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Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

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My child saw Dr. in NY and has been on since she September. She

just turned 4 years old and when we started she took the ATEC (Autism

Treatment Evaluation Checklist) and her score was 62. That is moderate autism.

I did the checklist again yesterday and her score was a 12. (the lower the

score the " less " autistic behaviors your child has.) In less than a year! My

daughter no longer has autistic behaviors but she does have the speech delay. I

know that takes time though.



> Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal

sensory processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and

all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no

progress and what they were like


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> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal

sensory processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and

all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no

progress and what they were like

> >


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HI ,

That's awesome! You're right, the speech and socialization are the

last components it seems.


On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:15 PM, wrote:



> My child saw Dr. in NY and has been on since she

> September. She just turned 4 years old and when we started she

> took the ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist) and her score

> was 62. That is moderate autism. I did the checklist again yesterday

> and her score was a 12. (the lower the score the " less " autistic

> behaviors your child has.) In less than a year! My daughter no

> longer has autistic behaviors but she does have the speech delay. I

> know that takes time though.






> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have

> been reading both good progress and then no progress on the

> children. My son has only made small gains with all I have done. I

> will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I just feel the Dr's I have

> seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking for things. I

> did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

> stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non

> verbal sensory processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood

> and back prick and all was negative. If people could post if their

> child made progess and no progress and what they were like

> >




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Where is Dr. located in New York?

Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

My child saw Dr. in NY and has been on since she September. She

just turned 4 years old and when we started she took the ATEC (Autism

Treatment Evaluation Checklist) and her score was 62. That is moderate autism. I

did the checklist again yesterday and her score was a 12. (the lower the score

the " less " autistic behaviors your child has.) In less than a year! My daughter

no longer has autistic behaviors but she does have the speech delay. I know that

takes time though.



> Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like


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I posted the following in January 2008. I'll add an update at the end.

Here's our story:

My oldest son was born in July 1998. He reacted to the Hepatitis B vaccine given

in the hospital and he had to be re-hospitalized within 24 hours of bringing him

home. He had a low sucking reflex and I was unable to successfully breastfeed

him (and I was suffering from terrible PPD) so he was given milk-based formula

within the first few weeks.

He was always a fussy-up-half the night-every-few-hours baby. But he loved to be

held and made eye contact.

He had frequent ear infections and was on anti-biotics every few months the

first year of life.

About 8 months old he got the Roseola virus.

He walked at 10 months and hit all the physical milestones the first year but

never slept through the night.

He was never a big talker, only said " mama " and " bye-bye " and such a few times.

He'd scream until I would figure out what he wanted. He'd reach for things, but

not point.

After he was a year old he self-limited his diet to include mostly crunchy

and/or beige-yellow colored foods.

(If I knew then what I know now....)

At the time he was 18-24 months I was worried. He had dark circles around his

eyes and wouldn't interact with his cousins or kids at church.

We were living in an older rental house so I had him tested for lead poisoning

and vitamin deficiency since he was such a picky eater- negative. The doctor was

not worried because he showed love and affection and made eye contact with me.

She did give him an allergy medication.

At his 3-year check-up the doctor was worried. We were sent to a neurologist

(waste of time/money for us) and in August-Sept of 2001 he went through testing

and was labeled PDD-NOS. (9/11 for me was " autism " shock.)

I wasn't pleased with the neurologist.


Me: Will my son ever learn to read?

Dr.S: There is no telling what your child will or will not be able to do.

I started doing research on-line and read a LOT of books.

I changed his diet to the GFCF diet in October of 2001. He only asked for milk

the first day. I told him " Milk is bad for your tummy. It gives you a bad tummy

and a bad head. " End of story. The nighttime waking/screaming that had been a

part of our lives since the firs year of life stopped. He still woke up every

few hours but he wasn't screaming with what a now know to be gut pain. He

stopped dragging his head across the floor or rubbing it on the wall- something

he'd done for a year or more.

He started preschool services through our local school system in Nov 2001. His

only language was a few basic words like " cookie " , " home " , " mommy " and memorized

songs and such- scripting. He could not sit in a chair for more than a minute.

