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Lugol's or Iodoral?

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I am currently taking 50mcg of Synthroid. I took Armour a few years ago in a very small dose and developed terrible palpitations, which stopped when I stopped the Armour. I have some solid masses in my thyroid, which were biopsied and found to be benign, so was started on the Synthroid.

My question is this - I have been reading about Iodine as a possible boost to the Synthroid, and have been reading about it on the net, but am confused by all the differing viewpoints on it.

Has anyone here used it? Has anyone used low doses of it, which is what I would definitely be using. Most substances affect me in a very strong way. Has anyone had good or bad results from using it?

For those who use it, would you recommend Lugol's or Iodoral? I also have a potassium iodide supplement, as well as Lugols 2%. Would Iodoral be better?

Have you used it on your skin rather than ingesting it?

Is it safe to use with controlled hypertension?

Thanks for any help!


PS I remember Sam and some others talking about iodine but I was even more brain fogged then than I am now, and I didn't get most of what was said, so forgive me if this has been covered

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