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Re: Sam!!

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Are you inside me???? Holy cow, this is me exactly! Even down to the reflux (which started after my needless gallbladder removal) along with other digestive issues.

My mistrust of drs started at the age of 20 when I was told I had IBS and to stop drinking milk and take Donnatal daily. That also started me down the road to natural stuff.

Anyways, I wish you and Sam speedy recoveries!


Oh Sam! I am SO sorry you have gone thru all of this... and hope for your speedy recovery. I know you're a tough old bird but my gawd - what a bunch of trouble you didn't need! I admire your spunk..these days I sometimes feel " too sick " to go to the ER or my doctor..I don't need all the " preliminaries " to getting care.

And I guess it has to get to a point where you know you aren't going to get thru it on your own to give in and see someone for help. For me, anyway.

I have terrible reflux these days to where it is ruining my life....I am taking Pepcid every 12 hours and hoping for the best right now. I have a long list of potentially problematic things going on with my health right now. I have become so gun shy of Dr's that I would almost rather die than go to one. My only doctor I am seeing right now is my holistic " prince " who will listen to me and help me.

The doctors themselves are not the problem..it is all the endless forms, interrogations, questions, TESTING, etc. No longer can we walk in with a complaint and be seen and treated so easliy..after going thru taking care of my brother in law until he died and then seeing my sister thru her hysterectomy - they rearranged her entire insides, pulled out her intestines and moved them around, looking for cancer and removed 7 lymph nodes and never found any trace - a year later she is still no longer herself - I can truly say that I would rather die than see another doctor right now.

You see a specialist - the " best " in their field " and end up broken. It seems that putting the patient at ease is the least of their concerns. I know my attitude will change, and I will get back to my old self again, but right now I need some respite and to know there is life beyond doctors offices and hospitals.

Sending Light to you - take care, Sam

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Hi Liz

thanks ! same to you...I will send you Light - this reflux sounds minor until

YOU are the one experiecing it, right?? I felt mistrusting was my karma to a

certain extent, but after I got my tonsils out at age 21 and also giving birth

at age 17 & 24 I found a few really good doctors and my trust and love of them


Now, after having malpractice literally kill my Mom, Dad and brother (we don't

sue people so just forget it, I guess) and seeing the consistent hope they

instilled in my BIL with while he dwindled and died - they never once said his

cancer was not looking good - instead they constantly told him and us how

healthy he was and how NEXT visit they would enter him in studies which were

having excellent results and CURE!

and then - my sister was lied to every step of the way about her bleeding,

fibroid, the fact that her hyster could be done with a simple scope procedure,

etc. I have no more faith. I got my sister to a gyne oncologist I went to a few

years back. (my post meno bleeding turned out to be no more than a cyst blocking

my cervix and not allowing old blood to come out - the " mass " they found on my

ultrasound was read wrong!) I have so much faith in him..but he was on vacation

and his new partner saw my sis. She is a gyne, specializes in doing the bandaid

hysterectomies and is fairly young and inexperienced. When it took her 50

minutes to get a biposy, we should have known that she was unable to judge

whether it would actually be feasible to go in with a scope. She called on the

phone and told my sister she had sarcoma..a week later she was told it was

carcinoma...then after the fact, she told us it was fibroid adenoma. She had 7

residents in the surgery with her..about 10 holes in my sis, where they stuck

scopes and camers...each resident took a lymph node and other speciemns of

tissue that " didn't look right " and turned out to be nothing remarkable - they

pulled out all of her intestines and replaced them in weird positions (you can

imagine what distreess that has caused)...finally, when they said it was

apparent the uterus was too large to take out thru a scope incision, called in

the oncologist to do a traditional hysterectomy and seven hours later, he came

out of surgery and spoke to me..he said it all looked fine, but it was a very

rough surgery - he put her into intensive surgivcal care for 3 days..I could

" read " between the lines that he was damn angry with his new partner for all the

things she took upon herself to do in a teaching capacity...my sis did not see

her doctor for three days after the surgery and then she was stressing my

sister's need to get a scan - abd see a radiologist for preventative radiation -

although all of her organs looked good. She told her that she was " not even

grade one of stage one " ...but they found no cancer!! Ovaries, tubes, etc looked

good..just a very tiny uterus (she never had children) wedged into her pelvis

and a fibroid which had not shunk sufficently. When she threatened to call a cab

to come home, I went and got her out of that place and brought her home to my

house!! Then our own hell began.

Between my BIL who ided in Jan 2011 and then my sister's hysterectomy in Aug

2011, I came to the conclusion that all specialists care about are their

" billable hours " and the referrals they can make. This doctor is an hour away

and it damn near killed her and me to get her over there for a weekly office

visit before she could even walk steady on her feet. They recommended nothing -

we could have used a bath nurse and physical therapy. We bought a walker so she

could get around and she was SO weak. Still not at all well....All they wanted

to do is refer her to this person and that specialist.

NOW - I have been bleeding for a few weeks..I need to find a new doctor to go

to because I have lost faith in my old Dr. who I had been seeing since 2005. I

don't even want to go into the office. My sister said " goodbye " and on the way

out the Dr. yelled " you were actually stage two - see that radiologist! " She

never said the same thing twice..there is no record of her name on the bill!..I

wonder what kind of schlock person this is!


> ,

> Are you inside me???? Holy cow, this is me exactly! Even down to the reflux

> (which started after my needless gallbladder removal) along with other

> digestive issues.

> My mistrust of drs started at the age of 20 when I was told I had IBS and to

> stop drinking milk and take Donnatal daily. That also started me down the

> road to natural stuff.

> Anyways, I wish you and Sam speedy recoveries!

> Liz

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