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Bad Breath

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Make paste from bicarb soda and 3% Hydrogen peroxide. Use instead of

toothpaste. You need to make fresh batch every time you brush your

teeth. I just mix it in the palm of my hand and dip the toothbrush in

it. This will kill all bacteria in your mouth.

According to the Chinese medicine, the tongue represents the whole

digestive track. I think, the tip of the tongue is stomach and so on...

In my experience white tongue indicates that my immune system is a bit

down or there is an upper raspatory tract infection in the making.

Either way, I take up to 4g of mixed ascorbates (VitC) per day in

frequent small doses.

Hope this helps


[ ] Bad Breath

Help. been on the strict diet for three months and have made

reasonable progress on some symptoms. My real problem is a

yellowish, whiteish tongue that causes terrible breath. Its very

debilitating. Please help. Thanks

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Is that bicarbonate soda or baking soda?




From: Irena Sprey [mailto:isprey@...]

Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 11:24 PM

Subject: RE: [ ] Bad Breath

Make paste from bicarb soda and 3% Hydrogen peroxide. Use instead of

toothpaste. You need to make fresh batch every time you brush your

teeth. I just mix it in the palm of my hand and dip the toothbrush in

it. This will kill all bacteria in your mouth.

According to the Chinese medicine, the tongue represents the whole

digestive track. I think, the tip of the tongue is stomach and so on...

In my experience white tongue indicates that my immune system is a bit

down or there is an upper raspatory tract infection in the making.

Either way, I take up to 4g of mixed ascorbates (VitC) per day in

frequent small doses.

Hope this helps


[ ] Bad Breath

Help. been on the strict diet for three months and have made

reasonable progress on some symptoms. My real problem is a

yellowish, whiteish tongue that causes terrible breath. Its very

debilitating. Please help. Thanks

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Sodium bicarbonate, also called bicarbonate,is baking soda. Perhaps

you were thinking of baking powder, which is a whole different animal

and not what you would want to use to brush your teeth and tongue.

Arm and Hammer baking soda is fine to use. Read the fine print on the

side of the carton. It reads sodium bicarbonate. I use it every day.

Be sure to brush way back on your tongue for an extra clean tasting

mouth. Do the roof of your mouth too.

You will notice your teeth getting whiter after using this mix for a

few months, maybe sooner. Nice bonus effect!

If you see white spots on your gums after brushing,don't freak out,it

is only dead tissue that will soon disappear. No problem.


> Bicarbonate only!!!


> RE: [ ] Bad Breath



> Is that bicarbonate soda or baking soda?


> Thanks


> Candace


> _____


> From: Irena Sprey [mailto:isprey@o...]






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That's what my mom used for toothpaste when she was a little girl (minus the


Thanks for the clarification (: I will try this. My dentist already told

me to stop using toothpaste with whitener or other stuff in it because it is

too harsh for my gums. I'm on a prescription for fluoride because my gums

bleed so very easily (which fluoride is supposed to toughen them up).

I'm nearly out of my regular crest - I'll give this a try!



From: h2ocolor1937 [mailto:h2ocolor@...]

Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:50 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Bad Breath

Sodium bicarbonate, also called bicarbonate,is baking soda. Perhaps

you were thinking of baking powder, which is a whole different animal

and not what you would want to use to brush your teeth and tongue.

Arm and Hammer baking soda is fine to use. Read the fine print on the

side of the carton. It reads sodium bicarbonate. I use it every day.

Be sure to brush way back on your tongue for an extra clean tasting

mouth. Do the roof of your mouth too.

You will notice your teeth getting whiter after using this mix for a

few months, maybe sooner. Nice bonus effect!

If you see white spots on your gums after brushing,don't freak out,it

is only dead tissue that will soon disappear. No problem.


> Bicarbonate only!!!


> RE: [ ] Bad Breath



> Is that bicarbonate soda or baking soda?


> Thanks


> Candace


> _____


> From: Irena Sprey [mailto:isprey@o...]






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Many toothpastes contain sugars. The law does not require the

manufacturers to state this. So, they only state the " ACTIVE

INGREDIENTS " ! What they don't tell you is that there is also SLS in most

toothpastes (a known carcinogen). And while we're on the topic of

fluoride - its an industrial poison. There is more than enough of it in

the town water anyway. I would recommend remineralising teeth by other


Sorry to be so negative, but the public is very misled on the issues of

dental care! (my FIL is was a dentist).


