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Re: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .

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Hi ,

I would like to know more about taking care of the allergies.  I've been at this

on and off for years, but I think the allergy issue is something I am lax on. 

We have a very difficult time with the antihistamines, and I'm paranoid of most

of the meds.  Singulair might be going ok (I can't tell anything from it), and

nasal spray Veramyst is good but I am prone to forgetting it.

Are you talking about environmental allergies and removing them, or using meds,

or more focus on the diet?  There are many foods strictly forbidden here, but a

few things that I probably shouldn't be allowing but don't otherwise seem to be

doing harm, and eosiniphils were doing ok last time we checked. 

How have you addressed yours from Kathy and Dr 's perspectives?



From: <jlhank80@...>

Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 9:53:29 AM

Subject: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .

I have seen my kid " sharp " and " not sharp " . When she is sharp, she is aware of

what is going on around her. She is not in her own world (she used to stim all

day long, play on the computer, I would call her name and she wouldn't look at

me, she tantrummed all day long, wouldn't sleep through the night, looked really

tired all of the time)

Now we can actually start to have some give and take, some reciprocation. She

looks me in the eyes, she actually feels like she is with me. She answers

questions, she is starting to ask me questions. She plays with other kids. I

guess the best word now would be " awakened " .

This started happening after the Valtrex Die-off. Now, when we took care of her

allergy issues she has done great! I suspect she probably would not qualify as

having autism anymore, except that now she is behind socially and with her

speech, which I see her making up some ground now. By the way my daughter does

not get any therapy except for what limited stuff she gets at school No ABA

either. This is all .

When I tell people my daughter was diagnosed with autism they can't believe it.

She still has some quirks, though. She is incredibly smart, loves to read (she

just turned 4 and can read like a 3rd grader) and can use the computer better

than me! Dare I say my child is recovering? When is a child considered


I wish I could stress how huge allergies have been in my daughter's healing

process. This seemed to be her biggest piece of her puzzle, and I think that

most people underestimate it (I know I did at first). I am forever grateful to

Mrs. on and Dr. from the NY clinic. They helped give us our child

back! I can understand what someone said earlier when they said they can't wait

to see what their child will do next!

Hope this helps,


> From: vanessagamarrac1 <vanessagamarrac1@ ...>

> Subject: Focus, alert and sharp .

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 9:26 PM

























> Hi:


> When dr. G ask in the consultation if the kid is getting sharp; what does it

mean?. How would you describe this in a kid?


> Thanks





































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Guest guest

Can you expand on how you took care of the allergies?  My son is 6 and still no

consistent language.  We've definately seen improvement in his eye contact, and

interactions with us & he also follows simple commands, like " Go get your cup! "  

We only have private speech & school services.  I feel like we have really

gotten strict & limited his diet, but still no speech.  This is the hardest

part!  His esphonils have finally come down a little, but are still high. Any

thoughts would be appreciated.


From: <jlhank80@...>

Subject: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .

Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:53 AM

I have seen my kid " sharp " and " not sharp " . When she is sharp, she is aware of

what is going on around her. She is not in her own world (she used to stim all

day long, play on the computer, I would call her name and she wouldn't look at

me, she tantrummed all day long, wouldn't sleep through the night, looked really

tired all of the time)

Now we can actually start to have some give and take, some reciprocation. She

looks me in the eyes, she actually feels like she is with me. She answers

questions, she is starting to ask me questions. She plays with other kids. I

guess the best word now would be " awakened " .

This started happening after the Valtrex Die-off. Now, when we took care of her

allergy issues she has done great! I suspect she probably would not qualify as

having autism anymore, except that now she is behind socially and with her

speech, which I see her making up some ground now. By the way my daughter does

not get any therapy except for what limited stuff she gets at school No ABA

either. This is all .

When I tell people my daughter was diagnosed with autism they can't believe it.

She still has some quirks, though. She is incredibly smart, loves to read (she

just turned 4 and can read like a 3rd grader) and can use the computer better

than me! Dare I say my child is recovering? When is a child considered


I wish I could stress how huge allergies have been in my daughter's healing

process. This seemed to be her biggest piece of her puzzle, and I think that

most people underestimate it (I know I did at first). I am forever grateful to

Mrs. on and Dr. from the NY clinic. They helped give us our child

back! I can understand what someone said earlier when they said they can't wait

to see what their child will do next!

