiencing are being caused by mineral deficiencies, chief among them

mag deficiency. So I am 100% with the program of addressing that deficiency(s)

urgently. The question is how to do it and not making it so onerous and

unpleasant that compliance suffers - for e.g., there is no way to get my 16 year

old niece to apply 100 sprays 3x/day as you do and there is no way that I would

do it either. The question is whether it is necessary and I'm not sold on it

with so little solid information to back up what you and Dr. K say about it,

categorically. It is one thing to say that it is preferred to get mag in

transdermally because it absorbs better that way. It is quite another to

warn/scare everyone off from using oral mag because it " feeds the spiros " when

no one knows whether that is true.

Again, I respect and appreciate what you do here.


> Hi ,


> The post I generated to you was NOT a stock post, every word was typed by

> me as is this post... And of the FEW

> stock posts I sometimes use, it is repetitive information and retyping it

> all over again just uses up valuable time. You see,

> I spend upwards of 10 hours daily on this group, the many private emails

> from members and non-members

> I get daily and the hours of research I do daily and this is seven days a

> week, except for the past few weeks,

> I needed a bit of time off to get my garden going and oh yes, it is tax

> season too.. So when I get an opportunity

> to save some time typing, I grab it..



> Actually, I am not the principal in perpetuating that magnesium feeds

> spirochetes, I learned that the first week

> I joined my first Lyme group in early 2006 from others that told me this...

> As of about one year ago, Dr. K also

> has stated the oral forms of magnesium feeds spirochetes, a doctor well

> respected by many on this group and

> in the Lyme community just verified what we've all been saying for years.



> If you are looking for supporting science about Lyme disease, you are going

> to be greatly disappointed... I've

> been on Lyme support groups for over 8 years (2003) and I find very little

> supporting science about this disease. Instead

> we rely on the reputations of Dr. K, Dr. B, Dr C, Dr. J and the many more

> in the Lyme community to guide

> us through the maze of misinformation... Oh, we also rely heavily on the

> members of our own group's experiences

> and whatever research material we find creditable after digging through

> links and links of useless material. There

> are times I can't even present a good link with information as it comes

> from my experience in the group and no

> links are available.



> Believe me, I share your frustrations about showing non-Lyme medical

> professionals information about Lyme,

> they are clueless about it and want to see the " studies " done on it.. In

> early 2006 once I realized I had chronic

> Lyme, I photocopied a bunch of Lyme info, knowing I was in a uphill battle

> to get any doctor in my area

> to dx me with " new " chronic neuro Lyme of which I had no tick bite or even

> acute symptoms. Every doctor I showed

> the info I had copied, even at Mayo Clinic and the head of our health

> department here was not interested in

> anything but a positive Lyme test of which I did not have. The 7th doctor I

> saw did know about Dr. Burrascano's (retired

> from practice) treatment protocol and he did read the info I had copied...

> He also dxd me with Lyme back to my first symptom 15

> years earlier and then he treated me (unsuccessfully). The lesson I

> learned, don't talk to a non-Lyme doctor

> about anything Lyme unless it is absolutely necessary... they simply don't

> understand Lyme and for sure, chronic Lyme,

> and MOST have no interest in learning about it. Yet if you talk about these

> things to a Lyme Literate MD, you will

> feel right at home as they talk the same language..



> What I will provide for you is a lot of common sense that all one need do

> is think about it...



> When I joined my first Yahoo Lyme group in 2006, I started researching

> everything... What seemed to be popping

> up the most was magnesium. Every group member was taking it and I was

> reading that 70% of the US was

> magnesium deficient but most don't show it, more so for those chronically

> ill and even more so for Lymies as spirochetes consume

> magnesium and sugar and we actually have magnesium deficiency symptoms

> (more in a bit)... With most group members taking

> oral mag, 500 - 1000 mg daily, I wondered how much of what Lymies consumed

> was being consumed by spirochetes first and thus not even

> available to us.. And to make matters worse, oral magnesium was not really

> absorbed well by the body, thus the reason so many Lymies

> could not even take higher does as it when straight to the colon and caused

> diarrhea. Then I noticed quite a few Lyme

> symptoms were the same as magnesium deficiency symptoms and that's the

> reason they are included in the symptoms list...



