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Re: Need pain meds ..Availability of Darvocet

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Moderator Note: I think the info may have come from an American group who are

trying to get Darvocet banned in the US. about.com had an article about the

group and their " war on Darvocet. " Over the years, some people abused the drug

and died, so of course the drug is getting blamed. Dextropropoxyphene is a

relatively mild opioid and has been in use around the world since 1957.




Hi Cali,

I'd be interested in knowing where you got the info about Darvocet being

banned in Australia because it's most definitely still available here. It

goes under the name of Capadex (and it's listed as containing

Dextropropoxyphene hydrochloride; paracetamol). If you want to check what

I'm saying you can go to an online pharmacy that's here in Australia, I get

meds and stuff from them regularly -


Here in Australia codeine is much more commonly prescribed as a first pain

med. That's what I used to be on, but 18 months ago I had to go up a few

notches as the codeine wasn't doing it's job any more, and I was above the

max recommended daily amount.


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Moderator's note:

There are more people who develop ulcers, and ultimate die from the use of

NSAIDS, than opiates, here in the USA. I will find the source of this


I shortened your link Rick. I have no idea if this type of petition will be

helpful, but thought it a good idea to send this information to the group.

We are not a political group, no doubt there are many available. It you wish to

take more action with these type of issues, I highly recomend that you join one.



I hope this is ok to post. I read the articals and the petiton . you can read it



I found it frigtening that a group of people who obviously do not like darvon

or darvocet can bith blame it for some ones action of abusing it Second the

amount of deaths compared to perciptions of it writiing is not even 1 %

Imagine if this gruop does not like say Oxycontin , methdone Ultram MS -Contin

and so on any of the meds we use to meak our lives better.

There are a number of pain organations that are trying ot stop things like

this and even litigate if needed. Most of them are run by pain paients as no

one else is gong to advocate for us . While we cn write about it on a yahoo

gruop we can also do other thing

counter this . one is to speak out bout bopth pain and what it has done to your

life and howmedication has helpled. another is to edcuatacte both yourvself

and others about meds one thing I point out is that less that 1 % of paitnets

perscibes opaites become

dependant and the number is about the same for Benzodiaapines.

Inate objects do not cuase addction or any one to do any thing. By givieng

medicatuiions deamon like powers to litrally take control fo a person various

organzatu ions have sussceffuly scared peole into beintg terrfied of them and

also thier is a lot of much false infomatio that even some docotors and nurses

and other medical professionals believe. A lot of it is on the internet.

I googled a few common pain relivers and others and if i looked there are at

least four or stop meds we use. that some organization wants banned if not more.

They are very persuasive and most of what they say simply is not true. but a

few storys by allged ex abused and they are " experts " on the med! Not

possible of course

Educating them and the public about pain meds of all sorts is very important.

other wise groups like this, and other more rabid anti drug groups would take

away or make it extreamly difficult to obtain meds they do not like.

Some deaths caued by a person taking an over dose or abusing them garners a lot

of attention and sympathy. yet they forget that the person taking the drug

ultimatly killed them selves.

I have yet to see my med leap off the shelf and open the bottels o pop them

selves into my mouth and give me a drink to make it eaiser to take them.

I hope more pople become involed even a small donation writting about ypour

condtion joining an organzation and speaking in public writting to members of

congress i know sounds usleless (in the USA )

best to all


> Moderator Note: I think the info may have come from

> an American group who are trying to get Darvocet

> banned in the US. about.com had an article about

> the group and their " war on Darvocet. " Over the

> years, some people abused the drug and died, so of

> course the drug is getting blamed.

> Dextropropoxyphene is a relatively mild opioid and

> has been in use around the world since 1957.

> --

> Lyndi

> Modertor

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