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There is no one better than Dr Goldberg

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List mates,

I agree with Lori. There is no one better medically than Dr. G. And Sue,

why would you bash him on his own list not having ever been a patient? It

is okay for us in the family to voice concerns, but it is not okay for

someone else with no love, knowledge or experience to say anything about

this man who has devoted his life to helping so many.

Dr. Goldberg saved my kid and never would have made it without him.

Yes, we sometimes argue but I would rather have that than someone who

doesn't care or have any passion to help my kid. Sometimes I think Dr.

(although wonderful) is too nice. He doesn't make parents do what

is best for their children and demand accountability. You would never get

away with that with Dr. G. He never gives a refill if you don't do your

part of the bargain.

And I do understand Dr. Goldberg's moments of raising his voice. He cares

deeply about helping our kids and has given up so much of his own life to

help ours. I know he raises his voice because some parents don't understand

the importance of following his instructions to help their children. These

parents do the diet half assed and do not even eliminate the biggest trigger

for all our kids, dairy. Parents who do not follow the diet are truly

hurting their children and It really isn't that hard to do. We all slip up

at times, but you need to do what is best for your child overall. Other

parents give up on the program because they expect immediate results, or it

might be too hard to give pills or do the blood tests that keep their

children safe. These parents don't realize that the first year on the

program is to heal their children's immune systems and the second is for

teaching and rehabilitation. But it doesn't stop there. This is not an

instant cure!!! There is no magic bullet. Even XMRV will probably be just

another tool in the toolbox to help kids.

I don't know how many times I explained to parents that kids will not

immediately start talking or communicating. It takes three years for a

" normal " child to learn language and the kids often pick up where they

stopped learning. All children must go through the same developmental

steps. Two year old behavior at age five looks very different and weird.

Yet, to get better, that five year old must do two year old things. This

five year old is improving even though it doesn't' appear that way


And some parents do not do the rehabilitation piece at all but expect the

school or ABA providers to do it for them. Although there are many there to

help, NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU!!! We worked morning until night (untold

hours) to help learn what he missed when he was ill. I never left

this in other people's hands and I took the lead on what he needed to learn.

Hiring someone to do ABA is not effective unless the family knows how to use

these principles in the daily routine. And the person doing the ABA has to

be doing it correctly. And once a child can learn, you need to move to more

natural methods of teaching. We did it all ourselves and only had one other

therapist ( I trained) besides family members for about 9 hours a week.


I have never had arguments with another human being like I have had with Dr.

Goldberg But I don't respect anyone more than him. His passion over the

years is what have helped so many and I will go to the mat defending him. I

hope my post isn't what started this discussion. If so, I must apologize to

Dr. G. And thank you for all you've done to help so many. I do ache for

the parents who have kids whose immune systems are just too compromised to

see the kind of results has but everyone can improve. We must get this

done. There are too many kids not getting better who could lead productive

lives. And I must apologize for my rant. Maybe is right and I am just

too " STRIDENT. "

My autistic kid had to explain this vocabulary and instruct me on how to

behave in public. That wouldn't have happened without all of Dr. G's

dedication over the years.






2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTI4NzkxMjA3Mw--> Re: diet

Posted by: " Lori "

<mailto:lbharris@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20diet> lbharris@...

<loribharris2003> loribharris2003

Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:47 pm (PDT)

To those on the list that do not know who Dr. G is, or have stopped his

treatment for your child...what are you doing on this list????

This list is a forum for patients or parents of patients of Dr. G (and more

recently Dr. and Kathy on) to discuss our progress, our

frustrations, our treatments, our successes, our experiences and so on, with

one another.

This is NOT a place to bash Dr. G!!!

This is a man, a doctor, who has completely dedicated his life to helping

our kids. Any time he " yells " at patients, or rather their parents, he is

doing it for the patient's own good. Dr. G knows how important the diet is

in the overall health of his patients. It is too easy for parents to take

the easy route and give in, or not listen to his advice, and let their kids

have the very things that Dr. Goldberg knows is going to cause inflammatory

reactions in many of his patients. He does this because he cares and he

knows that the child can be doing better, can be healthier, can be closer to

recovery. He needs to be their voice and the voice of the parent's


We all need a wakeup call sometimes because this road is hard.

