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FRIDAY - Light it up blue for autism

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Mark Roithmayr, Autism Speaks wrote:








> This Thursday night, the Empire State Building will be lit up blue to

> commemorate World Autism Awareness Day on Friday.


> And we'd like your help in lighting the rest of America blue this

> April - by starting a conversation about autism in your own community.


> There are lots of ways to do it - from wearing blue on Friday to

> updating your Facebook status and sharing how autism has touched your

> life.


> Sign up to attend or host a Light It Up Blue event in your community:


> Light It Up Blue





> Here are some ways people around the country are planning on lighting

> it up blue this Friday, and beyond:


> In Covina, Calif., Whitney R. is asking all of the teachers and

> staffers at her school to wear blue to work.


> Over in Atlanta, Amy L. is encouraging her friends to change their

> Facebook pictures to blue.


> And in Lanesboro, Mass., Vern M. is hosting moms and family members of

> children with autism for a conversation over (blue!) beverages.


> How will you light it up blue?


> Sign up to take part in an event, or host your own, to help raise

> autism awareness and understanding:


> *http://www.LightItUpBlue.org





> Thanks so much!


> Mark Roithmayr

> President, Autism Speaks


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> Autism Speaks





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