> It was about 3 years ago, I was getting interesting in magnesium oil.. I

> didn't know much about it, but I was learning

> from Dr. Mark Sircus who'd written a book about it... He was an expert on

> mag oil, but knew nothing about Lyme.

> Well I learned a lot from him... First and most important was many are

> magnesium deficient and they can not

> build up enough magnesium with oral magnesium as it causes diarrhea and was

> not well absorbed... Only IV magnesium

> could get the doses high enough and apparently did not affect the colon,

> thus no diarrhea... But not many (if any) of my group

> members were getting IV magnesium.. Mark Sircus got across to me that the

> huge deficit most in the US and even much higher

> for Lymies, could be stopped and reversed using magnesium oil... But, it

> would take very high dosing for a long period

> of time just to get the mag levels back to normal, 1 - 2 ounces daily for

> many months..



> Then, last year I read that Dr. K says Lymies should receive only IV or

> transdermal magnesium as oral feeds

> spirochetes... Having read Dr. Burrascano's treatment plan from front to

> back and have referenced it many times,

> I knew he also was recommending IV magnesium for deficiency.. This brought

> everything together for me..



> I realized just about everyone on my support group was magnesium deficient,

> unless they were getting IV magnesium,

> which I didn't recall anyone posting they were, so clearly the magnesium

> option was going to be magnesium oil, which

> many of us were already using since I posted about magnesium deficiency

> symptoms a few years before and the benefits

> of magnesium oil and we all knew too much oral magnesium caused diarrhea

> and it was poorly absorbed by the body anyway..

> IV and mag oil are our choices for increasing magnesium, IV was not being

> used by the group, but mag oil was getting highly accepted

> and it is used today by many...



> I don't think you will find any studies on this now and perhaps never... A

> sure way to tell if you have a magnesium

> deficit is have your magnesium levels checked.. Since only 1% of our

> magnesium in found in blood, the standard

> magnesium test the allopathics do is useless, magnesium is found in our

> cells and this is where we need to be

> tested..


> regular testing:

> http://www.naturalnews.com/026775_magnesium_body_hospital.html



> http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T347097.html

> >>>>*Sublingual <http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T347097.html#G1077>


> assay.* The 'Exatest' is a safe, non-invasive test that accurately measures

> the minerals <http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T347097.html#G664>

> insidecells.

> This is a test used, for example, during

> cardiac<http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/treat/T347097.html#G118>

> surgery to determine cellular magnesium levels. A doctor painlessly

> collects a sample from under your tongue and affixes it to a slide. The

> slide is then sent to IntraCellular Diagnostics, Inc. for analysis.<<<<


> The purist mag oil comes from the ancient Zechstein sea bed in Europe, a

> 250 million year old underground sea bed. Swanson is by far the low cost

> reseller of this mag oil and flakes...




http://www.swansonvitamins.com/Search?keyword=magnesium+oil & doSearch=true & ntt= & n\

=0 & ntk=Level1 & x=0 & y=0


> http://www.swansonvitamins.com/SWU495/ItemDetail?n=0







> And , here on this group we all choose the way we want to treat

> Lyme... This is a very difficult road for all to travel,

> and we need to make our own choices... Nobody here is an expert, we just

> all post information that should be helpful

> to others, everyone makes their own decisions on how they want to use this

> information.


> We all do the best we can, I am sure none of us is 100% perfect in our

> treatment schedule, for sure I am not.. I miss taking

> some supps on time, I never take my MMS on schedule and some days I just

> forget to even take some things!! I am human

> and I forget!


> For the record, I am using almost 1 oz of mag oil daily, I apply this in 3

> different applications allowing for each to remain

> on me for 1 hour as this is a thick application and takes longer to be

> absorbed... I typically use 100 - 200 sprays,

> each 100 sprays is applied and allowed to remain for 25 - 30 minutes.



> --

> Take care,

> Jim

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