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> My child used to have the diarrhea and poop alot. I have started him

on the

> enzymes (AFP-Zyme Prime) and he only poops every couple days. Is

this good?

Depends. Are the bms large, or normal size? Does he have a hard time

pushing them out?

My son has a bm about every 36-48 hours. This is what his body needs.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Sondra,

thank you so much for posting this!


on 7/23/04 9:44 AM, smooth0530 at smooth0530@... wrote:

Hi All,

There is something important I want to tell everyone.

I posted a few months ago in distress because I was having

difficulty eliminating. I was always full of gas and got to the

point where I could not only NOT pass stool, I could not pass gas.

I also had grave difficulty getting the water back out from an enema

or colonic.

I've been going to doctors for three years begging for help and they

kept telling me to increase my fiber, water and exercise. I have

done all that with no success. Most days I take more fiber in a day

than most people get in a week. I drink a gallon of water a day and

I walk 2-3 miles 5 days a week and lift weights 2-3 days a week.

I'm an active person, but this colon issue was getting me down.

I went to the emergency room last month absolutely positive that I

had a bowel obstruction. I was afraid I had a tumor because I knew

it was not normal to not be able to release water from an enema.

X-rays, a lower GI study, and a colon transit study was done. After

all tests were completed, it was determined that I had no

obstruction. It was true that I have a LOT of colon (more than

normal) and my colon is doing a couple 360 degree loops, but there

was no obstruction.

I was happy there was no tumor, but still frustrated of why I could

not eliminate. FINALLY (after 3 years), a colo-rectal surgeon

suggested he thinks I might have this condition called " Anismus " .

This is where the muscle above the anal sphincter contracts instead

of relaxes when you are trying to have a BM or pass gas. The

contracted muscle completely blocks the passage in the colon - so

you can push till the cows come home, but stool will only get

impacted up against the colon wall. The muscle blocks the ability

to get the stool to the rectum. (So in a way - it IS a bowel

obstruction). The bad news is there is no cure for this condition,

but the good news is biofeedback to retrain this muscle is 60%


I have now had 5 biofeedback treatments and I'm doing much better.

I know I have a ways to go yet, but I feel so relieved to finally

know what I'm dealing with. Most gastroenterologist are not even

aware of this condition. This has been a nightmare for me - I've

done so many cleanses that my middle name should be " cleanse " . :o)

Please pass the word about this condition " Anismus " . It is not in

too many medical books, but you can find information on the

internet - I typed it in a Google search. You can also search

on " obstructed defecation " .

Sorry for the length of the message, but I want to get the word out

since it is still a big secret to most of the medical practitioners.

Thanks for reading,




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

> I'm not much of a writer. But I would just like to add my 2 cents on

> the matter. First Magnesium Oxide or Citrate is awesome to relief,

> some get great relief from taking minerals, I take liquid trace

> minerals, totally gross but very effect plus it puts your body in a

> alkaline state as soon as you take them,

The reason mag oxide or citrate works to relieve constipation is that

it is poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. If you want to absorb

your minerals better you'll be attending to bowel dysbiosis, which

drives the bowel pH a bit too high for ionising and absorbing

minerals. The correct bowel flora drive pH low to proper levels for

ionisation. Without them, your whole well being is compromised.

Depending on the type of the liquid minerals the second statement

could be true; in some of them the ionisation is already performed.

You still need vitamin D for example for absorption of calcium, one

of your main alkalizing minerals.

> Unless your really sick then no holds bar, drop

> to your knees and cry out, Jesus is listening He can heal. And you

> can do everything in your power to help yourself, but not without

> Him!

Praying will not correct your bowel bacteria, but by generally

following the examples of the ancient diets you'd get almost enough

inulin in your diet to increase good bowel bacteria. More recent

information on it is on my website, locatable through my



Duncan Crow


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Guest guest

> Oh, sorry I forgot to mention the good ole vit.C flush some, say they

> went up to 35 Grams or 35000 mg you can take 500 mg every 15 to 30

> min. til you have relief, never tried it but it is great for swelling

> and so many other things that could help, plus mix it up see what

> works, remember no 2 people are the same. We all have our own thumb

> print and our own healing herb out there. absorbic acid is the same

> as vit. C Blessings from me in KY.

