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Thyroid nodules, should I take Lugol's?

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Hi All, and anyone who can answer my question or point me in the right direction to research it. :)

I know Sam is very up on this, but I do have a few caveats with my situation.

I am in southern CA and not being one to trust the government proclamations nor those of any government, I am wondering if I should take some supplemental iodine, Lugol's, and if so, how much.

I had a thyroid ultrasound a couple of weeks ago that should a multinodular goiter, with some nodules over 1 cm. The doctor who had the scan ordered wants to biopsy it, as my sister had thyroid cancer in her late twenties. Part of her thyroid was removed, she was put on Synthroid (I know, I know, Sam), and now she is a healthy marathon runner thirty years later. My doctor says because of her cancer, and the fact that some nodules are over 1cm, I need the biopsy.

In this situation, would it be prudent to take Lugol's, considering that CA has more radiation coming in a few days? Would taking iodide at this point mess up the biopsy results? That may be a dumb question but I don't know and can't find any info on the net about it, and I don't trust my doctor to give me the right answer.

Best to everyone,


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Lugol's won't affect a thyroid nodule biopsy. But, Gael, there is no

reason to biopsy your nodules. Nodules/goiter are essentially caused by

iodine deficiency. If you are worried about thyroid cancer, please read

this site: http://www.naturalthyroidchoices.com

We have a whole passle of folks in the thyroidless group that are there

because of benign nodules that were biopsied and their doctors scaring

them into thyroid surgery with the words " suspicious for cancer " without a

definitive diagnosis of cancer, and no cancer found in their

thyroidectomized thyroids.

With Lugol's, and the pill form called Iodoral, which are iodine/iodide,

the iodide in it goes right to the thyroid, and the iodine goes to all

other places in the body.

You will need to have strong adrenals, or at least have them on some kind

of support if they are weakened. Also, vitamin c will help with detox side

effects. More info at: http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodineindex.html

For radiation protection, iodine/iodide plus potassium, because

radioactive iodine and cecium will be what hits the west coast first. You

can get radiation education at http://www.ki4u.com

I hope this helps.



> Hi All, and anyone who can answer my question or point me in the right

> direction to research it. :)


> I know Sam is very up on this, but I do have a few caveats with my

> situation.


> I am in southern CA and not being one to trust the government

> proclamations

> nor those of any government, I am wondering if I should take some

> supplemental iodine, Lugol's, and if so, how much.


> I had a thyroid ultrasound a couple of weeks ago that should a

> multinodular

> goiter, with some nodules over 1 cm. The doctor who had the scan ordered

> wants to biopsy it, as my sister had thyroid cancer in her late twenties.

> Part of her thyroid was removed, she was put on Synthroid (I know, I know,

> Sam), and now she is a healthy marathon runner thirty years later. My

> doctor says because of her cancer, and the fact that some nodules are

> over 1cm,

> I need the biopsy.


> In this situation, would it be prudent to take Lugol's, considering that

> CA

> has more radiation coming in a few days? Would taking iodide at this

> point mess up the biopsy results? That may be a dumb question but I

> don't know

> and can't find any info on the net about it, and I don't trust my doctor

> to give me the right answer.


> Best to everyone,


> Gael













































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Thank you, Sam. Your knowledge is only exceeded by your generosity in sharing it. I will be poring over all these links later this evening.


Lugol's won't affect a thyroid nodule biopsy. But, Gael, there is noreason to biopsy your nodules. Nodules/goiter are essentially caused byiodine deficiency. If you are worried about thyroid cancer, please readthis site: http://www.naturalthyroidchoices.comWe have a whole passle of folks in the thyroidless group that are therebecause of benign nodules that were biopsied and their doctors scaringthem into thyroid surgery with the words "suspicious for cancer" without adefinitive diagnosis of cancer, and no cancer found in theirthyroidectomized thyroids.With Lugol's, and the pill form called Iodoral, which are iodine/iodide,the iodide in it goes right to the thyroid, and the iodine goes to allother places in the body.You will need to have strong adrenals, or at least have them on some kindof support if they are weakened. Also, vitamin c will help with detox sideeffects. More info at: http://www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodineindex.htmlFor radiation protection, iodine/iodide plus potassium, becauseradioactive iodine and cecium will be what hits the west coast first. Youcan get radiation education at http://www.ki4u.comI hope this helps.Sam=====> Hi All, and anyone who can answer my question or point me in the right> direction to research it. :)>> I know Sam is very up on this, but I do have a few caveats with my> situation.>> I am in southern CA and not being one to trust the government> proclamations> nor those of any government, I am wondering if I should take some> supplemental iodine, Lugol's, and if so, how much.>> I had a thyroid ultrasound a couple of weeks ago that should a> multinodular> goiter, with some nodules over 1 cm. The doctor who had the scan ordered> wants to biopsy it, as my sister had thyroid cancer in her late twenties.> Part of her thyroid was removed, she was put on Synthroid (I know, I know,> Sam), and now she is a healthy marathon runner thirty years later. My> doctor says because of her cancer, and the fact that some nodules are> over 1cm,> I need the biopsy.>> In this situation, would it be prudent to take Lugol's, considering that> CA> has more radiation coming in a few days? Would taking iodide at this> point mess up the biopsy results? That may be a dumb question but I> don't know> and can't find any info on the net about it, and I don't trust my doctor> to give me the right answer.>> Best to everyone,>> Gael>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I haven't posted here in a year or so and was just coming to ask a question then

