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Re: Wiley Protcol

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Hi ,

Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?

Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there.


hello everyone

I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it,

I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.




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Hi ,

I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I feel that if one is having problems with WP, they have

not gotten the dosages that are right for them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcol

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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Thanks Terri

I have done a lot of research on this, I am on a very low dose and it seem to work for me, unfortunately I have gain a little weight which I don 't need! I swim and do Yoga and ride my bike so I feel good . I guess my concern is about this progesterone over load I keep reading about. I feel for this women that have gone through such a bad time, I never heard anything as bad as some of these symptoms that I am reading about. I hope I am making the right choices trying out WP!


To: "rhythmicliving " <rhythmicliving >Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 1:59 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I feel that if one is having

problems with WP, they have not gotten the dosages that are right for them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcol

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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Hi Liz

Can you share with me when and how you started feeling bad? When you figured out that it was WP that was the cause of going down hill. I just want to know what I might expect if things turn for me.


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:34 AMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there. Liz

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks


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Terri, I'm delighted that you found something that works which is individualized rhythmic dosing, but the WP is very specifically the entire transdermal P dosage from the WP bags. That is what Wiley trademarked (laughably HRT dosing by trademark regulations?) and for the sake of women who get sold on the WP I want people to be very clear and specific about what it is. I encountered so many women who were barely doing any P and then raving that they loved the WP and endorsing the WP. So many glowing testimonials and then women who were dumb enough to follow what Wiley told us to do to the letter were getting sick. Wiley was unwavering about telling us we had to do all that P each month or ya never know, cancer cycles come in threes. So women on RL actually did follow it to the letter and that's when we crashed. FUD FUD FUD Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. On this one thing it appears Wiley and I agree. The dosing of the WP is trademarked and specific. And I agree with you that each woman MUST have dosing and method of administration titrated for her body and that is NOT the WP. That's the problem I have with it. Well, one of them.Laurel Hi , I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I feel that if one is having problems with WP, they have not gotten the dosages that are right for them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!TerriTo: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcolhello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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I had some of these symptoms that the others talked about..that's why I found this group. Taking oral "P" has made all the difference for ME. I found that any weight that I had gained(including the carb cravings)left when I went on oral "P". Whatever dose of "E" makes ME feel good, and gives me very good blood levels, is the one for me. If you start having problems, ask your DR that prescribed it for you, he/she might have a way to help. I was ready to give up on the WP..but so glad that I instead found someone that listened.


To: "rhythmicliving " <rhythmicliving >Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 2:11 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Thanks Terri

I have done a lot of research on this, I am on a very low dose and it seem to work for me, unfortunately I have gain a little weight which I don 't need! I swim and do Yoga and ride my bike so I feel good . I guess my concern is about this progesterone over load I keep reading about. I feel for this women that have gone through such a bad time, I never heard anything as bad as some of these symptoms that I am reading about. I hope I am making the right choices trying out WP!


To: "rhythmicliving " <rhythmicliving >Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 1:59 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I

feel that if one is having problems with WP, they have not gotten the dosages that are right for them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcol

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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Like I had said, some may feel as though I'm not "on" the WP..however, I don't know of any Dr that would prescribe the amount of "E" that I take without it coming in the WP bags and syringes. I don't use WP "P" at all. I like the syringes and "lines"..it is very conveinient for me. Too much "P" I feel is what is causing the "crash" that you speak of..at least for ME it was the cause. Oral "P" is not utilized by the body the same as transdermal..if you take 100mg, you're actually only getting like 10mg.


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 2:18 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol


I'm delighted that you found something that works which is individualized rhythmic dosing, but the WP is very specifically the entire transdermal P dosage from the WP bags. That is what Wiley trademarked (laughably HRT dosing by trademark regulations?) and for the sake of women who get sold on the WP I want people to be very clear and specific about what it is. I encountered so many women who were barely doing any P and then raving that they loved the WP and endorsing the WP. So many glowing testimonials and then women who were dumb enough to follow what Wiley told us to do to the letter were getting sick. Wiley was unwavering about telling us we had to do all that P each month or ya never know, cancer cycles come in threes. So women on RL actually did follow it to the letter and that's when we crashed. FUD FUD FUD Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

On this one thing it appears Wiley and I agree. The dosing of the WP is trademarked and specific. And I agree with you that each woman MUST have dosing and method of administration titrated for her body and that is NOT the WP. That's the problem I have with it. Well, one of them.


