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Re: I'm new! Thyroid and prego q's

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steveandleslea wrote:


> Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I asked

> her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D


> The only info I have found about astragalus online was that it vaguely

> " shouldn't be taken during pregnancy " because there are no official

> studies about it. let me know that it might zap me of my

> energy, since my system has so much going on.


> Re: my thyroid, I am hypo, and I read recently (prior to this

> pregnancy) that astragalus was a good immune-system booster--which can

> be a real help to folks like me w/ extremely underactive thyroids.


> I have no problem discontinuing the astragalus for now, but I sure

> would like to know more about how it works so I can make a real

> decision. Is it something that builds up in the body over time? Does

> it work by stimulating *something* internal? I don't really

> understand, and before I was pregnant, I frankly wasn't that concerned

> about it--I just wanted to feel *better*, and as quickly as possible.


> There is another question I have, too. Does anyone take Raw Thyroid

> Hormone? There is a brand called Solaray that makes a product called

> Thyroid Caps. I know this isn't an herb or anything...but does anyone

> have any knowledge of this & pregnancy? I take Synthroid already, as

> usual, and I take it properly (I time my eating and calcium/vitamin

> consumption to get the most out of it). However, I started

> intermittently taking the thyroid caps as well as the astragalus as

> well as Life Balance vitamins (in powder form) about the same time,

> and I got feeling TONS better almost immediately after several months

> of gradually drifting back into thyroid dis-ease (where all I was

> using was my prescription).


> As you can imagine, I'm not in a hurry to start quitting stuff from my

> " concoction " now that I'm feeling better, but I want to make sure it

> is safe for baby, and frankly, I'm not a fan of my past OB/GYN, so

> asking her is not really an option. I know what her answer would be,

> and I can promise it wouldn't come from any research.


> I am also taking Folic Acid and B-12 chewables and Min-Col (calcium

> supplement) once a day and except for the standard queasiness, I feel

> great.


> I have some ginger tea (thank you for the information!) I hope it

> works this time. Last pregnancy, it actually made me feel worse, but

> I think it was just too strong--strong odors at all will get to me.


> Sorry for the book. As can attest, I am a fast typist prone to

> writing too much. ;)


> If you got through all of this, I appreciate your input.


> Leslea


Well shoot Leslea,

Welcome to the group and I just sent an email in reply to 's

question. Well heck, I'll reply to you in person, more or less.

Astragalus will not zap your energy. Quite the contrary, studies have

affirmed it to be an energy booster along with boosting the immune

system. I am enclosing some info on astragalus for you to peruse.

I am more than a little concerned about your use of Synthroid while

being pregnant. Congratulations by the way. This is a sure way to damage

the thyroid of your infant. Best would be to begin using the fomentation

of 3 parts mullein to 1 part lobelia and placing it, as hot as you can

stand and moderately wet with the herb bundled up inside, over your

thyroid and wrapping plastic wrap around it and leaving it on all night

everynight for 6 nights, take one night off and begin again. If any of

this does not make sense it is because it is late and I am getting tired

but I will be more than happy to help you understand the process and

procedure. This will help stimulate your ailing thyroid and help you to

get off the meds. Your baby will love you for it.

What else can you tell me about your diet? It plays a big role in your

immune system and your body in general. Are you taking any kelp or

dulce? You really should as it will supply your thyroid with organic

iodine as well as tons of organic minerals.

The B-12 and folic acid are a must. Are you taking any C? E?

Beta-carotene? There is a much better form of calcium that is 100%

organic. Would be much better than the supplement that you are taking

and best of all you get to make it yourself. We also have a good one for

organic iron too. Hopefully, your vitamins do not contain any iron.

Shoot, okay, enough to get wondering what the heck I'm talking about.

Anyhow, let me know if you have any questions or need any clarification.

I will answer them manana.

Peace be with you Leslea and again, welcome to the group. Glad your here.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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steveandleslea wrote:


> Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I asked

> her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D


> The only info I have found about astragalus online was that it vaguely

> " shouldn't be taken during pregnancy " because there are no official

> studies about it. let me know that it might zap me of my

> energy, since my system has so much going on.


