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> I have actually been the person the school recommends parents

>talk to when they first get the diagnosis.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow. Here our school is not allowed to a parent with a child that has

autism if there is someone else willing to talk to them or get/give

advice. Our speech teacher has told me a year ago that she was

surprised that I knew so much about the special ed laws and such.

Yet I can't find out other parents that have a child with Autism.

And you know that is sad cause I know I could help alot of them.

Any ideas?


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I have the good fortune to be in a great district. I had toyed with the

idea of putting together a support group in my town, but there is one

nearby. Unfortunately, they meet at night and with my husbands’ travel

schedule, nights are tricky for me. I was originally asked if I would mind

if they gave my name to parents, and then I offered it up. I have not been

contacted by anyone that I didn’t already know in some capacity, so I don’t

know if it made a difference to be available. I still leave it open with

them, though. Perhaps people are just too shy, or feel they can handle it

on their own. NH is great for special ed., if you know where to go. There

is a resource here called Parent Information Center, and I know they are in

other states, maybe in yours. They actually train parent advocates to

assist in IEP meetings, etc. It was tempting, but I think my plate is a

little full to be offering up hours of my time.

As for getting your name out there or forming some sort of support group,

would your school put your name in the newsletter? Again, I have a great

school here and they would do that. By law, they cannot give you the names

of the kids with AS, but you can ask them to forward your name onto those

parents. Some districts do not want the parents forming any kind of

alliance, because then they learn what their rights are and can get what

might not otherwise be offered. Maybe the PTA will help. That should fall

right in their ballpark.

Good luck.

Re: ( ) Please help

> I have actually been the person the school recommends parents

>talk to when they first get the diagnosis.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow. Here our school is not allowed to a parent with a child that has

autism if there is someone else willing to talk to them or get/give

advice. Our speech teacher has told me a year ago that she was

surprised that I knew so much about the special ed laws and such.

Yet I can't find out other parents that have a child with Autism.

And you know that is sad cause I know I could help alot of them.

Any ideas?


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In my school district, the school psychologist started the parent support group

and sent a notice out to all the parents with children that had an IEP. In the

letter she explained that, she was starting a parent support group, the day it

would meet, and to meet in the school. this went very well.

DeMio <demio@...> wrote: I have the good fortune to be in a great

district. I had toyed with the

idea of putting together a support group in my town, but there is one

nearby. Unfortunately, they meet at night and with my husbands’ travel

schedule, nights are tricky for me. I was originally asked if I would mind

if they gave my name to parents, and then I offered it up. I have not been

contacted by anyone that I didn’t already know in some capacity, so I don’t

know if it made a difference to be available. I still leave it open with

them, though. Perhaps people are just too shy, or feel they can handle it

on their own. NH is great for special ed., if you know where to go. There

is a resource here called Parent Information Center, and I know they are in

other states, maybe in yours. They actually train parent advocates to

assist in IEP meetings, etc. It was tempting, but I think my plate is a

little full to be offering up hours of my time.

As for getting your name out there or forming some sort of support group,

would your school put your name in the newsletter? Again, I have a great

school here and they would do that. By law, they cannot give you the names

of the kids with AS, but you can ask them to forward your name onto those

parents. Some districts do not want the parents forming any kind of

alliance, because then they learn what their rights are and can get what

might not otherwise be offered. Maybe the PTA will help. That should fall

right in their ballpark.

Good luck.

Re: ( ) Please help

> I have actually been the person the school recommends parents

>talk to when they first get the diagnosis.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow. Here our school is not allowed to a parent with a child that has

autism if there is someone else willing to talk to them or get/give

advice. Our speech teacher has told me a year ago that she was

surprised that I knew so much about the special ed laws and such.

Yet I can't find out other parents that have a child with Autism.

And you know that is sad cause I know I could help alot of them.

Any ideas?


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Every state has a Parent Information Center. I work for the one here in

Rhode Island. I would also seek out your Local Advisory Committee on Special

Education or the local Autism Center. Pam :)

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MY Two cents.. I put an ad in the local paper.. asking about parents who may

be interested in autism awareness.. or a play group.. yup.. some schools

are scared to death that you will start talking to eachother.. and GOD

FORBID get organized and demand what is right and lawful for your children.

or better yet.. a letter to the editor is free.. and in April I actually got

a full page article on my son and Autism awareness.

