Guest guest Posted July 1, 2005 Report Share Posted July 1, 2005 I am sorry you have run into a neuro who is not very pro banding. Find a different Neuro if you can, or see if it has to be a neuro. My pediatrician with the help of CT wrote our letter of medical necessity. If all else fails take the research articles and info. from the files section here about the risks of untreated plagio and go back to the neuro with them. Sometimes if you annoy them enough they will write the letter. I hope some of this helps and I hope someone who has gone through this can help more. CAROLG > I took my 3 month old son to Cranial Tech b/c my pediatrician said he > would benefit from the Doc Band. The office is 1 1/2 hours from my > home. The PT at Cranial Tech said he needed the band. My insurance > said they would pay for it if a neurosurgeon agreed it was necessary. > Needless to say, the neurosurgeon said my son has plagio, but he does > not need the band b/c his eyes are symmetrical and so are his ears. > Also, developmentally he is advanced. I am confused b/c his head is so > flat in the back. Has anyone else experienced this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 1, 2005 Report Share Posted July 1, 2005 I am sorry you have run into a neuro who is not very pro banding. Find a different Neuro if you can, or see if it has to be a neuro. My pediatrician with the help of CT wrote our letter of medical necessity. If all else fails take the research articles and info. from the files section here about the risks of untreated plagio and go back to the neuro with them. Sometimes if you annoy them enough they will write the letter. I hope some of this helps and I hope someone who has gone through this can help more. CAROLG > I took my 3 month old son to Cranial Tech b/c my pediatrician said he > would benefit from the Doc Band. The office is 1 1/2 hours from my > home. The PT at Cranial Tech said he needed the band. My insurance > said they would pay for it if a neurosurgeon agreed it was necessary. > Needless to say, the neurosurgeon said my son has plagio, but he does > not need the band b/c his eyes are symmetrical and so are his ears. > Also, developmentally he is advanced. I am confused b/c his head is so > flat in the back. Has anyone else experienced this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 2, 2005 Report Share Posted July 2, 2005 Yes, I've heard of neuros sayign this before - find a new neuro. if your ped and CT both feel he needs it and you agree then find a new neuro so you can get insurance coverage. Or better yet, tell the current neuro that's fine but I want a RX from you because his head is not normal. If you're not an "aggressive mom" look for a new neuro mom to na, DOC Grad & Kiersten, preventative repo www.thefilyaws.commhalla12590 <mhalla12590@...> wrote: I took my 3 month old son to Cranial Tech b/c my pediatrician said he would benefit from the Doc Band. The office is 1 1/2 hours from my home. The PT at Cranial Tech said he needed the band. My insurance said they would pay for it if a neurosurgeon agreed it was necessary. Needless to say, the neurosurgeon said my son has plagio, but he does not need the band b/c his eyes are symmetrical and so are his ears. Also, developmentally he is advanced. I am confused b/c his head is so flat in the back. Has anyone else experienced this?For more plagio info Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 11, 2005 Report Share Posted November 11, 2005 I'm having the same problem up here in Sparta. My son needs a longer day also but they keep fighting that state law only requires them to deliver 10 hrs. of preschool a week. They are giving him 4 days of speech plus OT, and PT. That's great but he's being pulled out of class for his therapy and is missing class time. We decided to be proactive and supplement his schedule ourselves after his morning class. We put him in private therapy a few times a week and we work with him at home. archana214 <archana214@...> wrote: Hi everyone I have a question about my 4yr old, non verbal son who is also developmentally delayed in all areas.He attends special preschool(2 1/2hrs per day) and receives speech Th. 3xwk(30min)and also getting private speech Th 2xwk. In past 1yr he hasn't made any significant progress in any area. I have asked his child study team repeatedly that he needs longer structured program to progress(same thing his Neurodevelop. and SLP says), but they say that in Edison, N.j special preschool is only half day. My question is should I get a diagnosis Of PDD for him from his Neurodevelopmentalist(for which he is being followed by his Neurodev., as he has some features and behaviors seen in PDD, but they are not sure of it) to get him in full day program and to get more services. I know it sounds strange, but I don't know what to do to get him better and more services,I am confused? Does anyone else has does this before?, please advise. Archana Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 11, 2005 Report Share Posted November 11, 2005 Hi, I personally would never get a label that wasn't what my son had... only to obtain more services. I hope someone can tell you who you can contact to obtain more services (worst come to worst you can get a lawyer) but there should be some advocacy services for free in your area. Ask a few government persons and find out about this. Also be very patient, your son is developing at his pace and can't go any faster. Hope this helps, Take care, Tina Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 11, 2005 Report Share Posted November 11, 2005 ---Hi Tina I don't want to put level of PDD or Autism just to get more services for him. You got me wrong. For the past 1yr we have seen 3 different Neurodevelopmentalist and they all suspected PDD but they we re not sure to give definitive diagnosis of PDD, and told to wait more (until he is 5yrs). If he has PDD, than this wouldn't be the right program, where he is right now.But any way he is not making much progress in this program .I just want to find out right program for him (full day and with more speech therapy and OT) whether its with typical speech delayed kids or Autistic kids), whereever he can fit well and learn to speak and skills to socialize and communicate well to others, thats all I want. thanks Archana In , " laviedesenfants " <laviedesenfants@y...