Constipation is a chronic condition; you can immediately relieve it

with certain products, but that does not correct the underlying

cause. The cause can be low water intake, certain drugs, or not

enough inulin in the diet, which allows constipating or diarrhea-

causing bacteria to proliferate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, too, had one son with loose stools and one with terrible

constipation, but the same thing fixed them both: a gluten and casein

free diet, which we now supplement with Peptizyde and No-Fenol. We

spent ten years of useless hospital visits trying to find what was wrong

with my poor, starving, constipated son and nothing helped. They

pooh-poohed (sorry for the pun) the idea of gfcf, but we had the boys

tested for gluten intolerance, which showed positive, and started it

anyway. It has done the trick and has also got rid of the horrible

itchy rash my son suffered from which had been diagnosed as chicken pox

five times, and then flea bites!

Before the gfcf 'fix' the best thing we found for shifting the

constipation was 'Movicol'. You take it as a drink and it sort of

dissolves away the blockages. It's much kinder, as well as more

effective, than anything else we tried.


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" > He really is in bad pain when going to the toilet any suggestions

> please, at the moment he is on probiotics, SNT, TMG and Colostrum

> also Taurine, none of this has had the dramatic effects seen in his

> brother.

> Thanks in advance.

> Vicky. "

Enzymes cleared up my dd's constipation. We have tried about every

diet and nothing worked until enzymes. Some supps caused an initial

loose stool, but then we were back to the constipation a few days

later. With enzymes we have been constipation free for over a month.


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Ojibwa tea has worked wonders for some in facilitating that initial bowel

regularity we need. Some even notice an increase appetite once the

impaction/infection is gone.



> I am always posting questions for my 7yr old who has had terrible gut

> problems, his brother who is 9yrs old and HFA suffers from terrible

> constipation, the exact opposite to his brother.

> All the things I have done with the younger one have been great for

> his runny BMs but I dont know what to do with the other one, he is

> intolerant of fruit.

> He really is in bad pain when going to the toilet any suggestions

> please, at the moment he is on probiotics, SNT, TMG and Colostrum

> also Taurine, none of this has had the dramatic effects seen in his

> brother.

> Thanks in advance.

> Vicky.







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, would very much appreciate the information as to the brand of Ojibwa

tea that you use and where you purchased the product. Best wishes, Sam.




> >

> > I am always posting questions for my 7yr old who has had terrible gut

> > problems, his brother who is 9yrs old and HFA suffers from terrible

> > constipation, the exact opposite to his brother.

> > All the things I have done with the younger one have been great for

> > his runny BMs but I dont know what to do with the other one, he is

> > intolerant of fruit.

> > He really is in bad pain when going to the toilet any suggestions

> > please, at the moment he is on probiotics, SNT, TMG and Colostrum

> > also Taurine, none of this has had the dramatic effects seen in his

> > brother.

> > Thanks in advance.

> > Vicky.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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No problem. I purchase Ojibwa tea from a woman named , who lives in

Colorado. She also distributes a great probiotic called Perfect Colon. Her

phone number is 303-322-7930.


> >

> >

> > >

> > > I am always posting questions for my 7yr old who has had terrible gut

> > > problems, his brother who is 9yrs old and HFA suffers from terrible

> > > constipation, the exact opposite to his brother.

> > > All the things I have done with the younger one have been great for

> > > his runny BMs but I dont know what to do with the other one, he is

> > > intolerant of fruit.

> > > He really is in bad pain when going to the toilet any suggestions

> > > please, at the moment he is on probiotics, SNT, TMG and Colostrum

> > > also Taurine, none of this has had the dramatic effects seen in his

> > > brother.

> > > Thanks in advance.

> > > Vicky.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Try adding magnesium - especially if he drinks a lot of milk.


I am always posting questions for my 7yr old who has had terrible gut

problems, his brother who is 9yrs old and HFA suffers from terrible

constipation, the exact opposite to his brother.

All the things I have done with the younger one have been great for

his runny BMs but I dont know what to do with the other one, he is

intolerant of fruit.

He really is in bad pain when going to the toilet any suggestions

please, at the moment he is on probiotics, SNT, TMG and Colostrum

also Taurine, none of this has had the dramatic effects seen in his


Thanks in advance.


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What is Movicol and where do you find it?

