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Re: Debi

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Thanks for the encouragement Liz. I am so sorry about your bad day and truly hope tomorrow will be better for you. I plan on calling my doc tomorrow morning so I will update my progress as I can.Take care,DebiPrivacy Notification: This message and any accompanying attachment(s) are covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, and contain information intended for the specified individual(s) only. This information is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this message and any attachment(s) in error and that any review, dissemination, copying, or the taking of any action based on the contents of this

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Hi, my name is Debi. I am a new member. I am 55 yo and have been on WP for 4 months now. I was not new to BHRT, having started static dosing at age 50 with good results, but when I moved to a new area and went to a new doctor who recommended The WP, I agreed without doing much research...just thinking that it would be similar to what I took successfully for several years. Let me add that for the year prior to starting WP I had stopped all hormones thinking that I would just be a "natural woman" and grow old gracefully (LOL). However, the misery of the HF, lack of sleep, painful sex and brain fog that interfered with me doing my job forced me to change my mind. Now I am, honestly, freaked out...well as much as a badly depressed person can be freaked out - depression that I have never had before in my life BTW.

Here is my experience of the WP so far: For the first two weeks of the protocol, I felt better. I think that my body got some much-starved for estrogen. The hot flashes stopped and I was able to sleep thru the night. But when I started P, that's when things started downhill: back pain, muscle/joint aches, anger, cramps, mood swings, fatigue, and there was not enough sugar or carbs in my house to satisfy me. I communicated with my doctor who told me I would adjust when I had receptors. By the third month, when I hadn't adjusted well, he increased my E by 2 lines per day. I always followed the protocol/doctor directions faithfully. I had my blood tests. During the 2nd and 3rd months, I did slightly better during the E phase, but now, in the fourth month, I am not bouncing back. I stay so tired that doing even routine things is a major chore. I wonder if this is what chronic fatigue feels like. As I said before, I am depressed. I can't feel joy even though

I have a good life. I am definitely not myself. Other side effects have started, too. I have excess hair on my face. I have break outs on my face that I never had before. I have increased nasal congestion. I am gaining weight. Prior to these last few months, I have always been an energetic, positive person. So the bottom line is that while my doctor and I agreed that we would "partner" in my goal for health, balance and increased wellbeing, I currently feel much worse than I did when I started this treatment. I am also beginning to pick up vibes at my doctor's office that if I am not responding as I "should" then I am a problem patient. (Could be in my mind, though.) However, I am paying him well, so I need to muster up the energy and assertiveness to insist that we discuss alternative treatments. I am not sure how that will go over since he seems to be a great advocate of the WP (my perception). He never mentioned any alternatives to this.

Today I am trying to decide what to do - either stop all hormones or keep using a small dose of E until I can get in to the doc. What I am certain of is that I do not want to continue with the WP. Four months of feeling ill is long enough. And my freak out, that I mentioned earlier is that, after doing some research I am afraid the the WP is the gift that keeps on giving (in the worst way). I could whine and say that I was not fully informed of the SE, and that is certainly true, however, I know that I have ultimate responsibility for my health and should have done my research in advance.

So this is my experience with the WP. I appreciate the opportunity to vent.



> This came to me personally, not the group, so I'm forwarding it on. BTW, to send to the group, simply hit reply on most notes. The addy for the group is rhythmicliving <mailto:rhythmicliving%40yahoogroups.com>


> Laurel


> Begin forwarded message:


> >

> > Date: October 7, 2011 8:09:48 AM PDT

> > To: "laurel@..."

> > Subject: Re: Welcome newest members

> > Reply-To: q Vest

> >

> > Hello Lauel

> >

> > I too have started the WP 3 months now.

> >

> > was wonder what your sympton are?

> >

> > thanks

> > renee




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