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Re: Strep Symptoms

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To test for a current strep infection they'll do a throat swap.  To check for

PANDAS you can run blood work ASO and DNASE BUT keep in mind that 50% of the

kids do not have high titers and DO have PANDAS. Also the severity of the 

symptoms do not necessarily correlate to the titer level.  You need to look at

symptoms. An experienced PANDAS doc will treat on symtoms alone.   

Separation anxiety, aggressiveness, OCD, loss of handwriting, loss of math

skills, self injurious behavior, attacking others, regression in age appropriate

things.  Go to the site www.pandasnetwork.org and read away.


From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Subject: Strep Symptoms

Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 11:44 AM


Hello Friends,

What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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Thank you , The only symptom I can tell is the OCD, but it's not

severe, it's things like, straightening the seatbelts, bathroom towels

and mats straight, bed sheets tucked in, wanting to wear only certain

colors or type of clothes, like no shorts only jeans, etc. He's

compliant and won't complain just keeps working hard.

I'll go on the website again, I saw Sammy's story it's very touching!


On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:02 AM, Fund wrote:

> To test for a current strep infection they'll do a throat swap. To

> check for PANDAS you can run blood work ASO and DNASE BUT keep in

> mind that 50% of the kids do not have high titers and DO have

> PANDAS. Also the severity of the symptoms do not necessarily

> correlate to the titer level. You need to look at symptoms. An

> experienced PANDAS doc will treat on symtoms alone. Separation

> anxiety, aggressiveness, OCD, loss of handwriting, loss of math

> skills, self injurious behavior, attacking others, regression in age

> appropriate things. Go to the site www.pandasnetwork.org and read

> away.






> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

> Subject: Strep Symptoms


> Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 11:44 AM




> Hello Friends,


> What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

> don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

> sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

> because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

> test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

> there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?


> Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


> Argie



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Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just behavior problems

and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was very different.

on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed sleeping it out,

cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune system after

almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a positive throat

swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD improved

greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G put their

child on anything but Eryped?



From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

Subject: Strep Symptoms

Hello Friends,

What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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Years ago, we did Eryped for months through Dr. G for high ASO. My son was

VERY distracted... couldn¹t focus on his work at school. It was so bad that

I pulled him out of school (with his teacher¹s blessing) for a few days

until the Eryped kicked in. When he went back to school, she called me in

the middle of the day to say it was a miracle (how much more focused he


He didn¹t show any signs of illness... just the distractedness.

I¹ve never heard of him using anything other than Eryped, but you could

always ask.


From: Bill klimas <klimas_bill@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 09:59:27 -0800 (PST)

< >

Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms


Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just behavior


and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was very


on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed sleeping it


cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune system


almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a positive


swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD improved

greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G put their

child on anything but Eryped?


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Hi Bill,

You know, has been on Septra for a while as part of the

protocol, maybe that's why he's so mild?

We tried giving him Immunovir, but he had a horrible reaction, that we

had to stop. He started vomiting non-stop, and excessive gas! It was

so weird.

We found out that he does have a hietal hernia and that's why the

excessive gas, but it didn't explain the vomiting.

Anyway, we can't afford the medication right now :( But maybe we'll

try it after things improve.

We gave it to our daughter, and we did not see any improvements in her

lab results (she took it for a year).


On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Bill klimas wrote:

> Argie

> Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just

> behavior problems

> and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was

> very different.

> on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed

> sleeping it out,

> cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune

> system after

> almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a

> positive throat

> swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD

> improved

> greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G

> put their

> child on anything but Eryped?

> Bill


> ________________________________

> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>


> Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

> Subject: Strep Symptoms


> Hello Friends,


> What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

> don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

> sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

> because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

> test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

> there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?


> Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


> Argie



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Dr G would occasionally use cefzil for us, and extend it past 14 days.  I'm

currently on keflex for at least a few months, a switch off doxycycline for a

while, and it's going well on that too.  I'm sure my ASO is down - I'd bet by

200 since I started it.  Cefzil was well tolerated most of the time by my boys,

but it's not one of the favorite choices for long term use - but it is fine for

at least a month when necessary (as far as I know but may depend on the age).

I imagine Connor's old enough for doxycycline, but I haven't heard of Dr G using

it in the kids, even though he recommended it to me.  We tried doxy on Garrett

when he was 10 (thru Dr ), but although it made such a difference in his

cognitive function that he reported it himself in 3 days (always my magic number

- I always 'wake up to the world' 3 days into it when I wasn't on it all the

time), it made him soooo nauseaus that we had to stop it by the 5th day.  It


so dissappointing.  He lost the function, and even said it would almost be


being sick to have his brain work like that again.  So, we tried and got two

more pills in (night & next morning), and he said, nevermind - it makes me too


We're trying minocycline for the 2nd time, just one dose at bedtime, and this

time he is tolerating that one.  I don't know if I see gains so much yet, but

the complaints from school are almost nothing, but I think the affection from

his teacher and all her hard work may be credited - that, and pretty girls


(He's starting to dream about girls now - isn't 11 just a weee bit early?)  But

.... you know, he was trying hard  before the mino and wasn't having success ...

