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Re: New here

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Educating yourself on what it takes to be truly healthy and setting a

proper foundation through supplements, nutrition, and the proper way of

how to titrate will eradicate much of the fear and get you on the road

to being healthy without the drugs. Welcome!


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  • 1 year later...

Hello,My name is Marjorie and I have Fibro,RSD,and others and I was just

wondering if someone could please tell me how to deal with them two



Dear Marjorie

Welcome, and hello.

Where do you live? Do you have any help (family friends or homemakers).

Are you close to any big cities?

With that information, we may have more of an idea what to suggest.

Here's hoping you find something!


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--- wrote:

My name is Marjorie and I have Fibro,RSD,and others and I was

just wondering if someone could please tell me how to deal with them two

together.I am unble to find any doctor around my area that knows

> anything about one or the other.I have been off me meds. for about

2wks now and it is getting very hard to deal with.I am unble to drive so I am

unable to get around just to check the doctoers out.



Hello Marjorie,

I too have fybro, and lots of other junk too. I recently was

discharged from my primary care Dr., and it took me a bit to find a new Dr., in

the meen time, I needed refills, I was on morphine, lyrica, norco,(6x a day),

soma, klonopin, wellbutrin, gemfybrosil, synthroid, I think that was it, well I

went to the E.R., and took in my empty bottles, so they could see that I needed

what I was on, and proof of when they were due, also, w/ the profile, the e.r.,

would know how long I'd been on them, so they didn't think I was some addict

trying to get hooked up.

well, he didn't refill my norco, or soma, So I had a misserable time going off

those 2, I'd been on them longer than the morphine and lyrica, but he did give

me the morph. & lyrc.,and klonopin, so I had some help, but It took me a bit

like I said trying to find a Dr. to take me, being on all the meds. I was on.

We live in a very rural area, and we have to travel a while to get to any decent

Dr.s. well, I'm still having problems, but I'm hopeing it the new Dr. will get

the info. so he can see too, that I really need at least the soma. I get up at

4;30am, and take my meds, then again at around 7pm, thats along time in between,

the morphine and lyrica are to be taken every 12 hrs. i take 60mg, of the morph.

am & pm, and 150 of the lyrica, am & pm.

I really need something in between that 17hr. gap. I have bone

on bone w/my knees, w/severe osteoarthritis, and r/a, and like I said

more junk too. I hope you can get in to at least mabe an E.R., but try and take

anything documentation, or empty bottles if you still have them, you can, mabe

go to the pharmasist you use on a reg. basis. thats very important to use the

same pharmacy, and alot of Dr.s will tell you to, and mabe even make you sign a

letter stating, you will not go to anyother Dr. for meds, and go to the same

pharmacy, they do that for a few reasons, so they can check up on you, and for

your own benifit as well.

A profile at the pharmacy, and a record of what you are on and

how long you've been on them, and who perscribed them. If it weren't

for that, I would be in a pickle worse than I am. well, I'm sorry for

going on, I just wanted to be of some help, and I hope you can get to

the E.R. or get into a clinic, they usually have a few Drs. and P.A.'S

that can help you when someone else can't get you in, at least your

record would be their. take care, and I hope you can get it worked out.

And I hope someone else can give you some more help, than me. God

Bless, Connie

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Carol,

What I have is called Guillain Barre' Syndrome, that was my original diagnosis

in October of 2005. It is an auto immune disorder that attacks the myelin

sheath and nerve axon. It is a rapidly ascending paralysis that starts in the

feet and over the course of 4 - 7 days progresses to the top of your head if not

treated. It is difficult to diagnose because the only abnormality found at

onset is elevated protein in the spinal fluid. The treatment is plasmaphoresis

(a sort of blood filtering) followed by IVIG (Intravenous Immune Globulin)

followed by a lot of wait and see.