> wrote: > > Hi, I personally would never get a label that wasn't what my son > had... only to obtain more services. I hope someone can tell you who > you can contact to obtain more services (worst come to worst you can > get a lawyer) but there should be some advocacy services for free in > your area. Ask a few government persons and find out about this. > > Also be very patient, your son is developing at his pace and can't > go any faster. > > Hope this helps, Take care, Tina > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2005 Report Share Posted November 12, 2005 hi archana- i know you were not writing to me but i wanted to tell you that there is a boy around joshuas age who is at the speech level josh was at a few months ago and our slp is going to treat them together. I am hopeing he can help this other boy with his speech and that josh will develop a new friendship with this boy. everything came out ok after josh got out of our car and we are going to get a special vest called the ez on vest and a car modification you can find it on the computer i know you dont need one but thought you might be curious it isnt cheap. our day care is getting childnet certified on tuesday as i have advanced training and we have somone who is coming to our house 2 hours a week to work with josh. in speech we are working on the letter at the beginning of the word and 4-5 word sentences and josh is spinning the the apraxia tx kit. sounds like you are getting a hard time with diagnosis. its real frustrating if you cant find somone to tell you whats wrong and people are hesitant about giving you the pdd diagnosis and thats why we are parents have to be informed by reading everything we can get our hands on. i know you have and are continuing to do that. it is still frustrating though isnt it? if you dont mind me asking i wonder if you think he has pdd? JOSH AND SARAH ARE ARGUING ALL THE TIME NOW snd i sm wondering how long it will be before the arguing stage is over and we move on to another stage which i am sure will be equally as challenging. our psychologist is moving to a closer location 2 blocks away from our house and thats great news for us plus josh LOVES GOING TO SCHOOL AND TAKEING THE BUS. charlotte henry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 12, 2005 Report Share Posted November 12, 2005 Hi, sorry , i don't mean to offend . I was just saying what I wouldn't do , i didn't mean to imply you would do that. There is a test called 'cars' , if administered by someone competent you will know if your son is on the spectrum or not. I don't know if this helps. I can refer you to a great doctor in nashville ,tennessee that knows how to administer this test. I don't know if you are anywhere near this area. And there is another expert , dr. macdonald in ohio , who might be able to give you the answer you are looking for, and help with your son's progress. I hope this helps, and sorry again for making yhou feel bad, Take care, tina > > > > Hi, I personally would never get a label that wasn't what my son > > had... only to obtain more services. I hope someone can tell you who > > you can contact to obtain more services (worst come to worst you can > > get a lawyer) but there should be some advocacy services for free in > > your area. Ask a few government persons and find out about this. > > > > Also be very patient, your son is developing at his pace and can't > > go any faster. > > > > Hope this helps, Take care, Tina > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2005 Report Share Posted November 13, 2005 hi archana- will the pdd diagnosis get you more services? if it will then maybe you should have some testing done like the ados by a psychologist to see if youe child qualifies and id keep in mind that communication frustration can play a big part in behavior and as communication improves so can behavior and it could change. i know several people who thought their children had autistic traits to find out later that was not the case. there is a stigma attached to autism , mental retardation, etcetera. it is a stigma that is given to us by other people. it is a shame . it is as if we dont have enough to deal with already but now we have to deal with the stigma too, it can be difficult especially with strangers who do not understand. having a dissability no matter what it is is very difficult but the world would be a booring place if we were all the same and there were no challenges. you have to do what you feel is right and what is best for your child. charlotte henry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2005 Report Share Posted November 13, 2005 hi again- ask the support team at school if they will give him a full day program if you get the diagnosis in