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I vary between 2-3 constantly. So far, my blood tests have been fine. So I

will continue to strive to get them all down every day. Weekends or days

when my routine is interrupted are the hardest.


-- Re: Vitamins

Does anyone else have a problem getting all 3 vitamins in? The best I have

been able to do so far is 2.

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> i have a question about multi vits?

> my dd had high selenium when we did her metals test.

Which test was this?

>i had been giving her Kirkmans Everyday - some to find out these have

selenium in them. things i noticed with this vit was that she was more

verbal, and decently attentive.

> i was giving her SNT, but that aggravated the PST, so those are out.

things i noticed with this vit, she was more attentive, less verbal.

> I can't win for losing. someone suggested animal friends - they too

have selenium.

> my question is what can i give her, and what about the difference in

these bahaviors with these other vits. I've ssen good things and i am

backtracking right now, if i don't get things shifted i could be going



> any feedback welcome, thanks in advance.

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> my question is what can i give her, and what about the difference in

these bahaviors with these other vits.

High B6 can aggravate phenol symptoms in sensitive children


Some vitamins also contain dyes/flavors that kids don't tolerate.

If you saw some improvements along with the problems, consider trying

Hypoallergenic NuThera, it might work for you.


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it was a blood test called Elemental Analysis (packed erythrocytes)

> Karyn

> From: " andrewhallcutler " <AndyCutler@...>

> Date: 2002/12/06 Fri PM 05:46:12 EST


> Subject: [ ] Re: vitamins



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> it was a blood test called Elemental Analysis (packed erythrocytes)

> > Karyn

Then you would probably want to avoid selenium in supplements, and

keep her intake of it below 1/2 mcg per pound of kid from supplement


Andy .. . . . . . . . . .. . .

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Andy -

that rules out just about every multi vitamin there is, forgot to tell you she

is also high in Magnesium. Both of these are in every multivitamin I have found.

If I were to give her just the things she needs, she would have no room for

food!!!! She will be 3yoa the end of this month. There is only so much I can

shove down her w/o making room for food impossible!!!!!

If anyone has any suggstions, feedback is welcome.

Also we are going to start chelating her next month. I was wondering about the

Comprehensive Detox Profile test from GSDL. Is there another lab that does equal

testing in Ga?


> > From: " andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...> " <AndyCutler@...>

> Date: 2002/12/07 Sat PM 04:22:00 EST


> Subject: [ ] Re: vitamins



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(omitting selenium)

> that rules out just about every multi vitamin there is, forgot to

tell you she is also high in Magnesium.

It is OK for them to have magnesium anyway.

I am aware that needing to be particular about what is in your

supplements makes most of them off limits, but that is the way it is.

Unfortunate, but it isn't going to change because it is inconvenient.

>Both of these are in every multivitamin I have found. If I were to

give her just the things she needs, she would have no room for

food!!!! She will be 3yoa the end of this month. There is only so much

I can shove down her w/o making room for food impossible!!!!!

> If anyone has any suggstions, feedback is welcome.

Be selective and give her the few important things.

Mix as much of it as tastes OK with food and juice (e. g. vitamin C)


> Also we are going to start chelating her next month. I was wondering

about the Comprehensive Detox Profile test from GSDL. Is there another

lab that does equal testing in Ga?

Not for that particular test. GSDL is unique for that test as far as

I know. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .


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What vitamin helps children with attention, focus and hyperacvity?


Lots of them.

Tyrosine, forskolin, vitamin E, also vitamin C but it works the best

if given 4 times a day.

Andy . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .

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  • 1 month later...


This is common problem. I did get mine eventually but whats the point with

such bad buisness practices - and after all that Sam didn't change when I

withdrew it.

I have sample of Spectrum Complete but haven't tried it yet, I stick with

singles for now.

I think another of our members here was going to take legal actio, she never

got product either :(

Mandi in UK

I have (richer than me) frineds in UK who have big stoskc so they don;t run


> I was a member of this list a while ago and learned about Brainchild

> vitamins here. As a result of all of the glowing praise these

> products were given, I went ahead and ordered some Spectrum II for my son

> last September. I have yet to receive anything from

> this company. I last heard from Lang January 13 (appx) and he told

> me that the product was shipped January 9. I have yet

> to see it. I live in Canada but I still find it hard to believe that I

> shouldn't have received it yet.


