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Their hysteria about excess vit A is way overlown and meant as scare tactics

It's funny that you mention this. While I was pregnant with Liam, I was sick.

I wanted to take my Vit. C and my Vit A & D (because it has been my experience

that I am better faster with 3 days of megadosing these 2). My OB told me that

Vitamin A is toxic in large doses, but he couldn't tell me what was considered

too much. I only ended up taking the normal dosage, but knew that it would take

forever to get over it. I filled the prescription he gave me and took one days

worth. There's just something about inviting a yeast infection that does

nothing for me LOL ...... so, I was just sick for about 2 weeks waiting for my

body to kill off the sinus infection, when if I do the vitamins, I can be

totally better on the 3rd day.

So, now ....... is Vitamin A toxic? Is it excreted through breastmilk in mass

quantities (I'm working on a sinus infection and would really like to take the

vitamins, but I'm nursing and don't want to pass on too much of something....

fwiw, the baby has the same green congestion <sigh>)

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Vitamin A does have toxicity. The range for a toxic adult for adults is

estimated as 50,000 to 200,000 IU per day depending on who you talk to. Beta

carotene, however, a precursor of Vitamin A has no toxicity. Staying below

these dosage ranges should be fine for nursing.

Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc

Classical Medicine Center

1779 Woodside Rd #201C

Redwood City, CA 94061

650 299-9170

Subscribe to my free email newsletter

by clicking on this link www.cure-guide.com

Author of The Vaccine Guide, North Atlantic Books

Re: vitamins

> Their hysteria about excess vit A is way overlown and meant as scare



> It's funny that you mention this. While I was pregnant with Liam, I was

sick. I wanted to take my Vit. C and my Vit A & D (because it has been my

experience that I am better faster with 3 days of megadosing these 2). My

OB told me that Vitamin A is toxic in large doses, but he couldn't tell me

what was considered too much. I only ended up taking the normal dosage, but

knew that it would take forever to get over it. I filled the prescription

he gave me and took one days worth. There's just something about inviting a

yeast infection that does nothing for me LOL ...... so, I was just sick for

about 2 weeks waiting for my body to kill off the sinus infection, when if I

do the vitamins, I can be totally better on the 3rd day.


> So, now ....... is Vitamin A toxic? Is it excreted through breastmilk in

mass quantities (I'm working on a sinus infection and would really like to

take the vitamins, but I'm nursing and don't want to pass on too much of

something.... fwiw, the baby has the same green congestion <sigh>)






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In a message dated 04-30-03 10:46:10 AM Central Daylight Time,

tgdamron@... writes:

> ....... is Vitamin A toxic? Is it excreted through breastmilk in mass

> quantities (I'm working on a sinus infection and would really like to take

> the vitamins, but I'm nursing and don't want to pass on too much of

> something.... fwiw, the baby has the same green congestion <sigh>)



From what I understand.. beta carotene version of vitamin A is NOT toxic..

but the artificial formulation can be.


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estimated as 50,000 to 200,000

excellent, thank you so much. When I am really sick, I still only take 40,000 U

of Vitamin A and for only 3 days then if I'm not 100% (which I have only not

been one time) I just go back to whatever is on the bottle.

Thank you thank you ......

sure wish you were in IL


in IL

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/25/03 8:13:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

t1gonzales@... writes:

> Hi - I have been reading for a few weeks and enjoy it considerably. I have

> a daughter () 18 months old with Down Syndrome. She is very healthy

> with the normal low tone issues. I have become curious about some of the

> vitamins and nutrients out their which claim to be helpful to our kiddos. I


> currently reading some info on gluconutrients (spelling probably off). I


> love to hear others opinions or experiences on the subject.


> Thanks in advance,

> Tricia


here's a good comprehensive list of studies on supplement uses - both with

positive and negative findings


HREF= " http://www.ds-health.com/vitamin.htm " >http://www.ds-health.com/vitamin.htm\


In addition, the Dr Jerome Lejeuene ( the French doctor who discovered that

Trisomy 21 is the basis of Down syndrome) researched and proved that the extra

chromosome leads to excess production of certain amino acids. He theorized

(altho did not prove before his death) that administering extra vitamins could

actually be unhealthy, since they would metabolize with the excess amino acids

and could have negative effects.

Kids with certain additional complications (such as celiac disease) meanwhile

have trouble absorbing any nutrients at all.... and therefore use of

supplements would be important.

Research on metabolism mechanisms in DS kids continues....