> Re: my thyroid, I am hypo, and I read recently (prior to this

> pregnancy) that astragalus was a good immune-system booster--which can

> be a real help to folks like me w/ extremely underactive thyroids.


> I have no problem discontinuing the astragalus for now, but I sure

> would like to know more about how it works so I can make a real

> decision. Is it something that builds up in the body over time? Does

> it work by stimulating *something* internal? I don't really

> understand, and before I was pregnant, I frankly wasn't that concerned

> about it--I just wanted to feel *better*, and as quickly as possible.


> There is another question I have, too. Does anyone take Raw Thyroid

> Hormone? There is a brand called Solaray that makes a product called

> Thyroid Caps. I know this isn't an herb or anything...but does anyone

> have any knowledge of this & pregnancy? I take Synthroid already, as

> usual, and I take it properly (I time my eating and calcium/vitamin

> consumption to get the most out of it). However, I started

> intermittently taking the thyroid caps as well as the astragalus as

> well as Life Balance vitamins (in powder form) about the same time,

> and I got feeling TONS better almost immediately after several months

> of gradually drifting back into thyroid dis-ease (where all I was

> using was my prescription).


> As you can imagine, I'm not in a hurry to start quitting stuff from my

> " concoction " now that I'm feeling better, but I want to make sure it

> is safe for baby, and frankly, I'm not a fan of my past OB/GYN, so

> asking her is not really an option. I know what her answer would be,

> and I can promise it wouldn't come from any research.


> I am also taking Folic Acid and B-12 chewables and Min-Col (calcium

> supplement) once a day and except for the standard queasiness, I feel

> great.


> I have some ginger tea (thank you for the information!) I hope it

> works this time. Last pregnancy, it actually made me feel worse, but

> I think it was just too strong--strong odors at all will get to me.


> Sorry for the book. As can attest, I am a fast typist prone to

> writing too much. ;)


> If you got through all of this, I appreciate your input.


> Leslea



I knew I didn't recall to send something. Here is the info on astragalus.


/Astragalus membranaceus/


Huang Qi

Parts used




Habitat and cultivation






How much to take


Side effects and cautions


How it works in the body


Herbs gallery - ALOE.jpg

Astragalus is a twining leguminous perennial plant that grows 11-1/2 to

39 inches high. The stem has many branches, slanting upward and slightly

hairy. The pinnate leaves are alternate and the 9 to 21 leaflets are

elliptical-shaped, 1/4 to 3/4 inches long and about 1/3 inch wide. The

racemes are axillary and the peduncle slender, with anywhere from 3 to 9

flowers growing at the top. The pod is spindle-shaped, inflated, a

little over an inch in length and beaked at its tip. Astragalus has 20

to 30 seeds. Astragalus grows in grasses or in thickets on hillsides in

northwest China, Manchuria and Mongolia.

Medicinal value is in the root. Astragalus root is flexible and long, as

large as your forefinger, and covered with a tough, wrinkled, yellowish-

brown skin, which has a tendency to break up into woolly fibers. The

woody interior is of a yellowish-white color and has a faint sweetish

taste that reminds you of licorice

<http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_licorice.htm> root.

There are certain energy-draining diseases that leave a victim's body

thoroughly exhausted, such as chronic fatigue syndrome

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/fatigue_syn.htm>, candidiasis

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/candidiasis.htm>, herpes simplex

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/herpes.htm>, mononucleosis

<http://www.herbs2000.com/kids/mononucleosis.htm>, and hypoglycemia

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/hypoglycemia.htm>. A number of

different measures, including dietary, herbal, nutritional and drug, are

resorted to by those who are desperately seeking solutions to their


In Oriental medicine one herb stands out as extremely useful as a remedy

for this physical weakness: astragalus root. Astragalus has been

employed by Chinese herbalists for " every sort of wasting or exhausting

disease. " It seems to work best, however, when used in conjunction with

Korean ginseng <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ginseng_chin.htm>

root. While both herbs are available in capsule form, they make their

greatest impact when administered as a tea.

Bring one pint of water to a boil; add one teaspoon each of dried, cut

astragalus and ginseng

<http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ginseng.htm> roots. Cover and

simmer on low heat for 5 minutes, then remove and steep for 20 minutes.

