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Hi Becky -


Just had to respond - one kid with sensory issues (that his PT has said are the

worst she's ever seen in all her years of practicing!) is more than quite enough

(although my shrink says I actually have two special needs kids - Josh and my

ex!  LOL!).  I feel for ya with all you've got!  As everyone says to me -

hang in there, so I'm passing it on to you - HANG IN THERE!!


Good luck with the NV!  I'm waiting for my shipment (just ordered it Sunday

afternoon).  Can't wait to see how it affects Josh with the sensory stuff as

well, let alone all the other possibilities.  Let us know how it goes!!!


Sherry and Josh

From: tbniesh@... <tbniesh@...>

Subject: [ ] Nutriiveda

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 12:23 AM


Hey --- and all--

I just ordered 1 month's supply of Nutriiveda! I'm ready to try and see

if this is something that will work for any of my guys.

I know there's been a lot of talk about the price of it all, and I would

have to concur that if this does what so many say it does, it's worth it,

but I must add that it's worth it in theory to me at this point.

What do I mean?

Well, most people don't have more than 1-2 people that they would be buying

Nutriiveda for, and right now I have FIVE Special Needs children (just got

more Dx today making it 5 not 4)

Right now, all 5 need special therapies in some way or fashion. The costs

of those alone are astounding, and the cost of the extra therapies that

actually WORK are even worse, then add in nutritional supplements, and now

nutriiveda, you can imagine I'm ready to go bankrupt.

(not to mention the actual medical costs for medicines that are necessary

for the asthma for 1, and juvenile diabetes for another etc)

anyway-- so for those that say it's not all that much, try multiplying it

by 5 kids with issues, or funding for 10 people to be on it, and you'll

understand my hesitancy.

One thing I am quite concerned about, I admit, is the effect on SENSORY.

After reading other people's experience, I am almost scared poopless, because

all 5 boys have Sensory issues, and most of them very seriously affected

by it to the point that they have daily problems with it. (meltdowns, flight

or fight, etc)

If this gets worse, I might commit murder on a child or two-- so let's pray

it doesn't!!! lol

I admit-- I'm overwhelmed right about now


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Hey Becky!!

YAY!!!! I'm so glad you finally are trying nutriiveda!!! Don't worry about

sensory- it's not an area that nutriiveda affects right away- the areas of

surges typically within just a few days on Nutriiveda:

SPEECH articulation, complexity and sophistication of sentence structure

LANGUAGE better understanding of written and spoken word, development of

better reading and writing skills

ACADEMICS/LEARNING reported surges in all areas of school

FINE AND GROSS MOTOR SKILLS also multi tasking

SENSE OF HUMOR both catching subtle humor and wanting to make others

laugh-joking around

AWARENESS OF SURROUNDINGS (for autism) reported following gaze and more


FACIAL EXPRESSIONS more non-verbal communication, for oral apraxia more

expressions instead of blank stares when not engaged in conversation

FOCUS on task, more willing to listen and try

MULTI TASKING (for apraxia as this is something typically not done or done


SOCIAL wanting to participate with others via play and communication

MOOD reported seems " happier " for a number

DEVELOPMENTAL CATCHING UP for those that never went through stages

-reportedly going through them for the first time.

DECREASE IN SEIZURES so far in several cases elimination of any seizures and

headaches and decrease in seizure meds as well

IMAGINATIVE PLAY increase in imaginative play and story telling


Tanner did appear to have surges in his ability to feel pain as you know from

the sore throat story (for those that don't know Tanner -he broke his finger

once and can calmly talk about it -shocked the ER docs -but it used to hurt him

if someone tickled him softly or patted his head)

What you 'may' be reading about and fearful of is the initial surges sometimes

also bring temporary increased behavioral issues. My theory on that is that

since the essential amino acids help so much in the production of the

neurotransmitters and areas of the brain that were once dormant are not firing

that it's just getting all the kinks out so to speak. So again here is a great

testimony which sums up that temporary stage...as Teri now says -she doesn't

even want to mention it but I'm so glad she did!

from Hmurph101@...

to testimonials@...

date Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:55 AM

subject Thank You

I must be honest and say that I was cautious in purchasing the Nutriiveda for

my daughter, because the testimonies sounded almost too good to be true. Now, I

am happy to be able to add my testimony to the growing list of parents and say

that it has been an answer to prayer. We adopted our daughter from Ukraine when

she was 2 years old. She is now 10 years old and after many years of therapy,

she has been able to do well in school, but can't remember the material we have

studied once a test is over. She has struggled and we have spent most days going

over and over the same material just to keep up. Up until she started taking

the Nutriiveda, we studied continuously. She just couldn't grasp what I would

tell her and she was unable to understand the " why " questions or infer what a

passage was saying. Her teacher even commented that even though she made good

grades, it would be very difficult for her in the 4th grade.Well, that has all

changed now. The week before we started the Nutriiveda, the class started doing

fourth grade reading to prepare for the fourth grade. She made a 48, 56, and 66

on her reading grades. Instantly, after starting the Nutriiveda, her grades

changed to 100's and she " understood " what she was reading. She now has an " A "

in reading. Infact, without the excessive studying, her lowest grade in all

subjects this past 2 weeks has been a 94. Another great improvement has been in

her speech. She didn't start putting words together until she was almost 5 years

old. She put sentences together when she was 7 years old. She continues to take

speech therapy, but has had a problem with syntax. I can tell without a doubt

that her speech has improved with the Nutriiveda.

With so many positive things to report, I hesitate to even mention that it did

seem to cause her to be hyper and jumpy the first week. We didn't give up using

the Nutriiveda and now her disposition is back to normal.. She will now even

admit that her mind feels sharper and last night we only had to study for her

history test 30 minutes rather than days. This morning, I went over a few

questions for history and I could tell that she remembered everything we had

studied and it covered 40 pages. I am normally cautious when I read reports such

as mine, but I would like to encourage parents to just give this a chance. This

is the first time I have ever replied on a website. Please forgive my wordiness,

but I am just so excited. It is like all the hard work our daughter has done

over the years is now coming together in a wonderful way!

