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My 4 month old son got his DOC band about 10 days ago. He is very hot - he is sleeping in summer pj's even while it was freezing outside. He screams uncontrollably until we undress him b/c he is hot.

I hope that helps!


On 27 Mar 2007 14:20:23 -0700, jackiehoshek <jackiehoshek@...> wrote:

My 4 month old son just got his DOC band 3 days ago. He was a great sleeper, and now barely sleeps more than 2 hours at a time, and he cries most of the night. We don't know what to do anymore- we tried

memory foam, rocking him, having him sleep in our bed. Nothing seems to help. Any ideas?

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if he doesn't have torticolis you could maybe try the swing. my son was colic, but if he does have torticolis please do not put him in the swing. good luck lexie,joey,joey,cheyenne doc band left tortjackiehoshek <jackiehoshek@...> wrote: My 4 month old son just got his DOC band 3 days ago. He was a great sleeper, and now barely sleeps more than 2 hours at a time, and he cries most of the night. We don't know what to do anymore- we tried memory foam, rocking him, having him sleep in

our bed. Nothing seems to help. Any ideas?

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Hi, sorry to hear he is having a hard time. it does take some time to

adjust (2 weeks?). make sure he is cool enough. also that the band

fits well. my ortho suggested putting it on after my dd was asleep

(needs to be a heavy sleeper). I would try it for a few hours then

take if off so he can sleep and try again.

most babies do adjust with a little time. with my daughter we ended up

cosleeping, but I know that isn't for everyone. however, she slept

really well, even with the helmet (she started at 5 mo, and got her

first cold the same week).


sydney 15 mo starband grad


> My 4 month old son just got his DOC band 3 days ago. He was a great

> sleeper, and now barely sleeps more than 2 hours at a time, and he

> cries most of the night. We don't know what to do anymore- we tried

> memory foam, rocking him, having him sleep in our bed. Nothing seems

> to help. Any ideas?


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hey i am going through the same thing with cheyenne, now she has to keep it off for a few days because she developed a red spot. she gets hot sometimes to in the doc band. if you try to keep a onzie on that is good. try that. i think cheyenne got used to it the end of the week. good luck. lexie, cheyennes mom 6 months doc bandLorin Goldstein <lorin28@...> wrote: My 4 month old son got his DOC band about 10 days ago. He is very hot - he is

sleeping in summer pj's even while it was freezing outside. He screams uncontrollably until we undress him b/c he is hot. I hope that helps! Lorin On 27 Mar 2007 14:20:23 -0700, jackiehoshek <jackiehoshek > wrote: My 4 month old son just got his DOC band 3 days ago. He was a great sleeper, and now barely sleeps more than 2 hours at a time, and he cries most of the night. We don't know what to do anymore- we tried memory foam, rocking him, having him sleep in our bed. Nothing seems to help. Any ideas?

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Thanks so much you guys! I don't think he's hot, he hasn't really

sweat at all yet and it's night 4. During the day, I don't notice

that much sweat either... He doesn't have torticolis (sp?) so I have

been putting him in the swing for naps and he does great. So maybe,

I'll just put him in the swing at night when all else fails. Nice to

meet you all and thanks for taking the time to help.

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We had the same thing the first few nights. We found that one of the nights our son was too cold and the next night too warm. Just make sure your son is comfortable which may mean keeping the house cooler. Our son sleeps in a lightweight sleeper with feet and our AC is at 74 degrees. That seems to be good for him. Sleep does get better. Good luck. jackiehoshek <jackiehoshek@...> wrote: My 4 month old son just got his DOC band 3 days ago. He

was a great sleeper, and now barely sleeps more than 2 hours at a time, and he cries most of the night. We don't know what to do anymore- we tried memory foam, rocking him, having him sleep in our bed. Nothing seems to help. Any ideas?

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  • 1 month later...
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No, I haven't done that yet, but I do need to. I think that the CVS

system was messing up because I think I'm supposed to get 10 for $25.


On Sunday, May 6, 2007, at 10:02 PM, Laurie Randall wrote:

> Did you call the Insurance Company or have your DR's office call?