Hope this helps,


> From: vanessagamarrac1 <vanessagamarrac1@ ...>

> Subject: Focus, alert and sharp .

> groups (DOT) com

> Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 9:26 PM

























> Hi:


> When dr. G ask in the consultation if the kid is getting sharp; what does it

mean?. How would you describe this in a kid?


> Thanks





































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Guest guest

Regardng FOCUS and ALERT AND SHARP, I know of no better program than the

Bal-A-VIs-X Program. All of my students have benefited from this program and all

of the adults as well.

It is a simple program using sandbags, racket balls while balancing on a balance

board to activate the vestibular system. There are over 200 activites going from

very simple and assisted to very complex and done in groups ready for advanced

auditory processing and synchronization. Thes best part is KIDS LOVE IT and it

is such fun. It switches on both of their brain hemispheres for language,

listening, eye tracking, focusing and whole body coordination.

And talk about being a self-esteem booster!!!

Once the children know how to do the simplest activity, they are assigned to

teach it! You have to see this...You could have a 5 year old teaching a 12 year

old simply because they know it already. Bill Hubert (www.bal-a-vis-x.com) is

coming to Long Island to do a training in July. I will be doing it again. Lots

of parents, teachers and OT's and PTs, Speech Therapists come. We have a ball

and we have so much to take back and help our children and students. This has to

be the smallest amount of money for the largest investment in a child that could


I can give you the specifics if you want. Let me know.




> From: <jlhank80 (DOT)

> com>


> Subject: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .


> groups (DOT)

> com


> Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:53 AM




> I have seen my kid " sharp " and " not

> sharp " . When she is sharp, she is aware of what is

> going on around her. She is not in her own world (she used

> to stim all day long, play on the computer, I would call her

> name and she wouldn't look at me, she tantrummed all day

> long, wouldn't sleep through the night, looked really

> tired all of the time)




> Now we can actually start to have some give and take, some

> reciprocation. She looks me in the eyes, she actually feels

> like she is with me. She answers questions, she is starting

> to ask me questions. She plays with other kids. I guess the

> best word now would be " awakened " .




> This started happening after the Valtrex Die-off. Now, when

> we took care of her allergy issues she has done great! I

> suspect she probably would not qualify as having autism

> anymore, except that now she is behind socially and with her

> speech, which I see her making up some ground now. By the

> way my daughter does not get any therapy except for what

> limited stuff she gets at school No ABA either. This is all

> .




> When I tell people my daughter was diagnosed with autism

> they can't believe it. She still has some quirks,

> though. She is incredibly smart, loves to read (she just

> turned 4 and can read like a 3rd grader) and can use the

> computer better than me! Dare I say my child is recovering?

> When is a child considered recovered???




> I wish I could stress how huge allergies have been in my

> daughter's healing process. This seemed to be her

> biggest piece of her puzzle, and I think that most people

> underestimate it (I know I did at first). I am forever

> grateful to Mrs. on and Dr. from the NY

> clinic. They helped give us our child back! I can understand

> what someone said earlier when they said they can't wait

> to see what their child will do next!




> Hope this helps,








> >


> > From: vanessagamarrac1 <vanessagamarrac1@ ...>


> > Subject: Focus, alert and sharp .


> > groups (DOT) com


> > Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 9:26 PM


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> > Hi:


> >


> > When dr. G ask in the consultation if the kid is

> getting sharp; what does it mean?. How would you describe

> this in a kid?


> >


> > Thanks


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Guest guest

We saw great gains by using the Learning Breakthrough Programme which

basically does the same. Prior to starting the programme we had an assessment

by an OT and the now closed Dore Centre, which confirmed evidence of an

immature cerebellum with vestibular dysfunction . We followed the LBP

programme diligently for one year and then organised a reassessment by a


expert (we wanted an entirely independent reassessment ) in vestibular

issues at the Great Ormond St Hospital for children in London and we were told

there was no longer evidence of cerebellum or vestibular problems. This child

used to fall over his own two feet and was generally clumsy when he was

little and now despite being small for his age he is an acknowledged distance

runner for his school. Not surprisingly with the improvement in

co-ordination we saw marked improvement across areas including better


physically and psychologically of his internal and external environment and

an obvious improvement in speech language and general self esteem. The

time spent per day is about 30 minutes to one hour spread over two sessions

so it requires

consistent commitment and in our case there were sometimes tears and

complaints but we stuck with it and after several months not only could he

manage the exercises effortlessly and speedily but he could also read the fairly

complicated instructions if he needed to remind himself what came next in

the sequence but I don't think I could ever say he enjoyed it until he felt

he mastered it and only then because he could stop it!