> I, too, had one son with loose stools and one with terrible

> constipation, but the same thing fixed them both: a gluten and casein

> free diet, which we now supplement with Peptizyde and No-Fenol. We

> spent ten years of useless hospital visits trying to find what was


> with my poor, starving, constipated son and nothing helped. They

> pooh-poohed (sorry for the pun) the idea of gfcf, but we had the boys

> tested for gluten intolerance, which showed positive, and started it

> anyway. It has done the trick and has also got rid of the horrible

> itchy rash my son suffered from which had been diagnosed as chicken pox

> five times, and then flea bites!


> Before the gfcf 'fix' the best thing we found for shifting the

> constipation was 'Movicol'. You take it as a drink and it sort of

> dissolves away the blockages. It's much kinder, as well as more

> effective, than anything else we tried.


> Sara

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mibenmnky wrote:

>What is Movicol and where do you find it?




It's a prescription medicine which we were given by the children's

hospital in Manchester, UK. Normally, it seems to be used for the

long-term disabled or bedridden, who can get very blocked through lack

of general movement. It is made by a company called Norgine and says on

the packet that it contains:polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium chloride,

sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride and acesulfame K.


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  • 1 month later...

The first time I tried enzymes with my daughter I also thought she

was getting constipated from them. That was 9 months ago and I never

did figure out if that's what it was. We tried enzymes about 5

months ago again and didn't have any problems. This time when we

started I went extremely slow-1/8 cap at one meal for several days,

then added it to another meal, etc. Then when I had that at each meal

we increased it to 1/4 at one meal and worked up to all meals, etc.

Very long process but it worked. She did have a lot of gas at

first. So you may want to take a break, let his system stabilize,

then try again. We use magnesium citrate every day to prevent

constipation in my daughter.

Best Wishes!


> Hi. I had my son Zachary on the SCD ZP and the AFP Pep for about 2

> weeks but had to stop using them about 2 weeks ago due to major

> constipation. For the first time ever, we had to use laxatives,

> suppositories and a couple of enemas to enable him to use the potty

> after 6 days of no BMs.


> I am totally depressed about this because we have been on SCD for 1

> year now and I just cannot deal with having my son on this diet any

> longer. It wouldn't be so bad, but he is severely allergic to nuts

> so there are very few treats he can have and he's really getting to

> the age where he's feeling left out when all the other kids have

> something.


> It was definitely the enzymes that caused the constipation. I


> it was the AFP Pep in particular. Has anybody ever had this


> to the enzymes and been able to work through it?


> The interesting thing is that the week after we went off the


> he had one of his best weeks ever. He'd been pretty grouchy and


> himself while on the enzymes. For the first time in a long time,


> was having social issues with the other kids. I'm not sure if this

> was just an adjustment or if the enzymes just are not for him.



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Hi Becky -

Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe it's just that I went too

fast. I worked up pretty slowly to 1/2 cap of the zp and pep, but

then I was anxious to get up to the full dose so I went from 1/2 cap

of each to a full cap of each within a couple of days. This is when

the constipation occurred.

I'm going to wait a while and then maybe try the pep again by


Thanks again!

This time when we

> started I went extremely slow-1/8 cap at one meal for several days,

> then added it to another meal, etc. Then when I had that at each


> we increased it to 1/4 at one meal and worked up to all meals,


> Very long process but it worked.

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Can't remember your original post- We tried the pep the first time

and the next time we tried enzymes I used the SCD afp. After she was

adjusted to all the enzymes I tried to slowly switch her to the pep

and after a month of defiant behavior I dropped the pep and stayed

with the afp and have had my happy daughter back.

Best Wishes


> Hi Becky -


> Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe it's just that I went


> fast. I worked up pretty slowly to 1/2 cap of the zp and pep, but

> then I was anxious to get up to the full dose so I went from 1/2


> of each to a full cap of each within a couple of days. This is


> the constipation occurred.


> I'm going to wait a while and then maybe try the pep again by

> itself.


> Thanks again!




> This time when we

> > started I went extremely slow-1/8 cap at one meal for several


> > then added it to another meal, etc. Then when I had that at each

> meal

> > we increased it to 1/4 at one meal and worked up to all meals,

> etc.