THANK YOU LISA GENG and MR. BILL FARLEY! Please keep up the good work!




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  • 2 weeks later...
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We will be scheduling our initial visit with Dr. soon. I've read over

everything, and I want to know if Nutriiveda is allowed since it contains whey

protein isolate. Just curious. Thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I started my son on a half dose and gave it to him after breakfast or lunch, so

on top of his normal eating. He did gain 2 lbs in 3 weeks and another lb in the

next 3 weeks. (and is right that he had only gained 2 lbs from 24 mo-36mo)

I only recently upped him to full dose.

Be sure to encourage him to drink, juice and milk is fine...I cut my son's juice

with water. And we have water drinking contests. He now prefers water to milk

and juice and sodas. It's the amount of liquid that goes in. NV flushes toxins

out of the body and it's important to rehydrate.

There are 30 scoops in a canister and two canisters in a case, so one case

should last two months with one scoop a day



> I'll admit up front that I am a skeptical person when it comes

> to MLM products and those that require automatic monthly shipments, but

> all of the positive reports are making me consider Nutriiveda. I can't

> seem to find any information online that discusses Nutriiveda use in

> special needs kids except for what is linked to your sites so I have a

> few questions.


> My son is always struggling to gain weight so putting him on a

> weight loss supplement seems counter-intuitive. Is it just a weight loss

> supplement if it is used as a meal replacement? Are children gaining or

> losing weight on this product?


> My son is four, but very small so I thought I would start with

> the 3 year old dosage first which is one scoop. Wouldn't one order last

> two months then and if so, can I reduce the automatic shipping to every

> other month?


> My son's primary diagnosis is cerebral palsy, but he has major

> speech and cognitive issues as well. I remember reading in your book

> that fish oil did not seem as helpful with children who had suffered

> brain injury. Is the same true of Nutriiveda? We are using fish oil due

> to its overall health benefits anyway.


> You have mentioned multiple times that hydration is important.

> We can't seem to get our son to drink water, but he does drink juice and

> milk and eats lots of fruit. Will it not be effective if we can't

> convince him to drink water?


> Thanks.









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My son who is 3 has gained some weight too. I haven't weighed him but you an

tell. He was very thin before because he was so picky.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of liralendoncov

Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 10:21 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

I started my son on a half dose and gave it to him after breakfast or lunch,

so on top of his normal eating. He did gain 2 lbs in 3 weeks and another lb

in the next 3 weeks. (and is right that he had only gained 2 lbs from

24 mo-36mo) I only recently upped him to full dose.

Be sure to encourage him to drink, juice and milk is fine...I cut my son's

juice with water. And we have water drinking contests. He now prefers water

to milk and juice and sodas. It's the amount of liquid that goes in. NV

flushes toxins out of the body and it's important to rehydrate.

There are 30 scoops in a canister and two canisters in a case, so one case

should last two months with one scoop a day



> I'll admit up front that I am a skeptical person when it comes

> to MLM products and those that require automatic monthly shipments, but

> all of the positive reports are making me consider Nutriiveda. I can't

> seem to find any information online that discusses Nutriiveda use in

> special needs kids except for what is linked to your sites so I have a

> few questions.


> My son is always struggling to gain weight so putting him on a

> weight loss supplement seems counter-intuitive. Is it just a weight loss

> supplement if it is used as a meal replacement? Are children gaining or

> losing weight on this product?


> My son is four, but very small so I thought I would start with

> the 3 year old dosage first which is one scoop. Wouldn't one order last

> two months then and if so, can I reduce the automatic shipping to every

> other month?


> My son's primary diagnosis is cerebral palsy, but he has major

> speech and cognitive issues as well. I remember reading in your book

> that fish oil did not seem as helpful with children who had suffered

> brain injury. Is the same true of Nutriiveda? We are using fish oil due

> to its overall health benefits anyway.


> You have mentioned multiple times that hydration is important.

> We can't seem to get our son to drink water, but he does drink juice and

> milk and eats lots of fruit. Will it not be effective if we can't

> convince him to drink water?


> Thanks.


> Me too. Typically however with direct sales companies there isn't an option

to purchase the product at the distributor cost. Also if any of us tried to

recreate the same exact product -just finding an all natural casein free whey

alone would cost you more than all that is in NV which is SO much more! It's an

expensive product for sure. But when it comes to nutrients you get what you pay

for. I just sent out a message last night to anyone using any supplement make

sure they are tested free of heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides as they

have found that is a huge issue for OTC supplements. Nutriiveda is not only

tested pure of all of the above -but again carries with it the strongest

endorsement in the industry. It's highest quality you can find and again

cheaper than if we tried to recreate it. I know because some have already

looked into that if God forbid they stopped making it!


> Nutriiveda is just food it's not a diet product. It was launched as a weight

management product for marketing reasons by Zrii (who is run by a solid

billionaire who has been a billionaire since the 80s Bill Farley

http://www.meetbillfarley.com ) because obesity in both children and adults is

at epidemic proportions as is type 2 diabetes etc. Bill doesn't need the money

or stress- sometimes people do things to help the public but we are skeptical as

a public. I have had the pleasure of meeting Bill Farley a few times now and I

know there will be research to validate what we are seeing. Until then the

company can't talk about it-but I am allowed to and yes all there including the

MDs behind it http://pursuitofresearch.org/advisors.html (like Bill those that

don't need money from this!!) are aware of what we are seeing.


> But again the product is just food. There are no drugs in it, no caffeine in

it, there is nothing in it but all the essential amino acids and nutrients from

whole food sources to support the metabolic system -so if one needs to lose

excess fat and toxins they will. If one needs to gain weight and muscle they

will. That's the difference between working with food rather than supplements

or drugs -balance from whole foods.