I found the list in December 2001. I followed the stories of other families

just starting out and listened to the inspiring stories (that keep getting

better) from Marcia and others.

I continued to seek more information and searched and prayed about what else to

do for my son. I even went so far as to visit a local chiropractor who did

chelation, but when he said he'd never do it on a child because it would be too

dangerous I moved on to other ideas.

And we went to an allergist who did skin pricks on him and said since he didn't

react to milk or mold or pollen he did not need to be on allergy medicine or

restricted in his diet at all. I kept his diet GFCF but we dropped the allergy

medicine, for then.

But the list and weekly chat was always constant. Our extended family

members (included both of my son's grandmothers) have immune related

diseases/disorders such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc,

so seemed logical.

After a rough/emotional summer vacation I decided to commit to the theory

and I called to make an appointment in July 2002 (my son was 4).

I also decided to switch from GFCF to the less-restrictive diet. There was

no regression.

Our appointment with Dr. Goldberg was October 1, 2002. We started with an

antifungal medication (I think that was chosen first because my son had a case

of ringworm over the summer.) After the die-off (worsening of symptoms) the

school people noticed improvements in focus and trying to communicate more. They

were small improvements, but noticeable.

Since that initial medication, we've added (and rotated) anti-virals (those

Roseola virus HHV-6 numbers from his infant year were sky-high and are just now

getting under control/to a normal level), allergy medication, and SSRIs. And we

tried Tenex, didn't work for us. And we did a round of IMGG for about a year in


The gains were slow and steady, almost too small to notice at times. And we've

had rough times/regression when certain medicines didn't work for him.

But within the first two years with Dr. Goldberg my son was sitting for school

work for up to 20 minutes at a time, speaking in two words phrases, and learning

to do math/read.

My son is currently 9.5 years old. He is repeating third grade (my choice) and

has been in a regular classroom with an aide since 2nd grade. He does still

receive some one-on-one tutoring with a special ed teacher for about an hour a

day. And about 30 minutes a week with an OT and also a speech pathologist.

Education wise, he's about 6 months behind in math skills (having trouble with

multiplication/division/etc), about a year behind his reading level, and reading

comprehension is a big problem still.

Socially he seeks out his peers and interacts but his expressive language is

still about 4-5 years behind schedule. He still does a lot of scripting, which

interferes with language/social skills.

And we are still working on complete toilet training- he's having trouble with

BMs, so he still has sensory issues.

He isn't 100%, but he's WAY better than he was. Especially compared to others

with similar issues...

I have a niece and a nephew that are about 1.5 and 2.5 years older than him that

are also special needs. Both of them were listed as PDD within the year after my

son was diagnosed. The nephew has " Aspergers/ODD/ADD/bipolar/etc " and my niece

is labeled " Autistic " . Both currently have severe behavioral/anger issues and

are performing significantly lower academically than my son. They are being

treated with mind-altering medications and are given medicines that knock them

out at night so they sleep. Neither is on restrict diets.

I became pregnant in 2005 and followed Dr. Goldberg's pregnancy guidelines

(followed the diet). When Baby boy #2 was born in Nov 2005 I opted out of

the Hepatitis B vaccine- the hospital didn't push when I said my older son

reacted to it- and we've followed the alternate vaccine schedule.

I was able to breastfeed boy #2 for two years; I followed the diet the

whole time. He has only been on medication FOUR times in his life.

He's a happy, healthy chatterbox. He's never had sleep/night screaming issues

and he pointed on schedule for his development.

He has been the BEST therapy for his big brother. They tickle each other and

roll on the floor together and play catch...

BIG different for my family in following /Dr. G's ideas. We've been blessed.


My oldest completed fourth grade this year but is still 1-2 years behind

academically. He's weakest subject is reading comprehension. This past school

year's he's responded better to peer tutors than the teachers/aides and doesn't

like to be shadowed- becoming more independent. He loves interaction but still

has the expressive language of about a 2-3 year old socially. He's happy and is

able to work at a desk for an hour at a time. MAJOR improvement in attention


My second son is 3.5 years old and is still average/above average in all skills,

especially language. He talks non-stop, has creative play, and a vivid


I gave birth to a healthy baby girl in September 2008. She's met all milestones

and just two months ago had her first ear infection/need for medication. She

developing average/above average as well for all milestones.