saw this thread. I have hashi's thyroiditis, RT3 problems, and I am on cytomel.

I tried taking lugol's but despite what everyone says on the iodine yahoo board,

the lugol's DID make my hashimoto's worse. My antibodies went up and I had to

stop, sadly. So while it is generally a good idea to take a little iodine, I

recommend not taking a whole bunch like a lot of people on the web say. Just

take a drop or two per day and watch your symptoms. I started itching a lot and

after initially feeling better, it exacerbated my symptoms.

I have nodules too and I did get them biopsied although I switched docs and

never got results back. I don't think it is bad to get them biopsied, but I

agree with Sam when she says that people get scared by inconclusive results that

" might " be cancer.

good luck


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks Liz and everyone. My thyroid biopsy came back negative, and the doctor recommended synthroid. I am trying it (I know, I know) because I was on Armour a few years back, and although I initially felt better, after a couple of months it increased palpitations to the point that I felt I was dying. SERIOUS palpitations where my heart would stop for a long LONG interval and then when I was almost passing out would start again. I had tests done, etc, and nothing stopped them until I stopped the Armour. I hope I don't experience the same thing with the Synthroid. So far it's going OK. Knock on wood.

I know I will have more questions.

Thank you to everyone who responded.


Hi!I haven't posted here in a year or so and was just coming to ask a question then saw this thread. I have hashi's thyroiditis, RT3 problems, and I am on cytomel. I tried taking lugol's but despite what everyone says on the iodine yahoo board, the lugol's DID make my hashimoto's worse. My antibodies went up and I had to stop, sadly. So while it is generally a good idea to take a little iodine, I recommend not taking a whole bunch like a lot of people on the web say. Just take a drop or two per day and watch your symptoms. I started itching a lot and after initially feeling better, it exacerbated my symptoms. I have nodules too and I did get them biopsied although I switched docs and never got results back. I don't think it is bad to get them biopsied, but I agree with Sam when she says that people get scared by inconclusive results that "might" be cancer.good luckliz

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You might be one of the lucky ones who does just fine on T4 only meds. If so,

more power to you!!! Good luck!



> Thanks Liz and everyone. My thyroid biopsy came back negative, and the

> doctor recommended synthroid. I am trying it (I know, I know) because I was

> on Armour a few years back, and although I initially felt better, after a

> couple of months it increased palpitations to the point that I felt I was

> dying. SERIOUS palpitations where my heart would stop for a long LONG

> interval and then when I was almost passing out would start again. I had


> done, etc, and nothing stopped them until I stopped the Armour. I hope I

> don't experience the same thing with the Synthroid. So far it's going OK.

> Knock on wood.


> I know I will have more questions.


> Thank you to everyone who responded.


> Gael





> In a message dated 3/29/2011 7:05:46 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

> wliz@... writes:






> Hi!

> I haven't posted here in a year or so and was just coming to ask a

> question then saw this thread. I have hashi's thyroiditis, RT3 problems, and

I am

> on cytomel. I tried taking lugol's but despite what everyone says on the

> iodine yahoo board, the lugol's DID make my hashimoto's worse. My antibodies

> went up and I had to stop, sadly. So while it is generally a good idea to

> take a little iodine, I recommend not taking a whole bunch like a lot of

> people on the web say. Just take a drop or two per day and watch your


> I started itching a lot and after initially feeling better, it exacerbated

> my symptoms.

> I have nodules too and I did get them biopsied although I switched docs

> and never got results back. I don't think it is bad to get them biopsied, but

> I agree with Sam when she says that people get scared by inconclusive

> results that " might " be cancer.

> good luck

> liz


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