RE: [ ] Re: Bad Breath

That's what my mom used for toothpaste when she was a little girl (minus



Thanks for the clarification (: I will try this. My dentist already


me to stop using toothpaste with whitener or other stuff in it because

it is

too harsh for my gums. I'm on a prescription for fluoride because my


bleed so very easily (which fluoride is supposed to toughen them up).

I'm nearly out of my regular crest - I'll give this a try!



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Thanks for the info. Today I used the baking soda and hydrogen

peroxide and it seemed to help but after an hour or so I could feel

the bacteria starting to do their business. I wish I could get to the

source of this problem. Some people think it suggests a problem with

the liver. Is there a liver cleanse thats candidia safe. I tell ya

this condition can really make you anti social.


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what did you eat in the hour after the brushing?

It may also help to floss daily before brushing, as bacteria likes to

live between the teeth.

Also, brush after every meal for a few days, see if it makes a


Under no circumstances should you use a mouthwash or anything containing

alcohol/ethanol/etc, it really promotes bad breath (contrary to what the

labels say)


[ ] Re: Bad Breath

Thanks for the info. Today I used the baking soda and hydrogen

peroxide and it seemed to help but after an hour or so I could feel

the bacteria starting to do their business. I wish I could get to the

source of this problem. Some people think it suggests a problem with

the liver. Is there a liver cleanse thats candidia safe. I tell ya

this condition can really make you anti social.


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The most common source of bad breath is bacteria at the back of the

tongue, however it could also be from low stomach acid. Do you have

heartburn? Heartburn can be caused by too little stomach acid. Too

much acid is rare. The amount of HCl you produce may some what depend

on your age. As we get older there is often less HCl (hyrdocholic

acid) produced in the stomach. Illness and some drugs can cause this

problem at any age.

Another problem could be sinus drainage due to allergies or

environmental pollutents or pollens. Maybe this was already mentioned

in a previous post. You could stop ALL milk products, including butter

(use coconut oil and olive oil instead) for 2 months. This completely

stopped my doctor's sinus drainage and sinus infection problems

forever. Many people are sensitive to dairy, especially processed

dairy, but some cannot even tolerate raw dairy. Not eating them is a

simple and inexpensive way to find out if you do better without them.

You liver is crucial to your good health, however I don't know enough

about the cleanse to know if it would help your bad breath issue. I

did a gall bladder liver flush once and became very ill. This does

not commonly happen and many people say they have much more energy

after a flush. I belive there are gentle long term flushes, which I

know I would investigate if I ever decide to do another one.

These are my thoughts on this problem that reach beyond the candida.

May you solve this anti-social nasty very soon.


> Thanks for the info. Today I used the baking soda and hydrogen

> peroxide and it seemed to help but after an hour or so I could feel

> the bacteria starting to do their business. I wish I could get to


> source of this problem. Some people think it suggests a problem


> the liver. Is there a liver cleanse thats candidia safe. I tell ya

> this condition can really make you anti social.

> Thanks

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Hi Robin,

Thank you for your kind words. I would certainly say the same for you.

It is fun to be on such a knowledgable forum concerning candida.

There is so much encouragment and hope here, as well as excellent

advise on diet and other issues.

It is a pleasure to help out a bit while Bee is off the computer. My,

oh, my, won't she have some catching up to do this weekend?


> Thanks Sheila! How interesting.. You always have so many good

things to

> say!!! ~Robin





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  • 6 months later...

Bad breath is often associated with bacterial overgrowth in the gut. The

stools getting mushy again supports that. I would keep working on the enzymes

for a while and think about some probiotic if you don;t already do one. There

ar emany OTC treatment you can try if it doesn;t sort itsefl out but they all

taste really bad except Collodial Silver.

Good luck and post how you get on

Mandi in UK

My 3 y/o son gets 1 cap of zyme prime and between 1/8-1/4 tsp of

peptyzide w/ each meal. He was only getting an 1/8 tsp but I tried

to increase a little b/c his stools were getting mushy again. His

breath smells badly almost like the enzymes, even after brushing.

They are the ones w/ papsain, but he takes them fine. Does this

mean he is getting too much? Or is it just a common side effect?

Any help is appreciated. ThankyoU! LW

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I never really made the connection, but my 3 year old had horrible

breath and now since on the enzymes and probiotics he has not had a

problem with his breath. Thanks for pointing out this connection -

it is amazing how all of these things are interconnected and prove

that the therapies we are trying are necessary.


> Bad breath is often associated with bacterial overgrowth in the

gut. The

> stools getting mushy again supports that. I would keep working on

the enzymes

> for a while and think about some probiotic if you don;t already do

one. There

> ar emany OTC treatment you can try if it doesn;t sort itsefl out

but they all

> taste really bad except Collodial Silver.