In a message dated 11/06/2009 03:46:41 GMT Standard Time,

balanced4living@... writes:

Regardng FOCUS and ALERT AND SHARP, I know of no better program than the

Bal-A-VIs-X Program. All of my students have benefited from this program and

all of the adults as well.

It is a simple program using sandbags, racket balls while balancing on a

balance board to activate the vestibular system. There are over 200

activites going from very simple and assisted to very complex and done in


ready for advanced auditory processing and synchronization. Thes best part is

KIDS LOVE IT and it is such fun. It switches on both of their brain

hemispheres for language, listening, eye tracking, focusing and whole body


And talk about being a self-esteem booster!!!

Once the children know how to do the simplest activity, they are assigned

to teach it! You have to see this...You could have a 5 year old teaching a

12 year old simply because they know it already. Bill Hubert

(www.bal-a-vis-Once the children know how to do the simplest activity, they are


to teach it! You have to see this...You could have a 5 year old teaching a

12 year old simply because they know it already. Bill Hubert

(www.bal-a-vis-<WBR>x.com) is coming to Long Island to do a training in July. I

will be

doing it again. Lots of parents, te

I can give you the specifics if you want. Let me know.




> From: <jlhank80 (DOT)

> com>


> Subject: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .


> groups (DOT)

> com


> Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:53 AM




> I have seen my kid " sharp " and " not

> sharp " . When she is sharp, she is aware of what is

> going on around her. She is not in her own world (she used

> to stim all day long, play on the computer, I would call her

> name and she wouldn't look at me, she tantrummed all day

> long, wouldn't sleep through the night, looked really

> tired all of the time)




> Now we can actually start to have some give and take, some

> reciprocation. She looks me in the eyes, she actually feels

> like she is with me. She answers questions, she is starting

> to ask me questions. She plays with other kids. I guess the

> best word now would be " awakened " .




> This started happening after the Valtrex Die-off. Now, when

> we took care of her allergy issues she has done great! I

> suspect she probably would not qualify as having autism

> anymore, except that now she is behind socially and with her

> speech, which I see her making up some ground now. By the

> way my daughter does not get any therapy except for what

> limited stuff she gets at school No ABA either. This is all

> .




> When I tell people my daughter was diagnosed with autism

> they can't believe it. She still has some quirks,

> though. She is incredibly smart, loves to read (she just

> turned 4 and can read like a 3rd grader) and can use the

> computer better than me! Dare I say my child is recovering?

> When is a child considered recovered???




> I wish I could stress how huge allergies have been in my

> daughter's healing process. This seemed to be her

> biggest piece of her puzzle, and I think that most people

> underestimate it (I know I did at first). I am forever

> grateful to Mrs. on and Dr. from the NY

> clinic. They helped give us our child back! I can understand

> what someone said earlier when they said they can't wait

> to see what their child will do next!




> Hope this helps,








> >


> > From: vanessagamarrac1 <vanessagamarrac1@ ...>


> > Subject: Focus, alert and sharp .


> > groups (DOT) com


> > Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 9:26 PM


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> > Hi:


> >


> > When dr. G ask in the consultation if the kid is

> getting sharp; what does it mean?. How would you describe

> this in a kid?


> >


> > Thanks


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Guest guest

I just wanted to add that Dr Belgau is the brains behind both the LBP

and Balametrics programmes and even elements of the Dore programme which

was considerably more expensive (although more individually supervised and

with state of the art testing).

_http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en & q=balametrics & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & ei=wc

owSvXlG4TD_QbLkMGDBg & sa=X & oi=video_result_group & resnum=4 & ct=title_

(http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en & q=balametrics & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & ei=wcowSv\


D_QbLkMGDBg & sa=X & oi=video_result_group & resnum=4 & ct=title) #



If you are in the UK you can now get them through the Dyslexia Awareness

Group instead of having to do what I did four years ago and import it

incurring extra cost through customs etc.