You have a good heart people.. and the main thing is to get through this


-- Re: ( ) Please help

> I have actually been the person the school recommends parents

>talk to when they first get the diagnosis.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow. Here our school is not allowed to a parent with a child that has

autism if there is someone else willing to talk to them or get/give

advice. Our speech teacher has told me a year ago that she was

surprised that I knew so much about the special ed laws and such.

Yet I can't find out other parents that have a child with Autism.

And you know that is sad cause I know I could help alot of them.

Any ideas?


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  • 6 months later...
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I haven't gotten any replies. I would appreciate any help..........



> My 3 yr old son has apraxia and I am desperate. Can someone


> some EFA's? What is the difference between these and EPA's? I'm

> currently giving him Complete Omegas 3-6-9 by Nordic Naturals and


> sure if this is the right one. What else should I be doing?

Should he

> be getting OT? He was, but not anymore since Regional Service


> paying (he doesn't have any fine motor problems). I was getting


> about 2 hours of speech therapy, but right now he is only in a 45


> therapy session with one other child, and is getting 1 hour of


> in school. Also, does the Prompt method work? I'd appreciate any

> feedback.


> Thanks,

> Patty


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Hi Patty!

The EFA formula you're using is great - it's almost exactly (or

maybe it is) the same as Pro-EFA, and a little cheaper! What dose

are you using now? If you haven't seen a surge in a week or two,

you can increase the dose, or you can add in an EPA formula (like

Pro-EPA). Some people on this board have had a lot of success with

a high EPA to DHA ratio. (EPA and DHA are both Omega 3s, but

there's a theory that the EPA is more important, the GLA in your

formula fights imflammation (also important).

Use your own instincts when it comes to how much therapy. Is he

pretty receptive and does he work hard at therapy? If so, maybe he

would be okay with more. Our therapist has always been concerned

that we don't overload our daughter with therapy. There is a table

on www.cherab.org that is a therapy matrix based on severity you may

want to look at. Is he making progress? Fast enough for your

tastes? Is there a way you can easily increase therapy or will it

be a big fight or expense? Keep in mind that it's really the

quality that counts! Are you satisfied with the quality he's

getting now? If not, you could request a new therapist more

suitable to his needs (this goes for if he just doesn't " click " with

his therapists too. And lastly, are you able to work with him a lot

at home? Don't feel bad if you can't - my daughter just isn't very

cooperative for me but will work so hard for her therapists so I

don't push her too hard at home.

Has he ever been evaluated by an OT? Sometimes kids with verbal

apraxia can also have oral apraxia, fine motor delays, sensory

problems, poor self-help skills etc. My daughter was extremely

delayed in some aspects of fine motor and self-help, but somehow in

only 3 months of therapy caught up 100% (I do think that fish oils

and other supplements have been a great help).

I hope I could help you out a bit. You don't have to actually

answer all those questions I asked - they're just for you to think

about. Good luck!


> >

> > My 3 yr old son has apraxia and I am desperate. Can someone

> recommend

> > some EFA's? What is the difference between these and EPA's?


> > currently giving him Complete Omegas 3-6-9 by Nordic Naturals


> not

> > sure if this is the right one. What else should I be doing?

> Should he

> > be getting OT? He was, but not anymore since Regional Service

> stopped

> > paying (he doesn't have any fine motor problems). I was getting

> him

> > about 2 hours of speech therapy, but right now he is only in a


> min.

> > therapy session with one other child, and is getting 1 hour of

> speech

> > in school. Also, does the Prompt method work? I'd appreciate


> > feedback.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Patty

> >


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Hi Kerry,

I was giving him 1/4 tsp a day as they recommended, but recently increased to

1/2 tsp to see if I would see a surge. I hope that's not too much. It's the

liquid form. Maybe I will try adding Pro-EPA.

3Yes, his receptive language is very good, and he made great progress with 2

45-min sessions a week since last July. He's now saying 3-4 word sentences, but

since he started preschool 3 wks ago, we've had to change his schedule and is

now getting just one session a week with another child, which has been going

really well, but I really want him to get individual sessions. I'm planning on

changing therapists (to a place closer where I live that I heard is good), but

they only have one 45 min. session a week available and no other openings :(

He's had OT. He's a picky eater and is hypersensitive to different tastes and

textures. His fine motor skills are ok, but has problems with self-regulation.

