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RE: Formaldehyde (was: Estrogen/Lyme)

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Hi all...


There are " environmental hygienists " who have Master's degrees or better, and who spend their lives checking out environmental toxins. You can probably find them in the Yellow Pages.  I live in Northern California, and my person is certainly available in the San area, or by telephone.  Probably best to contact me directly by email since I don't check this board often if you would like her contact information.  Mine is lrmilas@....


My own journey lead me to look at alot of other environmental issues that had never occurred to me before.  I have always been sort of " organic " and home-cooked fresh foods, almost to an extreme.  But when one of the many blood tests that were taken revealed off-the-chart PCB's, Styrenes, Phthalates and other plastics and toxins... it really got my attention.  These are hormone disrupters, for one.  I got rid of the tupperware, the non-stick pans, the cleaning agents I've always used... I stopped wrapping all my food in plastic... it really has been quite a process that I've tried to do gently and over time.  I researched water, and realized that drinking my water from plastic bottles is sort of counter-productive... antimony, for one, leaches into this water and is a potent toxin to the gut. 


I've really tried not to go over the edge... not to get obsessive, on the other hand, being so sick for so long, you do have to take action.  A gentle detox is also in order twice a year, just to unload the many things we accumulate living in this world. 


Having said that... formaldehyde is colorless and odorless, and chemicals like this can absolutely stop your life.  I could not have recovered were it not for discovering this and getting it out of my home.




Hi, Janet -Regarding your question (extracted below) re: testing for formaldehyde outgassing, one can buy a test kit online. For instance, http://www.prohousedr.com/DIYTestKits.htm . I am not recommending that particular kit; you can google 'formaldehyde test kit' and make your own Purchasing Decision.

~ ruby ~ RE: Estrogen/Lyme Great information Lori, thanks for sharing it !! You are quite the detective, good for you! I am " tuned in " to all types of toxins but have never heard of anyone who can come into your environment and test for things like formaldehyde. I've avoided buying a new mattress for fear of being exposed to those toxins.

Could you share more about how one would find/locate a person such as the one who tested your home? <<snip>>Janet

-- Lori MilasWestshore Medical Billing, Inc.Westshore Lien Management2351 Sunset Blvd., Suite 170, PMB 303

Rocklin, CA 95765Fax:

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Thanks Ruby!


To: rhythmicliving From: arubyinthedust@...Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 12:59:47 +0000Subject: Formaldehyde (was: Estrogen/Lyme)

Hi, Janet -Regarding your question (extracted below) re: testing for formaldehyde outgassing, one can buy a test kit online. For instance, http://www.prohousedr.com/DIYTestKits.htm . I am not recommending that particular kit; you can google 'formaldehyde test kit' and make your own Purchasing Decision. ~ ruby ~ RE: Estrogen/Lyme Great information Lori, thanks for sharing it !! You are quite the detective, good for you! I am "tuned in" to all types of toxins but have never heard of anyone who can come into your environment and test for things like formaldehyde. I've avoided buying a new mattress for fear of being exposed to those toxins.Could you share more about how one would find/locate a person such as the one who tested your home? <<snip>>Janet

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Thanks Lori ! Can you speak to what other types of materials have formaldehyde besides furniture?

We certainly live in an extremely toxic world these days. An interesting book that will blow you away but come as no surprise to you, is called The Autoimmune Epidemic by Donna Nakazawa who has several AI diseases herself. Her research with leading worldwide experts points to autoimmune disease being 30% genetic predisposition and 70% environmental toxic exposure.

Lyme is epidemic in my area of the country (land) and has ruined many a life. Entire families have had horrible situations with debilitating symptoms. Some have moved out of this area since it's so overrun with deer.

I see patients all the time (I'm an acupuncturist) who have diagnoses of fibro, CFS and many other unexplained conditions that have been poo pooed by docs when they suggest maybe they have lyme. Fortunately some finally get to a doc after my urging who will treat them. The western blot blood testing needs to be interpreted by a lyme knowledgable doc since it's not a yes or no situation often.

I'll be getting my western blot test Sunday as a follow up to my lyme diagnosis by a doctor who uses pulse/muscle testing. I'm being treated homeopathically which I hope will be enough. Five years ago, after 52 years of being extremely healthy, vibrant and energetic it was like someone shoved me off a cliff. Hashi thyroid and severe adrenal fatigue were the first things to show up....of course menopause was licking at my heels around the same time which I'm sure didn't help anything! I'll never know what came first, lyme or the hashi's thyroid/adrenals but never did I think at any point in time that lyme was an issue for me. Don't have that typical muscle aching nor do I recall any flu like illness.


