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When ’s mother brought him to homeopath Sujata Owens, RS Hom., he had

suffered from severe constipation since birth. In fact, during his first 4

months of life, had almost no bowel movements. When he saw Dr. Owens

for the first time, , age 7, had a condition conventional medicine

called congenital megacolon or Hirschsprung’s disease. A portion of his

large intestine lacked the nerve endings necessary to produce peristalsis,

or muscular movements leading towards evacuation.

’s symptoms included bloating, vomiting, sharp, twisting, cramping

pains in his abdomen, and frequent, painful urination. On the average, he

moved his bowels only once a week and only after great effort. He was always

exhausted; he looked sad, rarely smiled, and had little interest in

anything; he had difficulty learning, was underweight, sucked his thumb

constantly, wet his bed at night, had poor appetite, and was nervous. “He is

a quiet, shy boy with very low energy,” says Dr. Owens. He had undergone

numerous conventional medical tests and procedures, including ultrasound,

surgery, and antibiotics, and frequent short-term hospitalization for pain

attacks, but benefited very little from any of it, ’s mother reported.

Dr. Owens prescribed a single medium-potency dose of Plumbum Metallicum

200c, which is homeopathic lead. Two weeks later in a follow-up

consultation, Dr. Owens judged the results to be “excellent, with 80%

improvement.” was a changed boy: he was talkative, energetic,

mentally alert, enjoying 1-3 bowel movements every day; he was free of

abdominal pain, vomiting, and bedwetting; his appetite was good and he

urinated without any pain.

Dr. Owens gave no further remedies at all, and saw him again in 6

months. She admitted that even she was “amazed” at the changes in

personality and physical health she observed. had gained weight and

grown taller; his bowel movements continued to be regular; his interest in

life was vigorous, and he appeared mature and confident, said Dr. Owens.

SOURCE Sujata Owens, LCEH (Bom), RS Hom (NA), “A Case of Severe Constipation

with Colic and Congenital Deformities,” Small Remedies & Interesting Cases

VII, Proceedings of the 1995 Professional Case Conference, Edited by

King, N.D., et al, International Foundation for Homeopathy, 2366 Eastlake

East, Suite 325, Seattle, WA 98102; tel: 206-324-8230.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

Try upping your Vitamin C intake to deal with constipation. It is a natural

laxative. It's completely non-toxic as well - if you take too much, the

only side effect is... diarrhea!


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  • 5 months later...

Thanks for the info. I was planning on ordering more intestinal

formula #1. Is there a site where I can see what other products I can

order to get the free intestinal formula?


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  • 2 months later...
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Dr. recommends Cascara Sagrada for short term relief. My wife

tried it and reported excellent results.



> I am wondering what would be the best way to handle constipation? My

> system is wacked so most things like prunes and herbs that SHOULD

> help me make me worse. but i have been taking a pill that is

> constiapting me and I want relief from the gas and bloated feelings.

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I'm very much against giving yourself an enema for constipation. All it will do is clean you out (if it works) but it will not move your bowels and you'd have the same problem in a few days again.

How are you on taking Vitamin C? If you take none, then try taking 1 tablet of 1 gram (1000 mg) with every meal you take. If you already take around that amount, double it today and tripple it tomorrow. (You might end up with a little diarhea, which you shouldn't worry about at this point.) Note: don't use time-released vitamin C.

Additionally, take a tablespoon of psyllium husks with 2 glasses of water (put it in the first glass, drink it and then drink another glass right after), 2 times a day, not at meal times.

good luck,


At 22:04 10/4/2001 EDT, you wrote:


> There is always an enema too.


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In a message dated 4/10/1 9:04:26 PM, jackcarrie@... writes:

<< I am wondering what would be the best way to handle constipation? My

system is wacked so most things like prunes and herbs that SHOULD

help me make me worse. but i have been taking a pill that is

constiapting me and I want relief from the gas and bloated feelings. >>

There's a product from Sunrider called Slim Caps which is phenomenal.

Everyone I know is raving about it. Cleanses the colon beautifully. It's a

complete whole food herbal formula.