Thanks for giving me that website :)


Jeff <kerripat@...> wrote:

Hi Patty!

The EFA formula you're using is great - it's almost exactly (or

maybe it is) the same as Pro-EFA, and a little cheaper! What dose

are you using now? If you haven't seen a surge in a week or two,

you can increase the dose, or you can add in an EPA formula (like

Pro-EPA). Some people on this board have had a lot of success with

a high EPA to DHA ratio. (EPA and DHA are both Omega 3s, but

there's a theory that the EPA is more important, the GLA in your

formula fights imflammation (also important).

Use your own instincts when it comes to how much therapy. Is he

pretty receptive and does he work hard at therapy? If so, maybe he

would be okay with more. Our therapist has always been concerned

that we don't overload our daughter with therapy. There is a table

on www.cherab.org that is a therapy matrix based on severity you may

want to look at. Is he making progress? Fast enough for your

tastes? Is there a way you can easily increase therapy or will it

be a big fight or expense? Keep in mind that it's really the

quality that counts! Are you satisfied with the quality he's

getting now? If not, you could request a new therapist more

suitable to his needs (this goes for if he just doesn't " click " with

his therapists too. And lastly, are you able to work with him a lot

at home? Don't feel bad if you can't - my daughter just isn't very

cooperative for me but will work so hard for her therapists so I

don't push her too hard at home.

Has he ever been evaluated by an OT? Sometimes kids with verbal

apraxia can also have oral apraxia, fine motor delays, sensory

problems, poor self-help skills etc. My daughter was extremely

delayed in some aspects of fine motor and self-help, but somehow in

only 3 months of therapy caught up 100% (I do think that fish oils

and other supplements have been a great help).

I hope I could help you out a bit. You don't have to actually

answer all those questions I asked - they're just for you to think

about. Good luck!


> >

> > My 3 yr old son has apraxia and I am desperate. Can someone

> recommend

> > some EFA's? What is the difference between these and EPA's?


> > currently giving him Complete Omegas 3-6-9 by Nordic Naturals


> not

> > sure if this is the right one. What else should I be doing?

> Should he

> > be getting OT? He was, but not anymore since Regional Service

> stopped

> > paying (he doesn't have any fine motor problems). I was getting

> him

> > about 2 hours of speech therapy, but right now he is only in a


> min.

> > therapy session with one other child, and is getting 1 hour of

> speech

> > in school. Also, does the Prompt method work? I'd appreciate


> > feedback.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Patty

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

1-yes 2yes 3no 4 yes charlotte henry west des moines iowa


> Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

> a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

> a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

> am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

> help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

> no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> much.

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES OR NO


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


> Thanks again


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1. Yes

2. No

3. No

4. No

We live in Kirkland, Illinois. is 5 1/2 yrs. old and diagnosed with

motor planning apraxia.

Teri &


> Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

> a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

> a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

> am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

> help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

> no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> much.

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES OR NO


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


> Thanks again


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Who do we reply to?

At 06:47 PM 4/4/2006, you wrote:

>Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

>preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

>a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

>a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

>am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

>help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

>no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

>how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so


> Brown




>1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

>child that is " different " - YES OR NO


>2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


>3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

>special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


>4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

>daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


>Thanks again

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1. no

2. yes

3. no

4. yes



Sent by: cc:

@yaho Subject: Re:



04/05/2006 12:05 AM

Please respond to

Who do we reply to?

At 06:47 PM 4/4/2006, you wrote:

>Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

>preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

>a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

>a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

>am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

>help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

>no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

>how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so


> Brown




>1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

>child that is " different " - YES OR NO


>2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


>3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

>special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


>4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

>daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


>Thanks again

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is 3 years old with global dyspraxia and verbal apraxia.

On 4/4/06 8:47 PM, " jbmistletoe " <jbmistletoe@...> wrote:

> Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

> a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

> a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

> am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

> help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

> no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> much.

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES OR NO


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


> Thanks again














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1. yes

2. no

3. no

4. yes


Modesto, California

2 kids

daughter 14, OCD, Anxiety, Language delays, Learning disabilities, Sensory

integration dysfunction,

son 12, PDDNOS, CAPD, Dyspraxia, Severe receptive and expressive language

delays, Severe academics learning disabilities, sensory integration dysfunction.

I hope this helps.