Once the damage is done the neurologist can monitor amount of damage and any

progress toward healing by doing EMG's and nerve conduction studies, both very

painful. Some people diagnosed with GBS have a full recovery and most only have

minor side effects such as some fatigue and decreased reflexes in the feet and

ankles. There are a few of us that have major lasting effects and the diagnosis

eventually gets changed to CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating


That is what my current diagnosis is. I have no feeling in my feet from my toes

to just in front of my heels. From my heels up to my hips I have constant

parasthesia (pins and needles) on my skin and intense burning inside with

occasional sharp stabbing pains. I also have the parasthesia on my right rib

cage and the left side of my face. I have decreased to severely decreased

reflexes in my arms and legs, I walk with a cane due to poor balance and I fall,

a lot! I get fatigued very quickly which makes it difficult to keep up with my

teenagers! I have constant intense burning and sharp pain throughout my back,

arms and legs. This is my " normal " functioning level.

I have relapses. No one can seem to figure out what triggers them they just

happen. I have been on a myriad of drugs for everything from the neuropathy to

the pain and fatigue. I am settled on a regimen that I have been on for almost

6 months so I am waiting for my body to say ok this is not going to work for you

anymore and back into relapse I go!

As far as the comparison to MS, my doctor gave me that analogy as well as others

I have met with the same disease because there is not much info out there. The

differences are there are no lesions or brain fog with GBS/CIDP. All of my

degeneration has to do with the demylination and axonal damage. There is no

cure, just management. Some with CIDP are wheelchair bound, some use crutches,

some a cane and a few can walk unaided. One thing is for sure, all of us are in

pain. Life altering, debilitating pain.

Sorry for the long post. I hope this gives some further understanding. There

is a GBS/CIDP International Foundation that has some good information, the best

and most complete that I have found. There is not much info out there because

there is not much understanding. I have a bit of an edge because I have been an

RN for 10 years. I am happy to answer any questions anyone has.


boomersoonercriley@...: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 13:20:09 -0800Subject: Re:

New Here

Hi Deb,My name is Carol and I was diagnosed with MS in August of this year. Can

you tell me what GBS/CIDP is.

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  • 4 months later...
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I have to write quick, so pardon my lack of warmth! These incidences reflect a

clear pattern.

Write them out objectively in list format. (Each time you attempted to be a

NORMAL adult and her corresponding action.) Do not put a judgment. It is clear

from the objective truth that this is strange behavior. Keep it updated. At

some point, you may want to go NC and state the reasons clearly in letter or via

speech. Or you may have to clearly assert your boundaries.

You may also want to note her more prevalent patterns, and have a stock response

for dealing with it. Something you do or say every time.

You may also want to say you wish to have pleasant interaction, but you will not

be hostage to guilt trips, and will continue to disengage if conversation takes

that turn.

Whatever you do, know this: the BP person is infamous for making sane people

think they are the ones that are crazy. Bps are notoriously crazy-making because

they treat their off the wall behavior as normal and justified. Normal responses

are demonized.

You have given up enough of our life choices and dreams for this selfish,

selfish woman. The power you now have is to choose not to do that. Refusing to

play her game may deep six your relationship, but as of now, there is no

reciprocity or respect given. As an adult, you CAN choose your

relationships--even with your blood line.

In any event, I can't blame your husband. There is nothing wrong with sticking

up for you in a civil manner.

Or you can just tell her: Fuck Off, Mom.

Sorry, the dark force entered me for a minute there.

