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Mystery Epidemic...

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Mystery Epidemic Hitting the UK after HPV Jab.


Since September of 2008 a mystery illness has struck the UK after the HPV jab

Cervarix was implemented in a school vaccine program.


It has been reported in the UK Mail Online that 1,340 reports have been filed

coincidentally after the HPV vaccine Cervarix was implemented in September. This

mystery illness causes Paralysis, Convulsions, Sight problems, Nausea, Muscle

Weakness, Fever, Dizziness and Numbness, Bell's palsy, Hypoesthesia (loss of

sense of touch) and Guillain-Barré syndrome.


With the knowledge that I have from an insider as to how the young girls and

women are being treated by the medical establishment in the UK, I feel it is

safe to say that approximately only 1% are reporting. So if 1% are reporting

that means that the real number of girls affected by this mystery epidemic is

more like 134,000. That means that 19% of the girls getting the jab have

acquired a new medical condition. I came at this percentage because it states in

the article at 700,000 girls aged 12 – 13 have been vaccinated. This vaccine

is also being given to 17 and 18 year old girls.

This sounds like the same epidemic that is hitting the United States that is

causing vibrant, athletic young women to become disabled, sickly or have died

from “unknown causes†coincidentally.

Right now in the United States we have total Gardasil reports to VAERS (Vaccine

Adverse Event Reporting System) as of January, 2009 and the numbers now

reporting stand at 15441. If you use the same principle of 1% reporting you have

1,544,100 young girls affected by this mystery epidemic.


43 Died

2786 Not Recovered

3553 Unk. Recovery

348 Disabled

204 Life Threatening

6186 ER visits

Let us take into consideration that it is stated that 13,000,000 doses have been

administered in the US per an Australian publication. That means in the United

States, if we use the 1% rule, we have 12% rate of “New Medical Conditionsâ€

due to this mystery epidemic that is sweeping the United States.

Another percentage to note here is that in the closeout document that was

presented to the FDA dated September 11, 2008 about Gardasil it states in a

table named “New Medical Conditions†that 73.3% of the participants had a

new medical condition. I want you to keep the percentage rates in the back of

your mind.

I know you are wondering where I came up with the 1% rule. If you go to the NVIC

(National Vaccine Information Center) website it states that only 1 – 10 %

report. I also I want you to know that this is about vaccines in general. It is

my experience that the doctors in the US do not acknowledge that Gardasil is

causing the adverse reactions.

Back to the UK story.

Reports of adverse reactions to drugs and vaccines are collated by the drug

safety watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA),

from reports by doctors.


Their latest analysis found there had been 1,340 reports in total, with 2,891

different adverse effects noted. Most were minor complaints such as rashes,

swelling on the injection site, pain or allergic reactions.

But there was a range of more worrying problems. Four girls had convulsions, one

had a seizure and one had an epileptic fit.


There were several cases of paralysis. One had Bell's palsy, which paralyses the

face; one had hemiparesis, which paralyses or severely weakens half the body;

two experienced hypoesthesia, in which the sufferer loses much of her sense of

touch, and one had Guillain-Barré syndrome, which paralyses the legs.

There were almost 20 cases of blurred vision and one girl was reported as

developing anorexia.


Last night Jackie Fletcher of the vaccine support group Jabs said: “When they

introduced this new vaccine, we had major concerns about its safety. The current

statistics detailing adverse reactions - including cases of epilepsy and

convulsions - bears out that we were right to be concerned.â€

“The Government needs to look at the future of this programme given the number

of side-effects coming through.â€


I believe Jackie Fletcher of Jabs is right in the fact that the UK government

needs to rethink this program considering that prevention and early detection

have brought the rates of cervical cancer down considerably.


I now want to reference a CDC (Center for Disease Control) document.

Hysterectomy Prevalence and Death Rates for Cervical Cancer -- United States,

1965-1988, Published January 17th, 1992 / 41(02);17-20

Because declines in cervical cancer mortality … can be attributed largely to

use of the Pap test, additional cervical cancer mortality may be prevented by

greater compliance with recommended Pap test guidelines.


As you can see by the date of this publication that the Pap test is what brought

about the decrease in cervical cancer. In the United States the rate of death

from cervical cancer is 1.7%. That is quite a percentage point difference from

12% that could be long term disability or illness.


I want the countries of the world to look at it this way. Let us say that 15.5%

which is approximately the average of the percentages between the United States

– Gardasil and the United Kingdom’s – Cervarix. Also, considering that

many countries have a national health system - what would happen to that system

if 15.5% of the population of young women became disabled or chronically ill?

Don’t you think that it could bankrupt or overly tax the country’s health


Just a final note: The UK is considering giving Cervarix to the boys. I guess in

the UK it is not bad enough that 19% of the vaccinated girls are having problems

but now they want the boys. I want you to consider this.


A new Cambridge University study’s figures show 1 in 38 British boys has an

autistic condition.  Autistic spectrum conditions are already costing the UK

£28 billion per annum:  “One child in 60 ’suffers from a form of autismâ€

By Sue Reid, Daily Mail, UK 20th March 2009.  The new study authors advise

Government services planners to revise calculations of child service provision

on a rate of 1 in 60 British boys and girls, but 4 in 5 cases affect boys.


Let us look at the UK percentage for this mystery epidemic this way. If 19% of

girls are affected that means there could be the direct possibility that 76% of

the boys getting the shot could be stricken by this mystery illness. That could

throw the health costs in the UK for children into the trillions. What do you


Love, Gabby. :0)



" I know of nobody who is purely Autistic or purely neurotypical. Even God had

some Autistic moments, which is why the planets all spin. " ~ Jerry Newport



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The cervical cancer vaccine is killing the girls.

I have an e-mail on that somewhere for the US.



> Mystery Epidemic Hitting the UK after HPV Jab.


> Since September of 2008 a mystery illness has struck the UK after the HPV jab

Cervarix was implemented in a school vaccine program.


> It has been reported in the UK Mail Online that 1,340 reports have been filed

coincidentally after the HPV vaccine Cervarix was implemented in September. This

mystery illness causes Paralysis, Convulsions, Sight problems, Nausea, Muscle

Weakness, Fever, Dizziness and Numbness, Bell's palsy, Hypoesthesia (loss of

sense of touch) and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

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