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It is inappropriate to get into a discussion of what happened at SCIA on any

list. However as moderator of the SCIA list, you did not allow me to post

an answer to help a parent who had a question. That's when you crossed the

line. So I posted it on the list.

I still believe in SCIA's mission. Autism needs to be recognized for what

it is, a medical disease rather than psychiatric problem. But the issue was

that you wanted total control of the organization without any checks and

balances. You came up with bylaws and asked the board to sign off on them.

We would not approve bylaws that had one person in the position of

founder/executive director/chairman with veto power over virtually

everything. Your solution was to replace the entire board of directors

without notifying any of us. After months of hard work, you fired us. This

is an act of someone with neither ethics nor fortitude. To replace us with

family members is, quite frankly, a bit scary.

No one individual is more important than the mission or the organization.

This organization isn't yours, it belongs to the kids we were trying to

help. I'm sure your wife and sister are great people. However, it is

diversity of ideas and coming to consensus that helps an organization

accomplish great things. A leader who is insecure needs everyone to agree

with him will not get this done. I thought we were friends and was so

excited about what we were trying to accomplish. I'm sorry things ended

this way, but I must caution others they may be wasting their time. If they

disagree with you, they too can be replaced.

Marcia Hinds


Did you really mean it when you say in your post that, " It doesn't matter

what medical protocol is used to treat autism, we all agree that our

children are medically ill " ?

It does matter. There are desperate parents out there who unknowingly do

" medical " things that may hurt their children in hopes of helping them out

of this nightmare.



ZAM2NDYEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTI3Njg2MTYxMQ--> Re: Dan vs.


Posted by: " "


20Nids> jrodrig6605@... <jrodrig6605>


Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:39 am (PDT)

Dear Marcia,

You know we all love you for the great person you are, because all of you

have done to help so many people over the years. We love and we are so

proud of everything he has accomplished in his life, we all also wish him

the greatest success anybody could ever have.

It is true that Kathy on, Bill Klimas and you are an exceptional

group of individuals, but we couldn't pull it together as a team. Bill and

Kathy just don't have the time needed to launch and make Stop Calling It

Autism! a successful organization. Kathy told me that she doesn't believe

that building a medical disease registry would not work after she said that

she want to joining SCIA. Bill Klimas told us multiple times that he would

quit every single time we didnt agree on something. You told me that we

should write down in the SCIA's rules that you could fire me from the

organization if things didnt go as planned. I am a newcomer representing the

new generation of parents affected by autism and I brought a great idea to

the table and I couldnt believe my ears when you said that to me. All I did

and I have all the records of it is to make things work and be a mediator to

make everybody happy. I worked endlessly for over a month and half trying to

make things work. Bill and Kathy even treated me mean and I have emails to

prove it. It really saddened me and brought a lot of stress in my life

thinking that this great idea that could help so many children and families

around the world would be ruined.

I am just one person with a vision and a mission. I am a person that feels

constantly heartbroken when I see the dreams of so many families chattered.

I am one person that gets humbled and brings tears down my eyes when I see

so many people willing to help the cause, because they know this medical

epidemic which people call " Autism " and they believe in their hearts that

together we can change the world. My dream is that using studies like the

ones published by s Hopkins Medicine and by the Nobel Prize winner

Capecchi and building an Autism medical disease registry with 1000, 5000 or

even 10000 entries showing that children with " Autism " suffer from Immune

System Dysfunction will give all these children and their families an

undeniable voice. If we can build this medical disease registry who will be

able to deny that autism is a set of symptoms caused by a medical illness?

There are many people out there with loved ones affected by " Autism " that

can really help the cause. Politicians, attorneys, doctors, scientists,

people in the media, advertising, CEOs of large companies, etc... If all of

us contribute to build this medical disease registry we can together easily

get our entry pass to The White House. If we can build the medical disease

registry we can probably get the folks at s Hopkins and the Nobel Prize

Winner Capecchi to represent us when we go to the White House and meet

with The President. If we can build the medical disease registry the media

will fight over getting our story published. Just think about it and this is

a plan that can 100% be achieved in a short period of time.

Nobel winner ties mental illness to immune defect

By Nobel Prize-winning University of Utah geneticist Capecchi





Brains Immune System Triggered in Autism

By s Hopkins Medicine



I don't want to make any money out of this, I just want the satisfaction

that we our efforts we can change the world. I believe in the Stop Calling

It Autism!s mission 100% and I am committed to it and know there are many

people out there that are willing to dedicate their lives for this noble


I have been reaching many other groups of people, DAN, etc... I have been

showing them how Autism is caused by an immune system dysfunction and we can

prove it by running blood tests. They are so excited about it because they

have never seen this side of autism before and how it explains it all. If we

talk about medical treatment protocols and we start comparing vs DAN vs

Amy Yasko vs homeopathy vs many treatments out there all its going to do is

cause controversy and it will continue dividing all of us. The Stop Calling

It Autism! nonprofit organization wants to create unity because we believe

unity will give us the strength we need to accomplish our goals. It doesn't

matter what medical protocol is used to treat autism, we all agree that our

children are medically ill. We have to use what we all agree on and build on

top of that. We all in this list knows that even though is great we

still don't have the right immune modulating agents to help all children get

better the same way. Stop Calling It Autism! wants to build a strong

foundation and create the sense of urgency that this medical epidemic


The new members of the board of directors are great in my opinion. Myself

you know who I am, my wife which is a great mother and wife and a woman that

I deeply admire. She also suffered together with me, we cried together, one

day I would have to give comfort and the next three days she would have to

give me comfort. We've been together since the moment our son was

born, we enjoyed all the precious moments like when he started smiling,

playing, talking and interacting like any other healthy child and when

suffered together when he regressed until becoming severely autistic. She

also has been there during the past three years while I spent endless hours

at night doing medical research to find out what happened to . She has

been very patient and has always been there to take care of me. She has been

there every day during 's recovery and she is still here and will be

for the rest of our lives now that looks almost like if never

suffered from autism. You have seen videos so you know what I am talking

about. My sister is a great human being, has an amazing heart, her feelings

are just in the right place. She is also a brilliant human being and she is

waaaaaay smarter than I am and she has a masters degree in business

administration which she finished with almost 4.0 GPA. And best of all we

work great as a team and our goal is to empower as many people out there to

believe they can make a positive difference in this world which is the most

honest truth I can give all of you.

You are all welcome to help Stop Calling It Autism! help change the world

for so many great families around the globe. We are a team and as a team we

can end this medical epidemic.


Founder and President of Stop Calling It Autism!

s Story Stop Calling It Autism!

<http://www.stopcallingitautism.net> http://www.stopcallingitautism.net

<mailto:randy.191%40sympatico.ca> randy.191@...;

<mailto:%40> ;



From: <mailto:hindssite%40verizon.net> hindssite@...

Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:34:22 -0700

Subject: Dan vs. Nids

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