To: rhythmicliving From: lrmilas@...Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 07:00:24 -0700Subject: Re: Formaldehyde (was: Estrogen/Lyme)

Hi all...

There are "environmental hygienists" who have Master's degrees or better, and who spend their lives checking out environmental toxins. You can probably find them in the Yellow Pages. I live in Northern California, and my person is certainly available in the San area, or by telephone. Probably best to contact me directly by email since I don't check this board often if you would like her contact information. Mine is lrmilas@....

My own journey lead me to look at alot of other environmental issues that had never occurred to me before. I have always been sort of "organic" and home-cooked fresh foods, almost to an extreme. But when one of the many blood tests that were taken revealed off-the-chart PCB's, Styrenes, Phthalates and other plastics and toxins... it really got my attention. These are hormone disrupters, for one. I got rid of the tupperware, the non-stick pans, the cleaning agents I've always used... I stopped wrapping all my food in plastic... it really has been quite a process that I've tried to do gently and over time. I researched water, and realized that drinking my water from plastic bottles is sort of counter-productive... antimony, for one, leaches into this water and is a potent toxin to the gut.

I've really tried not to go over the edge... not to get obsessive, on the other hand, being so sick for so long, you do have to take action. A gentle detox is also in order twice a year, just to unload the many things we accumulate living in this world.

Having said that... formaldehyde is colorless and odorless, and chemicals like this can absolutely stop your life. I could not have recovered were it not for discovering this and getting it out of my home.


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I deeply appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences, especially when you have first hand info from a lyme testing pioneer. It's certainly not a "rant" for those, like me, who are navigating strange life altering symptoms without answers and looking for what will help them heal while menopause is keeping us rockin and rolling in the background. Like you I am totally connected with the "emotional" reasons why one contracts this or that and how our emotional landscape sets the stage for health or dis-ease. I treat my patients emotions every day with acupuncture, it's all energy ! And I get awesome treatment myself from a great team of healers who are tuned in ; )

Then there are toxic situations that prevent healing from happening as in the case of amalgams or someone ingesting chemically contaminated water,,,remember Brockovich? That's where great detective work like yours is priceless ! I have several patients in mind who I'm going to share this info with. The county where I live is extremely wealthy (was the 2nd wealthiest county in the entire country about 5 yrs ago) so a large percentage of these homes are McMansion types loaded with lots of new construction and furnishings no doubt. I'm in a small older condo type dwelling.

I spent 5 years becoming a "self proclaimed" expert on thyroid/adrenals issues seeking the help necessary to heal my autoimmune thyroid and adrenal fatigue. I refuse to believe AI can't be turned around completely despite all I've read to the contrary. After all this time I'm STILL not back in my previous "body" but rather, depending on the day, 50-80% of the old me, so I'm still searching sensing that something is under all of this and not allowing me to fully recover.

This is wonderful information you've provided about testing for toxins in my home. Thanks to Ruby for posting about the do it yourself kits. I will be ordering a formaldehyde, mold and possibly a water testing kit (I get RO water from the store but you never know) when I complete some research as to which are good ones to use. Looks there are kits and then there are KITS. Already I am reading that the mold kits sold in home depot and lowes are not good ones to use. I cannot find an "environmental hygenist" in the state of land unfortunately.

So, you did take antibiodics for a year then? I suppose I will go down the same road you did and if the other types of treatment don't work that's where I'll end up.....maybe...unless it's MRXV or whatever the next bugger is : ) Fortunately I can keep a sense of humor.

Thanks again for taking the time to post.

Blessings and joy to you,



To: rhythmicliving ; seaofqi@...From: lrmilas@...Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 11:07:52 -0700Subject: Re: Formaldehyde (was: Estrogen/Lyme)

Hi Janet,

I have to admit that I just have a severe blind spot where Lyme is concerned, maybe to my own detriment. This is one of those areas where I want to go with traditional medicine (and that's saying alot for me. I'm usually anything but...) I don't mean, for an instant, to criticize or disregard someone else's treatment choices.

