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New . My son turn 9 yrs old language and social skills at 8 yrs behind

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Hi ,

This should be a happy time of my life but every yr when my son gets older I

start to go in depression ,anger failure etc mode. I am sure you all have been

there. I remember saying when my son was 5yrs old he will be doing this

when he is 9 yrs old. Well that didn't happen.

We have been doing the therapies that got us very little progress,but the

only progress we got was going more into debt. My husband is about to give up.

He keeps saying why put more money into things nothing is working. We stop ABA

since it was so rote and my son had more behavior problems than before starting

it. If I have to hear the word " mand " I think I will go crazy. We have done

OT ,PT and now we are attempting PROMPT speech therapy. Anyone with experience

with this type of speech? Currently my son repeats what we say . His speech is

hard to understand. He is limited with expressive language. He opens his mouth

while he repeats sounds like a ventiliquest.

With the speech we travel every other week to get 1 hour of speech and I do the

rest during the week. SHe says this is a long process. It can take yrs and yrs

like 5 yrs. I think our family will be burn out before we get to go every other

week for 5 yrs.

I have been reading some posts and I wonder if my son has viral issues that

keep him from opening his mouth and using his jaw more and knowing to move his

tongue on the roof of his mouth,. I mean if the child can roll his tongue doing

things with his tongue I can not do . I guess this is a motor processing problem


Is there anyone out here that has a child similar that did this protocol that

made progress with language and speech and motor processing problems?

We just need some progress here just a little light to show us we are on the

right path .

We are doing RDI which is going well. I tried to homeschool and that is not

easy for me to do right now. I feel so lost with that.

I have looked into the HANDLE program . Of course that can be expensive. IF I

knew that this would help my child I could care less how much money it takes.

After 7 yrs of DAN biomed , OT , PT speech and Yasko and homeopathy I need to be

on the right path.

THe only thing that keeps me going is I don't want to quit and always ask

myself what if I did ..... The other thing is a doctor in my state told me

when my child was dx he would never amount to anything. Never have friends

,graduate get married basically it sounded like my son's life was a waste. I

really want my son back and I want to march right in that office and tell him

now try to diagnose him.

sorry for such a long post . I had to vent and get this out.

Thanks for listening



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