P.S. Stop settling for the Sub'herbs. Visit Radiant-Health,

the new Herb'n' Development where health-smart people live!

<A HREF= " http://www.radiant-health.com/ " >Click here: Radiant Health</A>


Blake, your personal guide through the fitness maze.

Independent SunRider Distributor since 1985

Herbal Products for YOUR Health, Fitness, Beauty & Energy

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On Wed, 11 Apr 2001 01:03:55 -0000, jackcarrie@... wrote in


>I am wondering what would be the best way to handle constipation? My

>system is wacked so most things like prunes and herbs that SHOULD

>help me make me worse. but i have been taking a pill that is

>constiapting me and I want relief from the gas and bloated feelings.

Constipation is in nearly all cases a diet and lifestyle error (if not

a serious medical intestine problem is present).

The way to correct it forever is a diet and lifestyle change. You need

a diet rich in fibre (wheat bran, vegetables, fruits, full grain products),

lots of liquid, and regular exercise or outdoor work.

If you are not used to any of these things, increase them gently,

not at once, then your system should be able to tolerate them!


Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training


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<< Homozon is great for constipation. And when you complete the

parasite cleanse, you will not experience bloating and gas. My

experience anyway. pj


PJ, I have done her cleanses since Nov and still have the bloating.As a

matter of fact more so.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

> I am wondering what would be the best way to handle constipation? My

> system is wacked so most things like prunes and herbs that SHOULD

> help me make me worse. but i have been taking a pill that is

> constiapting me and I want relief from the gas and bloated feelings.

Here is an excellent article for you:


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My two cents worth on this subject over and above what has been already

said, most importantly as has been stated is to eat high fiber and do some

exersize each day:

Also, cell hydration, which has not been mentioned that I noticed. Cell

hydration, specifically colon cells, has much more to it than just drinking

enough pure water ever day. Especially after flushes or detoxifying of any

type. Flushing will remove some minerals and electrolytes from the body and

will thus upset the balence of the cells in the body's ability to stay

properly hydrated. Even drinking lots of water a day can upset the natural

electrolyte balence. Adequate water is essential to get toxins out of the

body. The solution is to get some natural minerals and electrolytes back

into the body at a higher than normal intake rate (not to get too carried

away of course - the body can only incorporate them so fast). I use Celtic

Sea Salt each day in an amount that makes my food taste good - not overly

salty. At first I took a teaspoonfull in a glass of water a day for about a

week to get things started. This seems to help with the elimination which

otherwise is not great with me. I can drink a gallon of water a day and

still have dry skin. If I take the adequate amount of sea salt every day

the problem is much less. My skin seems to indicate the dryness of the

tissue inside of me. If our colon has dry " skin " we get constipated. I'm

no expert on the subject, but from what I can read, it seems that

unprocessed sea salt (sundried and shipped to me - the color is gray to

green) compared to store bought salt (iodized sodium cloride) is like

comparing eating fruit to eating white sugar. There just isn't a close

comparison. The body can use salt and sugar in their natural state better

than in their processed unnatural state. The bottom line: I don't worry

about overdosing on the sea salt any more than I worry about eating too much


Another thing I learned on the Colloidal Silver list is that during

research, according to Bradley, they found that adequate amounts of

sulfer containing compounds taken daily allowed superior cell hydration.

Older people who had not found any other means of obtaining natural bowel

habits took from 1-3 grams of glucosamine powder a day, split up into three

doses, and their bowel health was very quickly restored. This was due to

the cells being able to obtain and retain adequate moisture to function


Hope this helps someone. It has helped me.

Vince Richter

>From: jackcarrie@...



>Subject: Constipation

>Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 01:03:55 -0000


>I am wondering what would be the best way to handle constipation? My

>system is wacked so most things like prunes and herbs that SHOULD

>help me make me worse. but i have been taking a pill that is

>constiapting me and I want relief from the gas and bloated feelings.




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  • 3 months later...


I called VRP and was running my supplement list by them. We too are

experiencing slight constipation issues.