writing- i had a written reccomendation from a psychologist at the wendell johnson dissabilities clinic in iowa city but they still wouldnt do it because they do not have a full day preschool program. some areas in iowa do have one. ive been told there is one in burlington but not here and even full day kindergarten is only offered in a couple classes. to get josh in a full day kindergarten class next year he has to be mainstreamed half a day. there is only one class at his school and i know it is a money issue no matter what they. the schools are overcrowded here and some kids at my sons school have to be bussed to different schools because they need to change the zones for that school. they bus about 50 kids to other schools- let me know if it is an option and what you decide- charlotte Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 13, 2005 Report Share Posted November 13, 2005 Hi Archana, Key for you outside medical/speech/OT professionals that you pay for to help with diagnosis/placement/therapy recommendations and to help oversee progress(or lack of!) is key. What does your son's private SLP have to say? (if he has one- which I highly recommend) If he's making no progress in even just 6 months it's clear his diagnosis is probably not accurate -thus goals/therapies are probably all inappropriate. Then again, it could be inappropriate therapy/placement in spite of appropriate diagnosis. This is why an outside source is so important. For example your child could be diagnosed as apraxic and the school may determine (incorrectly of course) that two days a week of group therapy is appropriate. Your son wouldn't progress even though the diagnosis is correct. As a parent of a speech impaired child it's unfortunately many times up to us almost alone to make sure both the diagnosis and the therapy/goals and placement are all appropriate. This is why I say to question diagnosis/therapy/placement when there is no progress after 3 months…absolutely by 6 months! One year? Even the poorest form of school professionals should have noticed by now that your son is not progressing in one year. What are his goals? Are there any short term goals in your son's IEP? Has anyone from the school contacted you to schedule an IEP meeting to discuss your son's goals? If they have not –then you should request one in writing and state why. If your son was diagnosed by a neuroMD as having `signs' of PDD, but the doctor's wasn't sure at the time, call his office to explain what's going on and ask for an opinion…or go for a second opinion. Yes you could just let the school know your son has PDD as you said, but what does that mean if he doesn't have PDD? More therapy isn't better if it's not appropriate therapy for his needs. ABA therapy or modified ABA therapy does not provide the motor planning or strengthening therapies needed to help a child talk that desperately wants to be able to talk…but just can not yet. Then again perhaps your child is not " just " apraxic and is PDD and one that modified ABA is appropriate for -I wouldn't know. I do know a half day program can be enough even for a child with severe/profound apraxia. A half day is all my son Tanner had when he was in preschool (up to 6 years old) at the Summit Speech School in New Providence (he was in out of district placement because our public school system couldn't provide appropriate intensive therapies for Tanner) And Tanner had an intensive therapy schedule in just one half day of school. For my son Tanner a half day is all we wanted and all the professionals agreed upon as most appropriate for him -it was all he could do. After just a half day the poor little guy came home so exhausted he would fall asleep right after school and sleep for hours. Between sleep, school and therapy -that was his life. See but it can all change and get better. Today Tanner had a roller blading party with about 40 other children from his school and he had a great time for hours today. On the way home however he said " Mommy when I get home I think I'm going to take a nap. Roller blading always makes me sleepy " So I said " that's fine " We drove up to the house and a neighborhood boy ran up to the car and asked if Tanner could play hockey with them. I turned to Tanner and said " Are you going to play or take a nap? " And he said " I'm going to play " Not only that –but he played for hours and we then went to see the movie Zathura so he didn't get to sleep until a bit after 9. Oh and on one other note even though this is slightly off topic of this question –but in regards to our children's abilities being misinterpreted. I was testing Tanner for a science test he is going to have this week and was asking him what the " main control center found in plant and animal cells " is called. He hesitated and I wasn't sure if he knew it –then he said " Can I spell it? " And of course he knew it/ spelled it correctly…and then I helped him motor plan how to say the word " nucleus " . (Tanner has been mainstreamed since kindergarten -now in 3rd) ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2005 Report Share Posted November 16, 2005 Hi thanks for your advise. > > Hi Archana, > > Key for you outside medical/speech/OT professionals that you pay > for to help with diagnosis/placement/therapy recommendations and to > help oversee progress(or lack of!) is key. What does your son's private SLP > have to say? (if he has one- which I highly recommend) > > If he's making no progress in even just 6 months it's clear his > diagnosis is probably not accurate -thus