Strain and drink 1-2 cups before a meal twice daily for badly needed

boosts of energy that can last up to 5 hours.

Traditional Oriental medicine teaches that astragalus root is a

wonderful tonic for the " spleen " and " lung chis. " Chi is considered to

be the vital energy of the body. Most of the different kinds of chi are

usually explained in terms of their " sphere of influence " or part of the

body. It should be pointed out, though, that the naming of the chi for

the body's organs doesn't strictly correlate with our concept of these

organs. When an Oriental herb doctor remarks that astragalus root

" tonifies the spleen, " it doesn't mean that the effect is on the

physical organ that removes foreign bodies and damaged cells from the

blood. Instead, it refers to a concept of health and the body's energy

in balance.

The " spleen chi " is referred to as the " middle burner, " where our body's

energy builds. When our " life energy " becomes deficient, astragalus root

is believed to increase or supplement it. More interesting is the fact

that this herb is said to " stabilize the exterior " of the body, which

Oriental herbalists interpret as protecting the system against disease.

This equates to our own concept of increasing resistance.

The root works best to reinvigorate the immune system

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/immune_system.htm> before disease

occurs; it does not work as well once sickness has set in. Astragalus

capsules (3 per day) or the tea (1 cup daily) can be taken on a regular

basis for prevention of illness.


Dried root


*Tonic & endurance remedy* - Astragalus is a classic energy tonic,

perhaps even superior to ginseng for young people. In China it is

believed to warm and tone the wei qi (a protective energy that

circulates just beneath the skin), helping the body to adapt to external

influences, especially to the cold. Astragalus raises immune resistance

and manifestly improves physical endurance.

*Control of fluids* - Though a vasodilator (encouraging blood to flow to

the surface), astragalus is used for excessive sweating

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/sweating.htm>, including night

sweats. Astragalus is also helpful in both relieving fluid retention and

reducing thirstiness. Astragalus encourages the system to function


*Immune stimulant* - Not an herb for acute illness, astragalus is

nonetheless a very useful medicine for viral infections

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/infection_viral.htm> such as the

common cold <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cold_flu.htm>.

*Other medical uses -* Bone cancer

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_bone.htm>, Breast cancer

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_breast.htm>, Cervical cancer

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_cervical.htm>, Colorectal

cancer <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_colorectal.htm>,

Endometrial cancer

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_endometrial.htm>, Hodgkin's

disease <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/hodgkins_disease.htm>,

Kidney cancer <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_kidney.htm>,

Liver cancer <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_liver.htm>, Lung

cancer <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_lung.htm>, Ovarian

cancer <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer_ovarian.htm>.

Astragalus treats prolapsed organs, especially the uterus, and it is

beneficial for uterine bleeding. Astragalus is often combined with

Chinese angelica

<http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_chinese_angelica.htm> as a blood

tonic to treat anemia <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/anemia.htm>.


*Astragalus is native to Mongolia and northern and eastern China.

Astragalus is grown from seed in spring or autumn and thrives in sandy,

well-drained soil, with plenty of sun. The root of 4-year-old plants is

harvested in autumn.*

* *


**Chinese investigations* - Research in China indicates that astragalus

is diuretic and that it lowers blood pressure and increases endurance.

*Western research* - Recent American research has focused on the ability

of astragalus to restore normal immune function in cancer

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer.htm> patients. Clinical

evidence suggests that, as with a number of other herbs, cancer patients

undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy recover faster and live longer

if given astragalus concurrently.*

* *


*Astragalus contains asparagine

<http://www.herbs2000.com/amino_acids/asparagine.htm>, calcyosin,

formononetin, astragalosides, kumatakenin, sterols.*

* *


*Textbooks on Chinese herbs recommend taking 9-15 grams of the crude

herb per day in decoction form. A decoction is made by boiling the root

in water for a few minutes and then brewing the tea. Supplements

typically contain 500 mg of astragalus. Two to three tablets or capsules

or 3-5 ml of tincture three times per day are often recommended.*

* *


*Astragalus has no known side effects when used as recommended.*

* *


*One of astragalus's main properties is that of stimulant to the immune

system. American and Chinese research has confirmed its use as an energy

restorative for conditions with long-term debility as a feature. It is

useful in improving resistance to colds and flues

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cold_flu.htm> and has a similar

