Guest guest Posted April 6, 2009 Report Share Posted April 6, 2009 IMPROTANT!!!!!!!  In regards to the below email on parents rights- I heard a radio program that was strongly encouraging parents and others to call their local leaders who are in Washington to support the constitutional rights of parents. The bill may be comming into vote soon and needs callers from all over. We are all busy, but we need to make time to do this one for sure!   Here are the numbers and website to call to speak up to support the " Parent's Rights Constitutional Amendment " . in order to send message OR call- 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121- Numbers for the Washington switchboard. Call either one and tell them the city you live in to be connected to the office of your local leaders.  From: a DeVelbiss <gabrieladevelbiss@...> Subject: Government Agencies want to override parental rights. alternative-autismhealing , tracyautismparentsgroup , valleysnafu , india_developmentaldisabilities , myelinsheathprotein , healing-low-functioning-autism , gfcfrecipes , mb12 valtrex , , chelatingkids2 , SymphonicHealth , GAPShelp , VitaminK , Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 10:39 AM http://www.parental index.asp? Type=NONE & SEC={520635A0-D52D- 4DA9-8AE7- CA574A3228F0}  Parental rights are under attack in our nation, with the first threat originating from within the federal court system. As this story illustrates, a growing disregard for parental rights has been spreading within the courts of our nation. Across the country, many judges are beginning to deny the vital role of parents in the lives of their children, instead inserting the government into a " parental " role in a child's life. This dangerous assertion is leading to the severance of the child-parent relationship in numerous instances across the nation—removals that cause unnecessary pain to both children and their parents. A thirteen-year- old boy in Washington State was removed from his parents after he complained to school counselors that his parents took him to church too often. His school counselors had encouraged him to call Child Protective Services with his complaint, which led to his subsequent removal and placement in foster care. It was only after the parents agreed to a judge's requirement of less-frequent church attendance that they were able to recover their son. HANGING BY A THREAD Not all judges hold a low view of parental rights. Some, like Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, believe that parental rights are among the " inalienable rights " of Americans enumerated in the Declaration of Independence but they are finding it increasingly difficult to rule in favor of parental rights when it is not explicitly included in the language of the Constitution. In Troxel v. Granville, the last major parental rights case heard by the Supreme Court, Scalia himself voted to deny parental rights the status of an enforceable constitutional right. And other federal court judges are following in his footsteps, citing a mounting belief that no right can be protected by the federal courts unless explicitly stated in the Constitution. The dwindling support for parental rights found on the federal level has opened the door to a growing, blatant disregard of parental rights within the lower courts of our nation. Parental rights violations are on the increase across the country, as courts exchange parental involvement for government control in the lives of America's children. The right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children is hanging by a thread. A West Virginia mother was shocked when a local circuit judge and a family court judge ordered her to share custody of her four-year-old daughter with two of the girl’s babysitters. Referring to the sitters as " psychological co-parents, " the justices first awarded full custody to them, only permitting the mother to visit her daughter four times a week at Mcs. Eventually she was granted primary custody, but forced to continue to share her daughter with the sitters. When her case finally reached the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals in October 2007, the beleaguered mother was relieved to finally be granted full custody of her daughter. In their October 25 opinion Supreme Court justices wrote that they were " deeply troubled by the utter disregard " for the mother's rights. One justice referred to the mother’s right as the “paramount right in the world. " Chief Justice Robin summed up the case in one simple question. " Why does a natural parent have to prove fitness when she has never been found unfit? " he asked. THE THREAT FROM INTERNATIONAL LAW The precarious state of parental rights within our nation is reason enough for serious concern. With cases like these filling the courts, every parent should be concerned about the protection and preservation of their rights. But another storm is rapidly forming on the horizon. International law that seeks to empower the government to intrude upon the child-parent relationship is becoming an increasing threat. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), a seemingly harmless treaty with dangerous implications for American families, is approaching possible ratification by the United States. If this treaty is made binding upon our country, the government would have the power to intervene in any child's life to advance its definition of " the best interests of the child. " The scenarios that could occur—and are occurring—as a result of this dangerous notion are both manifold and frightening. Under the UNCRC, instead of following due process, government agencies would have the power to override your parental choices at their whim because they determine what is in " the best interest of the child. " In essence, the UNCRC applies the legal status of abusive parents to all parents. This means that the burden of proof falls on the parent to prove to the State that they are good parents—when it should fall upon the State to prove that their investigation is not without cause. A SHELTER IN THE STORM There is only one solution to this approaching storm: a constitutional amendment that places current Supreme Court doctrine protecting parental rights into the explicit language of the U.S. Constitution. This amendment will shelter the child-parent relationship from the coming storm, ensuring that parents have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. No government, regardless of how well-intentioned it might be, can replace the love and nurture of a parent in the life of a child. Parents care, not because their children are " wards " for whom they are responsible. Parents are willing to brave danger and sacrifice, hardship and heartache to ensure the best for their kids. The judges on the Supreme Court will change over time, but the law will not.. If the U.S. Constitution is amended to secure parental rights, the vital child-parent relationship will be effectively shielded from intrusion by the government. Amending the constitution is an enormous task—requiring time, resources, vision, dedication, and hardworking people who will make it happen. But it is not impossible. Timing is everything. Parental rights are in an uncertain state within the federal courts, and danger is on the way. In only a matter of time, international law could erase the rights that most American parents take for granted. That’s why time is of the essence. We can’t afford to wait until parental rights are gone before seeking to defend them—now is the time to take action. You can play a vital role in the process of amending the Constitution by joining with ParentalRights. org in the fight to protect children and parents. If you believe that the vital role of parents in the lives of their children should be protected and preserved, then we need your participation in the campaign to pass the Parental Rights Amendment!  P.S. If we don't fix this then we won't have a say in what our children eat, read &  treatments (if needed), They will decide what is best for our children... that is our right and if we do not do something now we will regret this!!!  I urge you to check out the whole amendment  Sign the petition now to protect children by empowering parents, and recruit your friends to join the fight. Love, Gabby. :0) http://stemcellfora utism.blogspot. com/  " I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport   Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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