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Re: Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?

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I agree Lana! Let's do it. We'll yell back at everyone who yells at us.

Hey, wait a minute. I don't want to yell at my Aunt. She'll probably be

very hurt. Anyway, she stopped yelling at me.

I forget now, who brought up the exaggerated lip movement. I still get

people who do that. Maybe I'll talk back to them like that. That sounds

more friendly, I think. Plus, I can " plug " Deaf people that way. And let

everyone know that all Deaf people are not the same. Some can talk. In

fact, some LOVE to talk (like me :o)


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Hi June,

Me too,I just love to gab :)Do you ever get the stares from people when they

find out your deaf and you talk.I have had people say right out to me " SHE

TALKS " duh,like dumb goes with deaf...people make me MAD...I agree June,I can

tell when someone is yelling at me and I don't need hearing to know it

sooooo,I will start yelling back and see how they like it.

Lana likes to gab too,in Minnesota :)

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Hi June,

Youre very WELCOME heheh.You had lunch at Mickey donalds oh yum...I enjoy

there mystery meat every once in a while :) Like there french flies to :0 oh

I ah mean um ammoh oh...I mean french fries :)))))

Lana :)

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I had an strange dream when I had my ANs removed too. It seemed very real

too. When I had my first AN removed in '79, I dreamed I was with a group of

people who were being chased by a larger group who wanted to kill them. Well

we were at a park by a lake and trying to get away on an old row boat. The

other group was moving closer but I was looking for something. When I woke I

could not remember what I was looking for or if we ever got away (someone

told me once you never get killed in a dream so I guess we got away OK).

That was not so strange in itself but....

When I had my second AN removed in '86, the dream continued. This time I

found out we were in a war taking place at least 100 years ago. I also found

what I was looking for. It was a gun that was buried near a tree that I had


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Glad to know that I wasn't the only one! My halucination was about the

Matrix (movie). I had security guards in my room 24-7, and I thought they

were agents. I kept trying to flush myself down the toilet! I also thought

a good friend of mine was satan. I was terrified!

> After my operation last year I spent the first week on the Starship

> Enterprise, all the Enterprise crew came to see me, and I finally realised

> that I was a holgraphic image, they were trying to see what effect the

> differant treatments would have, so they could cure the real me. I drove

> the nurses mad asking to be able to E-mail the captain.

> I had a CSF leak ( cerable something fluid, that the brain sits in) and


> caused meningitis, and yes I was really gone.

> But I'm back on earth now.


> Alan.Gordon.Manchester.UK (alan.gordon@...)

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> Hello Alan,


> So you spent time with Couselor Troi? You lucky devil!! Heh....

> I have to ask now, did the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) leak because of the

> AN sugery? Or was it something else?


> Mark

Yep Mark it was when I had the AN removed and the ABI fitted, I had the

Spine drain fitted (twice) and excess fluid drained into a bottle, but I

don't remember Deanne Troy being in the halucination. I'll have to go back

and correct that.


Alan.Gordon.Manchester.UK (alan.gordon@...)

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> while on the subject of being delusional, how many of you that have had AN

> surgery had incredibly strange dreams while recovering from that surgery.

> Man, if King ever needed new material for a novel, he should've

> interviewed me after AN surgeries :P

> Delirious Don

Don, definitely been there, done that. The first night after my AN surgery,

I dreamed I was dying. So much so that I asked my room mate who was on the

verge of being discharged to stay up with me the whole night and hold my

hand while I died. I remember the end, I met God and everything (he was

black). BTW, I was " in " =) A nurse woke me up in the morning, and I

couldn't believe I was alive. I cried because I was so confused. I think I

thought I was dying because they put those blue squishy things on my legs,

and I didn't know what they were. In my delusional state, I thought they

were some type of life support. I remember asking a nurse in the middle of

the night to just disconnect the machine so I could die in peace. The weird

thing is, is that I vaguely remember having this dream before, but I don't

know when exactly. I had a hernia operation when I was young, so maybe that

was when it was (ie, waking up from general anaesthesia).

Another dream I had a few days later was that I was a " sugar maple baby "

(don't ask why that name). In this dream I was a baby, and I had been

taught to fly a plane for dangerous missions. They controlled the way I

flew the plane by moving my legs rhythmically. It was kind of a fun dream!

Oh, and my first night " home " I had dreams of " drug surgery. " In these

dreams, I was able to connect with my inner child (the Decadron was making

me very emotional at the time) by having my aunt call me up. I'd hear this

" rinnngggg " then I'd answer " hello auntie Jody " And she'd ask me how old I

was, and I'd tell her. Then she'd ask me questions about my life, how mom

was, etc... (my mom was always ill when I was a kid). Then she'd tell me

that everything was going to be OK, and that it wasn't my fault. I was

really doing psychotherapy on myself. I thought that maybe I could become a

drug therapist by doing psychotherapy on someone while they were stoned.