Hi ,

I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I feel that if one is having problems with WP, they have not gotten the dosages that are right for

them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcol

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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Hi ,

The first 3 months my body sucked up the hormones as I was in surgical menopause for 3 years prior. At the 4th month, I started getting liver/gallbladder pain that lasted until I hit the higher E phase. It happened every single month. I had maybe 3 days of no pain. Never had that before in my life. Anxiety was one of the symptoms. I was getting more meno symptoms again, hot flashes, headaches, etc. It was mostly the liver pain and the anxiety. We tweaked doses but nothing helped. On the 12th cycle, the anxiety hit me square in the gut and I went crazy, literally. THAT was the beginning of hell for me. That was in 2004, I’m still suffering. I now can not get any hormones to work for me. I’m now trying oral Estrace. While on the WP, even while on WP +4, my blood levels of E never got over 100, my P levels never got over 4 and that was only once. I struggled and struggled to get my numbers up. So, for me, I’m thinking all the creams were doing were poisoning me yet not doing what they were supposed to. I had to have my gallbladder removed over 2 years ago due to pain. I did not have stones or sludge. I know a couple of women who have been on the WP for several years and are doing fine but there were many of us who didn’t and when tried to voice this to our drs or to Susie, I was basically told it was my fault. I followed the protocol to the letter, did my blood work 2 times a month. Hormone replacement is SO VERY individual. Just know that and educate yourself the best you can. Laurel has tons of great info to read.


Hi Liz

Can you share with me when and how you started feeling bad? When you figured out that it was WP that was the cause of going down hill. I just want to know what I might expect if things turn for me.


To: rhythmicliving

Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:34 AM

Subject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?

Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there.


hello everyone

I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it,

I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.


http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com <http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com/>




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Hi,I'm not sure if I'm referring to the same thing you are talking about. On day 21, I have been taking 28 lines of P! That's the highest amount.Just starting to read all the great information here. Alot to absorb and put together. So if this wasn't related to your discussion, my apologies!To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 8:34 AMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?

Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there.


hello everyone

I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it,

I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.




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You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at

20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????

Holey sh..........

I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,

..60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.

Sam :-o


> Hi,


> I'm not sure if I'm referring to the same thing you are talking about. 

> On day 21, I have been taking 28 lines of P!  That's the highest amount.

> Just starting to read all the great information here.  Alot to absorb and

> put together.  So if this wasn't related to your discussion, my

> apologies!




> ________________________________


> To: rhythmicliving

> Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 8:34 AM

> Subject: Re: Wiley Protcol




> Hi ,

> Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do

> know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as

> of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?

> Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill

> from there.

> Liz

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...do not stay on this. You will be sorry.

I am in month 7 of titrating off this protocol and struggling in many ways. Im

working with a brilliant endocrinologist who has derided many women off of the

WP. I was on 8 lines of E before I learned what was happening.

We can talk personally if you want.


beth Donati

The Financial Literacy Lady

& Web Orchestration Gal


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Terri...Susie Wiley would say you are not on the Wiley Protocol because you are

not using her compounded hormones.

Also you say in your note that you are on a base of eight! Omg I am so sick

because of tsar much E for too long. And your not on 16 total but 8 as your

levels go down to nothing and then you put on 8 again.

Please be careful. This is not a healthy protocol and the bolis effects of the E

cream cause bog problems.

See my previous note to .


beth Donati

The Financial Literacy Lady

& Web Orchestration Gal


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Thank you for sharing.

I am monitoring my body and will look out for signs.

Once these hormones are in your body fat it sound like it takes a long time to dissipate?

My concern is once I choose not to be on hormone what affect will this have on my body. Do you feel you were more affected by E or thr P?

I am concerned about all these red flags and people telling me to run from this, I am listening and learning.


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 7:22 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,The first 3 months my body sucked up the hormones as I was in surgical menopause for 3 years prior. At the 4th month, I started getting liver/gallbladder pain that lasted until I hit the higher E phase. It happened every single month. I had maybe 3 days of no pain. Never had that before in my life. Anxiety was one of the symptoms. I was getting more meno symptoms again, hot flashes, headaches, etc. It was mostly the liver pain and the anxiety. We tweaked doses but nothing helped. On the 12th cycle, the anxiety hit me square in the gut and I went crazy, literally. THAT was the beginning of hell for me. That was in 2004, I’m still suffering. I now can not get any hormones to work for me. I’m now trying oral Estrace. While on the WP, even while on WP

+4, my blood levels of E never got over 100, my P levels never got over 4 and that was only once. I struggled and struggled to get my numbers up. So, for me, I’m thinking all the creams were doing were poisoning me yet not doing what they were supposed to. I had to have my gallbladder removed over 2 years ago due to pain. I did not have stones or sludge. I know a couple of women who have been on the WP for several years and are doing fine but there were many of us who didn’t and when tried to voice this to our drs or to Susie, I was basically told it was my fault. I followed the protocol to the letter, did my blood work 2 times a month. Hormone replacement is SO VERY individual. Just know that and educate yourself the best you can. Laurel has tons of great info to read.Liz