fossmommy wrote: Hi

everyone. I'm new to this group. I suspect that my mother has

BPD and it's gotten to a point that I really don't know how to handle

her anymore. Here's a little background... my parents divorced when

I was 7 (I'm 30 now) and my mom never remarried. Most of my

childhood was fine, a few things that were a little weird, but

overall, nothing too out of the ordinary. When I hit my 20's, I was

still living at home and going to a local college. when I started to

try and spread my wings... All heck broke loose. I wanted to go to a

college about 2000 miles away and two weeks before I was supposed to

leave, my mom quit her job and had a " breakdown " . She didn't want me

to go... so I didn't. A few years later, a friend and I decided we

wanted an apartment together... I told my mom that we were going to

go looking and the next day she started talking about killing herself

and I had to hospitalize her. A few years after that, I'm still

living at home with her and I meet my wonderful husband. We got very

serious, very fast. We had been dating for two weeks and all of the

sudden she gets this mystery illness that doctor's could not explain

or " find " (and we live in Houston... the medical capital of the

world!). Anyway, she did everything in her power to keep me from

getting married. She had me panicked before the wedding b/c she was

so upset that I was making her go live with my grandmother b/c I was

getting married. Anyway... since I got married, everytime I don't do

something she wants me to do, I hear " Since you've been married... I

never see you, you never call (which is a huge lie!), I never see the

grandkids, you have abandoned me " . I'm so tired of it!!! I don't

want to be ugly to her, but I'm so ready to just walk away and never

talk to her again. Every conversation is full of talk of my

inadequacies as a mother and a daughter (although she forgets that I

helped support her while I was in college). I have started believing

all of the horrible things she has told me about myself, even though

I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to lay into

her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to try

and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all dealt

with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents... if it was a

chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel stuck.


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Big First of all: There is nothing for you to FIX. That is your single biggest

hurdle right now. Once you can wrap your mind around that then you can move on,

until then you will remain stuck. Any attempt to disengage and become your own

person will be met with severe resistance by your nada. Get used to it and brace

for it. You have hard task ahead of you, but if you look to your husband and

your children they will give you the strength to disengage with your nada.

Be strong

New here

Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I suspect that my mother has

BPD and it's gotten to a point that I really don't know how to handle

her anymore. Here's a little background.. . my parents divorced when

I was 7 (I'm 30 now) and my mom never remarried. Most of my

childhood was fine, a few things that were a little weird, but

overall, nothing too out of the ordinary. When I hit my 20's, I was

still living at home and going to a local college. when I started to

try and spread my wings... All heck broke loose. I wanted to go to a

college about 2000 miles away and two weeks before I was supposed to

leave, my mom quit her job and had a " breakdown " . She didn't want me

to go... so I didn't.. A few years later, a friend and I decided we

wanted an apartment together... I told my mom that we were going to

go looking and the next day she started talking about killing herself

and I had to hospitalize her. A few years after that, I'm still

living at home with her and I meet my wonderful husband. We got very

serious, very fast. We had been dating for two weeks and all of the

sudden she gets this mystery illness that doctor's could not explain

or " find " (and we live in Houston... the medical capital of the

world!). Anyway, she did everything in her power to keep me from

getting married. She had me panicked before the wedding b/c she was

so upset that I was making her go live with my grandmother b/c I was

getting married. Anyway... since I got married, everytime I don't do

something she wants me to do, I hear " Since you've been married... I

never see you, you never call (which is a huge lie!), I never see the

grandkids, you have abandoned me " . I'm so tired of it!!! I don't

want to be ugly to her, but I'm so ready to just walk away and never

talk to her again. Every conversation is full of talk of my

inadequacies as a mother and a daughter (although she forgets that I

helped support her while I was in college). I have started believing

all of the horrible things she has told me about myself, even though

I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to lay into

her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to try

and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all dealt

with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents.... if it was a

chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel stuck.



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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AWWW YEAH! h-town... let's hear it for the 713!!

jeez, now i feel like a dork...but i'm from houston! yeah, if they

can't find what's wrong with you in the medical center, there's no

point in even looking anywhere else.

with mom, i just kind of said to myself, " dude...i'm not taking this

anymore. " things were really just strained for a long time. when i

moved out, i was the worst person alive. then i stopped going over

because she always treated me like i was doing something wrong. she

just LOOKED like she wanted to light into me. she would flick me off

and call me a bitch for no reason and it was very depressing. THEN

when i got engaged, she tried to swoop in and plan the whole wedding,

all the while telling me i wasn't helping enough. jeezy creezy, i

wanted as small a wedding as possible...like 15 mins, max. no

decorations, sheet cake, short and sweet. she flipped and said that

my mom-in-law was trying to control everyone. whatever! she was out

of the country at the time.

anyway, a week after we got married, we moved to austin for two years.

that was nice, except that when we came into town, mom insisted

(INSISTED) that we stay with her even though i'm allergic and her

house is FULL of animals (3 dogs, 4 cats). so whenever we went over

to the husband's parents' house (which had 3 spare rooms...much more

comfortable for a visit), i was a horrible daughter who never spent

enough time with her. then when i DID go over, she would just bitch

about how i was never around. when she started in on it on the third

visit into town, i just left her house. i was like, well, this was a

really nice visit, what, with you telling me about how i'm never here

and all... later.

