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Blood tests

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Hi Everyone,

We are really very lucky, when it comes to blood samples, because has


seemed to have very 'good', visible prominent veins. Even when he was very


during the high doses of prednisone, there was never any real difficulty


'good' veins. I guess we have also been very lucky in having skilled


who seem to be able to get the job done quickly and with little or no pain.

Still, the emotional aspect of having someone in uniform tie a tight,


latex band on your arm and then come at you with a sharp, pointy instrument


seemed to make Josh feel threatened and afraid. Always, he insisted that he sit


my lap during the blood gathering procedures, except when he was in the hospital

bed. Even then, he needed to be holding my hand, squeezing as hard as he could

on my


For the past four months, Josh has not cried during the tests. He still sits on


lap and squeezes my fingers. I have always told him he should feel free to cry,


that's what he felt like doing. He used to get stickers after every draw. Since

we've changed labs, he no longer gets a sticker but gets to choose from an

assortment of brightly colored/decorated band aids to wear, afterwards. One

important factor, I think, may be that the woman who takes his blood now is


that we see often. Her two children attend the same school as my children. She

always stops to say hello, on campus. Instead of seeing her only as a person who

'steals' his blood to examine it, he knows that she is a parent and has a life

outside of the blood lab. It always seemed, for Josh, to be more an emotional

discomfort than a physical one.

We did try the Emla cream. Twice. We put it on a little over an hour before we


in. We followed all directions. For us, it seemed to make no difference at all


One other thing that may have been beneficial is that I started to bring the

children in with me, whenever I went to donate blood. At first, they both

thought it

was awful. They worried if I would survive after having so much blood taken out!

After a couple times, it was no longer a bother to them. They seemed to get


with the whole process, instead of focussing lots of attention on it. Josh


that in comparison, for his tests, only a tiny amount is needed. The nurses

explained how quickly the body will replenish the lost blood. And they saw


that it didn't make me cry or feel anxious. I think it was a good lesson for


Take Care,


> In response to the subject about needles and injections......i was

> wondering, have you ever tried EMLAN CREAM before you take your child to

> the clinic? was always fine with having his routine bloods taken

> until a particularly nasty time in hospital when the vein was hard to

> find ans numerous attempts were made......this resulted in needle

> phobia.....no good when routine tests are needed so often! my very kind

> GP gave us some Emlan cream and some patches and told us to apply one

> about an hour before the appointment. we did this and jason did`nt feel

> a thing....although we`ve a way to go yet before the psychological fears

> break down.....at least he is regaining his trust in the medical staff

> again. anyway, it was just a thought. until now i did`nt know you could

> get it on prescription....they offer it in hospitals but do not allow it

> long enough to work before doing the injection....but this way it works!

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  • 10 months later...

Debra.. if you go back to the archives, you will see what test I had

done. I went to a homepath and had a non-evasive test called

electro-dermal screening. This told the ND that I had high levels of

candida. She also does an allergy test and tells you what foods do not

work well for your individual system.

AS far as candida diet. Avoid sugars, yeast, fermented foods, (pickles),

vinegars, mold family foods such as mushrooms.

You can ask at a health food store if they know anyone in your area that

does this testing. I am in TORONTO CANADA. If you are in the vacinity,

please write me and I will give you the name and location of the ND that

was so wonderful and helped me dramatically.



Debra Leach wrote:


> From: Debra Leach <debraleach@...>


> Recently read that there is a blood test for male and

> female partners to take to determine levels of

> whatever leads to problems with yeast. As you can see

> I don't know what I'm talking about. Any help?? I

> have another doctor's appt. this month and will need

> to tell them what I want to have done, so I need

> details. Thank you for your help.

> __________________________________________________


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  • 8 months later...

Dear ,

I have anemia on and off (I am not iron deficient.. did special testing for

that) and have Epstein Barr (mono) showing as recent infection. My best

friend had signs of lupus (ANA levels wacky), her thyroid is also affected by

the Lyme or co-infections. Her son had irregular white cell counts. I have

heard of others with elevated sed rates, and on and on. You have to remember

that Lyme and other tickborne diseases can penetrate all of our body systems

and functions. They are relentless. That is why the disease has been called

the new " great imitator " . Spirochetes are corkscrew organisms that invade

everywhere and also hide within joints and migrate from one place to another.

This is why your right elbow can hurt one minute and a little later you have

a throbbing headache or a muscle spasm.

