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Re: Abnormal pap

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Everyone has the cancer genes.. just not everyone gets cancer..

SuziSharyn Cerniglia <sharyn.cerniglia@...> wrote:

Well, according to the doctors, we are either cancerous or pre-cancerous....


From: Suzanne [mailto:suziesgoats@...]

I would post pone it and start essiac and do some juice cleanses, colon cleanses...

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I've had abnormal paps most of my life. But the

next one has (generally) been normal. Your doc is

pushing it. First have another one done in 3 to 6

months. Then they talk about the copolscopy. Usually

there will be a total of at least 3 paps before the

copolscopy is done.

Okay, unless this is not the 1st abnormal pap you've

had, And without knowing other things (such as why

you'd been drinking essiac tea). But cervical cells

grow slowly so there isn't such a rush.

I did have the copolscopy last year, which turned

out to be a waste of money and time.


--- Morning Dew <morningdew@...> wrote:



> Anyone know anything about this? My last week's pap

> had some

> abnormal cells show up. My doc wants me to schedule

> a colposcopy.

> they put a little camera up there to see what's

> happening to the

> cervix, and if they find the abnormality, take a

> biopsy.


> I'm thinking that it's nothing to worry about, but

> wonder if anyone

> here has had any experience with abnormal paps.


> It's been in the back of my mind to start the Essiac

> regimen again,

> maybe there is a reason. ANYway, just looking for

> some input.


> Lynn

> in CA.







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Now *I* was being facetious!<G>

Seriously, I don't remember whether I said it on this list or "the other" list, but I firmly believe that cancer is nothing more than repressed negative emotion manifesting through a crack of least resistance in our bodies. No repressed negative emotion or no crack of least resistance equals no cancer.


From: Suzanne [mailto:suziesgoats@...]

Everyone has the cancer genes.. just not everyone gets cancer..


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Essiac is something I do periodically for a preventative. The way I

figure it is, the body will take what it wants, and put it to good

use, or expel it. I don't know what is going on inside my body, but

feel that things are going well if I feed it properly. The Essiac

may not be needed if there isn't any cancer present, but that isn't

the only thing it is good for.

I haven't had an abnormal pap before. Last year's was fine. I have

some faith in my doc. She's the one who took me thru the asthma

attack. When I got a bad case of poison oak, I told her in no

uncertain terms that I didn't want the prednisone. She gave me a

homoeopath that cleared it up in a day. That's how she is. She

knows my predisposition toward herbal/alternative remedies, and in

her own way, she respects me for that. Even told me she takes an

elderberry tincture this time of year when the cold bugs are around.

My medical coverage is great, so it is no expense to me. There are

times when it's better, for me at least, to feel safe. I have no

love for modern medical procedures, however, that being said, I would

think that some of the things they do are needed and good.


Janelle wrote//

And without knowing other things (such as why

> you'd been drinking essiac tea). But cervical cells

> grow slowly so there isn't such a rush.

> I did have the copolscopy last year, which turned

> out to be a waste of money and time.


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