I explained that we were taking 1 Culturelle and 2 Kirkmans Pro-Bio Gold in

addition to her other supplements. They stated that I should reduce the

amount of probiotics that she is taking for a couple of weeks and should see

results. There reason for saying this is that they are strong probiotics and

could cause this reaction.

What does everyone else think of this response?


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  • 2 weeks later...

, I had the same problem with my bowels. I took Psyllium

and it never worked. I took so much of it in orange juice that


eventually made me gag and I couldn't swallow it anymore.

Remember when we where trying the candida purge? I bought

the loose psyllium seeds and husks-ground. I put them in my own

capsules because buying them was too expensive. Ok, this purge

did not do much for moving my bowels as I would like, but it didn't

constipate me like it did you.

I stopped the purge and continued taking the fiber capsules I made.

Then I began taking slippery elm capsules with each meal, and still

drinking lots of water, and I am getting movements.

I must contribute the movements I am getting to the recent use of

Homozon. It cleaned me out really nice, but it took about 3


before I saw any results. I would like you to try doing this


or one of the similar ones. Or try again on the colonics.

Some of the similar products to Homozon is Bioxy and Oxy-cleanse.

They are magnesium based products but they are different.


they work similar. These can be used without a strict fast. But

I found

when I took this, that my desire to eat diminished. So I ate light,


meat, mostly vegetables and fruit-very little.

You are going to have to tackle this bowel thing in one way or


I don't know If you can get the product in your area. If not, write


off list. I could send you a can of Homozon to try. Donna on

this other

lists sells it really cheap and I would really like to see you get


with your symptoms.

My bowels haven't been moving right for the past 6 years. I am now


BM's everyday. But only with continued fiber and slippery elm


I still take Homozon for a few days and then stop for 1 week. When I


took it I tried it for 2 weeks on and then 2 weeks off. I have moved


black stool and lots of mucus. Since my eyes arent paining behind

them and

I can only take Homozon for 3 days at a time. It makes me very

tired. What

is good news is that the tiredness is a sign that I am absorbing the


Remember before I took it for 2 weeks? Not now! I wish you good


and a good try at cleaning out your gut one way or another. And lets

talk about

it. :)

Liz D

--- rabbitbrain@...

--- EarthLink: It's your Internet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone out there used hydrogen pyroxide therapy? Or has anyone ever

used Michohyden?Also how did any of you find out you had leaky gut

syndrome? The Nd that we are taking our 9 year old to said that he had it

and found out through a live blood analysis. I was suspecting the yeast

problem and he showed me the yeast problem was there.

please answer this someone/

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I took oral hydrogen peroxide. Made me more constipated

than ever. My bowels felt like sandpaper and would never

do it again. It must kill off good bacteria as well as bad.

However, some people don't get this response. Why? I


know. I wish it worked for me.

Tell me what Michohyden is.

Leaky gut, I know I have it. Allergies and having candida for


long. Breaking out in my skin, permanent blemished after eating

milk product. Like ice cream. I don't know how they can


by blood analysis, this is interesting.




Has anyone out there used hydrogen pyroxide therapy? Or has

anyone ever

used Michohyden?Also how did any of you find out you had leaky gut

syndrome? The Nd that we are taking our 9 year old to said that he had


and found out through a live blood analysis. I was suspecting the


problem and he showed me the yeast problem was there.

please answer this someone/

--- rabbitbrain@...


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  • 3 weeks later...


Just wanted to make you aware that iron causes constipation.

I have a big problem finding supplements that doesn't throw in

tons of iron. I don't need it and my gut doesn't want it. So

look over your supplements to see if you are receiving a high

content of iron. Reduce that.

I take 2 slippery elm caps and 2 fiber caps with each meal, fiber from

ground psyllium husk. Metamusile didn't work for me at all. I


my gallbladder is slowing my system down, I was wondering if it

is so with you? I don't get gallbladder attacks but I do get a


ball of pressure under my right ribcage. Soon after that


areas around my bowel feel pinchy and painful, mildly. When I

take the slippery elm, after 20 minutes all these areas are relieved.