energizing effect to ginseng. It has been shown that cancer patients

given astragalus are better able to withstand the side-effects of

orthodox treatments, and have improved recovery times. Another of its

main functions is that of a diuretic, which means that it is very active

in the urinary tract, but also plays a major role in the cardiovascular

system as diuretics are used to lower blood pressure. It will also help

in conditions where there is water retention or oedema (swelling of the

tissues due to excess water). It can be used with other herbs in cases

of anemia. In the reproductive system astragalus is used where there is

excessive bleeding, for example during the menstrual cycle, and also

after childbirth due to qi (energy) and blood deficiency. In addition,

it is beneficial in cases of prolapse of the uterus and other organs. It

is used externally as a wound healer, especially where there is

ulceration or infection leading to discharge. It can be used in the

digestive system for poor appetite

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/appetite_loss.htm> and digestive

weakness. The Chinese properties are sweet and slightly warm.*

* *


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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steveandleslea wrote:


> Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I asked

> her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D



Hi Leslea,

You might also try raspberry leaf, chamomile, lemon balm or peach leaf

or a mix of any or all of them for you Morning sickness. Might be better

than the ginger. Just a thought.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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I don't know of any contra indications with astragalus and pregnancy. For

the nausea I would recommend 1 cup of red raspberry leaf tea every day.

Ginger works well as a bandaid, the raspberry works more on the problem.

Make sure you always have a healthy snack and fresh clean water at hand,

even on your nightstand. Eat smaller meals more frequently and nibble

something before getting up in the morning. If you are averted to a certain

smell or taste, stay away from it. Each pregnancy is different and cravings

and/or aversions to foods are common, and usually not without reason.


----- Original Message -----

From: " steveandleslea " <steveandleslea@...>

<health >

Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:04 PM

Subject: I'm new! Thyroid and prego q's



> Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I asked

> her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D


> The only info I have found about astragalus online was that it vaguely

> " shouldn't be taken during pregnancy " because there are no official

> studies about it. let me know that it might zap me of my

> energy, since my system has so much going on.


> Re: my thyroid, I am hypo, and I read recently (prior to this

> pregnancy) that astragalus was a good immune-system booster--which can

> be a real help to folks like me w/ extremely underactive thyroids.


> I have no problem discontinuing the astragalus for now, but I sure

> would like to know more about how it works so I can make a real

> decision. Is it something that builds up in the body over time? Does

> it work by stimulating *something* internal? I don't really

> understand, and before I was pregnant, I frankly wasn't that concerned

> about it--I just wanted to feel *better*, and as quickly as possible.


> There is another question I have, too. Does anyone take Raw Thyroid

> Hormone? There is a brand called Solaray that makes a product called

> Thyroid Caps. I know this isn't an herb or anything...but does anyone

> have any knowledge of this & pregnancy? I take Synthroid already, as

> usual, and I take it properly (I time my eating and calcium/vitamin

> consumption to get the most out of it). However, I started

> intermittently taking the thyroid caps as well as the astragalus as

> well as Life Balance vitamins (in powder form) about the same time,

> and I got feeling TONS better almost immediately after several months

> of gradually drifting back into thyroid dis-ease (where all I was

> using was my prescription).


> As you can imagine, I'm not in a hurry to start quitting stuff from my

> " concoction " now that I'm feeling better, but I want to make sure it

> is safe for baby, and frankly, I'm not a fan of my past OB/GYN, so

> asking her is not really an option. I know what her answer would be,

> and I can promise it wouldn't come from any research.


> I am also taking Folic Acid and B-12 chewables and Min-Col (calcium

> supplement) once a day and except for the standard queasiness, I feel

> great.


> I have some ginger tea (thank you for the information!) I hope it

> works this time. Last pregnancy, it actually made me feel worse, but

> I think it was just too strong--strong odors at all will get to me.


> Sorry for the book. As can attest, I am a fast typist prone to

> writing too much. ;)


> If you got through all of this, I appreciate your input.