Hope this helps!

- in Mobile, AL

Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

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Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.



> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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Thankyou! I?live in the southern part of New York state, so it would be too far

for us. Is Dr. in contact with Dr. Goldberg or just following the nids

protocol? It's great to know there are others out there who follow the nids


Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.



> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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A couple of airlines allow parents and their special needs children to fly for


I know of people that have applied and flown free of charge from Mississippi to


From: gvizjazz@... <gvizjazz@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 10:18 AM

Thankyou! I?live in the southern part of New York state, so it would be too far

for us. Is Dr. in contact with Dr. Goldberg or just following the nids

protocol? It's great to know there are others out there who follow the nids


Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.

www.nnyautismcenter .com


> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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Hi ,

How do you 'deal' with your niece and your nephew? I have two nephews who

are both affected by spectrum-issues and my brother and my sister are

hostile towards me when I have brought it up with them. It really breaks my

heart to see my nephews suffer. I have accepted that my brother and sister

feel that my outspokenness probably brings up childhood issues with us, but

I really wish they could get past that and do something to help their

children. It really breaks my heart and it's becoming so hard to be around


Just this morning, my sister felt compelled to send me an email " warning " me

that I am 'annoying' to preface an upcoming visit. Sheesh! Makes me want to

book a flight to an island! Truthfully, I'm already on edge in anticipation

of their visit because there are usually several occasions during a visit in

which there is a big meltdown with my nephew that puts a big, dark cloud

over whatever we are doing. Not to mention that he often has night terrors

and/or roams the house at night and wakes us all up throughout the night and

for the day at 5 am.

How do you (and anyone else who wants to chime in) cope?



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Thank you for this. It helps so much to hear everyone's stories. My son

is so much better too. I have to keep reminding myself of this. I know

we are all hoping for total recovery. My son has days where he

definitely is and then days when I feel I have made the wrong choice. I

am reading " Mother Warriors " It is a shame we can't all get on the same

page as it is basically the same message. These kids are sick and need

to be helped to get well. Some kids are not so sick but the ones that

are need to be helped so they can at least feel better. Anyway, I just

read the chapter where says you must have a clear vision and not

waver and then you will stay focused and get the results. I have a big

clear vision for my son but I always struggle with the meds. I know Dr G

uses only the safest ones and we eliminate what does not work but I hate

having to give him so many. Allergies are his big thing now, airborne

ones. We live in the mountains so I don't have much control of this.

Sorry I'm rambling again. Jerri




> I posted the following in January 2008. I'll add an update at the end.


> Here's our story:


> My oldest son was born in July 1998. He reacted to the Hepatitis B

> vaccine given in the hospital and he had to be re-hospitalized within

> 24 hours of bringing him home. He had a low sucking reflex and I was

> unable to successfully breastfeed him (and I was suffering from

> terrible PPD) so he was given milk-based formula within the first few

> weeks.


> He was always a fussy-up-half the night-every-few-hours baby. But he

> loved to be held and made eye contact.


> He had frequent ear infections and was on anti-biotics every few

> months the first year of life.


> About 8 months old he got the Roseola virus.


> He walked at 10 months and hit all the physical milestones the first

> year but never slept through the night.


> He was never a big talker, only said " mama " and " bye-bye " and such a

> few times. He'd scream until I would figure out what he wanted. He'd

> reach for things, but not point.


> After he was a year old he self-limited his diet to include mostly

> crunchy and/or beige-yellow colored foods.


> (If I knew then what I know now....)


> At the time he was 18-24 months I was worried. He had dark circles

> around his eyes and wouldn't interact with his cousins or kids at church.


> We were living in an older rental house so I had him tested for lead

> poisoning and vitamin deficiency since he was such a picky eater-

> negative. The doctor was not worried because he showed love and

> affection and made eye contact with me. She did give him an allergy

> medication.


