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Re: OT: Does Raw Milk carry Lyme disease (was): the raw milk diet day one

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Hi Helen,

You bring up a good topic, cows passing on Lyme in their milk... I think we

started this topic once before and

we somehow got on to another subject, I think it was raw milk may cure Lyme is

what we ended up talking about...

Well I did some research and I was surprised to find spirochetes are in the milk

and urine of cows, at least

in Wisconsin, which probably means elsewhere also. And apparently cows do get

Lyme disease, something

I did not know..


>>>>>Antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi have been demonstrated in cattle in

Europe, Australia, the UK and the US. Spirochetes have been detected from the

blood and urine of cows in Wisconsin. At the present time, there is no set

pattern of symptoms, diagnosis or treatment of the disease in cattle. Typically

in the acute stage of the disease, dairy cattle may develop fever, stiffness and

swollen joints, lameness, and their milk production decreases. Chronic weight

loss, laminitis, and abortion have also been reported. A rash may occur at the

site of the tick bite in some cases, but may be difficult to see, if it occurs

at all. Unfortunately, the clinical signs of Lyme disease are very similar to

other diseases common in cattle and the symptoms vary greatly among cows.

Cross-reactivity to other organisms similar to B. burgdorferi may lead to false

positive results in serological tests currently in use. As in humans, an

accurate diagnosis must include a history of potential exposure to the vector

tick (Ixodes scapularis), appropriate clinical signs, elevated antibody titers

to specific borrelial antigens, and a positive response to antibiotic treatment.

Our lab is engaged in a project that is focused on evaluating the susceptibility

of cattle to Lyme disease in this area. This project involves tick surveys in

areas surrounding dairies and beef operations and employs the use of

specifically designed DNA primers to detect the agent of Lyme disease in ticks

and animal samples by PCR.<<<<<<

I am not sure though how this reconciles with what The Weston Price Foundation

has to say:


>>>Q. I was recently advised not to drink milk because of the possibility of it

causing Lyme Disease. Please comment.

A. This is just one more slur against raw milk. Raw milk contains components

that kill all pathogens. One body of opinion believes that Lyme is caused by

pesticides, not a virus. One of our members, Dr. Ron Schmid, cured himself of

Lyme disease by drinking lots of raw milk.<<<<

I normally would follow the thinking of the Weston Price Foundation, but the

above link claims spirochetes are found in the blood and urine of cows... And

since it is strongly believed that Mother's milk can pass Lyme to a young child,

then why not raw cows milk also passing it on?

And then there is think link that does favor raw milk, it however is part of the

Weston Price Foundation and they do put out top shelf information about human



And this link is the rebuttal to the above...



I personally have never heard of anyone saying they believed they contracted

Lyme from raw milk, I hope someone will do further studies on this, would be

nice to know for sure...

Take care,


> >

> > Hi everyonne I try the raw milk diet ,

> > ?> I tryed last week a gallon of raw goat milk and I felt good ! So I

decided to do this diet I was eventhinking at night I want to drink this milk ,

> > like th ebody was craving for it . As a result I took a full gallon in one

day . This is following a post on the forum.

> > And my think is that I was looking for IMIG could not get it . But there is

in the milk and the colostrum and it is much cheaper.

> > ?> Si I boubght 7 gallon of raw cow milk because of the price . And began to

drink it and felt baaad. Then I realised that the bottle was 1/3 cream and 2/3


> > I might have arrived when the cream was coming first . So I will put asside

some of the cream to freeze for future wipping cream so to get a lighter milk .

> > now it is ok .

> > I will let you know what happen, who know may be itĀ helps ?

> > Kindly Marie

> >


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very interesting Jim ,

I will keep on going just to see

I add thought a fruit here and there from now on until I get the caw milk finished and get the goat milk it will be my ramping up ,

Kindly Marie

To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 9:22 PMSubject: Re: OT: Does Raw Milk carry Lyme disease (was): the raw milk diet day one

Hi Helen,You bring up a good topic, cows passing on Lyme in their milk... I think we started this topic once before and we somehow got on to another subject, I think it was raw milk may cure Lyme is what we ended up talking about... Well I did some research and I was surprised to find spirochetes are in the milk and urine of cows, at leastin Wisconsin, which probably means elsewhere also. And apparently cows do get Lyme disease, somethingI did not know.. http://www.ars.usda.gov/Main/docs.htm?docid=11021>>>>>Antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi have been demonstrated in cattle in Europe, Australia, the UK and the US. Spirochetes have been detected from the blood and urine of cows in Wisconsin. At the present time, there is no set pattern of symptoms, diagnosis or treatment of the disease in cattle. Typically in the acute stage of the disease, dairy cattle may develop fever, stiffness and

swollen joints, lameness, and their milk production decreases. Chronic weight loss, laminitis, and abortion have also been reported. A rash may occur at the site of the tick bite in some cases, but may be difficult to see, if it occurs at all. Unfortunately, the clinical signs of Lyme disease are very similar to other diseases common in cattle and the symptoms vary greatly among cows. Cross-reactivity to other organisms similar to B. burgdorferi may lead to false positive results in serological tests currently in use. As in humans, an accurate diagnosis must include a history of potential exposure to the vector tick (Ixodes scapularis), appropriate clinical signs, elevated antibody titers to specific borrelial antigens, and a positive response to antibiotic treatment. Our lab is engaged in a project that is focused on evaluating the susceptibility of cattle to Lyme disease in this area. This project involves tick surveys in areas surrounding dairies and

beef operations and employs the use of specifically designed DNA primers to detect the agent of Lyme disease in ticks and animal samples by PCR.<<<<<<I am not sure though how this reconciles with what The Weston Price Foundation has to say:http://www.westonaprice.org/faq/faq-dairy>>>Q. I was recently advised not to drink milk because of the possibility of it causing Lyme Disease. Please comment.A. This is just one more slur against raw milk. Raw milk contains components that kill all pathogens. One body of opinion believes that Lyme is caused by pesticides, not a virus. One of our members, Dr. Ron Schmid, cured himself of Lyme disease by drinking lots of raw milk.<<<<I normally would follow the thinking of the Weston Price Foundation, but the above link claims spirochetes are found in the blood and urine of cows... And since it is strongly believed that Mother's milk can pass Lyme to

a young child, then why not raw cows milk also passing it on?And then there is think link that does favor raw milk, it however is part of the Weston Price Foundation and they do put out top shelf information about human health...http://www.realmilk.com/does-raw-milk-kill-pathogens.html And this link is the rebuttal to the above...http://www.rebuild-from-depression.com/blog/2009/10/does_raw_milk_kill_pathogens_a.htmlI personally have never heard of anyone saying they believed they contracted Lyme from raw milk, I hope someone will do further studies on this, would be nice to know for sure...Take care,Jim> >> > Hi everyonne I try the raw milk diet ,> > ?> I tryed last week a gallon of raw goat milk and I felt good ! So I decided to do this diet I was eventhinking at night I want to drink this milk ,> > like th ebody was craving for it . As a result I took a full gallon in one day . This is following a post on the forum.> > And my think is that I was looking for IMIG could not get it . But there is in the milk and the colostrum and it is much cheaper.> > ?> Si I boubght 7 gallon of raw cow

milk because of the price . And began to drink it and felt baaad. Then I realised that the bottle was 1/3 cream and 2/3 milk > > I might have arrived when the cream was coming first . So I will put asside some of the cream to freeze for future wipping cream so to get a lighter milk .> > now it is ok .> > I will let you know what happen, who know may be it helps ?> > Kindly Marie> >>

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