> Good luck and post how you get on

> Mandi in UK


> My 3 y/o son gets 1 cap of zyme prime and between 1/8-1/4 tsp of

> peptyzide w/ each meal. He was only getting an 1/8 tsp but I


> to increase a little b/c his stools were getting mushy again.


> breath smells badly almost like the enzymes, even after


> They are the ones w/ papsain, but he takes them fine. Does this

> mean he is getting too much? Or is it just a common side


> Any help is appreciated. ThankyoU! LW







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In natural medicine, bad breath is generally seen as a result of either

bacteria/viral or undigested food.



Re: Bad Breath

I never really made the connection, but my 3 year old had horrible

breath and now since on the enzymes and probiotics he has not had a

problem with his breath. Thanks for pointing out this connection -

it is amazing how all of these things are interconnected and prove

that the therapies we are trying are necessary.


> Bad breath is often associated with bacterial overgrowth in the

gut. The

> stools getting mushy again supports that. I would keep working on

the enzymes

> for a while and think about some probiotic if you don;t already do

one. There

> ar emany OTC treatment you can try if it doesn;t sort itsefl out

but they all

> taste really bad except Collodial Silver.

> Good luck and post how you get on

> Mandi in UK


> My 3 y/o son gets 1 cap of zyme prime and between 1/8-1/4 tsp of

> peptyzide w/ each meal. He was only getting an 1/8 tsp but I


> to increase a little b/c his stools were getting mushy again.


> breath smells badly almost like the enzymes, even after


> They are the ones w/ papsain, but he takes them fine. Does this

> mean he is getting too much? Or is it just a common side


> Any help is appreciated. ThankyoU! LW







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Hi Amy:

My two year old also has bad breath (and mushy stools). What

enzymes/probiotics are you taking, and what effects (other than

improved breath)have they had for your child? I've just started my

daughter on the GF/CF diet and am anxious to make progress!


Kim :-)

> > Bad breath is often associated with bacterial overgrowth in the

> gut. The

> > stools getting mushy again supports that. I would keep working on

> the enzymes

> > for a while and think about some probiotic if you don;t already do

> one. There

> > ar emany OTC treatment you can try if it doesn;t sort itsefl out

> but they all

> > taste really bad except Collodial Silver.

> > Good luck and post how you get on

> > Mandi in UK

> >

> > My 3 y/o son gets 1 cap of zyme prime and between 1/8-1/4 tsp of

> > peptyzide w/ each meal. He was only getting an 1/8 tsp but I

> tried

> > to increase a little b/c his stools were getting mushy again.

> His

> > breath smells badly almost like the enzymes, even after

> brushing.

> > They are the ones w/ papsain, but he takes them fine. Does this

> > mean he is getting too much? Or is it just a common side

> effect?

> > Any help is appreciated. ThankyoU! LW

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> breath smells badly almost like the enzymes, even after brushing.

> They are the ones w/ papsain, but he takes them fine. Does this

> mean he is getting too much? Or is it just a common side effect?

For myself, my breath is bad when I eat foods or supplement I don't

tolerate, even with enzymes, and if I have a bad bacteria problem.


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  • 1 year later...
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Kat wrote:


> Dear Bee, Ever since I've started on the complete recommended diet,

I have had really bad breath, I thought previously that it must've

been the raw garlic I was having so I stopped taking that, and Im on

other anti fungals Pau darco (for now) and about 90mls daily of VCO,

however I notice my breath is still really bad. I have never had

breath like this, is it the diet, am I missing something?

==>Bad breath comes from the intestines, caused by candida and other

pathogens dying off. Garlic may have increased it because it is

antifungal, but the garlic smell itself didn't cause it. Taking

liquid chlorophyll will help cut down the odor. You can also drink

some ginger tea - recipe in the files.

>Admittedly I'm not taking all the recommended supplements yet,

because I'll have to do it gradually due to a lack of finances but

currently I take vitamin B, Vitamin C, sea salt, lemon juice, cod

liver oil, magnesium citrate, (Im waiting on oregano oil.)

==>Please do not take magnesium without calcium!! They must be taken

together. Taking one without the other depletes the other one in the


> I do the dry skin brushing, havent had a coffee enema yet.

==>A coffee enema will help too!

> I dont think I have cavities, and even if I did, I've never had

this bad breath thing before, its still noticable after I have

brushed and flossed my teeth and scraped my tongue. What I have most

days is 2 eggs fried onion and tomato in extra virgin olive oil for

breakfast, and lunch and dinner, has been mostly broth/soup, with

whatever meat, chicken, pork, lamb with about 5 cups of veges thats

allowable in my carb intake, normally turnip, broccoli, green or

yellow beans sometimes cabbage, spinach or brussel sprouts. Do I

need to be taking the liquid chorophyl - would that help the problem?

