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Re: yeast infections / bioidentical vaginal cream

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There is estriol cream. I buy mine from Master's Marketing but you need an

RX. It is available elsewhere w/o.


-----Original Message-----

From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ]

On Behalf Of bjrksadie

Dear members,

I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with the following two


1) I have suffered from a number of yeast infections over the past two

years - approx. five - and unfortunately pass the infection onto my husband

who then experiences painful urination & rashes. As you can imagine, this

has put a real damper on our sex life :<( We both use the otc canesten

tablets/cream when this happens; and I sometime use a prescribed medication

called Terazol. I just finished a two-week dose of terazol, but the

itchiness is back again . . . and I am worried that I will once again pass

the infection onto my husband . . . who just finished a double dose of

canesten and is now ok. Has anybody in this group had problems with

recurring yeast infections and if so, what did you do to stop them?

2. My doctor suspects my recurrent yeast infections has to do with thinning

vaginal walls caused by menopause. She has prescribed " peramarin " vaginal

cream . . . which I believe is a " synthetic " hormone. Is there a similar

" bioidentical " vaginal cream that I could use to treat the dryness? My

doctor does not think there is one. (I currently use estradot & prometrium

for bhrt.)

with much appreciation and thanks for any helful hints, thoughts etc.


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Generally I have found that high P levels = inclination towards yeast infection.

Estrogen never trigger a one. If you are on E and Prometirum it's possible

that the P is too much for your body and has built up in your system. ? What

are your doses and do you take P constantly? Wonder if you are having other

symptoms of too much P?

Also, when I was nursing and got a horrible yeast infection after disturbing the

natural flora, my babe and I were covered in oozing yeast infection sores. The

normal remedies didn't work so I got large pieces of kefir grains I had in my

fermenting jars and used them as nipple shields. I covered my skin and my

babe's with kefir whey several times a day. As well we drank a fair bit. It

cleared up nearly overnight as if magic. Perhaps you also need to replenish

with a good bacteria? I found yogurt wasn't strong enough. If you search

online you should be able to find folks willing to send kefir grains for cost of


If you have achieved a nice bhrt routine I imagine your vaginal walls would be

fine. My mom is 73 with no complaints except when she gets too much P in her



> Dear members,


> I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with the following two



> 1) I have suffered from a number of yeast infections over the past two years

- approx. five - and unfortunately pass the infection onto my husband who then

experiences painful urination & rashes. As you can imagine, this has put a real

damper on our sex life :<( We both use the otc canesten tablets/cream when this

happens; and I sometime use a prescribed medication called Terazol. I just

finished a two-week dose of terazol, but the itchiness is back again . . . and I

am worried that I will once again pass the infection onto my husband . . . who

just finished a double dose of canesten and is now ok. Has anybody in this

group had problems with recurring yeast infections and if so, what did you do to

stop them?


> 2. My doctor suspects my recurrent yeast infections has to do with thinning

vaginal walls caused by menopause. She has prescribed " peramarin " vaginal cream

.. . . which I believe is a " synthetic " hormone. Is there a similar

" bioidentical " vaginal cream that I could use to treat the dryness? My doctor

does not think there is one. (I currently use estradot & prometrium for bhrt.)


> with much appreciation and thanks for any helful hints, thoughts etc.


> Sadie




> ------------------------------------


> click here for our webpage http://rhythmicliving.com/


> **The group conversation is informational in nature and is not intended as

medical advice.**

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Hi Val,

Do you know the " tradename " of the estriol cream? That way my doctor can check

for it in her book of pharmaceuticals. I did ask her for " estriol cream " , but

that name wasn't in the book, so she didn't know what I was talking about :-)

(My doctor is totally uninformed re. bio-identicals!) As an example, estradiol

isn't in the book either, but the tradenames estrogel & estrodot are . . . both

products I now use.

Many thanks,



> There is estriol cream. I buy mine from Master's Marketing but you need an

> RX. It is available elsewhere w/o.


> Val


> -----Original Message-----

> From: rhythmicliving [mailto:rhythmicliving ]

> On Behalf Of bjrksadie


> Dear members,


> I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with the following two

> problems:


> 1) I have suffered from a number of yeast infections over the past two

> years - approx. five - and unfortunately pass the infection onto my husband

> who then experiences painful urination & rashes. As you can imagine, this

> has put a real damper on our sex life :<( We both use the otc canesten

> tablets/cream when this happens; and I sometime use a prescribed medication

> called Terazol. I just finished a two-week dose of terazol, but the

> itchiness is back again . . . and I am worried that I will once again pass

> the infection onto my husband . . . who just finished a double dose of

> canesten and is now ok. Has anybody in this group had problems with

> recurring yeast infections and if so, what did you do to stop them?


> 2. My doctor suspects my recurrent yeast infections has to do with thinning

> vaginal walls caused by menopause. She has prescribed " peramarin " vaginal

> cream . . . which I believe is a " synthetic " hormone. Is there a similar

> " bioidentical " vaginal cream that I could use to treat the dryness? My

> doctor does not think there is one. (I currently use estradot & prometrium

> for bhrt.)


> with much appreciation and thanks for any helful hints, thoughts etc.


> Sadie


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Hi Laurel,

I can only take the prometrium every three or four months at which time my

dosage is 2 tablets daily on days 14 - 28, as I prefer to cycle. It's possible

the yeast infection might be connected to the progesterone, but I have recurring

infections even when I haven't taken the prometrium for ~ three months . . . so

don't know if it has anything to do w/ the progesterone . . . ?

That's interesting re. the kefir grains. I am not familiar at all with this

product. Can I get it at a health food stone . . . and is it drinkable?




> > Dear members,

> >

> > I am hoping some of you may be able to help me with the following two


> >

> > 1) I have suffered from a number of yeast infections over the past two

years - approx. five - and unfortunately pass the infection onto my husband who

then experiences painful urination & rashes. As you can imagine, this has put a

real damper on our sex life :<( We both use the otc canesten tablets/cream when

this happens; and I sometime use a prescribed medication called Terazol. I just

finished a two-week dose of terazol, but the itchiness is back again . . . and I

am worried that I will once again pass the infection onto my husband . . . who

just finished a double dose of canesten and is now ok. Has anybody in this

group had problems with recurring yeast infections and if so, what did you do to

stop them?

> >

> > 2. My doctor suspects my recurrent yeast infections has to do with thinning

vaginal walls caused by menopause. She has prescribed " peramarin " vaginal cream

.. . . which I believe is a " synthetic " hormone. Is there a similar

" bioidentical " vaginal cream that I could use to treat the dryness? My doctor

does not think there is one. (I currently use estradot & prometrium for bhrt.)

> >

> > with much appreciation and thanks for any helful hints, thoughts etc.

> >

> > Sadie

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > click here for our webpage http://rhythmicliving.com/

> >

> > **The group conversation is informational in nature and is not intended as

medical advice.**

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