> As a result of this, I refuse to deal with Brainchild again. I can't

> afford it - I am already out $130 (Can) from ordering this one

> product. However, Sam is still in need of a good multi-vitamin. I've

> ordered a trial size of Spectrum Complete (Hypoallergenic)

> today from Kirkman's. Is there a better product to try?


> Looking forward to reading your responses...


> C.


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>>>>However, Sam is still in need of a good multi-vitamin.

I agree that it is a big problem that does not seem to be resolving

itself. I certainly couldn't afford to lose $130 on anything. Very

sorry this happened. It is a great product if you can ever get it.

But reliability is equally important.

1. Have you looked at Freeda Vitamins? www.freedavitamins.com

The Feingold folks love this brand because they are made for

seriously sensitive people...they are 'free' of everything. The

vitamin A palmitate in these products is okay and free of the

negative preservative as well. They have several to choose from.

2. I have liked Danplex in the past too. This is a multi-everything

powdered product. But we didn't like the taste at all so I just

filled empty capsules with the powder and the boys swallowed those.

But they prefer capsules to any type of 'stuff' in their food or

drink. However, most people I talked to think it tastes far better

than other choices. The site is:


at the site there is a toll-free number. Click on 'order here' to

read the ingredients and about the product.

" The company was founded in 1998 and is devoted to the research and

discovery of new and innovative nutritional products used in the

fields of autism, longevity medicine, and neuropsychiatry. "

3. Animal Parade vitamins at the health food store by Nature's Plus.

I think they are tasty and they seem to be well-tolerated by most

kids. I haven't heard anything negative at all.


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Have you called Lang yourself- I honestly have tried two different

times- and reached him in the mornings. I am sure he would remedy the

problem. He does know the problems with production and shipping. and does

apologize. He moved to a new facility about a month ago so this should help.

I would try and call him and figure it out. -Keri

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-I hear you on Brainchild...mine was ordered last July so I wouldn't

hold your breath. I also was charged then, but mine was $89 (should I

feel lucky? lol.) My husband filed a complaint with the Better

Business Bureau after our attempts at getting a refund from

Brainchild were ignored. The BBB tells us their inquiries were

ingnored as well so they have a negative report filed. They told us

to contact the DA or Attorney General. So far-no time. Its very

frusterating and disappointing I know. Alot of us shelling out money

for supplements, therapies, etc cannot afford to throw our money

away. :-( I hope you fine a good alternative. I am looking as well.


In , " C <dsciswe@y...> "

<dsciswe@y...> wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> I was a member of this list a while ago and learned about

Brainchild vitamins here. As a result of all of the glowing praise


> products were given, I went ahead and ordered some Spectrum II for

my son last September. I have yet to receive anything from

> this company. I last heard from Lang January 13 (appx) and

he told me that the product was shipped January 9. I have yet

> to see it. I live in Canada but I still find it hard to believe

that I shouldn't have received it yet.


> As a result of this, I refuse to deal with Brainchild again. I

can't afford it - I am already out $130 (Can) from ordering this one

> product. However, Sam is still in need of a good multi-vitamin.

I've ordered a trial size of Spectrum Complete (Hypoallergenic)

> today from Kirkman's. Is there a better product to try?


> Looking forward to reading your responses...


> C.

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Thanks to everyone who responded to my question about alternatives to

Brainchild. This list sure moves fast!

Since we've already ordered the Spectrum Complete, we'll give that a go first.

I'll let you know if they help or not. We've tried

Super NuThera in the past and found that they made Sam very irritable - I

suspect it was the high B6. We've had Sam on

elimination diets this past month and he hasn't been receiving any

supplementation thus far. I know for a fact that magnesium is

good for him - greatly reduced anxiety. I am unsure whether there is enough

magnesium in the Spectrum Complete - we'll find

out I guess!

Thanks again!


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> Have you called Lang yourself- I honestly have tried two different

> times- and reached him in the mornings. I am sure he would remedy the

> problem. He does know the problems with production and shipping. and does

> apologize. He moved to a new facility about a month ago so this should help.

> I would try and call him and figure it out. -Keri




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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Toity. Haven't read what Hall 4 says about these, but I am currently reiterating DoH advice that infants breastfeeding after 6 months or infants on less than a 500-600mls of formula a day after 6 months should give vitamin drops. Will also advise breastfeeding Asian babies should have before 6 months if necessary. I also tend to plug them for any1-5s who do not seem to eat well, if necessary. I have the impression that many HVs do not mention vitamin drops but ricketts does appear to be popping up again.