I just can't say.  I tried minocycline and it did NONE of what doxy did for


We've been addressing anger, and there are resentments he still holds from the

almost year of daily soy lecithen (how that escaped me I still don't know except

my stupid fog), but when he's not being angry (and after pulling the last little

sneaky treat out a week ago it's been so much better), he's just soooo with it,

he and I can be so connected (when we're not totally pissed off at each other,

which we've  been a good bit), and the eyes are bright, the smiles are


So hey, maybe the mino does have something to do with that ... as long as the

diet is cleaner.  He gets dairy sneaked in - that's my next mission - it just

didn't seem to have any impact on him, but your post a few months (or year?)

back, Bill, where you fought the diet so long and then finally committed to it,

has reinforced that if he's not totally doing well, and if I believe in

everything else, then why the hell do I let him have something with dairy?  I

can answer: he was hating me enough already - but that was the soy monster. 

Recently we discovered that they main core problem he has been having with rage

at his brother (aside from being too sensitive to noise and his brother being a

chatty little fellow, and using little hisses and other sounds and such just to

piss Garrett off to maximum blow the little turkey) is that during this year of

soy-rage, he listens to his brother be happy, chipper, cheery, laughing and

entertaining himself with video games and having a close friend, and he can't

feel that - can't enjoy himself anywhere near the degree his brother can.  I've

been talking to him about how the soy was doing that, how much it has improved

lately, and reminding him how bad and miserable and obsessive was before

Dr put him on Effexor (I didn't realize how life changing that was until

he threw up for 3 days and started obsessing again - no strep and no improvement

on antibiotics).  Then ... it dawned on me.  I started telling him about all


foods does NOT eat that Garrett craves and begs for every day. 

's diet is so much cleaner, and he doesn't have the fierce craving for

dairy or chocolate, and doesn't eat near the carbs his brother begs for.  I

started naming what he does eat, and naming all that he doesn't eat, and Garrett

and I stared at each other with our jaws dropped for a moment (this was just a

few days ago).  I don't know how I'm gonna get him switched over, but we just

have to.  At least he likes sheeps cheese and romano well enough to replace

pizza - much to my shock (and his) - the munchango or whatever that someone here

posted long before and I saved and never tried till I reached that lovely

breaking point.

Now if I can just replace butter with something that doesn't have soy - I'd give

dairy in a heart beat over soy.  And oh if only there was a non-soy suitable

american cheese - he'd think he'd gone to heaven. 

Oops - rambling.



From: Bill klimas <klimas_bill@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:59:27 AM

Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms



Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just behavior problems

and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was very different.

on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed sleeping it out,

cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune system after

almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a positive throat

swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD improved

greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G put their

child on anything but Eryped?



From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

Subject: Strep Symptoms

Hello Friends,

What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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I think we did some sulfa or bactrim or something once w/Dr G.  It makes a red

ring around one of the kids' mouth though.  But it worked ok...

The key is going to be on it a month, not 10 days, or have you already done



From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 3:16:51 PM

Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms

Hi Bill,

You know, has been on Septra for a while as part of the 

protocol, maybe that's why he's so mild?

We tried giving him Immunovir, but he had a horrible reaction, that we 

had to stop.  He started vomiting non-stop, and excessive gas!  It was 

so weird.

We found out that he does have a hietal hernia and that's why the 

excessive gas, but it didn't explain the vomiting.

Anyway, we can't afford the medication right now :(  But maybe we'll 

try it after things improve.

We gave it to our daughter, and we did not see any improvements in her 

lab results (she took it for a year).


On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Bill klimas wrote:

> Argie

> Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just 

> behavior problems

> and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was 

> very different.

> on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed 

> sleeping it out,

> cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune 

> system after

> almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a 

> positive throat

> swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD 

> improved

> greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G 

> put their

> child on anything but Eryped?

> Bill


> ________________________________

> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>


> Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

> Subject: Strep Symptoms


> Hello Friends,


> What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

> don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

> sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

> because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

> test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

> there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?


> Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


> Argie



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He's been taking Septra for over 3 years now.

On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:25 PM, wrote:

> I think we did some sulfa or bactrim or something once w/Dr G. It

> makes a red

> ring around one of the kids' mouth though. But it worked ok...


> The key is going to be on it a month, not 10 days, or have you

> already done

> that?