We have been a patient of Dr. G's for 8 years and not once, even closely has

Dr. Goldberg ever yelled at me or raised his voice. On the contrary, I feel

so indebted to him for listening to me, for believing me when I KNEW my son

didn't have " Autism " , and for saving my son from a life of isolation, poor

health and a bleak future that I feel compelled to want to please him and

NEVER want to disappoint him. He has given me the son that I was afraid I

was losing, the one I was told to " accept that he would always be strange

and weird " . No Dr. G is not God, nor does he have a " God complex " . He is

however our conscience and the voice of our children - his patients, pushing

us all to do better for the sake of our children's health and recovery.

If you are not going to listen to him, then you are better off leaving his

practice. His mission is not to make friends, but instead to make us

parents listen to his experience and save our children. Too many folks take

what part of his advice they want and substitute in what other protocols

they feel they want to work with as well. It doesn't work that way. You

have to give it and Dr. G your all if you want to stop the neuroinflammation

and therefore the " Autistic symptoms " . You have to surrender to all that he

says and do your best to make it work. Only then will you see real change

in your child, their labs, their behavior and their future.

If you want to talk poorly of Dr. G, do it off list, in private, because the

people that are here for the right reason do NOT want to hear it!


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Beautifully said, Marcia! I echo your sentiments exactly. Dr. Goldberg is the

MOST passionate man about healing our kids. If that extends to reading me the

" riot act " every once in a while, I'll face the music gladly. God Bless him and

all of you.


From: and Marcia Hinds <hindssite@...>

Subject: There is no one better than Dr Goldberg


Date: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 7:29 AM


List mates,

I agree with Lori. There is no one better medically than Dr. G. And Sue,

why would you bash him on his own list not having ever been a patient? It

is okay for us in the family to voice concerns, but it is not okay for

someone else with no love, knowledge or experience to say anything about

this man who has devoted his life to helping so many.

Dr. Goldberg saved my kid and never would have made it without him.

Yes, we sometimes argue but I would rather have that than someone who

doesn't care or have any passion to help my kid. Sometimes I think Dr.

(although wonderful) is too nice. He doesn't make parents do what

is best for their children and demand accountability. You would never get

away with that with Dr. G. He never gives a refill if you don't do your

part of the bargain.

And I do understand Dr. Goldberg's moments of raising his voice. He cares

deeply about helping our kids and has given up so much of his own life to

help ours. I know he raises his voice because some parents don't understand

the importance of following his instructions to help their children. These

parents do the diet half assed and do not even eliminate the biggest trigger

for all our kids, dairy. Parents who do not follow the diet are truly

hurting their children and It really isn't that hard to do. We all slip up

at times, but you need to do what is best for your child overall. Other

parents give up on the program because they expect immediate results, or it

might be too hard to give pills or do the blood tests that keep their

children safe. These parents don't realize that the first year on the

program is to heal their children's immune systems and the second is for

teaching and rehabilitation. But it doesn't stop there. This is not an

instant cure!!! There is no magic bullet. Even XMRV will probably be just

another tool in the toolbox to help kids.

I don't know how many times I explained to parents that kids will not

immediately start talking or communicating. It takes three years for a

" normal " child to learn language and the kids often pick up where they

stopped learning. All children must go through the same developmental

steps. Two year old behavior at age five looks very different and weird.

Yet, to get better, that five year old must do two year old things. This

five year old is improving even though it doesn't' appear that way


And some parents do not do the rehabilitation piece at all but expect the

school or ABA providers to do it for them. Although there are many there to

help, NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU!!! We worked morning until night (untold

hours) to help learn what he missed when he was ill. I never left

this in other people's hands and I took the lead on what he needed to learn.

Hiring someone to do ABA is not effective unless the family knows how to use

these principles in the daily routine. And the person doing the ABA has to

be doing it correctly. And once a child can learn, you need to move to more

natural methods of teaching. We did it all ourselves and only had one other

therapist ( I trained) besides family members for about 9 hours a week.


I have never had arguments with another human being like I have had with Dr.