goals/therapies are > probably all inappropriate. Then again, it could be inappropriate > therapy/placement in spite of appropriate diagnosis. This is why an > outside source is so important. For example your child could be > diagnosed as apraxic and the school may determine (incorrectly of > course) that two days a week of group therapy is appropriate. Your > son wouldn't progress even though the diagnosis is correct. As a > parent of a speech impaired child it's unfortunately many times up > to us almost alone to make sure both the diagnosis and the > therapy/goals and placement are all appropriate. This is why I say > to question diagnosis/therapy/placement when there is no progress > after 3 months…absolutely by 6 months! > > One year? Even the poorest form of school professionals should have > noticed by now that your son is not progressing in one year. What > are his goals? Are there any short term goals in your son's IEP? > Has anyone from the school contacted you to schedule an IEP meeting > to discuss your son's goals? If they have not –then you should > request one in writing and state why. > > If your son was diagnosed by a neuroMD as having `signs' of PDD, but > the doctor's wasn't sure at the time, call his office to explain > what's going on and ask for an opinion…or go for a second opinion. > Yes you could just let the school know your son has PDD as you said, > but what does that mean if he doesn't have PDD? More therapy > isn't better if it's not appropriate therapy for his needs. ABA > therapy or modified ABA therapy does not provide the motor planning > or strengthening therapies needed to help a child talk that > desperately wants to be able to talk…but just can not yet. Then > again perhaps your child is not " just " apraxic and is PDD and one > that modified ABA is appropriate for -I wouldn't know. > > I do know a half day program can be enough even for a child with > severe/profound apraxia. A half day is all my son Tanner had when > he was in preschool (up to 6 years old) at the Summit Speech School > in New Providence (he was in out of district placement because our > public school system couldn't provide appropriate intensive > therapies for Tanner) And Tanner had an intensive therapy schedule > in just one half day of school. For my son Tanner a half day is all > we wanted and all the professionals agreed upon as most appropriate > for him -it was all he could do. After just a half day the poor > little guy came home so exhausted he would fall asleep right after > school and sleep for hours. Between sleep, school and therapy - that > was his life. > > See but it can all change and get better. Today Tanner had a roller > blading party with about 40 other children from his school and he > had a great time for hours today. On the way home however he > said " Mommy when I get home I think I'm going to take a nap. Roller > blading always makes me sleepy " So I said " that's fine " We drove up > to the house and a neighborhood boy ran up to the car and asked if > Tanner could play hockey with them. I turned to Tanner and > said " Are you going to play or take a nap? " And he said " I'm going > to play " Not only that –but he played for hours and we then went to > see the movie Zathura so he didn't get to sleep until a bit after 9. > > Oh and on one other note even though this is slightly off topic of > this question –but in regards to our children's abilities being > misinterpreted. I was testing Tanner for a science test he is going > to have this week and was asking him what the " main control center > found in plant and animal cells " is called. He hesitated and I > wasn't sure if he knew it –then he said " Can I spell it? " And of > course he knew it/ spelled it correctly…and then I helped him motor > plan how to say the word " nucleus " . > > (Tanner has been mainstreamed since kindergarten -now in 3rd) > > > ===== > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 16, 2005 Report Share Posted November 16, 2005 -- Hi LIsa I just sent incomplete message to you by mistake, sorry. My son Avinash, he is getting speech therapr 3xwk individually in school(and private 2xwk) for Apraxia.SLP in school and private all are knowledgable and working hard with Avinash. Other than seeing neurologist, and two different neurodevelpom.(now we are following with one neurodevelop. regualarly every 6mths) who were not sure about him having PDD or not,I don't know if we should go see another different neurodevelop. or rather wait. In his last IEP, I was shown his latest school report,and he didn't meet most of his goals from last year, but according to his teacher (I trust her)he is definately making progress from last year. His teacher and SLP from school are also sure that he doesn't have PDD, which is very comfarting to hear.But according to his Neurodevelop he has some atypical behaviors seen in PDD,I just don't want to waste any time if he also has something else along with his apraxia,( as you said also it has to be right therapy for right diagnosis. His teacher has recommended me to observe him in the class room with other kids and see the difference in him since last year, and after that If still I don't agree with them about his progress then talk to his child study team to discuss about other options. I am happy for you about Tanner' progress, he is an amazing child. thanks Archana - In , " kiddietalk " <kiddietalk@y...