So that is why I suspect my gallbladder.

Also do you have candida overgrowth in the gut? This will be a


battle of getting your system to move and then watching come to a

dead stop. I turn to using the Homozon at these times and each


I get an episode of die-off. My last dosage that I took gave me


surge of die-off that even went through my face. This was


and long hoped for. However it only happened once. I am

desiring it

to happen again with the next run on the supplement.

Please look into anything that can contribute to your system slowing

down at all. Like foods, dairy can cause constipation, peanuts,


and there are herbs that we take for one aliment but it is also a


for diarrhea, in turn your left constipated. Check into


medication that could be slowing you down. I have been


because I don't know, how much the liver may be involved with this.

If it is not functioning properly could this contribute to constipation


So far the doctors don't venture that far into science. The best they


to offer me was fiber, water, exercise and a colon test. Then it was


prescription laxative. That is all! I guess they want us to

take their laxatives

until we develop disease of our colon so they can then cut it out and


it. Constipation solved in their eyes. When I went to school

when I was

young the word " Science " held such big meaning to me. Because

with science

there is no end to study on a subject. Our education system just

placed science

at a dead end.

Liz D




You have done so much cleaning out. I assume you are

eating lots of fresh

fruits and veges. Is that true.

Yes mom:-)) I do . Veggie juicing too.


Perhaps it is your pancreas. Not enough digestive enzymes.


Do that too. Pancreatin and other. Also acidophilus.

The only way I can control the constipation is with Fiberblend, which I


twice a day and DR Schulz's # 1 at night. But both products do have cascara

and I don't know how bad that is long term. I have been on it since


I will check out the herbs.

Thanks Donna


--- rabbitbrain@...


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Christel, We are living in the same world. :)

Liz D



Liz, thank you for your kind concern. I am aware of the constipation iron


cause and do avoid it.

At the moment I am only taking Primal Defense, Fiberblend.Dr Schulz's #1.

Supplements I reduced to CC, Colostrum, a multi, B complex, adrenal

support,vit C and that is it for now. I have 2 cabinets full of supplements

that I don't take anymore. I still do the homozon in small doses. I was on

that protocol not long ago. Was up to 10 tsp a day. And yes, I do have

candida and have been fighting it for years. Psyllium is something I cannot

take, it totally clogs me up. No matter how much water I drink,.

I do not have pain but have that tight pressure feeling under my


ribcage. The slippery elm capsules never helped that.

I do not eat bread or dairy. Just Kefir.No prescriptions whatsoever.

That is what the doctors gave me but I trashed it.

It's a mystery to me Liz. I have been fighting constipation for almost 10

years. This tightness in my upper abdomen is a new one on me.

One day I will figure out what it is. The living guinea pig. Try this, if


does not work, try this etc.


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In a message dated 10/04/2001 7:10:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

michael93003@... writes:

<< I finally ended my problems with constipation by

simple drinking quantites of water, two to four quarts

a day...It's amazing how sometimes the simplest cures

are the best.


Sorry Micheal but that never did and still does not work for me. I drink

water by the gallon,


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I finally ended my problems with constipation by

simple drinking quantites of water, two to four quarts

a day...It's amazing how sometimes the simplest cures

are the best.

--- Jeep Lover <windjeep@...> wrote:

> I have been battling constipation for 12 years. I

> have

> found that rotating products works best as my bowels

> and body build up a tolerance and some things

> nauseate

> me. I have been taking cascara sagrada for about

> three

> years. I beleive it has had a healing effect. It

> used

> t take 4 capsules for me to have a bm. When taken

> regularly, along with mild cleanses and other health

> products, I can now take 1-2 cascara sagrada and

> have

> a bm. This, please note, is when I am taking them

> regularly. Them make me nauseous, so some times i

> stop

> takng them for a few weeks. When I start up again I

> am

> usually consitpated or impacted so it takes a few to

> get started. However, they are the one product that

> consistently works and has no bad side effects. I

> would say that I probably took 2 tablets every other

> day during my peak usage periods. When using arise

> and

> shine i use them a little more frequently. Good

> luck.