> ________________________________

> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>


> Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 3:16:51 PM

> Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms


> Hi Bill,


> You know, has been on Septra for a while as part of the

> protocol, maybe that's why he's so mild?

> We tried giving him Immunovir, but he had a horrible reaction, that we

> had to stop. He started vomiting non-stop, and excessive gas! It was

> so weird.

> We found out that he does have a hietal hernia and that's why the

> excessive gas, but it didn't explain the vomiting.

> Anyway, we can't afford the medication right now :( But maybe we'll

> try it after things improve.

> We gave it to our daughter, and we did not see any improvements in her

> lab results (she took it for a year).


> Argie


> On Dec 14, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Bill klimas wrote:


> > Argie

> > Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just

> > behavior problems

> > and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was

> > very different.

> > on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed

> > sleeping it out,

> > cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune

> > system after

> > almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a

> > positive throat

> > swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD

> > improved

> > greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G

> > put their

> > child on anything but Eryped?

> > Bill

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

> >

> > Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

> > Subject: Strep Symptoms

> >

> > Hello Friends,

> >

> > What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my

> kids

> > don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

> > sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling

> well

> > because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

> > test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

> > there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

> >

> > Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

> >

> > Argie

> >

> >

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Hi, .

I can't help you with the american cheese sub that doesn't have soy, but as far

as the butter is concerned, we use Earth Balance. The regular one has soy, but I

did find a soy free version at Walmart. It's in a red container instead of


All the best,


From: <thecolemans4@...>

Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms

Date: Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 9:23 PM


Dr G would occasionally use cefzil for us, and extend it past 14 days. 


currently on keflex for at least a few months, a switch off doxycycline for a

while, and it's going well on that too.  I'm sure my ASO is down - I'd bet by

200 since I started it.  Cefzil was well tolerated most of the time by my boys,

but it's not one of the favorite choices for long term use - but it is fine for

at least a month when necessary (as far as I know but may depend on the age).

I imagine Connor's old enough for doxycycline, but I haven't heard of Dr G using

it in the kids, even though he recommended it to me.  We tried doxy on Garrett

when he was 10 (thru Dr ), but although it made such a difference in his

cognitive function that he reported it himself in 3 days (always my magic number

- I always 'wake up to the world' 3 days into it when I wasn't on it all the

time), it made him soooo nauseaus that we had to stop it by the 5th day.  It


so dissappointing.  He lost the function, and even said it would almost be


being sick to have his brain work like that again.  So, we tried and got two

more pills in (night & next morning), and he said, nevermind - it makes me too


We're trying minocycline for the 2nd time, just one dose at bedtime, and this

time he is tolerating that one.  I don't know if I see gains so much yet, but

the complaints from school are almost nothing, but I think the affection from

his teacher and all her hard work may be credited - that, and pretty girls


(He's starting to dream about girls now - isn't 11 just a weee bit early?)  But

.... you know, he was trying hard  before the mino and wasn't having success ...

I just can't say.  I tried minocycline and it did NONE of what doxy did for


We've been addressing anger, and there are resentments he still holds from the

almost year of daily soy lecithen (how that escaped me I still don't know except

my stupid fog), but when he's not being angry (and after pulling the last little

sneaky treat out a week ago it's been so much better), he's just soooo with it,

he and I can be so connected (when we're not totally pissed off at each other,

which we've  been a good bit), and the eyes are bright, the smiles are


So hey, maybe the mino does have something to do with that ... as long as the

diet is cleaner.  He gets dairy sneaked in - that's my next mission - it just

didn't seem to have any impact on him, but your post a few months (or year?)

back, Bill, where you fought the diet so long and then finally committed to it,

has reinforced that if he's not totally doing well, and if I believe in

everything else, then why the hell do I let him have something with dairy?  I

can answer: he was hating me enough already - but that was the soy monster. 

Recently we discovered that they main core problem he has been having with rage

at his brother (aside from being too sensitive to noise and his brother being a

chatty little fellow, and using little hisses and other sounds and such just to

piss Garrett off to maximum blow the little turkey) is that during this year of

soy-rage, he listens to his brother be happy, chipper, cheery, laughing and

entertaining himself with video games and having a close friend, and he can't

feel that - can't enjoy himself anywhere near the degree his brother can.  I've

been talking to him about how the soy was doing that, how much it has improved

lately, and reminding him how bad and miserable and obsessive was before

Dr put him on Effexor (I didn't realize how life changing that was until

he threw up for 3 days and started obsessing again - no strep and no improvement

on antibiotics).  Then ... it dawned on me.  I started telling him about all


foods does NOT eat that Garrett craves and begs for every day. 