If you get abnormal readings on your bloodwork, the best thing to do is to

have the tests repeated as we must also allow for lab error. Once you have

repeated abnormal readings then you know it is time to address the problem.



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Dear ,

I've had a below normal red blood cell count, a low normal white blood cell


and a below to low normal platelet count for years. Recently, since starting


to treat a presumed Ehrlichiosis, my white blood cell count has risen to

mid-normal. I'm

heading in the direction of a hematologist, as I've treated the Babesiosis and

been on

IV ABs for over 2 years.

Eileen, NJ

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  • 4 months later...
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LIZ - **wonderful news** - !!


blood tests

Some time ago I posted that I was getting blood

work done and one of the tests was to see if I

had H-plyori in my system. The test was negative.

Although my blood work did show my progesterone

was low, even with taking the Pro-gest cream. So

My doctor is supplementing me with a tablet to be

taken in the evening. I also have low blood sugar

which was surprising since when I got my test I

just finished my period. Thats usually when I

do not have low blood sugar.

One other thing, the reason he asked me to come

into his office is that he was guessing I was short

thyroid hormone. My test results fell into the low

end of normal range. He guessed that this could be

what was throwing my blood sugar out of wack.

He gave me 30 mg of Armour-tablets, to take 1 in the

morning. I have taken this for 3 days and really

notice a difference. I am not having blood sugar

drops. I do feel more hungry at times so I better

watch it. Also all the muscle pain I have been

experiencing for YEARS has gone away. I haven't

tested myself out fully but I did clean the bathroom

and downstairs floors after I came home from work.

I survived.

Another note. I have problems with my bowels not moving

when they should. I took all the fiber and good bacteria

and water and..... and.... This started when I was 28

year old and I am now 42, so its been a long time. I am

now getting daily bowel movements. But I want to caution

myself as to not get too hopeful because many times when

I added a new program to my life I got very good results

with bowel movements. However they lasted about 3 months

and then returned to no go again!

I did not get cold hands and feet, or dry or itchy skin that

is typical to find in persons who need thyroid supplementation.

In fact I still have very oily skin since my teen years.

I did have fatigue, constipation, muscle pain and blood sugar

drops. So if any of you sound like me, check out the thyroid.


--- rabbitbrain@...

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I took a blood test for thyroid it came out normal but i heard that can haappen even when you have a thyroid problem__I know i have a thyroid problem. Is there another test that is more accurate?

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There are a lto of differnt thyroid tests, and the standard (read

'cheapest') ones (Free T4 and TSH) are also the vaguest and least

useful. Ask for a T3 test as well, and check out

http://thyroid.about.com to help you interpret your results. Good




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Are the armour tablets for your thyroid? they are prescription? Your symbtoms sound like mine, but my thryoid test came out normal and my doctors will not listen to me I have cold hands and feet, oily skin, nausea, abnormal bowels, lower back pain and other muscle pain, low energy etc. What test did he give you to determine if you are low on the thyroid hormone?



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Hi Liz,

if your body adjusts to the Armour, which it did with me,(symtom wise) Just keep


the doctor until you get the right dose! some of my symptoms never came back but

some have.

Laurie K

Rabbitbrain@... wrote:

> Some time ago I posted that I was getting blood

> work done and one of the tests was to see if I

> had H-plyori in my system. The test was negative.


> Although my blood work did show my progesterone

> was low, even with taking the Pro-gest cream. So

> My doctor is supplementing me with a tablet to be

> taken in the evening. I also have low blood sugar

> which was surprising since when I got my test I

> just finished my period. Thats usually when I

> do not have low blood sugar.


> One other thing, the reason he asked me to come

> into his office is that he was guessing I was short

> thyroid hormone. My test results fell into the low

> end of normal range. He guessed that this could be

> what was throwing my blood sugar out of wack.


> He gave me 30 mg of Armour-tablets, to take 1 in the

> morning. I have taken this for 3 days and really

> notice a difference. I am not having blood sugar

> drops. I do feel more hungry at times so I better

> watch it. Also all the muscle pain I have been

> experiencing for YEARS has gone away. I haven't

> tested myself out fully but I did clean the bathroom

> and downstairs floors after I came home from work.

> I survived.


> Another note. I have problems with my bowels not moving

> when they should. I took all the fiber and good bacteria

> and water and..... and.... This started when I was 28

> year old and I am now 42, so its been a long time. I am

> now getting daily bowel movements. But I want to caution

> myself as to not get too hopeful because many times when

> I added a new program to my life I got very good results

> with bowel movements. However they lasted about 3 months

> and then returned to no go again!


