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Re: Digest Number 487

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> Message: 7

> Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 21:10:35 -0700

> From: " Mom2Q " <mom2q@...>

> Subject: FW: Neonatal Deaths After Hepatitis B Vaccine (from VAERS)


> Don't miss the little editor's note on the bottom of the article.


> Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

> Vol. 153 No. 12, December 1999


> Neonatal Deaths After Hepatitis B Vaccine

> The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,

> 1991-1998


> http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/issues/v153n12/full/poa9078.html



Thanks for sending that.

Did you see this in the same issue?

Again look at the editor's comments


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  • 8 months later...

My Mothers friend is a nurse. I told her that I am doing a colon cleanse.

She said that you have to be careful about the colon cleanse, because it can

damage the liver.

She told me that there is a product that is all natural because it is food.

She will let me know about the product and I may purchase it. She said that

it cleanses the colon and purifies the blood. When you get an infection the

blood carries the infection through out the body, so it sounds like a good

product, since it purifies the blood and cleanse the colon. I can't wait to

get some information about it. I am taking Liquid Chlorophyl, Hydrated

Bentonite, Casgara Sagrada, and Psyllium Hull. Can they damage the Liver?

In the mean time can someone tell me of a good colon cleanse.


Thank You

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  • 1 month later...


Craig cooperates for most dr. visits but absolutely hates to get his ears

suctioned out. Two things have helped. Sometimes I give him 2 quarters to

hold in each hand, and tell him that if he'll let the ENT clean his ears, he

can use them in the vending machine right afterwards. The last time, I took

along a wrapped peanut butter cup and had him hold that instead of the


Depending on the situation, I have also given him Xanax before these

appointments. He weighs 105 pounds and will take .5 mg. about 1/2 hour

before the appointment. It helps him a lot and doesn't really make him tired.

Bev mom to Craig, 14, Magenis Syndrome

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone

We just had a meeting, and we were a little confused about transferring mands

to tacts....the transfer procedure was mentioned in Sundberg and Partington's

book. Can anyone give me an idea of how you do this? We understand the

concept but were hoping that someone could provide an example. I guess we

are sort of looking for the recipe....first you do this then you do this.

Perhaps there isn't one? Any help would be appreciated.


Jayme (previous therapist for my AMAZING AZ boys, 2 8 yr olds and 3 4 yr

olds...current therapist for 2 wonderful just turned 3 yr olds in WA State)

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  • 8 months later...

Dear all,

I've plundered this site heavily for recently completed learning outcomes

and assignments. My essay looked at the role of the Health Visitor in Mental

Health Promotion.

I'm posting it here in case anyone's interested.

It's too late for constructive criticism- it's already in for marking!

I'm about to sit back and reflect for a week on the first semester (if it

wasn't Christmas next week that would be done horizontally, as I'm


Best wishes


Digest Number 487

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How brave to publish your essay - (which did look fine ! )

I wondered who might be meeting it as an external examiner , or if you

would be telling us the grade awarded ?

Best Wishes

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  • 1 year later...


If you are going to deal with large numbers of cases of PTSD, you might

check on EFT and TAT. They are therapies that work fast, and can be learned

quickly (and inexpensively.) You can learn about both on


It may be that the site connected to the TAT link doesn't describe in detail

how to do it. One places the thumb on the inside corner of one eye, the ring

finger on the inside corner of the other and the middle two fingers together

about 1/2 " above the line between the eyebrows. Cup the other hand and

place it behind your head, with the edge of the hand below the bump (inion)

and the thumb against the back of the neck.

Then for one minute, think of a scene representing the problem or feeling,

for one minute think of a negative statement relating to the problem, then

for one minute think of a positive statement relating to the problem, even

if you don't believe that, and for one minute think of the part of your body

where you feel your emotions. (Rate your SUD before and after.)

You should find that the SUD, if not zero, may have come down perhaps

halfway. One possibility is to repeat, perhaps changing the statements the

second time. Another is to switch to EFT for the second round.

People will cooperate with this more readily, as it seems to be more

intuitive or aesthetically pleasing to them. Once this has worked for them,

even a little bit, they are more likely to cooperate with the tapping (EFT.)

It only works if they are thinking of the right thing. If they are thinking

" What kind of crazy stuff is this? " then it doesn't work at all.

People sometimes can't do TAT at first, because they can't bear to think of

the issue for one minute. It sometimes helps to start with EFT for that

reason, and have them think of the feeling rather than the issue. Once

things are reduce to say, a 5, then you can proceed with greater latitude.

european projects

Hi all,

I am currently involved with (supervising and training) a Foundation

(www.fredfoundation.org) whose mission statment is:


We are going to Bosnia soon to train some folks to administer NFB to the

refugees suffering from PTSD and are currently gathering funding for the



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  • 1 year later...

I use to use that stuff and I swore it worked for me, don't know

how those little sweet beebees do it. There not cheap either and

you have to be completely aware of the very first signs of illness

if you want them to work.



> Hi

> Just a reminder that the homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum is used

> internationally to prevent or shorten flu symptoms. It would seem

a better

> alternative than vaccinations to me, especially for those with

weak immune

> systems or children who might be exposed at school.


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