> wrote: > > Hi Archana, > > Key for you outside medical/speech/OT professionals that you pay > for to help with diagnosis/placement/therapy recommendations and to > help oversee progress(or lack of!) is key. What does your son's private SLP > have to say? (if he has one- which I highly recommend) > > If he's making no progress in even just 6 months it's clear his > diagnosis is probably not accurate -thus goals/therapies are > probably all inappropriate. Then again, it could be inappropriate > therapy/placement in spite of appropriate diagnosis. This is why an > outside source is so important. For example your child could be > diagnosed as apraxic and the school may determine (incorrectly of > course) that two days a week of group therapy is appropriate. Your > son wouldn't progress even though the diagnosis is correct. As a > parent of a speech impaired child it's unfortunately many times up > to us almost alone to make sure both the diagnosis and the > therapy/goals and placement are all appropriate. This is why I say > to question diagnosis/therapy/placement when there is no progress > after 3 months…absolutely by 6 months! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 I don't know why they'd want genetics testing,I don't blame you for going out of your mind, I would be too. I want to say that it is not your daughters flat head that is the problem. The helmet should fit without a whole bunch of extra padding being needed. How old is your daughter? There can still be correction from a properly fitted helmet once the softsopt seems to have disappeared. My son's soft spot seemed to dissapear at 9 months and he had a doc band from 14- 18 months and he got really good correction. Haylee mom to Andre 20 months tort/DOC band #1 22/11/05 - 22/03/06 Lesly 20 months > > Well i took hannah to see her plastic surgen the other day and he gave > me some news that i really don't understand. he told me that hannah's > soft spot has closed and that he still wants her to stay in the helmet > for 2 months. he said he knows that there has not been a improvment in > the her head since she started wearing the band on march 15. He stated > that he wants her to continue with the PT and that when we go back he > wants to send her for a ct scan and a genetics testing. i don't > understand why. what does the genetics testing have to do with anything > then he said he is kinda iffy on doing the surgery on hannah becuase he > has never done that type of surgery on anyone. Do u think he is > throwing hints that she has craino thing. i am just conused and don't > even know what to think. the guy at hanger told he does not know if > there is a improvment in her head. the problem we r facing with the > band is that hannah's head is so flat in the back that we can't really > get the band to stay on right so he had to add a crap load of padding > to the back side. so can someone please explain this to me because i > am going out of my mind > thanks > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 Hi ,I'm sorry you are so confused. I totally understand why. I see red flags everywhere in your post. I am concerned. First the surgeon doesn't seem to have a lot of experience with Hannah's condition be it plagio or cranio. Also the helmet should fit properly (even a very flat head) without a lot of extra poadding - just like Haylee said. Now I have some questions? How old is Hannah? Some bands have been proven to work in infants up to 24 months of age. The soft spot may appear closed but is not actually closed - does that make sense? The sutures will most likely still be soft (which means they can be moved and the headshape corrected) unless she has cranio - which is premature fusing. Cranio is usually diagnosed before 6 months of age. Is the whole back of Hannah's head flat - like a brachy head shape? or is it just severe regular plagio Which clinic are you going to for her helmet? Where are you located? Are there any other providers in your area? Is insurance covering this or are you paying out of pocket? Would you be able to travel to another clinic that possibly some members here have had good results from? Was Hannah cast or scanned? How long between the cast/scan and the fitting? Were there ever any signs of a poor fit - shifts more than 1" in any direction, leaves red spots that don't fade in an hour? Now you said helmet versus band. Do you know if you have an active orthosis or a passive? The DOC, STAR, and Hanger bands are active (usually). The Hanger and STAR can be made to be passive. Most "local" helmets are passive. Passive relies soley on head growth and is best for infants under 6 months of age. An active band uses head growth combined with gently holding to correct the headshape. In an active band you should see noticable results in 1-2 weeks for an infant under 6 months and 2-3 weeks for an older infant. In a passive band it may take 4 weeks for a young infant and 4-8 weeks for an older (hence why they are not recommended for older infants). na, DOC Grad Feb 04Kiersten, DOC Grad April >> Well i took hannah to see her plastic surgen the other day and he gave > me some news that i really don't understand. he told me that hannah's > soft spot has closed and that he still wants her to stay in the helmet > for 2 months. he said he knows that there has not been a improvment in > the her head since she started wearing the band on march 15. He stated > that he wants her to continue with the PT and that when we go back he > wants to send her for a ct scan and a genetics testing. i don't > understand why. what does the genetics testing have to do with anything > then he said he is kinda iffy on doing the surgery on hannah becuase