> Leslea








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YIKES! I have to concur with Don (who knows way more than me) When

i read your email my first thought was about the effects of

Synthroid on the baby.

Without doing a cleanse, there is a ton of stuff you can do

immediately to start both healing your thyroid and improving both

your health and your baby's health. Getting off Synthroid would be

the Biggest improvement (i know first hand as i had hypo thryoid too

and no longer use synthroid or any other Thyroid med).

I tend to side with caution sometimes and since you are not just

considering your own health, but that of your unborn baby, i would

consider consulting with a Naturopath right away and seeing what

they have to say about your specific situation before you stop the


You can however start on the foamention Don explained and then also

get onto some supplments and other nutritious stuff. With morning

sickness i know that is going to be really tough, but there have

been alot of women on this board that have used the Nutrution

formula during their preganancy and it has lots of stuff that is

excellent for your thryoid and the rest of your body.




> >

> > Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I


> > her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D

> >

> > The only info I have found about astragalus online was that it


> > " shouldn't be taken during pregnancy " because there are no


> > studies about it. let me know that it might zap me of my

> > energy, since my system has so much going on.

> >

> > Re: my thyroid, I am hypo, and I read recently (prior to this

> > pregnancy) that astragalus was a good immune-system booster--

which can

> > be a real help to folks like me w/ extremely underactive


> >

> > I have no problem discontinuing the astragalus for now, but I


> > would like to know more about how it works so I can make a real

> > decision. Is it something that builds up in the body over

time? Does

> > it work by stimulating *something* internal? I don't really

> > understand, and before I was pregnant, I frankly wasn't that


> > about it--I just wanted to feel *better*, and as quickly as


> >

> > There is another question I have, too. Does anyone take Raw


> > Hormone? There is a brand called Solaray that makes a product


> > Thyroid Caps. I know this isn't an herb or anything...but does


> > have any knowledge of this & pregnancy? I take Synthroid

already, as

> > usual, and I take it properly (I time my eating and


> > consumption to get the most out of it). However, I started

> > intermittently taking the thyroid caps as well as the astragalus


> > well as Life Balance vitamins (in powder form) about the same


> > and I got feeling TONS better almost immediately after several


> > of gradually drifting back into thyroid dis-ease (where all I was

> > using was my prescription).

> >

> > As you can imagine, I'm not in a hurry to start quitting stuff

from my

> > " concoction " now that I'm feeling better, but I want to make

sure it

> > is safe for baby, and frankly, I'm not a fan of my past OB/GYN,


> > asking her is not really an option. I know what her answer

would be,

> > and I can promise it wouldn't come from any research.

> >

> > I am also taking Folic Acid and B-12 chewables and Min-Col


> > supplement) once a day and except for the standard queasiness, I


> > great.

> >

> > I have some ginger tea (thank you for the information!) I hope


> > works this time. Last pregnancy, it actually made me feel

worse, but

> > I think it was just too strong--strong odors at all will get to


> >

> > Sorry for the book. As can attest, I am a fast typist

prone to

> > writing too much. ;)

> >

> > If you got through all of this, I appreciate your input.

> >

> > Leslea


> =======================

> Well shoot Leslea,


> Welcome to the group and I just sent an email in reply to 's

> question. Well heck, I'll reply to you in person, more or less.

> Astragalus will not zap your energy. Quite the contrary, studies


> affirmed it to be an energy booster along with boosting the immune

> system. I am enclosing some info on astragalus for you to peruse.


> I am more than a little concerned about your use of Synthroid


> being pregnant. Congratulations by the way. This is a sure way to


> the thyroid of your infant. Best would be to begin using the


> of 3 parts mullein to 1 part lobelia and placing it, as hot as you


> stand and moderately wet with the herb bundled up inside, over


> thyroid and wrapping plastic wrap around it and leaving it on all


> everynight for 6 nights, take one night off and begin again. If

any of

> this does not make sense it is because it is late and I am getting


> but I will be more than happy to help you understand the process


> procedure. This will help stimulate your ailing thyroid and help

you to

> get off the meds. Your baby will love you for it.


> What else can you tell me about your diet? It plays a big role in


> immune system and your body in general. Are you taking any kelp or

> dulce? You really should as it will supply your thyroid with


> iodine as well as tons of organic minerals.