> Below are just a handful of updates where the person shared the weight gain in

the child on the same product that the parent lost weight on in many cases. We

are also seeing and I can attest to this...miracle-gro type growth surges in

height. Yes all these kids would grow anyway -but it's within a month of

starting no matter what age.


> Liam discovers his inner Brittish


> We're seeing incredible gains with Liam. Took him to his DAN doc on Monday and

she not only approved using NV (after verifying with me that the botanicals

weren't tainted in any way and the whey was casein-free), but agreed with taking

Liam off of the multivitamin (Vitaspectrum) she had put him on, adding only an

extra Folate + B12 supplement and zinc, since blood work showed he is low in

these things. She remarked on how much healthier he looks - no longer has

translucent skin, lots of color in his face. Liam has also grown 1 1/2 inches

and gained 3 lbs. He seems happier, and no longer begs to stay home from

preschool. Still more attentive and engaged. Asking WHAT questions (had never

done before) and speaking in more complex sentences. He is even imitating the

British accent the Pig family has on Peppa Pig! too cute! His imaginative play

has increased, including - and this was a big one we thought - bonding with one

of his stuffed animals and actually naming it. He has never cared about stuffed

animals before - ever. He has carried this one around with him now for 3 days

and sleeps holding onto it. He puts it in his wagon and wheels it around the

house, and it plays games and watches DVDs with him, too. We are thrilled! He is

sleeping deeper/longer/better. His appetite, which has always been good, is even

better. We are so very pleased!


> As for me - I've lost about 15 lbs., my energy level is great, I'm sleeping

better, and my head is much clearer - not sure exactly how to describe what has

happened, but I've felt so foggy for so many years that I've not even been able

to recall the words to songs that I hear over and over. Maybe processing speed

of some sort? At any rate, that has resolved, too.


> I wish I understood exactly what it is in NV that is helping my son and me so

very much, but whatever it is its making me feel better than I have in years,

and it's clearly making a big difference for our son, which everyone has noticed

and remarked on!


> Dianne


> dwvic@...

> Hi ,


> Should we add the info about the NV is given as extra snacks or replacing a

> meal? The weight change and height change info may be really valuable too. One

> of my boys increased 10% of his body weight and finally built up some muscle


> his arm.


> Dawen


> NV update


> My son has been on NV for a few months now...but he's been taking the full

> dosage for only about a month. I thought it might be fun for all of us to give

> an update on our kids that have been on NV for several months.

> I'll start.

> Before NV my 36 mo old son had language, but he was largely unintelligible. He

> was not potty trained, woke up 3-5 times a night, would often trip when he


> didn't sing, dance, was just learning to jump.


> Within the first month, he started sleeping through the night, potty trained,

> started singing and dancing and began playing imaginatively. He also gained


> lbs in 3 weeks (much needed as he's in the 10th %)


> Within the next few months, he has made up songs, remembers 2-3 lines from

> movies he's just seen, has started jumping over things, gained another pound,

> dances with more coordination, has started making his toys talk to each other

> (or makes me be one toy and talk to the other toy), had developed a taste for

> water and prefers it to all other drinks.


> Things we are still working towards. pedaling his trike, getting him to use

> words instead of hitting in moments of frustration, talking more to his peers,

> eating a wider variety of food and food textures.


> What have you seen with your child in the last few months?

> Liralen


> And about weight Liralen added in a following email that her son�from 20

months to 36 months, my son only gained 2 lbs


> (BUT!!!) In the first three weeks on NV (half dose) he gained a little over

> 2 lbs and in the next month gained another lb. I suspect he's grown also, but


> can't find my measuring tape.

> Liralen

> Some of the above from http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and some

from the archives here


> Hope that helps!


> =====


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I now mix it really thick in water and give it to her through a syringe.

She will take it that way. She now knows that it keeps her from itching

all over (no more eczema or dermalgraphism so far), so she knows it is

worth it!


[ ] Re: Nutriiveda

It's so funny you just sent this -I just sent the following over

for our pursuitofresearch.org webmaster to put up a new page as it

appears some need more suggestions than what we have up on the FAQ page

http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html#serve (where we share by the way

you don't have to just mix NV in drink -can be mixed in food as well)

Here's the first draft and probably by the end of the weekend

we'll have the new page up to refer people to. If anyone reading this

has more suggestions to add please let me know!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~new page going up on how to serve nutriiveda

We have included the information from our FAQ page here, but

expanded this with even more suggestions on how to serve nutriiveda!

How do I serve the NutriiVeda? NutriiVeda (or NV as it's called

in our group) is being used therapeutically and it appears to be dosage

dependant based on anecdotal feedback from parents. You can serve it as

a drink with a small meal, or you can mix it into food. For older

children, teens and adults that need to lose weight NutriiVeda can be

used to support weight as well as therapeutic goals. The following are

some suggestions as to how to serve the NutriiVeda.

As a drink: NutriiVeda can be mixed with any type of milk,

juice, or water. You do not want to add it to any liquid that is boiling

however as that may compromise the effectiveness. Some parents add ice

and even ice cream and make it into a smoothie. You can also mix the

product with any type of fruit or fruit juice and make a smoothie this

way as well. baby eating cake

NutriiVeda has also been mixed into any food such as yogurt,

pudding, apple sauce, ketchup, ranch dressing and even frosting! Some

parents have sprinkled it over pancakes or cereal including oatmeal. You

can also take the smoothies and freeze them into popsicles! Just as you

do not want to mix the product with any liquid that Is boiling, you do

not want to cook with NutriiVeda. You can add to food once cooked once

it is luke warm.