> Sometimes

> that helps. Helped me once in awhile and at least I got to have my

> " say " .

> Laurie


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  • 1 year later...
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My mom said to give my son warm milk (LOL)...he won't drink milk at all ...can you imagine me giving him warm milk....

How about a warm shower and/or bath. I know the warm water tends to relax my son. Also, no video games or action games after a certain hour. Now I must admit...I am terrible in this area but we have already informed him that once school starts rules will be in effect....no computer/playstation/xbox/nintendo ds after 8. He can take a shower and then listen to calming music or maybe read or I can read to him. He is going on 13 so of course he'll fight me the whole way but gotta stick to this. Also, he is going to the doctor next week so I am going to ask him about a med to help him relax/sleep.


Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

Maid, Taxi, Shopper, Bulletin Board Artist

Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: kellypywtorak <kellypywtorak@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Choices Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 3:28 AM

My son is actually a very good sleeper and always has been. I knowI'm blessed in that way, and I just pray that he keeps it up as hegets older. It can be a big problem for many kids on the spectrum.>> Roxanna, that's something how so many kids on the spectrum can'tsleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night. couldn'tsleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleepthe whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go tohis summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking theenergy drinks to keep up. LOL.> Rose> >

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that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & our

home--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD was

grounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. I

was sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way too

late. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits.

She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, but

since she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.

Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have the

privelege on Fri/Sat nights.

> >

> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids on the spectrum can't

> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night. couldn't

> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep

> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to

> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the

> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.

> > Rose

> >

> >


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thanks...I did get him to bed at 11:30 pm last night...of course it was around midnight when he fell asleep and he slept till 1:00 pm ...I think part of this is the growing up...his needing more sleep...he has slimmed down and shot up...he is 5' 4 1/2" tall and he isn't even 13 yet. I did get him up by tell him if he wasn't in the shower in 2 min. he would have no Xbox at all today...his mobile therapist was coming...he was jsut like a little boy and all silly when she came...like showing off...needing all the attention...after she left ..he nicely asked if his friend could come over and I said okay....they are on the computer...or he is on the computer and he is on the Xbox. How different kids are today...

Each night I am going to make him go to bed a little earlier (except tongiht WWE is on)and get up a little earlier. It is hard but I gotta stick to it....



Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

Maid, Taxi, Shopper, Bulletin Board Artist

Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: kellypywtorak <kellypywtorak@...>Subject: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 3:26 PM

Jan,that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & ourhome--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD wasgrounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. Iwas sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way toolate. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits. She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, butsince she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have theprivelege on Fri/Sat nights.> >> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids on the spectrum can't> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night.

couldn't> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.> > Rose> > > >>

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If he normally sleeps until 1pm (or even 10, 11 or 12), it's no wonder he can't go to sleep at night. If he's taking medications that can interfere w/ sleep, like many ADHD meds, he needs to take those first thing in the AM so they can wear off in time for bedtime or those can also cause trouble falling asleep. I think you're on the right track about getting him up earlier. And if he got some exercise during the day, he'd probably be more likely to fall asleep a little earlier too.

My son normally wakes up around 8am during the summer (on his own, no help from me). I've tried extra hard to keep him on a regular schedule this summer so when school starts, it's not so hard on him. He'll have to wake up at 6:15am when that happens. This reminds me...I need to start moving his bedtime back a bit and waking him up a little earlier so 6:15am isn't so painful in 3 weeks.

Good luck!

( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 3:26 PM

Jan,that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & ourhome--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD wasgrounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. Iwas sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way toolate. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits. She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, butsince she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have theprivelege on Fri/Sat nights.> >> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids

on the spectrum can't> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night. couldn't> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.> > Rose> > > >>

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You are right..what we are going to try is backtracking..tongiht 11 to bed and up at say noon or earlier...then 10:30 then 10 and 9:30 and finally 9. I am going to take him to the dr. for med. to help him sleep. I think you are so right about the ADHD meds. ...so if I can 't get him up too early...I think I will wake him and at least give him his meds. early....that shoud help. Good idea!!!!


Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

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Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: kellypywtorak <kellypywtorak>Subject: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 3:26 PM

Jan,that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & ourhome--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD wasgrounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. Iwas sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way toolate. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits. She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, butsince she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have theprivelege on Fri/Sat nights.> >> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids on the spectrum can't> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night.

couldn't> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.> > Rose> > > >>

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Before you get him on a med to try and sleep, work on setting up a regular routine of sleeping/waking and read all of the side effects of the meds he's on. If there are other meds that can cause problems w/ sleep, make sure he takes them early enough. If you go right to giving him a med for sleeping, you'll never know if just making adjustments on your end would've helped. Know what I mean?

( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 3:26 PM

Jan,that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & ourhome--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD wasgrounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. Iwas sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way toolate. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits. She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, butsince she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have theprivelege on Fri/Sat nights.> >> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids

on the spectrum can't> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night. couldn't> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.> > Rose> > > >>

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Yeah...I see what you mean...but I will ask his doctor for some that I can have in the house...his PCP prescribes all his meds....we were going to a psychiatrist but it was driving both of us up the wall....we would walk in and the waiting room was packed...and we would wait any where from 1/2 hr to 1 hr and then spend 10 min. with the dr. I would change psychisatrist but there are not many up here.


Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

Maid, Taxi, Shopper, Bulletin Board Artist

Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: kellypywtorak <kellypywtorak>Subject: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 3:26 PM

Jan,that is a great rule, and something we have noticed in ourselves & ourhome--no stimulating electronics at night. Yesterday my DD wasgrounded from the TV/computer, so I wasn't watching any TV either. Iwas sleepy by 10:00. If I'm online or watching TV, I stay up way toolate. My mom is online really late and has horrible sleep habits. She also had too many years of working the night shift as a nurse, butsince she has been retired for 10 years her bad habits haven't gone away.Stick to your guns and maybe play up the fact that he can have theprivelege on Fri/Sat nights.> >> > Roxanna, that's something how so many kids on the spectrum can't> sleep at night. My son was up the whole night, last night.

couldn't> sleep. he always had this problem. and even thought he didn't sleep> the whole night. He's not tired in the morning. He will still go to> his summer program, still go swimming, etc...and I'm drinking the> energy drinks to keep up. LOL.> > Rose> > > >>

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I used to have a big problem with sleeping in later and later

and then not being able to sleep at night. A few times when

I was a teen I actually just " rolled over " because it was the

only way I could get back onto a normal schedule.

I found out as an adult that morning exercise on a sunny day

was very effective at resetting my eternal clock. Just one

day of doing this was sufficient for me, though I have read that

is unusual and most people require more.

Before my son was born we moved into a sunny house - I had

lived in dark places all my life previously - and I haven't

had anything like the problems with sleep I used to have. I

really seem to need the sunlight to keep my body clock in

the right mode.


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thanks...good information...and yes, exercise ...walking would be great...and my house does tend to be dark...


Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

Maid, Taxi, Shopper, Bulletin Board Artist

Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: Willa Hunt <willaful@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 9:20 PM

I used to have a big problem with sleeping in later and later and then not being able to sleep at night. A few times whenI was a teen I actually just "rolled over" because it was theonly way I could get back onto a normal schedule. I found out as an adult that morning exercise on a sunny daywas very effective at resetting my eternal clock. Just oneday of doing this was sufficient for me, though I have read thatis unusual and most people require more.Before my son was born we moved into a sunny house - I hadlived in dark places all my life previously - and I haven'thad anything like the problems with sleep I used to have. Ireally seem to need the sunlight to keep my body clock inthe right mode.Willa

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Willa reminds me of a great idea! You should pull back the shades in the morning when he's asleep in his room, as early as possible. It's easier to wake up to natural light than artificial light. I think there was even a scientific study done about it. Then maybe you won't have to try quite so hard to get him up?