Also make a point of reminding about iron containing foods for babes and toddlers and reminding mums at newbirth visits and opportunistically about their own calcium intake for prevention of osteoporosis, as I have a thing about this. Just read some breastfeeding babies in the States have had brain abnormalities following maternal Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian mums so will add this onto my 'mini nutrition' lectures.

Regards, June

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June, thanks for confirming what many of us in practice are doing. Recent

article in Nursing Standard critising hvs about attitudes to vegetarians. The

Vegetarian Society members felt hvs were not giving accurate advice on

nutrition. Vitamin supplement has always been a very individual case, but vit

drops are not always actively promoted in clinics any more. Jeanette

> Hi Toity. Haven't read what Hall 4 says about these, but I am currently

>reiterating DoH advice that infants breastfeeding after 6 months or infants

>on less than a 500-600mls of formula a day after 6 months should give vitamin

>drops. Will also advise breastfeeding Asian babies should have before 6

>months if necessary. I also tend to plug them for any1-5s who do not seem to

>eat well, if necessary. I have the impression that many HVs do not mention

>vitamin drops but ricketts does appear to be popping up again.

>Also make a point of reminding about iron containing foods for babes and

>toddlers and reminding mums at newbirth visits and opportunistically about

>their own calcium intake for prevention of osteoporosis, as I have a thing

>about this.

>Just read some breastfeeding babies in the States have had brain

>abnormalities following maternal Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian mums

>so will add this onto my 'mini nutrition' lectures.

>Regards, June


talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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Dear Senate,

Today's BMJ has an article about the value of folic acid + iron in

maternity care, in an Asian country where meat is a rare part of the

diet for most people.


On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 06:24:43 EST junet579@... wrote:

> Hi Toity. Haven't read what Hall 4 says about these, but I am currently

> reiterating DoH advice that infants breastfeeding after 6 months or infants

> on less than a 500-600mls of formula a day after 6 months should give vitamin

> drops. Will also advise breastfeeding Asian babies should have before 6

> months if necessary. I also tend to plug them for any1-5s who do not seem to

> eat well, if necessary. I have the impression that many HVs do not mention

> vitamin drops but ricketts does appear to be popping up again.

> Also make a point of reminding about iron containing foods for babes and

> toddlers and reminding mums at newbirth visits and opportunistically about

> their own calcium intake for prevention of osteoporosis, as I have a thing

> about this.

> Just read some breastfeeding babies in the States have had brain

> abnormalities following maternal Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian mums

> so will add this onto my 'mini nutrition' lectures.

> Regards, June


Woody Caan


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Thank you for your pieces of advice. Senate as usual comes up trumps!




>June, thanks for confirming what many of us in practice are doing.

Recent article in Nursing Standard critising hvs about attitudes to

vegetarians. The Vegetarian Society members felt hvs were not giving

accurate advice on nutrition. Vitamin supplement has always been a

very individual case, but vit drops are not always actively promoted

in clinics any more. Jeanette

>> Hi Toity. Haven't read what Hall 4 says about these, but I am


>>reiterating DoH advice that infants breastfeeding after 6 months or


>>on less than a 500-600mls of formula a day after 6 months should

give vitamin

>>drops. Will also advise breastfeeding Asian babies should have

before 6

>>months if necessary. I also tend to plug them for any1-5s who do

not seem to

>>eat well, if necessary. I have the impression that many HVs do not


>>vitamin drops but ricketts does appear to be popping up again.

>>Also make a point of reminding about iron containing foods for babes


>>toddlers and reminding mums at newbirth visits and

opportunistically about

>>their own calcium intake for prevention of osteoporosis, as I have a


>>about this.

>>Just read some breastfeeding babies in the States have had brain

>>abnormalities following maternal Vitamin B12 deficiency in

vegetarian mums

>>so will add this onto my 'mini nutrition' lectures.

>>Regards, June





>talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at





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I ensure pre-term babes get vitamin drops for the first year of life, and

advise them for skinny or picky ones but apart from that I try hard to

encourage a vitamin and iron rich diet from 6 months on and ask about diet

at all contacts. I was interested to read June's report on Vit B12 def. in

vege mums in the States. I am vegetarian and suggest green beans and

Marmite (over 1 year) as a way of ensuring sufficient B12. Ruth

Re: vitamins


> June, thanks for confirming what many of us in practice are doing. Recent

article in Nursing Standard critising hvs about attitudes to vegetarians.