==>Five cups of veggies sounds like a lot - what do the carbs add up

to (without the fibre)? Yes, liquid chlorophyll would help.


> Does anyone else have a similar problem?

==>New symptoms can appear while curing candida.


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" Bee Wilder " wrote:

>>> ==>Bad breath comes from the intestines, caused by candida and

other pathogens dying off. Garlic may have increased it because it

is antifungal, but the garlic smell itself didn't cause it. Taking

liquid chlorophyll will help cut down the odor. You can also drink

some ginger tea - recipe in the files.

>>>Please do not take magnesium without calcium!! They must be

taken together. Taking one without the other depletes the other one

in the body.

**I will get the calcium, I started on the magnesium to address the

immediate constipation problem, which has helped greatly, but I will

ensure that I get calcium.

>>> A coffee enema will help too!

***What I have most days is 2 eggs fried onion and tomato in extra

virgin olive oil for breakfast, and lunch and dinner, has been

mostly broth/soup, with whatever meat, chicken, pork, lamb with

about 5 cups of veges thats allowable in my carb intake, normally

turnip, broccoli, green or yellow beans sometimes cabbage, spinach

or brussel sprouts. Do I need to be taking the liquid chorophyl -

would that help the problem?

>>> ==>Five cups of veggies sounds like a lot - what do the carbs

add up to? Yes, liquid chlorophyll would help.

**The liquid chlorophyll will be next on my list, is the powdered

chlorella as good, what do you think of spirulina, is this the same?

**This is a typical day, Im allowed 44 gms carbs - so using the

fitday measurements daily vegetable & eggs carbs as


Broccoli raw 1 Cup 5

Turnip raw 1 Cup 8

String beans 1 Cup 8

Tomatos 1 large 8

Onions 1 large 13

Eggs x2 lrg 1

Total Carbs 43

**Please let me know if I have been working out these ratios

incorrectly, for my height Im allowed 55gm protein, 44gm carb & 138-

190 fat.

>>> ==>New symptoms can appear while curing candida.

**First off I will get the calcium, then when my circumstances allow

I will get some liquid chlorophyll, the ginger and coffe enema

should be easy enough to start right away. Thanks for your help, you

are unbelievelably generous with your time & efforts, I appreciate

you very much.


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--- mangogal67 <mangogal67@...> wrote:

> Dear Bee


> Ever since I've started on the complete recommended

> diet, I have had

> really bad breath, I thought previously that it

You have ketosis breath. It's when you are burning

fat and the by products of the fat burning process

give off ketones which are expelled in your breath and




San , CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


Today is the most important day.

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Kat wrote:

> **This is a typical day, Im allowed 44 gms carbs - so using the

> fitday measurements daily vegetable & eggs carbs as

> follows:

> Broccoli raw 1 Cup 5

> Turnip raw 1 Cup 8

> String beans 1 Cup 8

> Tomatos 1 large 8

> Onions 1 large 13

> Eggs x2 lrg 1

> Total Carbs 43

> **Please let me know if I have been working out these ratios

> incorrectly, for my height Im allowed 55gm protein, 44gm carb & 138-

> 190 fat.

==>That's looks correct to me. Your fat range is 138-193.

Thanks for your help, you are unbelievelably generous with your time

& efforts, I appreciate you very much.

==>You are so very welcome Kat! My payback is you getting well, and

passing it on!

Hugs, Bee

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> --- mangogal67 <mangogal67@...> wrote:


> > Dear Bee

> >

> > Ever since I've started on the complete recommended

> > diet, I have had

> > really bad breath, I thought previously that it

Debby wrote:

> You have ketosis breath. It's when you are burning

> fat and the by products of the fat burning process

> give off ketones which are expelled in your breath and

> urine.

==>She couldn't possibly have ketosis breath because she eats 5 cups of

vegetables per day.


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--- Bee Wilder <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

> ==>She couldn't possibly have ketosis breath because

> she eats 5 cups of

> vegetables per day.

Hi Bee,

It's possible for even people on a high carb diet to

go into ketosis, although unusual. Eating five cups

of veggies a day won't stop someone from going into

ketosis. Ketosis merely means that she is burning fat

for fuel as opposed to sugar/carbs.



San , CA

Website for my son Hunter Hudson, born 10/11/04:


Today is the most important day.

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