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Hi Crew

I thought I would chip in about my ABI, which I have had now for 9 months.

What do I hear, I hear a Hmmmmmmm.

If you say strawberry I hear HmmHmmHm,

Can I follow what people say, no, If they are behind me and speak, I may

know there speaking cause I hear Hmmm, but I have to LIP READ to understand

them, When my partner speaks to me, I lip read her and I can hear what she

says, when she turns away or covers her mouth, I can hear HmmHmmmHmmmhmm.

I can't watch TV without caption, I sometimes can tell when the caption

doesn't follow what the person say's or even catch an accent, but this is by

lip reading.

IN meetings I am lost. unless I have a lip reader or communications support

of some type, unless there is only one speaker at a time, and I can see that

speaker clearly, and they speak slowly,and clearly.

I can hear the phone ring by it's rhythm Hmmmm Hmmmm


I can hear my answerphone cut in and the message I am saying ( cause I know

what it is) then the person leaves a message - HmmmHmmm

HmmHmmHmmmmmmHmmmmm. (I haven't a clue what's being said) until someone

relays the message to me by lip speaking.

Outside in a noisy environment I just hear a long HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, no

discrimination between sounds at all.

Having said that, I am learning to tell what sounds are like, I can tell the

phone, I can tell music from speech, I can't pick up new tunes, but if I

hear a song I remember from when I had ears, and someone tells me what it

is, then I can pick it up and sing along, If I can lip read the singer off

the TV then I can sing along also, but a new tune is not possible to pick

up. at the moment.

I can hear a bird sing, I don't recognise all birds of course, but I hear a

noise ask what it is, then try to remember that noise next time I hear it.

The ABI is very useful in that it is an aid to lip speaking, and it makes me

much more relaxed when I am listening and lip reading. Before the last op

and ABI I wore a strong hearing aid and I don't think I heard as much with

the AID as I do with the ABI, but what I did hear with the AID I recognised,

I could identify words with the Aid,

I wear the ABI all the wakening hours, compared to hearing it is s**t,

compared to deafness it is great.

My thoughts

Alan.Gordon.Manchester.UK (alan.gordon@...)

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