> At his 3-year check-up the doctor was worried. We were sent to a

> neurologist (waste of time/money for us) and in August-Sept of 2001 he

> went through testing and was labeled PDD-NOS. (9/11 for me was

> " autism " shock.)


> I wasn't pleased with the neurologist.


> Example-


> Me: Will my son ever learn to read?


> Dr.S: There is no telling what your child will or will not be able to do.


> I started doing research on-line and read a LOT of books.


> I changed his diet to the GFCF diet in October of 2001. He only asked

> for milk the first day. I told him " Milk is bad for your tummy. It

> gives you a bad tummy and a bad head. " End of story. The nighttime

> waking/screaming that had been a part of our lives since the firs year

> of life stopped. He still woke up every few hours but he wasn't

> screaming with what a now know to be gut pain. He stopped dragging his

> head across the floor or rubbing it on the wall- something he'd done

> for a year or more.


> He started preschool services through our local school system in Nov

> 2001. His only language was a few basic words like " cookie " , " home " ,

> " mommy " and memorized songs and such- scripting. He could not sit in a

> chair for more than a minute.


> I found the list in December 2001. I followed the stories of

> other families just starting out and listened to the inspiring stories

> (that keep getting better) from Marcia and others.


> I continued to seek more information and searched and prayed about

> what else to do for my son. I even went so far as to visit a local

> chiropractor who did chelation, but when he said he'd never do it on a

> child because it would be too dangerous I moved on to other ideas.


> And we went to an allergist who did skin pricks on him and said since

> he didn't react to milk or mold or pollen he did not need to be on

> allergy medicine or restricted in his diet at all. I kept his diet

> GFCF but we dropped the allergy medicine, for then.


> But the list and weekly chat was always constant. Our extended

> family members (included both of my son's grandmothers) have immune

> related diseases/disorders such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes,

> Alzheimer's, etc, so seemed logical.


> After a rough/emotional summer vacation I decided to commit to the

> theory and I called to make an appointment in July 2002 (my son

> was 4).


> I also decided to switch from GFCF to the less-restrictive diet.

> There was no regression.


> Our appointment with Dr. Goldberg was October 1, 2002. We started with

> an antifungal medication (I think that was chosen first because my son

> had a case of ringworm over the summer.) After the die-off (worsening

> of symptoms) the school people noticed improvements in focus and

> trying to communicate more. They were small improvements, but noticeable.


> Since that initial medication, we've added (and rotated) anti-virals

> (those Roseola virus HHV-6 numbers from his infant year were sky-high

> and are just now getting under control/to a normal level), allergy

> medication, and SSRIs. And we tried Tenex, didn't work for us. And we

> did a round of IMGG for about a year in 2003-4.


> The gains were slow and steady, almost too small to notice at times.

> And we've had rough times/regression when certain medicines didn't

> work for him.


> But within the first two years with Dr. Goldberg my son was sitting

> for school work for up to 20 minutes at a time, speaking in two words

> phrases, and learning to do math/read.


> My son is currently 9.5 years old. He is repeating third grade (my

> choice) and has been in a regular classroom with an aide since 2nd

> grade. He does still receive some one-on-one tutoring with a special

> ed teacher for about an hour a day. And about 30 minutes a week with

> an OT and also a speech pathologist.


> Education wise, he's about 6 months behind in math skills (having

> trouble with multiplication/division/etc), about a year behind his

> reading level, and reading comprehension is a big problem still.


> Socially he seeks out his peers and interacts but his expressive

> language is still about 4-5 years behind schedule. He still does a lot

> of scripting, which interferes with language/social skills.


> And we are still working on complete toilet training- he's having

> trouble with BMs, so he still has sensory issues.


> He isn't 100%, but he's WAY better than he was. Especially compared to

> others with similar issues...


> I have a niece and a nephew that are about 1.5 and 2.5 years older

> than him that are also special needs. Both of them were listed as PDD

> within the year after my son was diagnosed. The nephew has

> " Aspergers/ODD/ADD/bipolar/etc " and my niece is labeled " Autistic " .