-------------- Original message --------------

From: " jbmistletoe " <jbmistletoe@...>

Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so




1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

child that is " different " - YES OR NO

2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO

3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO

4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO

Thanks again

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Guest guest

> >Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> >preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am


> >a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have


> >a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project


> >am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you


> >help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4

yes or

> >no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> >how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> >much.

> > Brown

> >

> >

> >Questions

> >1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> >child that is " different " - YES OR NO

> >

> >2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR


> >

> >3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> >special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO

> >

> >4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> >daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO

> >

> >Thanks again


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1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

child that is " different " -

I have 6 kids, 1 bio, 1 that is half hispanic, 4 that are Chinese, 2 with

limb differences, all 6 with different sn's. I really don't think they are

staring because Phoebe can't talk..lol

2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist?

No, our insurance won't pay for more than one day.

3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? NOOOOO!!

4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

daycare/ preschool/ school YES

Kathy...Port Orchard, WA

17, S/P Omphalacele repair, CP, Gerstman Syndrome, OCD, Tourettes,

heart, lung and eye problems

Zackary 11 RAD, PTSD

Abby 5 hearing impaired

Phoebe 3 verbal apraxia, SID

2 limb difference

Saoirse 1 limb difference

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We live in Perth Western Australia. Andrianna is 2.5 years old with Global

Developmental Delays and Dyspraxia..

1. yes

2. no

3. no

4. yes

CreBear31@... wrote:


1. Yes

2. No

3. No

4. no

We live in Kirkland, Illinois. is 5 1/2 yrs. old and diagnosed with

motor planning apraxia.

Teri &


> Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

> a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

> a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

> am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

> help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

> no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> much.

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES OR NO


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES OR NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? YES OR NO


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES OR NO


> Thanks again


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> Hi, My name is Brown and i live in Rutland, Vermont. I am a

> preschool teacher and a mother of a 3 year old daughter. I am taking

> a course to get my CDA (child development associates) and have taken

> a semester on children with specaial needs. For my final project i

> am interviewing parents of children with special needs. If you could

> help me that would be great. All i need you to do is answer 4 yes or

> no questions and also include your first name, where your from and

> how old you child is and what disability they have. Thank you so

> much.

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES

> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? YES for OT, we

stopped it

ourselves. NO probably for ST, he has semantic pragmatic language disorder and

won't get

any this summer.


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? NO


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES

> Thanks again

has receptive/expressive speech and language disorder, difficulty

modulating his

emotions, history of torticollis/plagiocephaly, had sensory integration disorder


turned out to be gluten ataxia, and latent varicella virus (causing shingles and


problems with cranial nerves from this source). Family immunodeficiency

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In a message dated 4/4/2006 9:01:01 PM Central Daylight Time,

jbmistletoe@... writes:

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - NO


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? DOES NOT APPLY


> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES



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In a message dated 4/4/2006 9:01:01 PM Central Daylight Time,

jbmistletoe@... writes:

> Brown



> Questions

> 1. Do you feel people look at you differently because you have a

> child that is " different " - YES


> 2. Does your child get enough time with their therapist? NO


> 3. If you knew when you were pregnant that your child would have

> special needs would you have terminated the pregnancy? ABSOLUTELY NOT -



> 4. Do you feel you child is included in all aspects of his or her

> daycare/ preschool/ school YES



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Ok here are some links ...

1st step for Insurance.doc Insurance Help - where to start

FDA Approved Cranial Orthoses as of 01-28-04.doc Is your helmet/band FDA approved? Check here for helmet/bands that are FDA approved as of 01/28/04

int99fda.pdf US FDA Regulation of Orthotic Treatment of Deformation Plagio

Plagio Studies and Research Some studies, research, guidelines, etc. on plagiocephaly. Owing to space constraints in this Files section, many more studies can be found linked in the Links section, Plagiocephaly Studies and Research folder.

AAP-Plagio.pdf American Acadamy of Pediatrics links increase of plagio cases since Back To Sleep Campaign 07/03

AAP re9946.doc support doc

ct pub act 03-37.doc Connecticut Law

Child Deformation Senate Bill.pdf Treatment of Children's Deformities Act of 2003

Cranialdysfunctioninotitismedia.jpg whole health reference article

H-185.967 CoverageChildren'sDeformities,Disfigureme.rtf Coverage of Children's Deformities, Disfigurement and

AAP Releases American Academy of Pediatrics reports regarding plagiocephaly

Plagiocephaly Studies and Research Links to studies on plagiocephaly, including treatment protocol, helmet/band efficacy, repositioning efficacy, natural rounding efficacy, causes of plagio, health and developmental risks related to plagio, tort, and more; could be useful in insurance appeals.