's diet is so much cleaner, and he doesn't have the fierce craving for

dairy or chocolate, and doesn't eat near the carbs his brother begs for.  I

started naming what he does eat, and naming all that he doesn't eat, and Garrett

and I stared at each other with our jaws dropped for a moment (this was just a

few days ago).  I don't know how I'm gonna get him switched over, but we just

have to.  At least he likes sheeps cheese and romano well enough to replace

pizza - much to my shock (and his) - the munchango or whatever that someone here

posted long before and I saved and never tried till I reached that lovely

breaking point.

Now if I can just replace butter with something that doesn't have soy - I'd give

dairy in a heart beat over soy.  And oh if only there was a non-soy suitable

american cheese - he'd think he'd gone to heaven. 

Oops - rambling.



From: Bill klimas <klimas_bill@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:59:27 AM

Subject: Re: Strep Symptoms



Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just behavior problems

and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was very different.

on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed sleeping it out,

cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune system after

almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a positive throat

swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD improved

greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G put their

child on anything but Eryped?



From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

Subject: Strep Symptoms

Hello Friends,

What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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A hiatel hernia would also explain the vomiting. My husband's is so large that

it caused severe erosive gastritis and narrowed his esophagus so much that he

threw up constantly. He has to have surgery early next year. For now, he is

controlling the vomiting with medication and diet.

All the best,


> Argie

> Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just 

> behavior problems

> and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was 

> very different.

> on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed 

> sleeping it out,

> cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune 

> system after

> almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a 

> positive throat

> swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD 

> improved

> greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G 

> put their

> child on anything but Eryped?

> Bill


> ________________________________

> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>


> Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM

> Subject: Strep Symptoms


> Hello Friends,


> What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

> don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

> sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

> because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

> test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

> there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?


> Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


> Argie



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Thanks Robyn,

Thank God he doesn't need surgery. He is doing better with diet and

medicine. When we removed brown sugar, brown rice and cinnamon from

his diet the vomiting " gagging " stopped completely, this was way

before his hernia was diagnosed. Dr. G was the one to tell us to stop


Take care,


On Dec 15, 2010, at 1:09 AM, Robyn & Greg Coggins wrote:

> Argie,


> A hiatel hernia would also explain the vomiting. My husband's is so

> large that it caused severe erosive gastritis and narrowed his

> esophagus so much that he threw up constantly. He has to have

> surgery early next year. For now, he is controlling the vomiting

> with medication and diet.


> All the best,


> Robyn




> > Argie


> > Same here. Connor would NEVER EVER show signs of illness just


> > behavior problems


> > and I or his mom would get ill the following days. This year was


> > very different.


> > on three occasions he has become typically ill. Fever, in bed


> > sleeping it out,


> > cough, runny nose. I think it is the immunovir balancing his immune


> > system after


> > almost two years. I still suspect Pandas after a High ASO and a


> > positive throat


> > swab this fall. His Ped put him on Amox for ten days and the OCD


> > improved


> > greatly but came back when the script ran out. Has anyone had Dr G


> > put their


> > child on anything but Eryped?


> > Bill


> >


> > ________________________________


> > From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>


> >


> > Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 11:44:43 AM


> > Subject: Strep Symptoms


> >


> > Hello Friends,


> >


> > What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my

> kids


> > don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really


> > sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling

> well


> > because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep


> > test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is


> > there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?


> >


> > Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


> >


> > Argie


> >


> >

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When my son was little, he had to turn the gas cap 10 times before he got in the

car, starting 3 days before he would test positive for strep.  I learned to


for 3 days to schedule the pediatrician appointment, because I would go, test

negative, then go back exactly 3 days later (because OCD was getting worse and

his throat would finally get red), & he'd be positive.  He wouldn't complain,

wouldn't have a fever until 3 days after the antibiotic was started.

Now, if he gets strep, it usually presents normally w/ a sore throat and usually

some fever.  He also gets very nauseaus and tends to throw up, and has sinus

symptoms too.

Good luck.  If you can keep strep infections from getting missed while their

little, maybe they won't get outright PANDAS.  My kids both would show ocd


onset of strep, but their titers didn't rise like mine (I got labeled a carrier

& fought over a year to get treatment properly), and their ocd symptoms go away

within days of the antibiotic and don't return.  So far...


From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

Sent: Tue, December 14, 2010 10:44:43 AM

Subject: Strep Symptoms


Hello Friends,

What are the symptoms of strep? I know this sounds weird, but my kids

don't get fevers, so it's hard for me to tell when they're really

sick! My son just gets the sniffles, but I know he's not feeling well

because he gets extra cranky and more " OCD " . We have had the strep

test " swab " and lab works before, but they came back negative. Is

there a specific blood test they can do? Would Dr. G order it?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!


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