> Both currently have severe behavioral/anger issues and are performing

> significantly lower academically than my son. They are being treated

> with mind-altering medications and are given medicines that knock them

> out at night so they sleep. Neither is on restrict diets.


> I became pregnant in 2005 and followed Dr. Goldberg's pregnancy

> guidelines (followed the diet). When Baby boy #2 was born in Nov

> 2005 I opted out of the Hepatitis B vaccine- the hospital didn't push

> when I said my older son reacted to it- and we've followed the

> alternate vaccine schedule.


> I was able to breastfeed boy #2 for two years; I followed the

> diet the whole time. He has only been on medication FOUR times in his

> life.


> He's a happy, healthy chatterbox. He's never had sleep/night screaming

> issues and he pointed on schedule for his development.


> He has been the BEST therapy for his big brother. They tickle each

> other and roll on the floor together and play catch...


> BIG different for my family in following /Dr. G's ideas. We've

> been blessed.




> My oldest completed fourth grade this year but is still 1-2 years

> behind academically. He's weakest subject is reading comprehension.

> This past school year's he's responded better to peer tutors than the

> teachers/aides and doesn't like to be shadowed- becoming more

> independent. He loves interaction but still has the expressive

> language of about a 2-3 year old socially. He's happy and is able to

> work at a desk for an hour at a time. MAJOR improvement in attention

> span!


> My second son is 3.5 years old and is still average/above average in

> all skills, especially language. He talks non-stop, has creative play,

> and a vivid imagination.


> I gave birth to a healthy baby girl in September 2008. She's met all

> milestones and just two months ago had her first ear infection/need

> for medication. She developing average/above average as well for all

> milestones.


> Hope this helps!

> - in Mobile, AL


> Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg


> Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been

> reading both good progress and then no progress on the children. My

> son has only made small gains with all I have done. I will be

> traveling from Ohio to see him. I just feel the Dr's I have seen do

> not have a plan, it seems I am always asking for things. I did watch

> the presentation and he does have most of the things he stated( slient

> seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

> processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and

> all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess and

> no progress and what they were like


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> Checked by PC Tools AntiVirus ( - 10.100.143).

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> <http://www.pctools.com/free-antivirus/>


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Hi, ,

You must be " the other family " flied in from Chicago to Buffalo, and drive to

black river that day. We saw Dr. late that day because we flied in same

day, and flied out very early next Morning. is in high school now, I do not

want him miss any classes, so going to NY is a lot easier than fly to LA. It

cost me about $120 per person to fly one houre to buffalo, $100 hotel, and $50

rental, without missing any work or school.

I used to fly to LA to see Dr. G every year for 3 years, then past a few years,

I just not able to do that although we had talk about it evry year for about

three years.

We are getting excellent care at both doctors offices.


> > >

> > > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been

reading both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only

made small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him.

I just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Maybe email them the link of one of Dr. G's conferences.     

From: Kristy Nardini <knardini@...>

Subject: RE: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 11:18 AM

Hi ,

How do you 'deal' with your niece and your nephew? I have two nephews who

are both affected by spectrum-issues and my brother and my sister are

hostile towards me when I have brought it up with them. It really breaks my

heart to see my nephews suffer. I have accepted that my brother and sister

feel that my outspokenness probably brings up childhood issues with us, but

I really wish they could get past that and do something to help their

children. It really breaks my heart and it's becoming so hard to be around


Just this morning, my sister felt compelled to send me an email " warning " me

that I am 'annoying' to preface an upcoming visit. Sheesh! Makes me want to

book a flight to an island! Truthfully, I'm already on edge in anticipation

of their visit because there are usually several occasions during a visit in

which there is a big meltdown with my nephew that puts a big, dark cloud

over whatever we are doing. Not to mention that he often has night terrors

and/or roams the house at night and wakes us all up throughout the night and

for the day at 5 am.

How do you (and anyone else who wants to chime in) cope?



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I remember reading all your emails. How is doing in high school? Jerri



> Hi, ,

> You must be " the other family " flied in from Chicago to Buffalo, and

> drive to black river that day. We saw Dr. late that day

> because we flied in same day, and flied out very early next Morning.