Goldberg But I don't respect anyone more than him. His passion over the

years is what have helped so many and I will go to the mat defending him. I

hope my post isn't what started this discussion. If so, I must apologize to

Dr. G. And thank you for all you've done to help so many. I do ache for

the parents who have kids whose immune systems are just too compromised to

see the kind of results has but everyone can improve. We must get this

done. There are too many kids not getting better who could lead productive

lives. And I must apologize for my rant. Maybe is right and I am just

too " STRIDENT. "

My autistic kid had to explain this vocabulary and instruct me on how to

behave in public. That wouldn't have happened without all of Dr. G's

dedication over the years.






2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTI4NzkxMjA3Mw--> Re: diet

Posted by: " Lori "

<mailto:lbharris@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20diet> lbharris@...

<loribharris2003> loribharris2003

Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:47 pm (PDT)

To those on the list that do not know who Dr. G is, or have stopped his

treatment for your child...what are you doing on this list????

This list is a forum for patients or parents of patients of Dr. G (and more

recently Dr. and Kathy on) to discuss our progress, our

frustrations, our treatments, our successes, our experiences and so on, with

one another.

This is NOT a place to bash Dr. G!!!

This is a man, a doctor, who has completely dedicated his life to helping

our kids. Any time he " yells " at patients, or rather their parents, he is

doing it for the patient's own good. Dr. G knows how important the diet is

in the overall health of his patients. It is too easy for parents to take

the easy route and give in, or not listen to his advice, and let their kids

have the very things that Dr. Goldberg knows is going to cause inflammatory

reactions in many of his patients. He does this because he cares and he

knows that the child can be doing better, can be healthier, can be closer to

recovery. He needs to be their voice and the voice of the parent's


We all need a wakeup call sometimes because this road is hard.

We have been a patient of Dr. G's for 8 years and not once, even closely has

Dr. Goldberg ever yelled at me or raised his voice. On the contrary, I feel

so indebted to him for listening to me, for believing me when I KNEW my son

didn't have " Autism " , and for saving my son from a life of isolation, poor

health and a bleak future that I feel compelled to want to please him and

NEVER want to disappoint him. He has given me the son that I was afraid I

was losing, the one I was told to " accept that he would always be strange

and weird " . No Dr. G is not God, nor does he have a " God complex " . He is

however our conscience and the voice of our children - his patients, pushing

us all to do better for the sake of our children's health and recovery.

If you are not going to listen to him, then you are better off leaving his

practice. His mission is not to make friends, but instead to make us

parents listen to his experience and save our children. Too many folks take

what part of his advice they want and substitute in what other protocols

they feel they want to work with as well. It doesn't work that way. You

have to give it and Dr. G your all if you want to stop the neuroinflammation

and therefore the " Autistic symptoms " . You have to surrender to all that he

says and do your best to make it work. Only then will you see real change

in your child, their labs, their behavior and their future.

If you want to talk poorly of Dr. G, do it off list, in private, because the

people that are here for the right reason do NOT want to hear it!


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Well said Marcia! I think you used " yell " to answer my question as a

figure of speech!

Dr. Goldberg has never " yelled " at us, he is passionate about healing

our kids and he knows when we're not being strict with the diet, but

it's because he truly cares!!!

I wish I knew the amount of people on this list that are here just to

BASH or BADMOUTH Dr. Goldberg. I will always be eternally grateful to

Dr. Goldberg for caring enough to treat my children.

THANK GOD we found him almost 8 years ago!!!

Thank you for your replies and advice Marcia!


On Oct 24, 2010, at 7:29 AM, and Marcia Hinds wrote:

> List mates,


> I agree with Lori. There is no one better medically than Dr. G. And

> Sue,

> why would you bash him on his own list not having ever been a

> patient? It

> is okay for us in the family to voice concerns, but it is not okay for

> someone else with no love, knowledge or experience to say anything

> about !


> this man who has devoted his life to helping so many.


> Dr. Goldberg saved my kid and never would have made it without

> him.

> Yes, we sometimes argue but I would rather have that than someone who

> doesn't care or have any passion to help my kid. Sometimes I think Dr.