Hi LizCan you share with me when and how you started feeling bad? When you figured out that it was WP that was the cause of going down hill. I just want to know what I might expect if things turn for me.ThanksTo: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:34 AMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol Hi ,Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there. Liz

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com <http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com/> http://fineartamerica.com/shop/liz-vernand.html


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I was affected by the P. I’m convinced what happened to me on that last cycle was a withdrawal of the P as the anxiety hit me on the 24th and 25th day, on the downside. I then ended up on meds, one of which was a benzo. I learned a lot what benzos and P can do to the brain. My hell is now protracted withdrawal symptoms of the benzo WD. I had a bad experience with P pre hyst also but in it was different. I had severe depression that time. At that time I blindly allowed a NP to tell me P was the best thing (she was following Lee) I knew NOTHING about hormones. Get as educated as you can. Some women do ok on the WP but I bet you won’t find very many and I bet if you ask them, they have tweaked the protocol to reduce the P WAY down.

If you choose to stop don’t stop abruptly. You will most likely have some sort of withdrawal. If you get a chance and you have not already, read the archives. It’s not a bunch of made up stuff. Real stories.

Good luck!


Thank you for sharing.

I am monitoring my body and will look out for signs.

Once these hormones are in your body fat it sound like it takes a long time to dissipate?

My concern is once I choose not to be on hormone what affect will this have on my body. Do you feel you were more affected by E or thr P?

I am concerned about all these red flags and people telling me to run from this, I am listening and learning.


To: rhythmicliving

Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 7:22 PM

Subject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

The first 3 months my body sucked up the hormones as I was in surgical menopause for 3 years prior. At the 4th month, I started getting liver/gallbladder pain that lasted until I hit the higher E phase. It happened every single month. I had maybe 3 days of no pain. Never had that before in my life. Anxiety was one of the symptoms. I was getting more meno symptoms again, hot flashes, headaches, etc. It was mostly the liver pain and the anxiety. We tweaked doses but nothing helped. On the 12th cycle, the anxiety hit me square in the gut and I went crazy, literally. THAT was the beginning of hell for me. That was in 2004, I’m still suffering. I now can not get any hormones to work for me. I’m now trying oral Estrace. While on the WP, even while on WP +4, my blood levels of E never got over 100, my P levels never got over 4 and that was only once. I struggled and struggled to get my numbers up. So, for me, I’m thinking all the creams were doing were poisoning me yet not doing what they were supposed to. I had to have my gallbladder removed over 2 years ago due to pain. I did not have stones or sludge. I know a couple of women who have been on the WP for several years and are doing fine but there were many of us who didn’t and when tried to voice this to our drs or to Susie, I was basically told it was my fault. I followed the protocol to the letter, did my blood work 2 times a month. Hormone replacement is SO VERY individual. Just know that and educate yourself the best you can. Laurel has tons of great info to read.


Hi Liz

Can you share with me when and how you started feeling bad? When you figured out that it was WP that was the cause of going down hill. I just want to know what I might expect if things turn for me.


To: rhythmicliving

Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:34 AM

Subject: Re: Wiley Protcol

Hi ,

Welcome! I don’t think the dosing has changed since the WP started. I do know the P part has been lowered from 25mg to 20mg per line. At least as of about a year ago or so. Maybe you can share your dosing?

Good you’re feeling well. I did for 3 months and then it went downhill from there.


hello everyone

I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it,

I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.


http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com <http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com/> <http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com/>


http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com <http://liz-vernand.artistwebsites.com/>




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Holy you know what is right, Sam! When I went on the WP, it was new. I wish that Laurel’s site had been around then. :-(


You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at

20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????

Holey sh..........

I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,

..60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.

Sam :-o

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Liz when were you on WP? That is alot of P! Is that what they started you off on?

To: rhythmicliving Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 10:28 AMSubject: Re: Re: Wiley Protcol

Holy you know what is right, Sam! When I went on the WP, it was new. I wish that Laurel’s site had been around then. :-(Liz

You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????Holey sh..........I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,.60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.Sam :-o

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I had heard about " rhythmic dosing " , thought it was an interesting idea,

and joined this group to learn more. Oh my...I certainly learned quite a

bit - why I dose BHRT by symptoms instead.



> Holy you know what is right, Sam! When I went on the WP, it was new. I

> wish

> that Laurel¹s site had been around then. :-(

> Liz










>> You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at

>> 20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????


>> Holey sh..........


>> I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,

>> .60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.