> is in high school now, I do not want him miss any classes, so

> going to NY is a lot easier than fly to LA. It cost me about $120 per

> person to fly one houre to buffalo, $100 hotel, and $50 rental,

> without missing any work or school.


> I used to fly to LA to see Dr. G every year for 3 years, then past a

> few years, I just not able to do that although we had talk about it

> evry year for about three years.


> We are getting excellent care at both doctors offices.


> Jin



> > > >

> > > > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have

> been reading both good progress and then no progress on the children.

> My son has only made small gains with all I have done. I will be

> traveling from Ohio to see him. I just feel the Dr's I have seen do

> not have a plan, it seems I am always asking for things. I did watch

> the presentation and he does have most of the things he stated( slient

> seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

> processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and

> all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess and

> no progress and what they were like

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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High school is going very well. He likes high school a lot better. teachers also

reported that he had been making a lot of progress socially especially in the

second semister. His class works are very good as always.


> > > > >

> > > > > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have

> > been reading both good progress and then no progress on the children.

> > My son has only made small gains with all I have done. I will be

> > traveling from Ohio to see him. I just feel the Dr's I have seen do

> > not have a plan, it seems I am always asking for things. I did watch

> > the presentation and he does have most of the things he stated( slient

> > seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

> > processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and

> > all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess and

> > no progress and what they were like

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

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Do you know which airlines have free flights for parents and special needs kids?

That's great!

Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.

www.nnyautismcenter .com


> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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Does he have an aide? My son is headed for middle school and still has

an aide. He's only going for two classes and then we will home school

the rest. I was so hoping he wouldn't need an aide by now. Mainly it's

because he still does not pay attention in class and completely checks

out. I think it's still too much sensory input for him. I think he is

also used to having an aide. I'm hoping to take these middle school

years and get him ready for high school. He is well liked and has been

with the same children for seven years now. They all help him. I'm

trying to focus on all he has accomplished and not be disappointed in

that he is not " recovered " Jerri



> High school is going very well. He likes high school a lot better.

> teachers also reported that he had been making a lot of progress

> socially especially in the second semister. His class works are very

> good as always.

> Jin


> > > > > >

> > > > > > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have

> > > been reading both good progress and then no progress on the children.

> > > My son has only made small gains with all I have done. I will be

> > > traveling from Ohio to see him. I just feel the Dr's I have seen do

> > > not have a plan, it seems I am always asking for things. I did watch

> > > the presentation and he does have most of the things he stated(

> slient

> > > seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

> > > processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick

> and

> > > all was negative. If people could post if their child made progess

> and

> > > no progress and what they were like

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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If you live in the northeast...


Angel Flight North East


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From: gvizjazzaol (DOT) com <gvizjazzaol (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

groups (DOT) com

Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 10:18 AM

Thankyou! I?live in the southern part of New York state, so it would be too far

for us. Is Dr. in contact with Dr. Goldberg or just following the nids

protocol? It's great to know there are others out there who follow the nids


Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.

www.nnyautismcenter .com


> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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Here's an0ther group that offers free flights for medical treatment...



-- On Sat, 6/13/09, gvizjazz@... <gvizjazz@...> wrote:

From: gvizjazz@... <gvizjazz@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009, 9:28 PM

Do you know which airlines have free flights for parents and special needs kids?

That's great!

Re: Thinking about going to Dr Goldberg

Northern NY. He is also in Southern Texas. We flew from Chicago to buffalo, NY

and drove the rest of the way, it was about 3 hours from Buffalo.

www.nnyautismcenter .com


> >

> > Im trying to figure out if my son fits the NiDS profile. I have been reading

both good progress and then no progress on the children. My son has only made

small gains with all I have done. I will be traveling from Ohio to see him. I

just feel the Dr's I have seen do not have a plan, it seems I am always asking

for things. I did watch the presentation and he does have most of the things he

stated( slient seizures, poor sleeper, fine and gross motor,, non verbal sensory

processing. I did have him allergy tested via blood and back prick and all was

negative. If people could post if their child made progess and no progress and

what they were like

> >










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