oh yeah, and i stopped reacting to suicidal threats. i was like, this

is stupid. if you need to kill yourself, then you need to kill

yourself. it's your decision. i'm kind of terrified that i'm that

detached, because i don't think it's good or normal to feel like that

about your mom...

it seems that according to her, i'm going to be the bad kid no matter

what i do. my little sister who still lives with her told me today

that mom still thinks i'm the bad kid and nobody really knows why she

picked me. it's a drag, but my friends and the rest of my family like

me, so that's good. that's what gets me through.



> Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I suspect that my mother has

> BPD and it's gotten to a point that I really don't know how to handle

> her anymore. Here's a little background... my parents divorced when

> I was 7 (I'm 30 now) and my mom never remarried. Most of my

> childhood was fine, a few things that were a little weird, but

> overall, nothing too out of the ordinary. When I hit my 20's, I was

> still living at home and going to a local college. when I started to

> try and spread my wings... All heck broke loose. I wanted to go to a

> college about 2000 miles away and two weeks before I was supposed to

> leave, my mom quit her job and had a " breakdown " . She didn't want me

> to go... so I didn't. A few years later, a friend and I decided we

> wanted an apartment together... I told my mom that we were going to

> go looking and the next day she started talking about killing herself

> and I had to hospitalize her. A few years after that, I'm still

> living at home with her and I meet my wonderful husband. We got very

> serious, very fast. We had been dating for two weeks and all of the

> sudden she gets this mystery illness that doctor's could not explain

> or " find " (and we live in Houston... the medical capital of the

> world!). Anyway, she did everything in her power to keep me from

> getting married. She had me panicked before the wedding b/c she was

> so upset that I was making her go live with my grandmother b/c I was

> getting married. Anyway... since I got married, everytime I don't do

> something she wants me to do, I hear " Since you've been married... I

> never see you, you never call (which is a huge lie!), I never see the

> grandkids, you have abandoned me " . I'm so tired of it!!! I don't

> want to be ugly to her, but I'm so ready to just walk away and never

> talk to her again. Every conversation is full of talk of my

> inadequacies as a mother and a daughter (although she forgets that I

> helped support her while I was in college). I have started believing

> all of the horrible things she has told me about myself, even though

> I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to lay into

> her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to try

> and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all dealt

> with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents... if it was a

> chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel stuck.


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My nada has threatened to kill herself so many times that it truly

now has no effect on me. Once when I was a teenager, she was pissed

off at me for something and she locked herself in her bedroom. I

asked her to open the door so I could talk to her and she



She was even more pissed when I laughed because we only have one

floor on our house. How do you kill yourself by falling 3 feet out

the window to the ground?


> > >

> > > Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I suspect that my mother has

> > > BPD and it's gotten to a point that I really don't know how to


> > > her anymore. Here's a little background... my parents divorced


> > > I was 7 (I'm 30 now) and my mom never remarried. Most of my

> > > childhood was fine, a few things that were a little weird, but

> > > overall, nothing too out of the ordinary. When I hit my 20's, I


> > > still living at home and going to a local college. when I

started to

> > > try and spread my wings... All heck broke loose. I wanted to go

to a

> > > college about 2000 miles away and two weeks before I was

supposed to

> > > leave, my mom quit her job and had a " breakdown " . She didn't

want me

> > > to go... so I didn't. A few years later, a friend and I decided


> > > wanted an apartment together... I told my mom that we were

going to

> > > go looking and the next day she started talking about killing


> > > and I had to hospitalize her. A few years after that, I'm still

> > > living at home with her and I meet my wonderful husband. We got


> > > serious, very fast. We had been dating for two weeks and all of


> > > sudden she gets this mystery illness that doctor's could not


> > > or " find " (and we live in Houston... the medical capital of the

> > > world!). Anyway, she did everything in her power to keep me from

> > > getting married. She had me panicked before the wedding b/c she


> > > so upset that I was making her go live with my grandmother b/c

I was

> > > getting married. Anyway... since I got married, everytime I

don't do

> > > something she wants me to do, I hear " Since you've been

married... I

> > > never see you, you never call (which is a huge lie!), I never

see the

> > > grandkids, you have abandoned me " . I'm so tired of it!!! I don't

> > > want to be ugly to her, but I'm so ready to just walk away and


> > > talk to her again. Every conversation is full of talk of my

> > > inadequacies as a mother and a daughter (although she forgets

that I

> > > helped support her while I was in college). I have started


> > > all of the horrible things she has told me about myself, even


> > > I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to lay


> > > her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to try

> > > and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all


> > > with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents... if it was a

> > > chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel


> > >

> >

> >

> >




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LOL, that is too funny! A friend of mine made a movie where one of

the main characters did exactly that, attempted suicide by jumping

out a first-floor window. I laughed so hard I about peed my pants.

> > > >

> > > > Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I suspect that my mother


> > > > BPD and it's gotten to a point that I really don't know how


> handle

> > > > her anymore. Here's a little background... my parents


> when

> > > > I was 7 (I'm 30 now) and my mom never remarried. Most of my

> > > > childhood was fine, a few things that were a little weird,


> > > > overall, nothing too out of the ordinary. When I hit my

20's, I

> was

> > > > still living at home and going to a local college. when I

> started to

> > > > try and spread my wings... All heck broke loose. I wanted to


> to a

> > > > college about 2000 miles away and two weeks before I was

> supposed to

> > > > leave, my mom quit her job and had a " breakdown " . She didn't

> want me

> > > > to go... so I didn't. A few years later, a friend and I


> we

> > > > wanted an apartment together... I told my mom that we were

> going to

> > > > go looking and the next day she started talking about


> herself

> > > > and I had to hospitalize her. A few years after that, I'm


> > > > living at home with her and I meet my wonderful husband. We


> very

> > > > serious, very fast. We had been dating for two weeks and all


> the

> > > > sudden she gets this mystery illness that doctor's could not

> explain

> > > > or " find " (and we live in Houston... the medical capital of


> > > > world!). Anyway, she did everything in her power to keep me


> > > > getting married. She had me panicked before the wedding b/c


> was

> > > > so upset that I was making her go live with my grandmother


> I was

> > > > getting married. Anyway... since I got married, everytime I

> don't do

> > > > something she wants me to do, I hear " Since you've been

> married... I

> > > > never see you, you never call (which is a huge lie!), I


> see the

> > > > grandkids, you have abandoned me " . I'm so tired of it!!! I


> > > > want to be ugly to her, but I'm so ready to just walk away


> never

> > > > talk to her again. Every conversation is full of talk of my

> > > > inadequacies as a mother and a daughter (although she


> that I

> > > > helped support her while I was in college). I have started

> believing

> > > > all of the horrible things she has told me about myself,


> though

> > > > I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to


> into

> > > > her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to


> > > > and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all

> dealt

> > > > with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents... if it was


> > > > chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel

> stuck.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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When you say, " if it was a chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in

it " that just jumped out at me. I had a very close friend ask

me, " Would you accept this kind of behavior from a friend? Then why

would you accept it from her just because she's your mother? You

deserve better than that. "

My Mom spent years bad mouthing my father...making him the bad

guy...mind you my parents never divorced (they have been married nearly

45 years!)...and not that I think my father is any saint either. She

made herself into a martyr to the point where I nearly believed her.

But then I got older, had children of my own and realized all these

things she claimed were " sacrifices " were just part of being a

parent...no easy job, but certainly not something to hold over your

kids heads for all eternity at every opportunity. Then the interfering

in my life just escalated to the point where even before I knew exactly

what was wrong, I had to distance myself from her. I went twelve weeks

without speaking with her and then Mother's day and guilt set in. I

gave her another chance. And then another. And then another. And now

she's run out of chances.

Is she completely out of my life for good? I don't know. But I did

draw a line in the sand and say no more of this crap. Own up to the

garbage you have been spewing or we have nothing to talk about. As of

this point in time, she is still denying any wrong-doing and I am happy

to live my life without her and the ridiculous drama she brings.

