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WIP cream has parebens! Ultimate immortals menopause cure

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hello all

wiley survivor! then tried WIP creams thinking they were natural. after 8 months

i just learned they have methyl and propyl paraben, hormone disruptors! why

doesnt WIP have to put ingeredients on container? seems a sin! especially when i

try so hard to only use cosmetic products (shampoo, dish, hand, laundry soap,

etc) w/o parabens. so pissed my Dr didnt know or tell me.

new dr (herbalist, acupuncturist, no i dont get needled!) said hormones, even

bioidentical are a gimmick. the drs want the women to be off balanced so they

have to keep coming in and buying more hormones. soo true, after 2 years and

numerous blood and saliva tests they never knew my exact dose? plus the drs make

you take all sorts of supplements to counteract taking hormones (to prevent

breast cancer): Dim, etc. which cost so much and are hassle to take.

most importantly since starting the hormones (2 yrs ago at age 50 upon first

missed period) i started getting weird health problems. ive been in excellent

health my whole life but started getting rapid heart beat (im low blood pressure

and low cholesterol w/ no prior heart problem), depression, vertigo (to point of

vomitting), fatness, circles under eyes, brain fog. even after numerous blood

and saliva tests the drs never knew my right does, why? cuz they dont know! and

want to keep you imbalanced so you keep coming back. sin! even female drs! shame

on them! i thought bioidnetical was natural. wrong!

yes the hormones reduced hot flashes and insomnia but that's about it.

my new dr just gave me chinese herb: Ultimate Immortals and i instantly feel

great! i quit hormones cold turkey with no hot flashes or insomia and have

instant increased mood and energy. yeah! look it up on internet. you only have

to take it a few weeks to 3 months max. they say menopause symptoms are being

stuck in transition. their herbs help you past the stuckness. menopause

symptoms do nothave to take years!

and anyone see cool show last night on bill clintons diet? no meat, dairy, eggs,

oils. just veg, fruit, beans, grains.

im going to do it too. less fat equals excellent health.




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