he > has never done that type of surgery on anyone. Do u think he is > throwing hints that she has craino thing. i am just conused and don't > even know what to think. the guy at hanger told he does not know if > there is a improvment in her head. the problem we r facing with the > band is that hannah's head is so flat in the back that we can't really > get the band to stay on right so he had to add a crap load of padding > to the back side. so can someone please explain this to me because i > am going out of my mind > thanks > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 monica, hannah is 9 months old she will be 10 months old on may 28. the insurance is covering everything. The type of band hannah is wearing is a hanger band. I am located in chesapeake virginia Yea i would most deffently be willing to travel to another clinic for my daughter. Hannah was scanned not casted. Hannah's helmet is a active. The ortho said it is applying mild pressure. Hannah got scanned at the end of feb and got her helmet fited on her head march 20th. The dr said hannah has severe plagio but the problem is she has been in the helmet for a while and we see not a big change in her head shape. We had her head x-rayed and the surgen was concerned about her soft spot but decided to wait it out and see if the helmet was going to do a change in the next 2 months. there are pics of hannah on the group page it should be hannah s. <monicash@...> wrote: Hi ,I'm sorry you are so confused. I totally understand why. I see red flags everywhere in your post. I am concerned. First the surgeon doesn't seem to have a lot of experience with Hannah's condition be it plagio or cranio. Also the helmet should fit properly (even a very flat head) without a lot of extra poadding - just like Haylee said. Now I have some questions? How old is Hannah? Some bands have been proven to work in infants up to 24 months of age. The soft spot may appear closed but is not actually closed - does that make sense? The sutures will most likely still be soft (which means they can be moved and the headshape corrected) unless she has cranio - which is premature fusing. Cranio is usually diagnosed before 6 months of age. Is the whole back of Hannah's head flat - like a brachy head shape? or is it just severe regular plagio Which clinic are you going to for her helmet? Where are you located? Are there any other providers in your area? Is insurance covering this or are you paying out of pocket? Would you be able to travel to another clinic that possibly some members here have had good results from? Was Hannah cast or scanned? How long between the cast/scan and the fitting? Were there ever any signs of a poor fit - shifts more than 1" in any direction, leaves red spots that don't fade in an hour? Now you said helmet versus band. Do you know if you have an active orthosis or a passive? The DOC, STAR, and Hanger bands are active (usually). The Hanger and STAR can be made to be passive. Most "local" helmets are passive. Passive relies soley on head growth and is best for infants under 6 months of age. An active band uses head growth combined with gently holding to correct the headshape. In an active band you should see noticable results in 1-2 weeks for an infant under 6 months and 2-3 weeks for an older infant. In a passive band it may take 4 weeks for a young infant and 4-8 weeks for an older (hence why they are not recommended for older infants). na, DOC Grad Feb 04Kiersten, DOC Grad April >> Well i took hannah to see her plastic surgen the other day and he gave > me some news that i really don't understand. he told me that hannah's > soft spot has closed and that he still wants her to stay in the helmet > for 2 months. he said he knows that there has not been a improvment in > the her head since she started wearing the band on march 15. He stated > that he wants her to continue with the PT and that when we go back he > wants to send her for a ct scan and a genetics testing. i don't > understand why. what does the genetics testing have to do with anything > then he said he is kinda iffy on doing the surgery on hannah becuase he > has never done that type of surgery on anyone. Do u think he is > throwing hints that she has craino thing. i am just conused and don't > even know what to think. the guy at hanger told he does not know if > there is a improvment in her head. the problem we r facing with the > band is that hannah's head is so flat in the back that we can't really > get the band to stay on right so he had to add a crap load of padding > to the back side. so can someone please explain this to me because i > am going out of my mind > thanks > > Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 hannah is alomost 10 months old. haylee204 <rascle204@...