In a message dated 11/06/2009 09:44:02 GMT Standard Time, Goldsmull writes:

We saw great gains by using the Learning Breakthrough Programme which

basically does the same. Prior to starting the programme we had an assessment

by an OT and the now closed Dore Centre, which confirmed evidence of an

immature cerebellum with vestibular dysfunction . We followed the LBP

programme diligently for one year and then organised a reassessment by a


expert (we wanted an entirely independent reassessment ) in vestibular

issues at the Great Ormond St Hospital for children in London and we were told

there was no longer evidence of cerebellum or vestibular problems. This

child used to fall over his own two feet and was generally clumsy when he was

little and now despite being small for his age he is an acknowledged

distance runner for his school. Not surprisingly with the improvement in

co-ordination we saw marked improvement across areas including better


physically and psychologically of his internal and external environment and

an obvious improvement in speech language and general self esteem. The

time spent per day is about 30 minutes to one hour spread over two

sessions so it requires

consistent commitment and in our case there were sometimes tears and

complaints but we stuck with it and after several months not only could he

manage the exercises effortlessly and speedily but he could also read the


complicated instructions if he needed to remind himself what came next in

the sequence but I don't think I could ever say he enjoyed it until he

felt he mastered it and only then because he could stop it!

In a message dated 11/06/2009 03:46:41 GMT Standard Time,

balanced4living@... writes:

Regardng FOCUS and ALERT AND SHARP, I know of no better program than the

Bal-A-VIs-X Program. All of my students have benefited from this program and

all of the adults as well.

It is a simple program using sandbags, racket balls while balancing on a

balance board to activate the vestibular system. There are over 200

activites going from very simple and assisted to very complex and done in


ready for advanced auditory processing and synchronization. Thes best part is

KIDS LOVE IT and it is such fun. It switches on both of their brain

hemispheres for language, listening, eye tracking, focusing and whole body


And talk about being a self-esteem booster!!!

Once the children know how to do the simplest activity, they are assigned

to teach it! You have to see this...You could have a 5 year old teaching a

12 year old simply because they know it already. Bill Hubert

(www.bal-a-vis-Once the children know how to do the simplest activity, they are


to teach it! You have to see this...You could have a 5 year old teaching a

12 year old simply because they know it already. Bill Hubert

(www.bal-a-vis-<WBR>x.com) is coming to Long Island to do a training in July. I

will be

doing it again. Lots of parents, te

I can give you the specifics if you want. Let me know.




> From: <jlhank80 (DOT)

> com>


> Subject: Re: Focus, alert and sharp .


> groups (DOT)

> com


> Date: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 9:53 AM




> I have seen my kid " sharp " and " not

> sharp " . When she is sharp, she is aware of what is

> going on around her. She is not in her own world (she used

> to stim all day long, play on the computer, I would call her

> name and she wouldn't look at me, she tantrummed all day

> long, wouldn't sleep through the night, looked really

> tired all of the time)




> Now we can actually start to have some give and take, some

> reciprocation. She looks me in the eyes, she actually feels

> like she is with me. She answers questions, she is starting

> to ask me questions. She plays with other kids. I guess the

> best word now would be " awakened " .




> This started happening after the Valtrex Die-off. Now, when

> we took care of her allergy issues she has done great! I

> suspect she probably would not qualify as having autism

> anymore, except that now she is behind socially and with her

> speech, which I see her making up some ground now. By the

> way my daughter does not get any therapy except for what

> limited stuff she gets at school No ABA either. This is all

> .




> When I tell people my daughter was diagnosed with autism

> they can't believe it. She still has some quirks,

> though. She is incredibly smart, loves to read (she just

> turned 4 and can read like a 3rd grader) and can use the

> computer better than me! Dare I say my child is recovering?

> When is a child considered recovered???




> I wish I could stress how huge allergies have been in my

> daughter's healing process. This seemed to be her

> biggest piece of her puzzle, and I think that most people

> underestimate it (I know I did at first). I am forever

> grateful to Mrs. on and Dr. from the NY

> clinic. They helped give us our child back! I can understand

> what someone said earlier when they said they can't wait

> to see what their child will do next!




> Hope this helps,








> >


> > From: vanessagamarrac1 <vanessagamarrac1@ ...>


> > Subject: Focus, alert and sharp .


> > groups (DOT) com


> > Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 9:26 PM


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> >


> >


> > Hi:


> >


> > When dr. G ask in the consultation if the kid is

> getting sharp; what does it mean?. How would you describe

> this in a kid?


> >


> > Thanks


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> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

































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