If the above simple suggestions did not work for your child we

have a few other suggestions. The first question to you however is what

does your child like to eat or drink? It's best to start there and try

to find ways to incorporate NV into your child's favorites! Nutriiveda

provides all the essential amino acids and nutrients from whole food

nutrition, the purest form, in a 100 percent natural, water soluble,

GFCF, fat, sodium, caffeine free food that only has two grams of organic

sugar per scoop as we share here

http://pursuitofresearch.org/ingredients.html We should remember that

children will gravitate towards foods that are high in sugar, sodium and

fat. This is creating an epidemic as you can see in this segment based

on a new study by the Trust for America's Health and the Wood

Foundation on the health and obesity concern for a growing

number of children http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9IKmwYv7uQ So how do

we get children to 'like' something that is fat and sodium free and very

low in sugar?!! Easy -mix a bit at a time of it in to what they like to


If you find your child likes the ice pops as many do, try making

smoothies mixed with lots of ice so it's super thick! Good oral motor

exercise too!! Have your child use a straw not only due to oral motor

exercise which is good in itself -but will make it harder to taste the

drink. When initially making the shakes or Popsicles " doctor them up " a

bit with food tastes the child does like and is used to (such as

Nesquick which has fat, salt and 2 types of sugars)

Again keep in mind as NV a powder you aren't limited to drinks

and pudding. You can take the dosage you wish to serve your child for

the day and put it aside in a baggie and sprinkle it bit by bit into

food or drink throughout the day-just sprinkle a little in bit by bit.

Nutriiveda is being reported to work across the board an dramatically in

most cases. http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html Too well to

not try to figure out something! Most don't think of mixing NV powder

into for example spaghetti or cheese sauce to serve as either spaghetti

and meatballs or mac and cheese but as long as the sauce is luke warm

(not boiling) when you mix in nutrriveda powder you shouldn't compromise

the essential amino acids in the powder. And think about it, who is

going to serve their young child food that is piping or boiling hot?! On

the same angle there are all type of sandwiches such as peanut butter

and jelly sandwiches (nutriiveda mixed into the peanut butter and/or

jelly) or even sprinkled on top of pizza. In these cases instead of

looking to compliment the flavor of nutriiveda you are looking for

flavors that are so strong the child shouldn't even notice the bit of

nutriiveda mixed or sprinkled in or on. In all cases the NV powder

should absorb right away into the heavy grease on pizza or the sauce

used in their food.

I too notice that people both parents and children tend to

gravitate in general to one flavor, chocolate or vanilla over the other.

You may know for example your child prefers chocolate, but you ran out

and only have vanilla (or vice versa) you can find a creative way to mix

in the other flavor where your child wouldn't notice. Keep in mind for

example vanilla nutriiveda has the cinnamon in it- so when mixed with

Cinnabon or apple pie type foods, and there are a few out there, the

child shouldn't notice. For the chocolate if you wanted to try the

frosting idea, you don't have to mix nutriiveda into a glob of regular

frosting. You can mix water, nutriiveda and some regular store bought

frosting or instead Nesquik or Hershey syrup and spread that as a

chocolate " frosting " over chocolate chip pancakes, brownies, or make a

peanut butter and chocolate sandwich etc. On the same dessert end it's

been suggested to mix nutriiveda into whipped cream or cool whip which

you can find in regular or chocolate flavor. You can then put the

NV/whipped cream on just about anything, cake, pie, fruit, hot

chocolate, even their noses!

Below are some tips from the Mayo clinic you can perhaps pull

from. But if you still need help and suggestions please call our toll

free number at 800-814-0678 or email us at info@...

<mailto:info%40pursuitofresearch.org> as we are standing by to help!:

Children's nutrition: 10 tips for picky eaters

Children's nutrition doesn't have to be frustrating. Consider

these strategies to avoid power struggles and help the picky eater in

your family eat a balanced diet.

By Mayo Clinic staff

Has your preschooler refused to eat anything other than peanut

butter sandwiches for the past two days? Or would your toddler rather

play than eat anything at all?

If children's nutrition is a sore topic in your household,

you're not alone. Many parents worry about what their children eat - and

don't eat. However, most kids get plenty of variety and nutrition in

their diets over the course of a week. Until your child's food

preferences mature, consider these tips for preventing mealtime battles.

1. Respect your child's appetite - or lack of one

Young children tend to eat only when they're hungry. If your

child isn't hungry, don't force a meal or snack. Likewise, don't bribe

or force your child to clean his or her plate. This may only ignite - or

reinforce - a power struggle over food.

2. Stick to the routine

Serve meals and snacks at about the same times every day. Nix

juice, milk and snacks for at least one hour before meals. If your child

comes to the table hungry, he or she may be more motivated to eat.

3. Be patient with new foods

Young children often touch or smell new foods, and may even put

tiny bits in their mouths and then take them back out again. Your child

may need repeated exposure to a new food before he or she takes the

first bite. Encourage your child by talking about a food's color, shape,

aroma and texture - not whether it tastes good.

4. Make it fun

Serve broccoli and other veggies with a favorite dip or sauce.

Cut foods into various shapes with cookie cutters. Offer breakfast foods

for dinner.

5. Recruit your child's help

At the grocery store, ask your child to help you select fruits,

vegetables and other healthy foods. Don't buy anything that you don't

want your child to eat. At home, encourage your child to help you rinse

veggies, stir batter or set the table.

6. Set a good example

If you eat a variety of healthy foods, your child is more likely

to follow suit.

7. Be sneaky

Add chopped broccoli or green peppers to spaghetti sauce, top

cereal with fruit slices, or mix grated zucchini and carrots into

casseroles and soups.

8. Minimize distractions

Turn off the television during meals, and don't allow books or

toys at the table.

9. Don't offer dessert as a reward

Withholding dessert sends the message that dessert is the best

food, which may only increase your child's desire for sweets. You might

select one or two nights a week as dessert nights, and skip dessert the

rest of the week - or redefine dessert as fruit, yogurt or other healthy


10. Don't be a short order cook

Preparing a separate meal for your child after he or she rejects

the original meal may encourage your child's picky eating. Keep serving

your child healthy choices until they become familiar and preferred.

If you're concerned that picky eating is compromising your

child's growth and development or if certain foods make your child ill,

consult your child's doctor. In the meantime, remember that your child's

eating habits won't likely change overnight - but the small steps you

take each day can help promote a lifetime of healthy eating.