> (although wonderful) is too nice. He doesn't make parents do

> what

> is best for their children and demand accountability. You would

> never get

> away with that with Dr. G. He never gives a refill if you don't do

> your

> part of the bargain.


> And I do understand Dr. Goldberg's moments of raising his voice. He

> cares

> deeply about helping our kids and has given up so much of his own

> life to

> help ours. I know he raises his voice because some parents don't

> understand

> the importance of following his instructions to help their children.

> These

> parents do the diet half assed and do not even eliminate the biggest

> trigger

> for all our kids, dairy. Parents who do not follow the diet are truly

> hurting their children and It really isn't that hard to do. We all

> slip up

> at times, but you need to do what is best for your child overall.

> Other

> parents give up on the program because they expect immediate

> results, or it

> might be too hard to give pills or do the blood tests that keep their

> children safe. These parents don't realize that the first year on the

> program is to heal their children's immune systems and the second is

> for

> teaching and rehabilitation. But it doesn't stop there. This is not an

> instant cure!!! There is no magic bullet. Even XMRV will probably be

> just

> another tool in the toolbox to help kids.


> I don't know how many times I explained to parents that kids will not

> immediately start talking or communicating. It takes three years for a

> " normal " child to learn language and the kids often pick up where they

> stopped learning. All children must go through the same developmental

> steps. Two year old behavior at age five looks very different and

> weird.

> Yet, to get better, that five year old must do two year old things.

> This

> five year old is improving even though it doesn't' appear that way

> sometimes.


> And some parents do not do the rehabilitation piece at all but

> expect the

> school or ABA providers to do it for them. Although there are many

> there to

> help, NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU!!! We worked morning until night

> (untold

> hours) to help learn what he missed when he was ill. I never left

> this in other people's hands and I took the lead on what he needed

> to learn.

> Hiring someone to do ABA is not effective unless the family knows

> how to use

> these principles in the daily routine. And the person doing the ABA

> has to

> be doing it correctly. And once a child can learn, you need to move

> to more

> natural methods of teaching. We did it all ourselves and only had

> one other

> therapist ( I trained) besides family members for about 9 hours a

> week.



> I have never had arguments with another human being like I have had

> with Dr.

> Goldberg But I don't respect anyone more than him. His passion over

> the

> years is what have helped so many and I will go to the mat defending

> him. I

> hope my post isn't what started this discussion. If so, I must

> apologize to

> Dr. G. And thank you for all you've done to help so many. I do ache

> for

> the parents who have kids whose immune systems are just too

> compromised to

> see the kind of results has but everyone can improve. We must

> get this

> done. There are too many kids not getting better who could lead

> productive

> lives. And I must apologize for my rant. Maybe is right and I

> am just

> too " STRIDENT. "


> My autistic kid had to explain this vocabulary and instruct me on

> how to

> behave in public. That wouldn't have happened without all of Dr. G's

> dedication over the years.


> Best,


> Marcia


> 2.3.


> </message/44354;_ylc=X3oDMTJxbWhvZDVzBF9TA


> 2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTI4NzkxMjA3Mw--> Re: diet


> Posted by: " Lori "

> <mailto:lbharris@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20diet> lbharris@...

> <loribharris2003> loribharris2003


> Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:47 pm (PDT)


> To those on the list that do not know who Dr. G is, or have stopped

> his

> treatment for your child...what are you doing on this list????


> This list is a forum for patients or parents of patients of Dr. G

> (and more

> recently Dr. and Kathy on) to discuss our progress, our

> frustrations, our treatments, our successes, our experiences and so

> on, with

> one another.


> This is NOT a place to bash Dr. G!!!


> This is a man, a doctor, who has completely dedicated his life to

> helping

> our kids. Any time he " yells " at patients, or rather their parents,

> he is

> doing it for the patient's own good. Dr. G knows how important the

> diet is

> in the overall health of his patients. It is too easy for parents to

> take

> the easy route and give in, or not listen to his advice, and let

> their kids

> have the very things that Dr. Goldberg knows is going to cause

> inflammatory

> reactions in many of his patients. He does this because he cares and

> he

> knows that the child can be doing better, can be healthier, can be

> closer to

> recovery. He needs to be their voice and the voice of the parent's

> conscience.