> I did not get cold hands and feet, or dry or itchy skin that

> is typical to find in persons who need thyroid supplementation.

> In fact I still have very oily skin since my teen years.

> I did have fatigue, constipation, muscle pain and blood sugar

> drops. So if any of you sound like me, check out the thyroid.




> --- rabbitbrain@...

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I had to take my temp. every morning for 7 days, under the arm for

10 min. mine read 96.2 to 97.4 anything under 98. is considered low. My

blood test had always been normal and I new something was wrong!

Laurie K

Cis64@... wrote:

I took

a blood test for thyroid it came out normal but i heard that can

haappen even when you have

a thyroid problem__I know i have a thyroid

problem. Is there another

test that is more accurate?

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does one of those ear thermometers work? I take my temp and it is low all day! 95.? to 97.?.

Dena nTx 3:16

Re: blood tests

Yes, I had to take my temp. every morning for 7 days, under the arm for 10 min. mine read 96.2 to 97.4 anything under 98. is considered low. My blood test had always been normal and I new something was wrong! Laurie K Cis64@... wrote: I took a blood test for thyroid it came out normal but i heard that can haappen even when you have a thyroid problem__I know i have a thyroid problem. Is there another test that is more accurate? Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to UNSUBSCRIBE !

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Hi Carol,

Yes Armour is a prescription! I used the Brode temp. test.

take your temp under your arm pit for 10 mins. if its below 98. you can

have a thyroid problem. do a search on the web under hypothyroid and you

can find all kinds of info on using the temp. method.

Laurie K.

Cis64@... wrote:

Are the

armour tablets for your thyroid? they are prescription? Your symbtoms

sound like mine, but my

thryoid test came out normal and my doctors will not

listen to me I have cold

hands and feet, oily skin, nausea, abnormal bowels,

lower back pain and other

muscle pain, low energy etc. What test did he give

you to determine if you

are low on the thyroid hormone?



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Hi Dena,

No, you need to use the kind you have to shake down and use first thing

apawn wakening, don't hardly move at all, have your thermometer next to

your bed already to go. you can pick one up for a dollar and change at

a pharmacy.

Laurie K.

Dena wrote:

does one of those ear

thermometers work? I take my temp and it is low all day! 95.? to 97.?.

Dena nTx


Re: blood tests


I had to take my temp. every morning for 7 days, under the arm for

10 min. mine read 96.2 to 97.4 anything under 98. is considered low. My

blood test had always been normal and I new something was wrong!

Laurie K

Cis64@... wrote:

I took

a blood test for thyroid it came out normal but i heard that can

haappen even when you have

a thyroid problem__I know i have a thyroid

problem. Is there another

test that is more accurate?

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Also Dena,

it needs to be done under the armpit. Do a search on hypothyroid and

you can look up the method of using you body temp.

Dena wrote:

does one of those ear

thermometers work? I take my temp and it is low all day! 95.? to 97.?.

Dena nTx


Re: blood tests


I had to take my temp. every morning for 7 days, under the arm for

10 min. mine read 96.2 to 97.4 anything under 98. is considered low. My

blood test had always been normal and I new something was wrong!

Laurie K

Cis64@... wrote:

I took

a blood test for thyroid it came out normal but i heard that can

haappen even when you have

a thyroid problem__I know i have a thyroid

problem. Is there another

test that is more accurate?

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Carol, My doctor gave me the traditional thyroid test.

It came out in the normal range but I registered Low,

in the normal range. He didn't think to give me more

of a specific test because my temprature was low when

I was in his office. That surprised me. Armour tablets

are prescription. I have been on a list called

" excellent Things " It's in like the rest of our

lists. Stan was telling us some information about how

you can get your thyroid up by using Tyrosine and a

certain kind of iodine. I'll try to get the information

or you can join our group and go through some of the

posts. We talk about products that we like and that

work wonders when so many things havent. LOL!

Stan, the one who gave us some instructions told us that

you can tell if you have low thyroid by taking your morning

temperature before you move or get out of bed in the morning.

It sounds much like testing for ovulation. If it is low, then

you have thyroid troubles. I'll get back with you, Miserably

all the saved letters I had in my mailbox is gone after having

computer trouble. HUM>


> [Original Message]

> From: <Cis64@...>

> <candidiasis >

> Date: 3/19/01 8:57:07 AM

> Subject: Re: blood tests


> Are the armour tablets for your thyroid? they are prescription? Your


> sound like mine, but my thryoid test came out normal and my doctors will


> listen to me I have cold hands and feet, oily skin, nausea, abnormal


> lower back pain and other muscle pain, low energy etc. What test did he


> you to determine if you are low on the thyroid hormone?