American Medical Association Policies The AMA's policies on definition of "cosmetic" and "reconstructive" as well as correction of children's deformities are extremely useful for appeals. Check these links here to read the AMA's policies on these subjects.

Legislation Concerning Coverage of Cranial Orthoses for Treatment of Plagiocephaly If you have received a denial based on "no restoration of function," then you may want to read pending bills in Congress that would require coverage of a deformity correction even if no "function" is returned in the process. Also included are any links to any known developments on the legislative front involving cranial orthoses coverage. Besides helping you with the drafting of an appeal letter, information in this folder may provide some ideas for getting involved on a grass-roots level in the fight for insurance coverage of helmets/bands.

Litigation Concerning Coverage of Cranial Orthoses for Treatment of Plagiocephaly Read here about any court decisions made in our legal system regarding the fight for insurance coverage of helmets and bands. In addition, information about seeking legal help specifically to win your fight for insurance coverage is located here.


You will need to go to each of these links and pull what you feel is helpful.

na, DOC Grad Feb 04Kiersten, DOC Grad Apr 06www.thefilyaws.com/plagio/plagio.html

>> I am looking for any information about clinical studies proving that > the cranial helmets work. I also need to know where to find > information on the problems that plagio causes. If anyone can help I > would really appreciate it. I know that I have read somewhere that it > causes many medical problems but I can't find it now. Medical hearing > Fri June 2 to fight the denial of coverage.>

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I think one of the most comprehensive places I have seen articles is

on cranial tech's website.


When yo get there go to Parents Area, Resources and then Research

Articles. You may find what you are looking for there. Best of luck

to you.

Bobbi H.

6.5 months tort/brachy/plagio

DOC band 5/8/06


> I am looking for any information about clinical studies proving that

> the cranial helmets work. I also need to know where to find

> information on the problems that plagio causes. If anyone can help


> would really appreciate it. I know that I have read somewhere that


> causes many medical problems but I can't find it now. Medical


> Fri June 2 to fight the denial of coverage.


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Good luck on June 2. We will be thinking of you guys.


mom to Andre 21 months/tort/docband #1 22/11/05 doc band #2 coming

soon & Lesly 21 months

P.S. If you are planning to go to Cranial Technologies you could try

giving their headquarters a call. They may be able to provide you

with some studies to help prove your case.


> I am looking for any information about clinical studies proving that

> the cranial helmets work. I also need to know where to find

> information on the problems that plagio causes. If anyone can help


> would really appreciate it. I know that I have read somewhere that


> causes many medical problems but I can't find it now. Medical


> Fri June 2 to fight the denial of coverage.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Many of us here have gotten quite ill from saline implants, myself

included. I got sick within a few weeks of being implanted, and I

decided to have them explanted after six months. It's been 8 months

since explant and I'm still on the mend as far as symptoms go, but

my piece of mind is much better with the implants out. I felt like

a ticking timebomb with them in. The explant surgery is usually

much easier than the implant surgery, just make sure that your

doctor removes the capsules (and get it in writing that he/she will

do this), and make sure they use drains. Make sure they use the " en

bloc " procedure, which means that they'll remove the implants

without draining them in your body, and they'll remove the capsules,


My symptoms were joint pain, brain fog, headaches, lymph node pain,

digestive problems, sore fingers and toes, numbness in my finger

tips, neck pains. I wish you all the best and am glad that you've

found us.



> I live in San Diego and put in Saline implants in 1995. I had

them for 7 years and my doctor convinced me to switch to Silicone.

After a year with silicone I became very ill and opted to remove

them and replace them with saline. My health has still

deteriorated. I have multiple chemical sensitivities. I am

scheduled to have my implants out in Septemeber and am really

scared. Do you have Saline Implant ladies in your support groups?

And, do you believe saline implants can also make someone ill? Most

people think I am crazy and that this is a result of the stress in

my life, although it has been reduced for 1 year now. I believe I

have 2 choices, my boobs or my health. They are so much a part of

my self-image it's scary.


> Thank you for all your help.


> Best,

> La jolla, CA


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