> We all need a wakeup call sometimes because this road is hard.


> We have been a patient of Dr. G's for 8 years and not once, even

> closely has

> Dr. Goldberg ever yelled at me or raised his voice. On the contrary,

> I feel

> so indebted to him for listening to me, for believing me when I KNEW

> my son

> didn't have " Autism " , and for saving my son from a life of

> isolation, poor

> health and a bleak future that I feel compelled to want to please

> him and

> NEVER want to disappoint him. He has given me the son that I was

> afraid I

> was losing, the one I was told to " accept that he would always be

> strange

> and weird " . No Dr. G is not God, nor does he have a " God complex " .

> He is

> however our conscience and the voice of our children - his patients,

> pushing

> us all to do better for the sake of our children's health and

> recovery.


> If you are not going to listen to him, then you are better off

> leaving his

> practice. His mission is not to make friends, but instead to make us

> parents listen to his experience and save our children. Too many

> folks take

> what part of his advice they want and substitute in what other

> protocols

> they feel they want to work with as well. It doesn't work that way.

> You

> have to give it and Dr. G your all if you want to stop the

> neuroinflammation

> and therefore the " Autistic symptoms " . You have to surrender to all

> that he

> says and do your best to make it work. Only then will you see real

> change

> in your child, their labs, their behavior and their future.


> If you want to talk poorly of Dr. G, do it off list, in private,

> because the

> people that are here for the right reason do NOT want to hear it!


> Lori



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He treats many moms as well...me, for instance. Last time we saw him, my

eosoniphils were thru the roof and he told me it was just as important to

monitor my diet as the diet of my boys. He, of course, was totally right.

Sometimes we need a firm reminder because this does get complicated and

overwhelming. He wouldn't do it if he didn't care, and we love him for that!

All the best,


> List mates,


> I agree with Lori. There is no one better medically than Dr. G. And 

> Sue,

> why would you bash him on his own list not having ever been a 

> patient? It

> is okay for us in the family to voice concerns, but it is not okay for

> someone else with no love, knowledge or experience to say anything 

> about !


> this man who has devoted his life to helping so many.


> Dr. Goldberg saved my kid and never would have made it without 

> him.

> Yes, we sometimes argue but I would rather have that than someone who

> doesn't care or have any passion to help my kid. Sometimes I think Dr.

> (although wonderful) is too nice. He doesn't make parents do 

> what

> is best for their children and demand accountability. You would 

> never get

> away with that with Dr. G. He never gives a refill if you don't do 

> your

> part of the bargain.


> And I do understand Dr. Goldberg's moments of raising his voice. He 

> cares

> deeply about helping our kids and has given up so much of his own 

> life to

> help ours. I know he raises his voice because some parents don't 

> understand

> the importance of following his instructions to help their children. 

> These

> parents do the diet half assed and do not even eliminate the biggest 

> trigger

> for all our kids, dairy. Parents who do not follow the diet are truly

> hurting their children and It really isn't that hard to do. We all 

> slip up

> at times, but you need to do what is best for your child overall. 

> Other

> parents give up on the program because they expect immediate 

> results, or it

> might be too hard to give pills or do the blood tests that keep their

> children safe. These parents don't realize that the first year on the

> program is to heal their children's immune systems and the second is 

> for

> teaching and rehabilitation. But it doesn't stop there. This is not an

> instant cure!!! There is no magic bullet. Even XMRV will probably be 

> just

> another tool in the toolbox to help kids.


> I don't know how many times I explained to parents that kids will not

> immediately start talking or communicating. It takes three years for a

> " normal " child to learn language and the kids often pick up where they

> stopped learning. All children must go through the same developmental

> steps. Two year old behavior at age five looks very different and 

> weird.

> Yet, to get better, that five year old must do two year old things. 

> This

> five year old is improving even though it doesn't' appear that way

> sometimes.


> And some parents do not do the rehabilitation piece at all but 

> expect the

> school or ABA providers to do it for them. Although there are many 

> there to

> help, NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU!!! We worked morning until night 

> (untold

> hours) to help learn what he missed when he was ill. I never left

> this in other people's hands and I took the lead on what he needed 

> to learn.