© 1998-2010 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

(MFMER). All rights reserved.


You can also try incorporating some of the suggestions I have

here on how to get fish oil into kids



Again if you still need help and suggestions please call our

toll free number at 800-814-0678 or email us at

info@... <mailto:info%40pursuitofresearch.org> as we

are standing by to help!:



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  • 4 weeks later...
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I just wanted to share that I started my 2 1/2 year old son on nutriveda and

more than a month went by with no obvious surges or changes. I, too, was

thinking (hoping) that this meant his strong diet already provided him these

things (or better yet, maybe he didn't have apraxia after all).

The very same day that we took him to a developmental pediatrician (who said she

thought he did NOT have apraxia) we gave him an extra dose of nutriveda because

he was over-tired and begging for his " chocolate milk " ...and THAT SAME NIGHT we

saw incredible surges in his sentence length, grammar and articulation. it was


At 32 lbs I thought 1 scoop would suffice but I guess he needed 1 1/2-2 scoops.

Just wanted to share with those who may be questioning whether its working!

> [ ] Re: Nutriiveda





> Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.


> You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty acids that

your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda which is all

the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You can't stop fish

oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils back see a surge and

know what is from what. If you had been consistent with the fish oil dosage and

just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and then saw nothing that would be



> It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you

started nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.


> My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda -put

your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few weeks....THEN

'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please stop giving the

nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!


> Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue zone " of

the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

> " Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner says. The

rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work with census data to

identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had the highest

percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates of cancer, heart

disease and almost no dementia. "

> http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103744881


> Soils are depleted of nutrients today

http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is suggested by

Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow growing " All of the

vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki takes 15 years to even

produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast growing vegetation. Add to that the

toxins that are just part of our world as we all live on planet Earth. Also it

is highly unusual to get ALL of the essential amino acids in a meal no matter

how healthy you eat -which is another aspect that makes nutriiveda unique. It's

not just healthy and clean, there are many theories as to why it's working.



> Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as known

here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure your child is

well hydrated as we talk about here http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and

then watch for surges. Yes of course you can lower or even stop the fish oils

with it but I don't recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever

stopping fish oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "


> An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so needs to

consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of seafood the waters

are laced with mercury which binds to the muscle/protein of the fish so even if

you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your child you are also going to be

sharing probably some small to larger amount of mercury which contradicts the



> I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for over a

decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the metabolic

system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body enough time

perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can lower them as the

body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's fish oil dosage now

and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE dependent on daily fish

oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer for fish oil and if we missed

just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he regressed within one day noticed

by all....now Tanner has even skipped a day without fish oil and I have lowered

his dosage in half and he continues to surge. That is because nutriiveda

supports the metabolic system. What that means is you may be making it easier

for your child's body to utilize the fish oils or essential fatty acids you are



> Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've seen

and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop fish oils

just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as well -and

for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting at least a few

months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't fast food nation

expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it takes much longer!!


> But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm working on

getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing our children with

essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of heavy metals,

herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be hard at this point

based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported across the board

http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will take years for that want

to wait.


> Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to read this

from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)



> Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the fish

oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without stopping the

fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what you see with

fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what it's doing for

so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and success

http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in the last

message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her two children!!


> PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that didn't

respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential



> =====


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Guest guest

I will try going back to only fish oil then add the NV.  I thought that I had

read here to give the child one thing at a time, that was why I stopped the fish

oil when I started NV.

It would be interesting if our healthy way of eating does make a difference (is

it possible that our children are not deficient in vitamins?)  Soil nutrients

are depleted by Industrialized farming.  I know that our backyard was never

farmed industrially.  All of our veggies are 100% organic, fertilized with the

peelings and leftovers of our previously eaten 100% organic veggies.  Our

garden is HUGE..it gets bigger every year and we can it for the winter.  The

kids eat it all because they grew it and that makes it fun.  The kids garden

expanded this year to over 200 square feet.  That is their responsibility to

plant, harvest and maintain.  They love it!  We started a small garden years

ago for fun then my health declined.  When I finally found a doctor who did the

appropriate tests and discovered that I had 4 autoimmune diseases I started

doing a lot of reading.  I started eating better for myself then asked myself

why am I feeding my kids

packaged food when I won't eat it?  We all eat that way now.  Just because we

eat healthy doesn't mean my kids don't get treats. I bake cookies and other

things; it has been years since we have bought packaged cookies filled with

preservatives.  We also make our own chips, sliced potatoes in hot olive oil

and lightly salted.  They are a pain to make but they are soooo good.

From: kleach4112@... <kleach4112@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 9:41 PM

I'm not Janel but I really am going to take this advice. I had so much hope

for nutriiveda and when I didn't see any real results, I decided not to buy

another can. The cost is quite high and not something I was going to pay for if

it wasn't working. I had stopped fish oils before starting nutriiveda and

think that was probably a huge mistake. I am going to start the fish oils back

and wait a few weeks and then try nutriiveda again with the fish oils this time.


Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the fish

oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without stopping the

fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what you see with

fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what it's doing for

so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and success

http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in the last

message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her two children!!

[ ] Re: Nutriiveda

Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.

You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty acids that

your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda which is all

the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You can't stop fish

oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils back see a surge and

know what is from what. If you had been consistent with the fish oil dosage and

just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and then saw nothing that would be


It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you started

nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.

My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda -put

your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few weeks....THEN

'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please stop giving the

nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!

Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue zone " of

the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

" Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner says. The

rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work with census data to

identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had the highest

percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates of cancer, heart

disease and almost no dementia. "


Soils are depleted of nutrients today

http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is suggested by

Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow growing " All of the

vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki takes 15 years to even

produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast growing vegetation. Add to that the

toxins that are just part of our world as we all live on planet Earth. Also it

is highly unusual to get ALL of the essential amino acids in a meal no matter

how healthy you eat -which is another aspect that makes nutriiveda unique. It's

not just healthy and clean, there are many theories as to why it's working.


Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as known

here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure your child is

well hydrated as we talk about here http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and

then watch for surges. Yes of course you can lower or even stop the fish oils

with it but I don't recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever

stopping fish oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "

An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so needs to

consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of seafood the waters

are laced with mercury which binds to the muscle/protein of the fish so even if

you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your child you are also going to be

sharing probably some small to larger amount of mercury which contradicts the


I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for over a

decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the metabolic

system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body enough time

perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can lower them as the

body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's fish oil dosage now

and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE dependent on daily fish

oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer for fish oil and if we missed

just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he regressed within one day noticed

by all....now Tanner has even skipped a day without fish oil and I have lowered

his dosage in half and he continues to surge. That is because nutriiveda

supports the metabolic system. What that means is you may be making it easier

for your child's body to utilize the fish oils or essential fatty acids you are


Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've seen

and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop fish oils

just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as well -and

for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting at least a few

months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't fast food nation

expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it takes much longer!!

But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm working on

getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing our children with

essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of heavy metals,

herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be hard at this point

based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported across the board

http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will take years for that want

to wait.

Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to read this

from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)


Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the fish

oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without stopping the

fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what you see with

fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what it's doing for

so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and success

http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in the last

message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her two children!!

PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that didn't

respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential



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Guest guest

I think the suggestion has been not to start fish oil and NV at the same time

but if they are already on fish oil then add the NV or vice versa. I did the

newbie thing of starting my son on fish oils (the highest dose) and NV at almost

the same time and I think it was a bit much. I ended up cutting back on the fish

oils and proceeding with the NV. I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old both now.

With my three year old he made big surges at first but my 2 year old took awhile

to really surge. With the NV, I noticed he was calmer but not much language

explosion until I added fish oils with it. The two just seem to work together

well for my kids.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of janel sparks

Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 12:38 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

I will try going back to only fish oil then add the NV. I thought that I had

read here to give the child one thing at a time, that was why I stopped the fish

oil when I started NV.

It would be interesting if our healthy way of eating does make a difference (is

it possible that our children are not deficient in vitamins?) Soil nutrients

are depleted by Industrialized farming. I know that our backyard was never

farmed industrially. All of our veggies are 100% organic, fertilized with the

peelings and leftovers of our previously eaten 100% organic veggies. Our garden

is HUGE..it gets bigger every year and we can it for the winter. The kids eat

it all because they grew it and that makes it fun. The kids garden expanded

this year to over 200 square feet. That is their responsibility to plant,

harvest and maintain. They love it! We started a small garden years ago for

fun then my health declined. When I finally found a doctor who did the

appropriate tests and discovered that I had 4 autoimmune diseases I started

doing a lot of reading. I started eating better for myself then asked myself

why am I feeding my kids

packaged food when I won't eat it? We all eat that way now. Just because we

eat healthy doesn't mean my kids don't get treats. I bake cookies and other

things; it has been years since we have bought packaged cookies filled with

preservatives. We also make our own chips, sliced potatoes in hot olive oil and

lightly salted. They are a pain to make but they are soooo good.

From: kleach4112@... <mailto:kleach4112%40aol.com> <kleach4112@...

<mailto:kleach4112%40aol.com> >

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

<mailto: %40>

Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 9:41 PM

I'm not Janel but I really am going to take this advice. I had so much hope for

nutriiveda and when I didn't see any real results, I decided not to buy another

can. The cost is quite high and not something I was going to pay for if it

wasn't working. I had stopped fish oils before starting nutriiveda and think

that was probably a huge mistake. I am going to start the fish oils back and

wait a few weeks and then try nutriiveda again with the fish oils this time.


Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the fish

oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without stopping the

fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what you see with

fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what it's doing for

so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and success

http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in the last

message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her two children!!

[ ] Re: Nutriiveda

Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.

You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty acids that

your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda which is all

the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You can't stop fish

oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils back see a surge and

know what is from what. If you had been consistent with the fish oil dosage and

just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and then saw nothing that would be


It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you started

nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.

My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda -put

your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few weeks....THEN

'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please stop giving the

nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!

Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue zone " of

the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

" Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner says. The

rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work with census data to

identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had the highest

percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates of cancer, heart

disease and almost no dementia. "


Soils are depleted of nutrients today

http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is suggested by

Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow growing " All of the

vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki takes 15 years to even

produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast growing vegetation. Add to that the

toxins that are just part of our world as we all live on planet Earth. Also it

is highly unusual to get ALL of the essential amino acids in a meal no matter

how healthy you eat -which is another aspect that makes nutriiveda unique. It's

not just healthy and clean, there are many theories as to why it's working.


Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as known

here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure your child is

well hydrated as we talk about here http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and

then watch for surges. Yes of course you can lower or even stop the fish oils

with it but I don't recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever

stopping fish oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "

An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so needs to

consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of seafood the waters

are laced with mercury which binds to the muscle/protein of the fish so even if

you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your child you are also going to be

sharing probably some small to larger amount of mercury which contradicts the


I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for over a

decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the metabolic

system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body enough time

perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can lower them as the

body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's fish oil dosage now

and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE dependent on daily fish

oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer for fish oil and if we missed

just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he regressed within one day noticed

by all....now Tanner has even skipped a day without fish oil and I have lowered

his dosage in half and he continues to surge. That is because nutriiveda

supports the metabolic system. What that means is you may be making it easier

for your child's body to utilize the fish oils or essential fatty acids you are


Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've seen

and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop fish oils

just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as well -and

for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting at least a few

months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't fast food nation

expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it takes much longer!!

But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm working on

getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing our children with

essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of heavy metals,

herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be hard at this point

based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported across the board

http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will take years for that want

to wait.

Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to read this

from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)


Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the fish

oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without stopping the

fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what you see with

fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what it's doing for

so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and success

http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in the last

message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her two children!!

PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that didn't

respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential



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At what point is it recommended we " up " the dosage? I have been giving my

33 month old son 1 scoop for 6 days... haven't noticed anything with his


My son has been on fish oils for 3 weeks now...

My doctor ok'd NV, but I was wondering about all the protein in it... my son

is not underweight and as I am not using NV to replace a meal, just

wondering if it will cause weight gain?



On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Anne <annezola@...> wrote:



> I just wanted to share that I started my 2 1/2 year old son on nutriveda

> and more than a month went by with no obvious surges or changes. I, too, was

> thinking (hoping) that this meant his strong diet already provided him these

> things (or better yet, maybe he didn't have apraxia after all).


> The very same day that we took him to a developmental pediatrician (who

> said she thought he did NOT have apraxia) we gave him an extra dose of

> nutriveda because he was over-tired and begging for his " chocolate

> milk " ...and THAT SAME NIGHT we saw incredible surges in his sentence length,

> grammar and articulation. it was INCREDIBLE!


> At 32 lbs I thought 1 scoop would suffice but I guess he needed 1 1/2-2

> scoops. Just wanted to share with those who may be questioning whether its

> working!



> > [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.

> >

> > You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty acids

> that your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda

> which is all the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You

> can't stop fish oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils

> back see a surge and know what is from what. If you had been consistent with

> the fish oil dosage and just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and

> then saw nothing that would be different.

> >

> > It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you

> started nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.

> >

> > My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda

> -put your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few

> weeks....THEN 'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please

> stop giving the nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!

> >

> > Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue

> zone " of the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

> > " Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner

> says. The rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work with

> census data to identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had

> the highest percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates

> of cancer, heart disease and almost no dementia. "

> > http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103744881

> >

> > Soils are depleted of nutrients today

> http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is

> suggested by Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow

> growing " All of the vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki

> takes 15 years to even produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast growing

> vegetation. Add to that the toxins that are just part of our world as we all

> live on planet Earth. Also it is highly unusual to get ALL of the essential

> amino acids in a meal no matter how healthy you eat -which is another aspect

> that makes nutriiveda unique. It's not just healthy and clean, there are

> many theories as to why it's working.

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as

> known here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure your

> child is well hydrated as we talk about here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and then watch for surges. Yes of

> course you can lower or even stop the fish oils with it but I don't

> recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever stopping fish

> oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "

> >

> > An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so

> needs to consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of

> seafood the waters are laced with mercury which binds to the muscle/protein

> of the fish so even if you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your

> child you are also going to be sharing probably some small to larger amount

> of mercury which contradicts the positive.

> >

> > I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for

> over a decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the

> metabolic system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body

> enough time perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can lower

> them as the body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's fish

> oil dosage now and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE

> dependent on daily fish oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer for

> fish oil and if we missed just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he

> regressed within one day noticed by all....now Tanner has even skipped a day

> without fish oil and I have lowered his dosage in half and he continues to

> surge. That is because nutriiveda supports the metabolic system. What that

> means is you may be making it easier for your child's body to utilize the

> fish oils or essential fatty acids you are providing.

> >

> > Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've

> seen and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop fish

> oils just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as

> well -and for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting at

> least a few months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't

> fast food nation expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it

> takes much longer!!

> >

> > But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm

> working on getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing our

> children with essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of

> heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be hard

> at this point based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported

> across the board http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will

> take years for that want to wait.

> >

> > Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to read

> this from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the

> fish oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without

> stopping the fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what

> you see with fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what

> it's doing for so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and

> success http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in

> the last message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her

> two children!!

> >

> > PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that didn't

> respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

> encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

> nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential

> nutrients.

> >

> > =====

> >

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For a 6 ½ child, 46lbs, and wanting gain weight, how much scoop do we

give? Currently we’re giving him 2 scoops/day

> > [ ] Re: Nutriiveda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.

> >

> > You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty


> that your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda

> which is all the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You

> can't stop fish oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils

> back see a surge and know what is from what. If you had been consistent


> the fish oil dosage and just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and

> then saw nothing that would be different.

> >

> > It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you

> started nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.

> >

> > My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda

> -put your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few

> weeks....THEN 'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please

> stop giving the nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!

> >

> > Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue

> zone " of the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

> > " Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner

> says. The rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work


> census data to identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had

> the highest percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates

> of cancer, heart disease and almost no dementia. "

> > http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103744881

> >

> > Soils are depleted of nutrients today

> http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is

> suggested by Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow

> growing " All of the vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki

> takes 15 years to even produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast


> vegetation. Add to that the toxins that are just part of our world as we


> live on planet Earth. Also it is highly unusual to get ALL of the


> amino acids in a meal no matter how healthy you eat -which is another


> that makes nutriiveda unique. It's not just healthy and clean, there are

> many theories as to why it's working.

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as

> known here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure


> child is well hydrated as we talk about here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and then watch for surges. Yes of

> course you can lower or even stop the fish oils with it but I don't

> recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever stopping fish

> oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "

> >

> > An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so

> needs to consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of

> seafood the waters are laced with mercury which binds to the


> of the fish so even if you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your

> child you are also going to be sharing probably some small to larger


> of mercury which contradicts the positive.

> >

> > I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for

> over a decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the

> metabolic system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body

> enough time perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can


> them as the body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's


> oil dosage now and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE

> dependent on daily fish oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer


> fish oil and if we missed just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he

> regressed within one day noticed by all....now Tanner has even skipped a


> without fish oil and I have lowered his dosage in half and he continues to

> surge. That is because nutriiveda supports the metabolic system. What that

> means is you may be making it easier for your child's body to utilize the

> fish oils or essential fatty acids you are providing.

> >

> > Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've

> seen and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop


> oils just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as

> well -and for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting


> least a few months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't

> fast food nation expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it

> takes much longer!!

> >

> > But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm

> working on getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing


> children with essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of

> heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be


> at this point based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported

> across the board http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will

> take years for that want to wait.