> The B-12 and folic acid are a must. Are you taking any C? E?

> Beta-carotene? There is a much better form of calcium that is 100%

> organic. Would be much better than the supplement that you are


> and best of all you get to make it yourself. We also have a good

one for

> organic iron too. Hopefully, your vitamins do not contain any iron.


> Shoot, okay, enough to get wondering what the heck I'm talking


> Anyhow, let me know if you have any questions or need any


> I will answer them manana.


> Peace be with you Leslea and again, welcome to the group. Glad

your here.


> --

> Peace, love and light,


> Don Quai


> " Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams

in the animal and wakes in man. "

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From what I have read about astragalus (my wife uses it for HEPC), it is not

recommended for women that are pregnant, although there have not been any

direct studies, that is why it is not recommended.

Kind regards


Fear knocked at the door,

Faith answered,

Nobody was there.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Janet Seidlitz " <dragonhealing@...>

<health >

Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:39 PM

Subject: Re: I'm new! Thyroid and prego q's


> I don't know of any contra indications with astragalus and pregnancy. For

> the nausea I would recommend 1 cup of red raspberry leaf tea every day.

> Ginger works well as a bandaid, the raspberry works more on the problem.

> Make sure you always have a healthy snack and fresh clean water at hand,

> even on your nightstand. Eat smaller meals more frequently and nibble

> something before getting up in the morning. If you are averted to a


> smell or taste, stay away from it. Each pregnancy is different and


> and/or aversions to foods are common, and usually not without reason.


> Janet

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " steveandleslea " <steveandleslea@...>

> <health >

> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:04 PM

> Subject: I'm new! Thyroid and prego q's



> >

> >

> > Hi, I am Leslea. referred me to this list today after I asked

> > her about astragalus and pregnancy. Thanks, ! :D

> >

> > The only info I have found about astragalus online was that it vaguely

> > " shouldn't be taken during pregnancy " because there are no official

> > studies about it. let me know that it might zap me of my

> > energy, since my system has so much going on.

> >

> > Re: my thyroid, I am hypo, and I read recently (prior to this

> > pregnancy) that astragalus was a good immune-system booster--which can

> > be a real help to folks like me w/ extremely underactive thyroids.

> >

> > I have no problem discontinuing the astragalus for now, but I sure

> > would like to know more about how it works so I can make a real

> > decision. Is it something that builds up in the body over time? Does

> > it work by stimulating *something* internal? I don't really

> > understand, and before I was pregnant, I frankly wasn't that concerned

> > about it--I just wanted to feel *better*, and as quickly as possible.

> >

> > There is another question I have, too. Does anyone take Raw Thyroid

> > Hormone? There is a brand called Solaray that makes a product called

> > Thyroid Caps. I know this isn't an herb or anything...but does anyone

> > have any knowledge of this & pregnancy? I take Synthroid already, as

> > usual, and I take it properly (I time my eating and calcium/vitamin

> > consumption to get the most out of it). However, I started

> > intermittently taking the thyroid caps as well as the astragalus as

> > well as Life Balance vitamins (in powder form) about the same time,

> > and I got feeling TONS better almost immediately after several months

> > of gradually drifting back into thyroid dis-ease (where all I was

> > using was my prescription).

> >

> > As you can imagine, I'm not in a hurry to start quitting stuff from my

> > " concoction " now that I'm feeling better, but I want to make sure it

> > is safe for baby, and frankly, I'm not a fan of my past OB/GYN, so

> > asking her is not really an option. I know what her answer would be,

> > and I can promise it wouldn't come from any research.

> >

> > I am also taking Folic Acid and B-12 chewables and Min-Col (calcium

> > supplement) once a day and except for the standard queasiness, I feel

> > great.

> >

> > I have some ginger tea (thank you for the information!) I hope it

> > works this time. Last pregnancy, it actually made me feel worse, but

> > I think it was just too strong--strong odors at all will get to me.

> >

> > Sorry for the book. As can attest, I am a fast typist prone to

> > writing too much. ;)

> >

> > If you got through all of this, I appreciate your input.

> >

> > Leslea

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