> Hiring someone to do ABA is not effective unless the family knows 

> how to use

> these principles in the daily routine. And the person doing the ABA 

> has to

> be doing it correctly. And once a child can learn, you need to move 

> to more

> natural methods of teaching. We did it all ourselves and only had 

> one other

> therapist ( I trained) besides family members for about 9 hours a 

> week.



> I have never had arguments with another human being like I have had 

> with Dr.

> Goldberg But I don't respect anyone more than him. His passion over 

> the

> years is what have helped so many and I will go to the mat defending 

> him. I

> hope my post isn't what started this discussion. If so, I must 

> apologize to

> Dr. G. And thank you for all you've done to help so many. I do ache 

> for

> the parents who have kids whose immune systems are just too 

> compromised to

> see the kind of results has but everyone can improve. We must 

> get this

> done. There are too many kids not getting better who could lead 

> productive

> lives. And I must apologize for my rant. Maybe is right and I 

> am just

> too " STRIDENT. "


> My autistic kid had to explain this vocabulary and instruct me on 

> how to

> behave in public. That wouldn't have happened without all of Dr. G's

> dedication over the years.


> Best,


> Marcia


> 2.3.


> </message/44354;_ylc=X3oDMTJxbWhvZDVzBF9TA


> 2Rtc2cEc2xrA3Ztc2cEc3RpbWUDMTI4NzkxMjA3Mw--> Re: diet


> Posted by: " Lori "

> <mailto:lbharris@...?Subject=%20Re%3A%20diet> lbharris@...

> <loribharris2003> loribharris2003


> Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:47 pm (PDT)


> To those on the list that do not know who Dr. G is, or have stopped 

> his

> treatment for your child...what are you doing on this list????


> This list is a forum for patients or parents of patients of Dr. G 

> (and more

> recently Dr. and Kathy on) to discuss our progress, our

> frustrations, our treatments, our successes, our experiences and so 

> on, with

> one another.


> This is NOT a place to bash Dr. G!!!


> This is a man, a doctor, who has completely dedicated his life to 

> helping

> our kids. Any time he " yells " at patients, or rather their parents, 

> he is

> doing it for the patient's own good. Dr. G knows how important the 

> diet is

> in the overall health of his patients. It is too easy for parents to 

> take

> the easy route and give in, or not listen to his advice, and let 

> their kids

> have the very things that Dr. Goldberg knows is going to cause 

> inflammatory

> reactions in many of his patients. He does this because he cares and 

> he

> knows that the child can be doing better, can be healthier, can be 

> closer to

> recovery. He needs to be their voice and the voice of the parent's

> conscience.


> We all need a wakeup call sometimes because this road is hard.


> We have been a patient of Dr. G's for 8 years and not once, even 

> closely has

> Dr. Goldberg ever yelled at me or raised his voice. On the contrary, 

> I feel

> so indebted to him for listening to me, for believing me when I KNEW 

> my son

> didn't have " Autism " , and for saving my son from a life of 

> isolation, poor

> health and a bleak future that I feel compelled to want to please 

> him and

> NEVER want to disappoint him. He has given me the son that I was 

> afraid I

> was losing, the one I was told to " accept that he would always be 

> strange

> and weird " . No Dr. G is not God, nor does he have a " God complex " . 

> He is

> however our conscience and the voice of our children - his patients, 

> pushing

> us all to do better for the sake of our children's health and 

> recovery.


> If you are not going to listen to him, then you are better off 

> leaving his

> practice. His mission is not to make friends, but instead to make us

> parents listen to his experience and save our children. Too many 

> folks take

> what part of his advice they want and substitute in what other 

> protocols

> they feel they want to work with as well. It doesn't work that way. 

> You

> have to give it and Dr. G your all if you want to stop the 

> neuroinflammation

> and therefore the " Autistic symptoms " . You have to surrender to all 

> that he

> says and do your best to make it work. Only then will you see real 

> change

> in your child, their labs, their behavior and their future.


> If you want to talk poorly of Dr. G, do it off list, in private, 

> because the

> people that are here for the right reason do NOT want to hear it!


> Lori



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