The Vegetarian Society members felt hvs were not giving accurate advice on

nutrition. Vitamin supplement has always been a very individual case, but

vit drops are not always actively promoted in clinics any more. Jeanette

> > Hi Toity. Haven't read what Hall 4 says about these, but I am currently

> >reiterating DoH advice that infants breastfeeding after 6 months or


> >on less than a 500-600mls of formula a day after 6 months should give


> >drops. Will also advise breastfeeding Asian babies should have before 6

> >months if necessary. I also tend to plug them for any1-5s who do not

seem to

> >eat well, if necessary. I have the impression that many HVs do not


> >vitamin drops but ricketts does appear to be popping up again.

> >Also make a point of reminding about iron containing foods for babes and

> >toddlers and reminding mums at newbirth visits and opportunistically


> >their own calcium intake for prevention of osteoporosis, as I have a


> >about this.

> >Just read some breastfeeding babies in the States have had brain

> >abnormalities following maternal Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarian


> >so will add this onto my 'mini nutrition' lectures.

> >Regards, June




> --------------------

> talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at





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Ruth, thanks for reminding me about Marmite as a source of vit B12 for older babies( Although I hate the stuff myself) If I remember rightly, in the 'old days' we used to suggest it on toast for babies starting finger feeding until the salt content became an issue. June

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

> I just went and bought myself some vitamins. Potassium, B12, Fish

Oil and Vitamin C. I haven't ever really taken vitamins so hopefully

this will give me some good results. :-) Anyone else have any good

luck with these?

> ~Leah>>

I've done well on vitamins, minerals and amino acids (I'm not taking


Buy good quality vitamins - there's a lot of junk out there. Plus a

lot of vitamins have additves, such a soy, that are counter

productive if you have thyroid disease.

I'm not crazy about fish oils, but then I'm a vegitarian. There's

often questions about the mercury content in fish oil and salmon oil

in particular is questionable. Most salmon is from farmed salmon,

which are given loads of drugs and poor feed (including soy).

B12 is essential - you may want to add some B-Complex and B5 (for

adrenals). I've read some literature that more than 3 grams of

vitamin C is not good for the thyroid. But I've taken up to 10 grams

a day and didn't feel any adverse effects.

A lot of people seem to have success with selenium. There's lot of

information about the connection between low selenium and thyroid

disease. I also take zinc - and it's really apparent to me when I

miss my Zinc - a lot of symptoms come back.

You may want to look into moducare - there's some good stuff coming

out about it.

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Also, add the amino acid Tyrosine. There may be others that others

take but taking Tyrosine does a lot for the energy. I take 500/day.

In regards to fish oils, the only ones who will guarantee that it is

pure, no mercury, are Carlson's. Trust me they are EXPENSIVE but it

is far better to take them than to not take them.

You might want to check out an article on Shomon's page,

titled, " What's in my medicine cabinet " . I don't take anywhere near

the things she has tried and then everyone is different anyway.

Good luck on your hunt for the right combination for you!


> > I just went and bought myself some vitamins. Potassium, B12,


> Oil and Vitamin C. I haven't ever really taken vitamins so


> this will give me some good results. :-) Anyone else have any


> luck with these?

> > ~Leah>>



> I've done well on vitamins, minerals and amino acids (I'm not


> medication).


> Buy good quality vitamins - there's a lot of junk out there. Plus a

> lot of vitamins have additves, such a soy, that are counter

> productive if you have thyroid disease.


> I'm not crazy about fish oils, but then I'm a vegitarian. There's

> often questions about the mercury content in fish oil and salmon


> in particular is questionable. Most salmon is from farmed salmon,

> which are given loads of drugs and poor feed (including soy).


> B12 is essential - you may want to add some B-Complex and B5 (for

> adrenals). I've read some literature that more than 3 grams of

> vitamin C is not good for the thyroid. But I've taken up to 10


> a day and didn't feel any adverse effects.


> A lot of people seem to have success with selenium. There's lot of

> information about the connection between low selenium and thyroid

> disease. I also take zinc - and it's really apparent to me when I

> miss my Zinc - a lot of symptoms come back.


> You may want to look into moducare - there's some good stuff coming

> out about it.



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