Re: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 9:20 PM

I used to have a big problem with sleeping in later and later and then not being able to sleep at night. A few times whenI was a teen I actually just "rolled over" because it was theonly way I could get back onto a normal schedule. I found out as an adult that morning exercise on a sunny daywas very effective at resetting my eternal clock. Just oneday of doing this was sufficient for me, though I have read thatis unusual and most people require more.Before my son was born we moved into a sunny house - I hadlived in dark places all my life previously - and I haven'thad anything like the problems with sleep I used to have. Ireally seem to need the sunlight to keep my body clock inthe right mode.Willa

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Oh too funny...I pull the shades up, the 2 dogs are barking like crazy, the alarm goes off and he just sleeps away...like a little baby...maybe he is making for all the lost sleep when he was an infant. When we brought him home from the hospital...we could never get him to sleep....we walked the halls, put him in the car, waited it out....he was colicky too!

But I did get him up this morning by telling him if his butt wasn't out of bed in 2 min. there would be NO Xbox at all for the day...that got him moving!!!

Oh, but you shoud see him ....I think a fire engine could go thru the room and he would not wake up.


Janice Rushen

Mom, Mentor, Wife, Teacher, Advocate, Accountant,

Maid, Taxi, Shopper, Bulletin Board Artist

Nanny, Crafter, Therapist, Friend, Sister, Aunt,

Daughter, Grand-daughter, Personal Care Aide,

Student, Believer, and Giver.

From: Willa Hunt <willafularmory (DOT) com>Subject: Re: ( ) Re: sleep Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 9:20 PM

I used to have a big problem with sleeping in later and later and then not being able to sleep at night. A few times whenI was a teen I actually just "rolled over" because it was theonly way I could get back onto a normal schedule. I found out as an adult that morning exercise on a sunny daywas very effective at resetting my eternal clock. Just oneday of doing this was sufficient for me, though I have read thatis unusual and most people require more.Before my son was born we moved into a sunny house - I hadlived in dark places all my life previously - and I haven'thad anything like the problems with sleep I used to have. Ireally seem to need the sunlight to keep my body clock inthe right mode.Willa

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  • 3 months later...

what is in the magic bullet?

On Nov 15, 2008, at 9:52 AM, brandi wrote:

> Hi - we improved sleep by using trienza with every meal, keeping my

> son's meals low phenols or if he had grapes or blueberries, etc., I

> would give him an extra no-fenol, epsom salt baths at night,

> treating for yeast with dana's protocol of biotin and grapeseed oil,

> (takes us about 2 weeks to cut the yeast with biotin in the morning

> for management), then the magic bullet is Kids Calm at night, 1

> tsp. Take it yourself too.


> hope this helps.


> :)

> -- In , " McCartney "

> <katie.mccartney@...> wrote:

> >

> > I second a chiropractor!

> >

> > Do you take any supplements in the afternoon that might be

> inteferring with

> > your sleep? Has this always been an issue? Have either of you been

> tested

> > for apnea? You might need to take whatever you can for now to get

> the sleep

> > you need until you find out the cause.

> >

> > It must be so exhausting!

> >

> > On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 10:20 AM, anna yori <choodak2002@...>

> wrote:

> >

> > > What about a chiropractor also? Adjustments have helped my kids

> with

> > > numerous issues over the years, including ear issues. Just a

> thought.

> > >

> > > Also, I take 5HTP and He Shou Wu (a Chinese herb) at bedtime.

> The latter

> > > is for my adrenals, which caused me to wake every night

> (morning) at 3 am

> > > and be unable to fall back asleep.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Kids Calm is magnesium, vitamin c, and zinc. You can get it on



> > >

> > > > What about a chiropractor also? Adjustments have helped my


> > with

> > > > numerous issues over the years, including ear issues. Just a

> > thought.

> > > >

> > > > Also, I take 5HTP and He Shou Wu (a Chinese herb) at bedtime.

> > The latter

> > > > is for my adrenals, which caused me to wake every night

> > (morning) at 3 am

> > > > and be unable to fall back asleep.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 1 month later...

Melatonin can give bad dreams. Also, for some it gets them to sleep, you

have a dream and it wakes

you up. Even at higher doses it can have the affect of not keeping you to


Inositol, GABA, L-Theanine and the homeopathic remedy " Calms Forte " can be




>I think a big part of my dd problem is not getting a good night sleep.