> > Very long process but it worked.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Eileen - with my son his thyroid was so under active his body

Temp was never higher than 96.4 even walking around. This slows

down the metabolism and bowel movement.. the thyroid controls when

and how we use energy so crashes are a sign also...I can help more

if you are intrested. My 2Cents Ann


> I have a question because my son's bowel habits are less frequent

> also. What do you do for constipation. I still havent gotten the

> candex and culturelle and I was hoping this would help him.

> Anything I can do in the meantime. Thanks Eileen

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> I have a question because my son's bowel habits are less frequent

> also. What do you do for constipation.

My page of ideas


" Less frequent " does not necessarily mean " constipation " . It might

just mean he is properly digesting the food now.

Are the bms large or hard or difficult to pass? Or just not as frequent?


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Actually I do not no the size or consistency since he's been on the enzymes.

He toilets himself and only tells me after he's gone and of course I could

smell it a mile away. Now-No smell at all, so Im guessing he is not going.

He says " DID POOPS " (not when asked) when he thinks he is in trouble. Dont

know why or where that has come from but that started years ago. The best I

can figure with that one is that He thinks it makes me happy and that must

go back to toilet training and all the years of horrible constipation before

he had the secretin infusions 4 years ago. More frequent bowels started

after secretin, soft and smelly, but Im much the same way. This is great.

What a conversation and all of you understand. Eileen He is also eating

less, which is fine with me because the risperdal gave him a huge appetite

and 60lbs.

>From: " danasview " <danasview@...>



>Subject: Re: Constipation

>Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 14:16:23 -0000




> >

> > I have a question because my son's bowel habits are less frequent

> > also. What do you do for constipation.



>My page of ideas




> " Less frequent " does not necessarily mean " constipation " . It might

>just mean he is properly digesting the food now.


>Are the bms large or hard or difficult to pass? Or just not as frequent?








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At 07:17 AM 10/31/2004, you wrote:

>Actually I do not no the size or consistency since he's been on the enzymes.

> He toilets himself and only tells me after he's gone and of course I could

>smell it a mile away. Now-No smell at all, so Im guessing he is not going.

My 4yo finally got trained after going GFCF, when he eats only food he

tolerates his poops don't smell and they are not messy so he has no problem

wiping himself, going on his merry way and not telling anyone. My guess is

he is going poop, but his body if finally working properly so he doesn't

have to wipe too much, they don't smell and he doesn't think it important

enough to tell anybody.

If he was constipated you would know as he would spend a lot of time siting

on the toilet...


near LAX

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Hi Ann-Ive had his thyroid checked a few times. Always fine. Thanks,


>From: " anncrow49740 " <anncrow@...>



>Subject: Re: Constipation

>Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:34:28 -0000



>Hello Eileen - with my son his thyroid was so under active his body

>Temp was never higher than 96.4 even walking around. This slows

>down the metabolism and bowel movement.. the thyroid controls when

>and how we use energy so crashes are a sign also...I can help more

>if you are intrested. My 2Cents Ann




> >

> > I have a question because my son's bowel habits are less frequent

> > also. What do you do for constipation. I still havent gotten the

> > candex and culturelle and I was hoping this would help him.

> > Anything I can do in the meantime. Thanks Eileen





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Does your son have a normal body Temp of 98.7? My sons THS always

came back OK too. Ann

> Hi Ann-Ive had his thyroid checked a few times. Always fine.


> Eileen



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My son runs low but all of his tests came back fine. Now we see an

endocrinologist on the 19th to try and rule out a growth hormone def.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

Re: Constipation

Does your son have a normal body Temp of 98.7? My sons THS always

came back OK too. Ann

> Hi Ann-Ive had his thyroid checked a few times. Always fine.


> Eileen



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Definitely do the morning temperature test. Most typical thyroid

tests don't tell the whole story:


On Oct 31, 2004, at 6:21 PM, anncrow49740 wrote:



> Does your son have a normal body Temp of 98.7? My sons THS always

> came back OK too. Ann



>> Hi Ann-Ive had his thyroid checked a few times. Always fine.

> Thanks,

>> Eileen



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Have you tried lots of magnesium? I give my daughter about 800

mg/day. Works like a charm.

> > >

> > > I have a question because my son's bowel habits are less


> > > also. What do you do for constipation. I still havent gotten


> > > candex and culturelle and I was hoping this would help him.

> > > Anything I can do in the meantime. Thanks Eileen

> >

> >

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

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