> wrote: I don't know why they'd want genetics testing,I don't blame you for going out of your mind, I would be too. I want to say that it is not your daughters flat head that is the problem. The helmet should fit without a whole bunch of extra padding being needed. How old is your daughter? There can still be correction from a properly fitted helmet once the softsopt seems to have disappeared. My son's soft spot seemed to dissapear at 9 months and he had a doc band from 14-18 months and he got really good correction.Hayleemom to Andre 20 months tort/DOC band #1 22/11/05 - 22/03/06 Lesly 20 months>> Well i took hannah to see her plastic surgen the other day and he gave > me some news that i really don't understand. he told me that hannah's > soft spot has closed and that he still wants her to stay in the helmet > for 2 months. he said he knows that there has not been a improvment in > the her head since she started wearing the band on march 15. He stated > that he wants her to continue with the PT and that when we go back he > wants to send her for a ct scan and a genetics testing. i don't > understand why. what does the genetics testing have to do with anything > then he said he is kinda iffy on doing the surgery on hannah becuase he > has never done that type of surgery on anyone. Do u think he is > throwing hints that she has craino thing. i am just conused and don't > even know what to think. the guy at hanger told he does not know if > there is a improvment in her head. the problem we r facing with the > band is that hannah's head is so flat in the back that we can't really > get the band to stay on right so he had to add a crap load of padding > to the back side. so can someone please explain this to me because i > am going out of my mind > thanks > > New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 If her spot spot has fused together too quickly, it could be a genetics issue. My son has a chromosome translocation and on on the bands that is missing, there is an increased risk of the skull fusing too quickly. He doesn't have it, but that could be a possiblitiy for the genetics testing. Trudy > > Well i took hannah to see her plastic surgen the other day and he gave > me some news that i really don't understand. he told me that hannah's > soft spot has closed and that he still wants her to stay in the helmet > for 2 months. he said he knows that there has not been a improvment in > the her head since she started wearing the band on march 15. He stated > that he wants her to continue with the PT and that when we go back he > wants to send her for a ct scan and a genetics testing. i don't > understand why. what does the genetics testing have to do with anything > then he said he is kinda iffy on doing the surgery on hannah becuase he > has never done that type of surgery on anyone. Do u think he is > throwing hints that she has craino thing. i am just conused and don't > even know what to think. the guy at hanger told he does not know if > there is a improvment in her head. the problem we r facing with the > band is that hannah's head is so flat in the back that we can't really > get the band to stay on right so he had to add a crap load of padding > to the back side. so can someone please explain this to me because i > am going out of my mind > thanks > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 10, 2006 Report Share Posted July 10, 2006 For more information you should check out the Older Plagio website: OlderPlag/ confused Hi, just wondered if anyone could help me, my 26month old has quite a flat head but was bearly noticable when he was younger is he to old to get treatment and does it have to be severe to get it? For more plagio info Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 10, 2006 Report Share Posted July 10, 2006 Hello. To the best of my knowledge places will only band a child up to 24 months of age. I see you were already referred to the other group of parents with older plagio kids. They may be able to help you more as far as options of treatment available to older kids. Good luck Jen (23 mo), tort resolved, Hanger Band Grad (4.5 years) > > Hi, just wondered if anyone could help me, my 26month old has quite a > flat head but was bearly noticable when he was younger is he to old to > get treatment and does it have to be severe to get it? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 11, 2006 Report Share Posted July 11, 2006 Many places will say it is too late to treat after 24 months with helmet therapy. However, I am pretty sure some places will band a child after this age if the parents REALLY want it. At a younger age a child who is mild, moderate or sever could benefit from helmet therapy. There are some other alternative therapies that some people use to try to help correct the head shape such as Cranial Sacral Therapy which you can read about at the upledger intitute website. It is quite contriversial as to whether or not it works. It seems to work for some and not for others. You would also want to make sure that if there is torticollis involved that it was addressed although I'm not sure how you'd do that as I can't find anyone to help my son with his tort. Haylee mom to Andre 22 months tort/doc band #1 22/11/05 doc band #2 21/6/06 & Lesly 22 months > > Hi, just wondered if anyone could help me, my 26month old has quite a > flat head but was bearly noticable when he was younger is he to old to > get treatment and does it have to be severe to get it? > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2006 Report Share Posted October 9, 2006 MIA = Missing in Action (military term) > > what does the term MIA mean? I tried to google this but failed. > Loreta > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2006 Report Share Posted October 9, 2006 Oh - just using the acronym for " missing in action " . > > what does the term MIA mean? I tried to google this but failed. > Loreta > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2006 Report Share Posted October 9, 2006 ===== Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2006 Report Share Posted October 9, 2006 MIA = Missing in Action (military term) > > what does the term MIA mean? I tried to google this but failed. > Loreta > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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