I think I'm just burned out on the "holisitic" movement... it's general course and the extremes it now goes to (and the embarassment I now feel about the ridiculous amount of money I've spent on some very whacky theories). I've had MD's and DC's and everything in between tell me, in all earnestness, that I have Epstein Barr, and before that Candida, allergies, vitamin deficiencies, etc.--that THIS disease du jour is the source of all my problems. I've brought home an embarassing amount of vitamins, herbs, homeopathics... .based upon muscle testing, or a doctor's intuition, been diagnosed by remote scanners and electronic readers and psychics. I've also seen people eliminate so many foods, chasing after candida or other intestinal parasites that they are emaciated... and what's worse, emotionally bankrupt.

My story is alot like yours. But when I was told by a "Lyme Literate Doctor" that I had Lyme and needed to start on multiple, massive antibiotics immediately, and "don't even bother unless you will commit to this protocol for at least a year"... I became really frightened, this time because I was so very sick. And then I got mad. I decided to learn what I could about Lyme, talking to doctors on both sides of the fence. I wound up finding some scientists who I felt really had credentials, nothing to sell, and who had the background to support what they said. One doctor was a part of the team who discovered the Western Blot and who set the standard criteria for diagnosing Lyme, and who has spent his life running the "tick lab" at University of California in Irvine. The guy is really smart.

His bottom line was "Lori, this is craziness out there, mass hysteria. Please don't get sucked in. Lyme diagnosis is not like an AIDS test.. .it's not a yes/no proposition. Each and every band in the blot can cross-react with other viruses and bacteria. If you happen to have AIDS or Epsten Barr or an Autoimmune Disease, you will test positive to many bands. There is no single slam dunk (such as bands 23 or 58). I won't say you do or do not have Lyme based upon your Western Blot... but don't join the hysteria. Find a doctor who knows this inside and out."

Yet... we do have alot of ticks here, and we do have Lyme. I just refuse to spend my life focusing on some tickborn spirochete that supposedly morphs frequently into other forms and can never, ever be eradicated.

An interesting footnote... it has now been 2+ years and I saw my "Lyme Literate Doctor" the other day. He seems to have moved on. Lyme hasn't solved all of his patient's problems, and there are new, cooler bugs to look at... the new MXRV or is it MRXV? That bug, so the new thinking goes, is the real problem and source of chronic fatigue. (I will NOT take that test!)


Sorry for the rant. I know that there are people who truly do suffer with this, and thank god for professionals who treat it. I have spent the last 30 years of my life stufying and practicing Ayurveda... (as I see you are working within another eastern tradition beautifully)... and what I love about Ayurveda is that it sees the human being in its whole essence, not dissecting it into diseases and parts and pieces. So, for me, I really like the intention that "the war is over" and letting my body understand that it is safe to disarm and release and heal.

By the way, formaldehyde is easy to test for... and there are other heavy metals that surpisingly show up in water and food that are also real stinkers. I was really shocked to see how much arsenic and lead were in my home tap water, as well as, for some crazy reason, high levels of uranium. Those are worth looking at. Last but not least... joy.... making time for joy.

God bless... (and I probably don't belong here on this board because I also long ago gave up the WP and am working with small amounts of bioidentical hormones, including testosterone, in physiiologically approximate levels for a healthy woman my age.)


Thanks Lori ! Can you speak to what other types of materials have formaldehyde besides furniture? We certainly live in an extremely toxic world these days. An interesting book that will blow you away but come as no surprise to you, is called The Autoimmune Epidemic by Donna Nakazawa who has several AI diseases herself. Her research with leading worldwide experts points to autoimmune disease being 30% genetic predisposition and 70% environmental toxic exposure. Lyme is epidemic in my area of the country (land) and has ruined many a life. Entire families have had horrible situations with debilitating symptoms. Some have moved out of this area since it's so overrun with deer. I see patients all the time (I'm an acupuncturist) who have diagnoses of fibro, CFS and many other unexplained conditions that have been poo pooed by docs when they suggest maybe they have lyme. Fortunately some finally get to a doc after my urging who will treat them. The western blot blood testing needs to be interpreted by a lyme knowledgable doc since it's not a yes or no situation often. I'll be getting my western blot test Sunday as a follow up to my lyme diagnosis by a doctor who uses pulse/muscle testing. I'm being treated homeopathically which I hope will be enough. Five years ago, after 52 years of being extremely healthy, vibrant and energetic it was like someone shoved me off a cliff. Hashi thyroid and severe adrenal fatigue were the first things to show up....of course menopause was licking at my heels around the same time which I'm sure didn't help anything! I'll never know what came first, lyme or the hashi's thyroid/adrenals but never did I think at any point in time that lyme was an issue for me. Don't have that typical muscle aching nor do I recall any flu like illness. Janet

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