>> Sam :-o




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Hi,I wish I known about this site when I started the WP. The book about rythms, timing all made such sense. I never even questioned the scientific basis for it!Sam -- oh no, that's milligram per line, so only 28 milligrams on day 21! Not sure that makes it any better.Best wishes, NitaTo: rhythmicliving Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 11:14 AMSubject: Re: Re: Wiley Protcol

I had heard about "rhythmic dosing", thought it was an interesting idea,

and joined this group to learn more. Oh my...I certainly learned quite a

bit - why I dose BHRT by symptoms instead.



> Holy you know what is right, Sam! When I went on the WP, it was new. I

> wish

> that Laurel¹s site had been around then. :-(

> Liz










>> You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at

>> 20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????


>> Holey sh..........


>> I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,

>> .60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.


>> Sam :-o




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How much P are you using? You say 28 lines on the peak day 21. If you are on the WP and each line is 20-25mg, than what Sam says is what you are using. Are you aware of this? I was on the WP in early 2004.

And yes I was started off on the standard WP protocol and the P was 25mg per line and the E was 1mg per line. I had to keep upping the E until I was on double the dose.


Liz when were you on WP? That is alot of P! Is that what they started you off on?

To: rhythmicliving

Sent: Friday, September 9, 2011 10:28 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Wiley Protcol

Holy you know what is right, Sam! When I went on the WP, it was new. I wish that Laurel’s site had been around then. :-(


You're taking 28 lines of progesterone at

20-25mg per line (560-700mg P) in ONE day?????

Holey sh..........

I had a total hyst in '73, and am doing great with <20mg P cream,

..60mg E2 gel, 2.5mg Testosterone gel.

Sam :-o



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What is the dose strength of your oral progesterone? Is is oil in capsule or dry capsule.

Also can you share the name & location of the PA you reference.




Like I had said, some may feel as though I'm not "on" the WP..however, I don't know of any Dr that would prescribe the amount of "E" that I take without it coming in the WP bags and syringes. I don't use WP "P" at all. I like the syringes and "lines"..it is very conveinient for me. Too much "P" I feel is what is causing the "crash" that you speak of..at least for ME it was the cause. Oral "P" is not utilized by the body the same as transdermal..if you take 100mg, you're actually only getting like 10mg.


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 2:18 PMSubject: Re: Wiley Protcol


I'm delighted that you found something that works which is individualized rhythmic dosing, but the WP is very specifically the entire transdermal P dosage from the WP bags. That is what Wiley trademarked (laughably HRT dosing by trademark regulations?) and for the sake of women who get sold on the WP I want people to be very clear and specific about what it is. I encountered so many women who were barely doing any P and then raving that they loved the WP and endorsing the WP. So many glowing testimonials and then women who were dumb enough to follow what Wiley told us to do to the letter were getting sick. Wiley was unwavering about telling us we had to do all that P each month or ya never know, cancer cycles come in threes. So women on RL actually did follow it to the letter and that's when we crashed. FUD FUD FUD Fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

On this one thing it appears Wiley and I agree. The dosing of the WP is trademarked and specific. And I agree with you that each woman MUST have dosing and method of administration titrated for her body and that is NOT the WP. That's the problem I have with it. Well, one of them.


Hi ,

I've been on the WP for 2 yrs. I had some adjustments made, and now am doing very well. I don't use the WP "P"..I take oral Bio-Identical progesterone and this has helped immensely. "MY" WP "E" would be considered "high" at 2mg per line(My BASE line is 8 lines..so 16mg)..but my "E" levels have been very, very good with this dose for "me". I have been regular with my cycles also. NO weight gain, breast pain, vaginal dryness, hot flashes or other symptoms that others talk about. I actually LOST my belly fat!! Some might say that because I use ORAL "P" that I am not "on" the WP..but I disagree. Everyone is different, and therefore, everyone's BODY needs something different. IMHO, I feel that if one is having problems with WP, they have not gotten the dosages that are right for them, OR, the delivery system is not right for them(oral "P" made ALL the difference for ME). NO reason to give up on HRT IMHO. I see a PA that really KNOWS the WP, and she has helped me immensely! Good luck on your HRT journey..and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it!! In other words..if it's working for you, then stay with it..again, just MY very humble opinion!


To: rhythmicliving Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2011 10:19 AMSubject: Wiley Protcol

hello everyone I am new to this site and trying to navigate in it, I am 2 months on WP and feeling very good. But have read your info on the web site and begin to question my decision to continue on with the WP? I see that some of these post are older from 2009. Has the dosing changed with this protocol? Sounds like some are on high dosages. Trying to get educated on WP.Thanks

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