Now it seems like a really bad idea ;-)


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Hi Mark,

It is so nice to share stories with someone who knows what your talking about

and experinced it...Thats the stuff that I have now learned to laugh

about..It's so funny when you open your mouth up and talk and people just

stand there or sit there stunned...There are SO MANY people out there NOT

educated on hearing loss.In fact when that happens we should carry a large

supply of phamplets on us and hand them out to people.I guess when your deaf

the DUMB goes with it and the MUTE....There are so many people out there that

just dont know...I think we as deafies have our own private little laughs

everyday.It's always a wonder to see how people are going to respond to when

you tell them your hearing impaired.I know just how you felt.I have went into

appointments and sat down and just started talking and there eyes get big as

saucers and what gets me is a LOT of these people that think that way are

PROFFESSIONAL PEOPLE and I have dealt with it many times!!! Have you ever had

the experience of being treated retarded OH I SURE DID....And I did NOT have

to say a word either.I was at a School Meeting for my son and him getting

some help in math,like tutor help and anyhow the special education teacher

planted her rear down next to me and proceeded to almost talk baby talk to me

and stroke and rub me and say OH YOU UNDERSTAND DON " T YOU,YESSSS,SURE YOU

DO...I was in a room with a whole bunch of people and they just looked at her

and I didn't have to say anything.After I did talk with one of the staff at

School at they knew right away I was being treated retarded....I evan have

the drrooling to go along with it to :) The experiences I have had....oh

gee...I was a healthy hearing person thrown into an NF deaf world and had to

be exposed to all the ignorant people...I have never been so discusted at

times in my LIFE and so dissapointed in people,where is the respect and

kindness and just common curtosy...it is so nice to have some one to share

them with exspecially both men and woman...I appreciate it so much.It

actually makes you happy inside knowing there is someone out there going

through what you are daily and have the same health problems and we can learn

from each other and share...It is a great christmas present for me to have

found this crew...I almost called you the ZOO CREW :) but thats my kids

:)))))I wanted to share one other thing with you.have you ever heard of the

word Bedlam,like its bedlam in here and a mess and no order etc.well about a

100 years ago or so there was such a place called bedlam,and it was over in

England and it happend to be A mental institution.And you can just imagine

what it was like over 100 years ago in a mental institution.Well anyhow

chained to the walls was the mentally ill people and right along side

them,was the deaf,also chained to the wall.It was nice hearing from you.

Lana in Minnesota :)

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STORY TIME!!!When my Grandpa was in the hospital they had him hooked up to

one of those bags you pee into.Grandpa hated it and wouldn't stop trying to

pull it out.The doctor informed Grandma they had to remove the pee bag cuz

he kept pulling at it and " strangled his penis "

Let that be a warning to you guys


Re: Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?

> From: PeteEMT@...


> In a message dated 12/9/99 8:10:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> ManelyCat@... writes:








> Hmm the couple times that I woke up intubated my hands were tied as well


> prevent this. I did tell the one nurse that she musta been pretty kinky


> lol


> Pete

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> See what's happening for NF2Con 2000!

> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~earldillon/nf2convegas2000.html

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Oh Lana,

Please only yell at people you don't know and don't want to know! I think

you'll alienate friends that way. Just tell them they don't have to yell.

I tell people, most of the time right up front when I meet them, that I'm

Deaf but I can voice (speak) and need to read their lips. And sometimes I

have a bit of trouble so please have paper and pen handy. It seems to work.

I try not to be too mean. Heck! It's not their fault that I can't read

them if they have thick lips or thin lips or enunciate elaborately. So, I

just go with the flow... BUT, after the first couple of times that they put

their hand in front of their mouth and I ask them to please move it, I get

kind of " hard " with them.

Anyway, that's my method and it seems to work for me most of the time!


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Actually, lana.

about the Deaf and talking thing...most people don't tell me they're

surprised that I can talk. Most of the time I get " You speak so well " and

then I have to go into the " I became deaf when I was 19 " spiel. Sometimes

it's a pain in the butt! :o(


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Hi June,

I usually don't yell at all:)I just feel like it after some days:)

What you do actuall does sound good and on the order of what I do and I have

found that works best.

Lana in Minnesota :)

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I tried to take that tube out of my through too, but there were nurses

and a doctor around and when I tried and they yanked my hands down and

tied my wrists to the bedrails.

I cant remember which operation this happened after. After awhile they

all blur together.

Jeff W.