> The melatonin gets her to sleep, but I can tell she does not really go

> into a deep sleep. Every time she hears a little noise she is sitting

> up. Would Taurine help keep her asleep? SHe shows spikes on her EEG.

> They say they are nothing to worry about. I believe they are.



> ------------------------------------


> =======================================================


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi all, Anyone having sleep problems with your kids on ? My son is doing

great, but he really has a hard time turning going to sleep. he is typically

awake until 10:30... prior to we were using Melatonin which Dr. G says is a

big no-no. So, we have tried benedryl to no avail, any ideas?

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Tenex should help. My son also gets ¼ Zyrtec at night and I think that

helps. (But again, he has ALWAYS been a good sleeper, no matter what).

Kristy Nardini

TazziniTM Stainless Steel Bottles

<http://www.tazzini.com/> http://www.tazzini.com


Phone: 858.243.1929

Fax: 858.724.1418

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sloan

Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:01 AM

Subject: Re: Sleep

Thanks Bill, great info. I am thinking it could be the SSRI, we changed it

recently and he is more hyper at night. Do you still do the Flonaise?

Wondering if that could help. Dr. G wants to try Tenex.

good point with the tv, we do let him watch tv before bed. guess i wont

anymore! it amazes me how active he is and how much excercise he gets and

still he is buzzing around late at night.

best, sloan



> From: Sloan <Sloan_smith@...>

> Subject: Sleep

> <mailto:%40>

> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 10:08 PM



> Â




> Hi all, Anyone having sleep problems with your kids on ? My son is

doing great, but he really has a hard time turning going to sleep. he is

typically awake until 10:30... prior to we were using Melatonin which

Dr. G says is a big no-no. So, we have tried benedryl to no avail, any














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OK…my son was wide awake at 11 last night, and I think it was due to a combo

of being over-tired (did anyone mention that?) because we didn’t get the

kids to bed until 9:45 (we had company) and/or adrenaline (he got to surf –

3 BIG waves! - with Surfer’s Healing and he must have told me 1000 times

yesterday, “Mom, I LOVE surfing!”).

Kristy Nardini

TazziniTM Stainless Steel Bottles

<http://www.tazzini.com/> http://www.tazzini.com


Phone: 858.243.1929

Fax: 858.724.1418

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Kristy


Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 10:21 AM

Subject: RE: Re: Sleep

Tenex should help. My son also gets ¼ Zyrtec at night and I think that

helps. (But again, he has ALWAYS been a good sleeper, no matter what).

Kristy Nardini

TazziniTM Stainless Steel Bottles

<http://www.tazzini.com/> http://www.tazzini.com

kristy@... <mailto:kristy%40tazzini.com>

Phone: 858.243.1929

Fax: 858.724.1418

P Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: <mailto:%40>

[mailto: <mailto:%40> ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:01 AM


Subject: Re: Sleep

Thanks Bill, great info. I am thinking it could be the SSRI, we changed it

recently and he is more hyper at night. Do you still do the Flonaise?

Wondering if that could help. Dr. G wants to try Tenex.

good point with the tv, we do let him watch tv before bed. guess i wont

anymore! it amazes me how active he is and how much excercise he gets and

still he is buzzing around late at night.

best, sloan



> From: Sloan <Sloan_smith@...>

> Subject: Sleep

> <mailto:%40>


> Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 10:08 PM



> Â




> Hi all, Anyone having sleep problems with your kids on ? My son is

doing great, but he really has a hard time turning going to sleep. he is

typically awake until 10:30... prior to we were using Melatonin which

Dr. G says is a big no-no. So, we have tried benedryl to no avail, any














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Dr. G says melatonin is a hormone that can wreck havoc with the rest of the

system. Ive asked him several times if we can use it and the answer is no, no &



> What's the problem with melatonin?




> From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sloan

> Sent: July-20-10 11:08 PM


> Subject: Sleep






> Hi all, Anyone having sleep problems with your kids on ? My son is doing

> great, but he really has a hard time turning going to sleep. he is typically

> awake until 10:30... prior to we were using Melatonin which Dr. G says

> is a big no-no. So, we have tried benedryl to no avail, any ideas?







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