> >

> > Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to


> this from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the

> fish oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without

> stopping the fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond


> you see with fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and


> it's doing for so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies


> success http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in

> the last message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her

> two children!!

> >

> > PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that


> respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

> encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

> nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential

> nutrients.

> >

> > =====

> >

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Guest guest

I believe at 3 they are recommending 2 scoops. I too was worried about weight

gain as my son is 28 month and is 48 lbs. I think it is causing my son to eat

less and it seemed to help his loose stools that he has had for months; although

not completely normal. I've seen some awesome improvements although I'm not sure

that some of them wouldn't happen without nv. Anyway he is only on one scoop but

I have not seen any unusual weight gain and the food control seems better like

'knowing' he is full.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

[ ] Re: Nutriiveda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Janel (new research mom :) you changed the variable.

> >

> > You were not supposed to stop fish oils as they are essential fatty acids

> that your child was already on and different than what is in nutriiveda

> which is all the essential amino acids and nutrition from whole foods. You

> can't stop fish oils, start nutriiveda and wait 12 days then add fish oils

> back see a surge and know what is from what. If you had been consistent with

> the fish oil dosage and just 'added' nutriiveda to the diet as well...and

> then saw nothing that would be different.

> >

> > It would be different if your child wasn't on any fish oils and then you

> started nutriiveda as there are many children on NV alone - that's fine.

> >

> > My suggestion for your next step of " research " is to stop the nutriiveda

> -put your child back on the fish oils which I think you did- wait a few

> weeks....THEN 'add' nutriiveda and see if you notice anything. But please

> stop giving the nutriiveda 100 percent for those weeks!!!

> >

> > Healthy diet is irrelevant unless you live in what they call a " blue

> zone " of the world -which if you are in the US is unlikely

> > " Our life spans are about 20 percent dictated by our genes, Buettner

> says. The rest is lifestyle. " Buettner and a team of demographers work with

> census data to identify blue zones around the world. They found Icaria had

> the highest percentage of 90-year-olds anywhere on the planet, lower rates

> of cancer, heart disease and almost no dementia. "

> > http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103744881

> >

> > Soils are depleted of nutrients today

> http://www.drpasswater.com/nutrition_library/davis_1.html so it is

> suggested by Dr. himself to seek out vegetations that are " slow

> growing " All of the vegetation in nutriiveda are slow growing (the amalaki

> takes 15 years to even produce fruit!!) but most of us consume fast growing

> vegetation. Add to that the toxins that are just part of our world as we all

> live on planet Earth. Also it is highly unusual to get ALL of the essential

> amino acids in a meal no matter how healthy you eat -which is another aspect

> that makes nutriiveda unique. It's not just healthy and clean, there are

> many theories as to why it's working.

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Try not to change any other variable when you start nutriiveda (or NV as

> known here) when possible. Start it and give it a few weeks -make sure your

> child is well hydrated as we talk about here

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/faq.html and then watch for surges. Yes of

> course you can lower or even stop the fish oils with it but I don't

> recommend doing either for months...and don't recommend ever stopping fish

> oils as again they are " essential fatty acids "

> >

> > An essential nutrient means the body needs it but can't produce it so

> needs to consume it but it's virtually lacking in diet. In the case of

> seafood the waters are laced with mercury which binds to the muscle/protein

> of the fish so even if you did consume or share " healthy " fish with your

> child you are also going to be sharing probably some small to larger amount

> of mercury which contradicts the positive.

> >

> > I waited a few months and have been my child's personal researcher for

> over a decade now. I did have a hunch that since nutriiveda supports the

> metabolic system and is based on what I am seeing that if I give the body

> enough time perhaps while I will continue and not stop fish oils I can lower

> them as the body may not NEED as much. I have lowered both of my son's fish

> oil dosage now and I don't know if there is any child that was MORE

> dependent on daily fish oils than Tanner -he was like a human barometer for

> fish oil and if we missed just one serving or lowered his dosage a bit he

> regressed within one day noticed by all....now Tanner has even skipped a day

> without fish oil and I have lowered his dosage in half and he continues to

> surge. That is because nutriiveda supports the metabolic system. What that

> means is you may be making it easier for your child's body to utilize the

> fish oils or essential fatty acids you are providing.

> >

> > Unless you understand what fish oils mean to our children from what I've

> seen and from what many professionals now believe it's very sad to stop fish

> oils just like that...another reason we need research to validate this as

> well -and for anyone even wanting to lower dosage I would suggest waiting at

> least a few months. The human body is amazing and a miracle but we can't

> fast food nation expect possible neuro changes within hours or days...it

> takes much longer!!

> >

> > But then again as a parent we are all free to do what is best. I'm

> working on getting research to validate what we are seeing in providing our

> children with essential nutrients which are clean (meaning tested free of

> heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides) which I don't believe will be hard

> at this point based on the extraordinarily high amount of surges reported

> across the board http://pursuitofresearch.org/pursuit.html but it will

> take years for that want to wait.

> >

> > Also some children have more on their plate then others, may want to read

> this from a medical research who is also a parent (look under Gretchen)

> http://pursuitofresearch.org/science.html

> >

> > Janel I again HIGHLY encourage you to stop the nutriiveda...continue the

> fish oils for a few weeks..and then start the nutriiveda again without

> stopping the fish oils and watch for additional surges above and beyond what

> you see with fish oils alone. Please don't underestimate nutriiveda and what

> it's doing for so many!!! This is now just a fraction of the testimonies and

> success http://pursuitofresearch.org/testimonials.html and as I wrote in

> the last message wait until you hear Dawn Falley's update tomorrow for her

> two children!!

> >

> > PS...We have multiple members in this group who have children that didn't

> respond to fish oil who were just on nutriiveda with surges -and I also

> encourage those parents to add fish oils to the mix now your child is on

> nutriiveda as the two together are beautiful in providing the essential

> nutrients.

> >

> > =====

> >

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