> Thanks!

> Carol


--- rabbitbrain@...

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A normal temperature is 98.6

And it must be taken under your arm.


> [Original Message]

> From: <Cis64@...>

> <candidiasis >

> Date: 3/20/01 6:28:47 AM

> Subject: Re: blood tests


> Thanks a lot Liz

> What is considered a low temperature? Can I take it in my mouth or is it

> better underarm?


> Carol


--- rabbitbrain@...

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On 20 Mar 2001, at 18:49, Rabbitbrain@... wrote:

> A normal temperature is 98.6

> And it must be taken under your arm.

Hmmm. Just for info, when I was doing the tests for 's

syndrome, I was told by the 's Foundation people that

underarm temperature was the least accurate, and to always take

it under the tongue, with a mercury thermometer.



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Ann, I remember the reason why you shouldn't

take it in the mouth in the morning and you

should use your armpit. You could have been

sleeping with your mouth open and therefore

you wouldn't get an accurate temp.

Funny isn't it?


> [Original Message]

> From: Ann <annuities@...>

> <candidiasis >

> Date: 3/21/01 2:17:55 AM

> Subject: Re: blood tests


> On 20 Mar 2001, at 18:49, Rabbitbrain@... wrote:


> > A normal temperature is 98.6

> > And it must be taken under your arm.


> Hmmm. Just for info, when I was doing the tests for 's

> syndrome, I was told by the 's Foundation people that

> underarm temperature was the least accurate, and to always take

> it under the tongue, with a mercury thermometer.


> Ann


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On 21 Mar 2001, at 18:50, Rabbitbrain@... wrote:

> You could have been sleeping with your mouth open and therefore

> you wouldn't get an accurate temp. Funny isn't it?

Aha - that makes sense! :) The 's people told me to take it

an hour after I woke up and every 3 hours through the day, so that

would have eliminated that factor!


Ann :)


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  • 4 months later...

> From: sedsall@...

> Reply-

> Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:25:19 -0000


> Subject: [ ] Blood Tests


> my question is: Will my taking predisone

> affect the results of the blood test's determining food

> allergies/sensitivities?

> <Editors Note: Predisone is a steroidal anti-inflammatory and it seems that it

> would definitely suppress any inflammatory process that would naturally be

> going on at that time otherwise> (my common sense at work again)


Let me add my two cents to 's. :) Make sure you discuss this with

your doctor beforehand. No reason to go through a series of tests for


From what I know, the blood test is based on what you have had an immune

response to before and finds that " history " in your blood make-up. Someone

correct me if I'm wrong here. So, the predisone shouldn't be able to mask

this in your blood work.

If the tests don't seem to work, there are alternative methods to testing

for allergies like a BioMeridian machine which has been discussed here. Many

doctor's offices use these machines in addition to the blood work to get a

wider spectrum reading.

Either way, I'm glad you are looking into this further. The good news is

that no matter what the tests show, you can try out the diet for yourself to

see if you see any positive results.

Take care!


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> Either way, I'm glad you are looking into this further. The good

news is

> that no matter what the tests show, you can try out the diet for

yourself to

> see if you see any positive results.


> Take care!


> deano

Deano, your advice sounds good. I have an appointment next week with

my rheumy and I will talk with him about this. I got the book, The

False Fat Diet, and it is quite interesting. I originally got it

just to try to lose some weight--and the book describes so many of my

characteristics. It really works more with food sensitivities and

how they affect you, rather than just a diet.

About 1 l/2 years ago, I had a major flareup in my shoulder. It all

happened so quickly, and now I have major shoulder damage. So

frustrating. In retrospect, I started wondering, why did I get that

flareup then? Apparently, there is a theory that tomatoes can cause

probems. A few months before my shoulder problems developed, I

planted a Fall garden--the first I had done in years. I got the most

beautiful tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. I don't know when I have

eaten more of these!! Now, I discover that these plants are part of

the nightshade family, and could cause a lot of problems with

arthritis. Was it just a coincidence? So, I am ready to embark on

finding out more about my diet, and what else I can do to make my

life better.

I have started taking Enbrel and am feeling really good--but I want

to feel better.

Thanks for the input.

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