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Hi June,

I have the same thing,but you talk so well.And I say of course because I had

good speech and hearing for many years of my life...and then they start

playing the 20 questions and if I am in any kind of a dr,s office at

all....The Dr will usually bring in medical students and 20 or more at a time

to play 20 questions and say now ladies and gentleman your going to learn a

little bit about the disease NF2 bla bla bla..And you get starred at some

more...I think you know how that goes...I have a real problem with people

starring at me .I am sure you know how that goes also...your always being

stared at...like I have read in your posts before...you can understand

children staring, but adults...Its the Adults that are the worst ones and

also I have learned the proffessional people are the rudest,when it comes to

a lot of behavior...Anyway,our lives with NF are sometimes very adventourious

during the day and we always come up against new or differnt

things.....Sometimes I find my life is full of chuclkes during the day...One

day I might be retarded and the next i might me a total idiot..And then one

day i am treated with total respect and the people dont evan mind my hearing

impairment they talk a little louder and clearer...and one day i will walk a

little drunk,but I do agree each day brings something new :)

lana in Minnesota :)

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Hi JJ,

So far, you win the prize! You're the only person who actually got the whole

thing out! I hate those things...GRRRRRR :o)

I want to ask if others also had their hands tied down after surgery. I've

had 7 of them and not once were my hands tied down (that I remember). I was,

actually, surprised, when it was brought up. I think it's a major


I am Deaf. I use sign language to cummunicate (if I can't voice :o). I have

problems with my eyes and can't use them to signal.

I think it's highly unethical to tie my hands down! How am I supposed to

tell them anything?


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I've had 5 head sutgeries and had my hands tied twice.Once for pulling at my

tubes and once for punching anybody that got to close(I guess I was pretty

out of it.)

They won't spank me though no matter how much I beg.


Re: Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?

> From: ManelyCat@...


> Hi JJ,


> So far, you win the prize! You're the only person who actually got the


> thing out! I hate those things...GRRRRRR :o)


> I want to ask if others also had their hands tied down after surgery.


> had 7 of them and not once were my hands tied down (that I remember). I


> actually, surprised, when it was brought up. I think it's a major

> injustice!!!


> I am Deaf. I use sign language to cummunicate (if I can't voice :o). I


> problems with my eyes and can't use them to signal.


> I think it's highly unethical to tie my hands down! How am I supposed to

> tell them anything?


> June

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> See what's happening for NF2Con 2000!

> http://www.home.earthlink.net/~earldillon/nf2convegas2000.html

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In a message dated 12/10/99 8:55:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jaj521@... writes:

<< I think it's highly unethical to tie my hands down! How am I supposed


tell them anything?


It's a toss up, as an EMT I did intubations, and an ET tube with an inflated

cuff is not something you want to yank out. Unless you'd like to take your

vocal cords too :)

I'll see if I can describe it. We all know what the tub looks like.. Sorta a

half curved flexible hollow tube. On one end of it is a little clear balloon.

This is the end they stick down your throat...The Tube passes in between the

vocal cords and the balloon is inflated with air using a small syringe hooked

to a very small tube that runs along the bigger tube. The Balloon seals your

windpipe basically, so that all air exchanged has to go through the ET tube.

(and makes it possible for the Ventilator to force air in your lungs) Now if

you were to just grab ahold of it and yank with the balloon inflated, you'd

have great risk of doing damage to your vocal cords.

Just coming out of anethesia from a surgery, we are often slightly confused

and not with it. And I've woke up with the ET tube and you do feel like your

gagging, so your natural response is to grab for it.

Once they see that I'm awake and semi with it, they've untied my hands or

tied them loose enough so that I could move my hands around to sign, or write

or point at things.

And now you wouldn't want a conscious intubation <g> Because passing the tube

down your throat activates your gag reflex, they either have to paralyze your

gag reflex and then you'd have to lay there while somebody passes a

larygonscope down your throat OR (the way we did it since as an EMT we didn't

have access to those drugs) you have to intubate through the nose. Neither

one would be pleasant experience.

Anyways, then you can claim the cute Nurse/Doc had you tied to the bed :)


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Dear June,

Yeah, having your hands tied down really is the pits but I think they do

it because pullin the tube out would be a natural reaction (uugghh) I

had abt 7 too and like 3 of those times my hands have been tied (at the

wrist) because the tube was still in when I woke up. I TRY to schedule

24 hour interpreters on duty (this is immpossible- but you would be

surprised at the number of terps who are willing to work at night) and

this eases the anxiety somewhat. They know this might happen so I

fingerspell - Plus I make sure when I check in the chart clearly says

that I am deaf and need to write etc when terp is not there...still,

it can be very frustrating!!!!

smile- JJ




Hi JJ,

So far, you win the prize! You're the only person who actually got the


thing out! I hate those things...GRRRRRR :o)

I want to ask if others also had their hands tied down after surgery.


had 7 of them and not once were my hands tied down (that I remember). I


actually, surprised, when it was brought up. I think it's a major


I am Deaf. I use sign language to cummunicate (if I can't voice :o). I


problems with my eyes and can't use them to signal.

I think it's highly unethical to tie my hands down! How am I supposed


tell them anything?


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I was surprised by those dreams too. For a long time I was trying to figure

out what it meant. I had some ideas but nothing to concrete. Guess that is

how dreams are.

>From: ManelyCat@...







>See what's happening for NF2Con 2000!




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