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Rica wrote:


> --- sorry I didnt save the article..

> it was mostly when too much is taken..but saved part of the list

> chamomile ,vit.A,licorice,ginkgo b.,echinacea.


Considering the sources for the information contained in this article, I

am extremely suspect. This is a very vague article that does not go into

details about what other medications these people were taking and also

seems quite contradictory. However, injudicious use of herbs can create

problems just like anything else. One must know what one is doing, how

to do it and how much to take and the best way to utilize it. Ignorance

is not bliss. Ignorance is very dangerous. Here is the article.

Some Supplements Can Damage Eyes

Thu Oct 21,12:18 PM ET

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91 & .src=yn & .done=http%3a//news./news%3ftmpl=story%26cid=571%26ncid=751%\


Health - Reuters


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/By Alison McCook/

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Many herbal remedies and nutritional

supplements can damage the eyes, including some alternative therapies

that are used by people trying to correct eye problems, new research


According to a review of reported cases and medical literature, commonly

used supplements including chamomile, ginkgo biloba, licorice, vitamin A

and echinacea can cause a myriad of eye problems.

Study author Dr. Frederick Fraunfelder explained that supplements become

dangerous to the eyes when people take them in large doses. They can

cause problems including severe conjunctivitis, eye irritation, retinal

bleeding and temporary loss of vision, the study found.

" Tell your physician what you take, as these products interact with

other drugs, " Fraunfelder advises. " Recognize even herbal products and

nutritional supplements have adverse reactions. "

People who choose to take supplements that can damage eyes should

schedule an eye exam before beginning the treatment, then visit an eye

doctor every year to monitor their eyes, he told Reuters Health.

Fraunfelder, who is based at the Casey Eye Institute in Portland,

Oregon, explained that most people are unaware of how damaging

supplements can be to the eyes. " Most consumers assume because a product

is naturally occurring it is safe, " he said.

As a result, about forty percent of people who use alternative therapies

do not discuss them with their doctors.

To investigate which supplements can cause the most eye damage,

Fraunfelder reviewed all eye-related case reports submitted to the World

Health Organization (news


ws?fr=news-storylinks & p=%22World%20Health%20Organization%22 & c= & n=20 & yn=c & c=news & \


- web sites


storylinks & p=World%20Health%20Organization>),

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (news


ws?fr=news-storylinks & p=%22Food%20and%0ADrug%20Administration%22 & c= & n=20 & yn=c & c=\

news & cs=nw>

- web sites


storylinks & p=Food%20and%20Drug%20Administration>)

and the National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects, which

contains data from as far back as 1976. He also combed the medical

literature for additional reports of eye problems caused by supplements.

Fraunfelder, who presented his findings in the American Journal of

Ophthalmology, found 30 instances in which canthaxanthine, a carotenoid

that produces an artificial suntan when taken orally, caused changes to

users' retinas, including crystal deposits.

The researcher uncovered seven cases in which people rinsed their eyes

with chamomile tea to treat styes and irritation, and instead developed

severe conjunctivitis.

Echinacea is widely touted as useful for treating the common cold and

flu, but Fraunfelder found seven cases in which users developed

irritation and conjunctivitis after using it topically.

The researcher also discovered five cases of temporary vision loss

apparently caused by licorice consumption, and 71 cases of niacin

causing eye problems.

Fraunfelder noted that vitamin A is a particularly big threat to the

eyes at high doses, and ginkgo biloba, a blood thinner, can cause

retinal bleeding when combined with other blood thinners.

Most people were using the supplements for reasons unrelated to their

eyes, including arthritis, inflammation and digestive problems.

SOURCE: American Journal of Ophthalmology, October 2004.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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http://www.mercola.com/2004/jul/7/healthcare_death.htm (read all five parts)



Oh, man, don't get me started!


From: Suzanne [mailto:suziesgoats@...]

Now can we have an article on the kind of damage pharmacuticals do??? Far worse.


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