> robin ( previously proverbs333)

> --- Christelti@... wrote:

> > I have used Fiberblend from Aims for 3 month now

> and

> > am very happy with it.

> > It does contain cascara segrada which I was told

> is

> > not good to take for long

> > periods of time.

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Perhaps my diet also has a bit to do with it, I eat no grains (wheat

rye etc) and including rice and corn, I removed these grains from my

diet at about the same time I started with the water. I consider

myself fortunate, as I had the problem for over ten years---

all the best

bowel cleanse@y..., Christelti@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 10/04/2001 7:10:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> michael93003@y... writes:


> << I finally ended my problems with constipation by

> simple drinking quantites of water, two to four quarts

> a day...It's amazing how sometimes the simplest cures

> are the best.

> >>

> Sorry Micheal but that never did and still does not work for me. I


> water by the gallon,

> Christel

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Christel and ,

Constipation is a natural reaction of the body to a depletion in

electrolytes. , try adding some multiminerals to the water you

drink and I am sure you will be even better (floating stools, 3

movements/day etc.). Water usually has minerals, and the best supply

of them is juices but I suspect many of us are really lacking them.

Another symptom of mineral shortage is cravings and an effort to keep

our normal diets right. It is interesting that the (famous in Europe)

Mayr therapy begins with a water fast with electrolytes. The people

who have followed it experience hunger only for the first 24-36 hrs.

Electrolytes are the body's first priority. The body chooses to

constipate the gut and poison itself because it needs minerals as

much as possible. When minerals are consumed and the balance is

restored the body relaxes and starts to release the " old " water and

salts for the new. The detox is then really working. As I have said

in a previous message I lost the greatest part of my love handles

(and they continue to shrink - I really believe they will dissapear)

just by restoring this balance (Cellulite also comes to my mind - the

Mayr therapists also speak about elimination of cellulite).

All the best to all,

> > In a message dated 10/04/2001 7:10:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> > michael93003@y... writes:

> >

> > << I finally ended my problems with constipation by

> > simple drinking quantites of water, two to four quarts

> > a day...It's amazing how sometimes the simplest cures

> > are the best.

> > >>

> > Sorry Micheal but that never did and still does not work for me.


> drink

> > water by the gallon,

> > Christel

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Excellent, I'll do it and let you know.

--- michael758@... wrote:

> Christel and ,


> Constipation is a natural reaction of the body to

> a depletion in

> electrolytes. , try adding some multiminerals

> to the water you

> drink and I am sure you will be even better

> (floating stools, 3

> movements/day etc.). Water usually has minerals, and

> the best supply

> of them is juices but I suspect many of us are

> really lacking them.

> Another symptom of mineral shortage is cravings and

> an effort to keep

> our normal diets right. It is interesting that the

> (famous in Europe)

> Mayr therapy begins with a water fast with

> electrolytes. The people

> who have followed it experience hunger only for the

> first 24-36 hrs.

> Electrolytes are the body's first priority. The body

> chooses to

> constipate the gut and poison itself because it

> needs minerals as

> much as possible. When minerals are consumed and the

> balance is

> restored the body relaxes and starts to release the

> " old " water and

> salts for the new. The detox is then really working.

> As I have said

> in a previous message I lost the greatest part of my

> love handles

> (and they continue to shrink - I really believe they

> will dissapear)

> just by restoring this balance (Cellulite also comes

> to my mind - the

> Mayr therapists also speak about elimination of

> cellulite).

> All the best to all,








> > > In a message dated 10/04/2001 7:10:34 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> > > michael93003@y... writes:

> > >

> > > << I finally ended my problems with constipation

> by

> > > simple drinking quantites of water, two to four

> quarts

> > > a day...It's amazing how sometimes the simplest

> cures

> > > are the best.

> > > >>

> > > Sorry Micheal but that never did and still does

> not work for me.

> I

> > drink

> > > water by the gallon,

> > > Christel




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