I will acknowlege her on Mother's day, but I will not ruin my own

Mother's day by making a phone call or planning a visit. Do I feel

moments of guilt? You bet. But I no longer wake up feeling like I am

going to throw up because I " might " have to have a conversation with

her or be in her presence.

I nearly believed I was the horrible, ungrateful kid she made me out to

be. But I've come to realize that is only her version of

reality...supported and enabled by my father. I have watched them

write people out of their lives with the blink of an eye since I was a

kid. I am really no different than the rest of their black list...I

was just one of the last hold outs.

Everyone has a limit. I reached mine. I tried setting boundaries with

her, but she violated them every single time. C'est la vie!



> ...I have started believing

> all of the horrible things she has told me about myself, even though

> I know they aren't true. My husband is biting at the bit to lay into

> her verbally, but I won't let him. I feel this obligation to try

> and " fix " this, but I know I can't fix her. How have you all dealt

> with the BP's in your lives? Especially parents... if it was a

> chosen relationship, I wouldn't still be in it... but I feel stuck.


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" Own up to the

garbage you have been spewing or we have nothing to talk about. "

Amen! That is EXACTLY where I'm at right now! I don't know what on

earth I'd talk to nada or dad about with their crap that they want

to " forget it ever happened " hanging over our heads. Not this time,

folks! You dragged my kids into this, time to fess up!

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Hi, Freda!

I'm new here, too, but not to the subject of BPD.

My mother, who is now 76, has had BPD (formally undiagnosed) for a

very long time. It is quite the tenacious disease, as I've been told

by numerous therapists over the years. Many therapists, in fact, find

clients with BPD super-challenging and either won't take them on for

long or just won't take them.

Like your mom did, my mother projects the " sweet lady " persona to the

outside world. I can assure you that that is certainly not who she is

in private!

As you experienced, for years as I was growing up, friends and

neighbors couldn't understand my " perceptions " of my mother since she

seemed so reasonable, smart, even-keeled and just darned nice to

them. It was a lonely place for me, indeed. Luckily, I had one friend

in college who took my concerns about my mother very seriously and

literally pulled me over to the college counseling center to let a

therapist know what I was experiencing at home. It was then that I

truly started my road to learning how to free myself from the prison

she had constructed for me.

Although I get very tired at times of living with the fact that I had

an absolutely terrifying childhood and its deep impact on my psyche,

I do realize that the experience has made me an exceptionally strong

person in many ways. Afterall, if a child can survive (and still be a

fully functional member of society) such brutality in their family of

origin, so many other so-called " challenges " in life pale in


I would say, Freda, that your mom could have certainly had BPD. I'm

not a therapist, mind you, but there is a " charming " quality to many

people with the disease. And ... the fact that she attempted to kill

you at one point definitely points to some sort of pathology in her


Best Regards,


> Hi all;


> I've been reading posts for a while now.


> It's hard to find words at this point, but here's an attempt.


> Had a mother who was maybe BP. She was manipulative, cunning, very

> bright, very charming to folks outside of the family. I was born

> last of 4 children, 10 years after the one before me. I am almost

> certain that my mother tried to kill me at one point for a period

> when I was around 4 or 5 (with a yucky variety of poisoning... over

> a period of time)and she had just divorced my dad and the other


> were gone (one grown and moved out, 2 younger...both boys...went to

> live with my dad) So I was alone with her ...


> I have now relationship with my siblings anymore. The fastest way

> to explain that is say if my mother was the witch in the Wizard of

> Oz, my brothers and my sister were her monkeys.


> My mother is now dead, she died at the age of 96...I am now


> STILL TRYING to leave this all behind. Such grief.


> Your posts reveal a lot of knowledge on the subject of BPD. So I

> guess my request is this: from what you know , and what I've said,

> does this exceed the parameters of BPD?



> She was never diagnosed with anything...everyone thought she was

> just great...once I was trying to explain to an old friend just a

> little of what she was like...he said " Look...I've met your

> mother...it's hard to believe these things about such a sweet old

> lady " Very typical response.


> I've been in therapy a lot in my time...but in my many attempts,

> didn't find a person that really could deal with BPD or whatever

> this was.



> Freda


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