HREF= " http://www.nutrichem.com/health/pers_ds.html " >http://www.nutrichem.com/hea\


- Becky

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Hi ,

The discussion was concerning vitamin A. (The mom put vitamin E by

mistake but meant to say vitamin A) Here is an archive of the

message -however in short -there is no vitamin A in ProEFA, Efalex -

or any other fish oil not made from the liver of the fish (like cod

liver oil) where vitamin A is found naturally. Here is a brief cut

from an archived message about this:

" Yes you do have

to be careful not to consume high levels of vitamin A when pregnant -

or ever. At very high doses -it can be toxic.

There is however no vitamin A in fish oil that is not made from the

liver of the fish -which are lots of the oils out there including

plain old Efalex, ProEFA, and EyeQ. Not saying you can't buy

Efanatal -but I can tell you I tried that one with Tanner and didn't

find it to be as effective back then as the Efalex (this is when he

was three of course -I unfortunately didn't know about this when I

was pregnant)

We've gone into this many times before -I know however there are

lots of new people here -so here it is again. The only fish oil

that would have vitamin A in it would be from those fish oils made

from the liver of the fish -such as cod liver oil. Vitamin A is

naturally found in the liver. Fish oils made from other areas of

the fish outside of the liver do not contain vitamin A. Most of us

in this group use Efalex, ProEFA, or Eye Q and none of them are made

from the liver as far as I know. If you are not sure -check the

label and it will say if vitamin A is there. Even then -there is a

safe dosage of vitamin A -here is a page just in case you want to

supplement yourself while pregnant with vitamin A, or your child's

MD wants you to supplement your child with vitamin A (some do)


I wouldn't go overboard -but appears like most of us are nervous

enough about vitamin A that just the opposite is a concern for

infants -we don't get enough vitamin A in our diets!:

" There is insufficient information to establish a RDA for vitamin A

for infants. An adequate intake (AI) has been established that is

based on the amount of vitamin A consumed by healthy infants who are

fed breast milk (21).

Age (months) Males and Females

0 to 6400 ug or 1330 IU

7 to 12500 ug or 1665 IU

Results of two national surveys, the third National Health and

Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III 1988-91) (1, 21) and the

Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII 1994) (1,

22) suggested that the dietary intake of some Americans does not

meet recommended levels for vitamin A. These surveys highlight the

importance of encouraging all Americans to include dietary sources

of vitamin A in their daily diets. "

http://www.cc.nih.gov/ccc/supplements/vita.html#what "


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Hi !

I wasn't sure either at first -thought there was some new

information so I did look into it. The average dosage of vitamin E

supplement sold is 400 IUs, some take much higher dosages. To put

this in perspective - one capsule of (for example ProEFA since

that's the one I have in my house) EFAs has eight (8) IUs -about

392IUs less than what most people take in a vitamin E supplement

capsule. There really is in most cases no danger reported even at

high dosages except in rare situations as you will see below. Even

to take a " normal " 400 IU dosage of vitamin E -you would have to

swallow about 50 fish oil capsules -so if there was any danger -it

would be drowning in the amount of water you would have to swallow to

take all those capsules!

(As I said though -the mom said it was a mistake -she meant A not E -and A would

only apply to fish oil made from the liver of the fish)

Here is the cut archive from the message I sent out once I looked

into this:

" I searched and found " Vitamin E, one of the most important lipid-

soluble antioxidant nutrients, is found in nut oils, sunflower

seeds, whole grains, wheat germ, and spinach. Severe deficiency, as

may occur in persons with abetalipoproteinemia or fat malabsorption,

profoundly affects the central nervous system and can cause ataxia

and a peripheral neuropathy resembling Friedreich ataxia. Patients

receiving large doses of vitamin E may experience a halt in

progression of the disease. "


I looked for toxic dosages of Vitamin E and found that

It's " relatively nontoxic, even in massive doses "

http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2384.htm This page also

states " Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established. "

even though wholehealthMD states that " No problems are expected with

recommended doses "

Most take 400 IUs of Vitamin E in a supplement. With fish oil -in

one capsule you get about eight (8) IUs -that's it. How much lower

would you consider safe? Here is what the NIH has to say about

the " health risk " of too much Vitamin E

" What is the health risk of too much vitamin E?

The health risk of too much vitamin E is low (23). A recent review

of the safety of vitamin E in the elderly indicated that taking

vitamin E supplements for up to four months at doses of 530 mg or

800 IU (35 times the current RDA) had no significant effect on

general health, body weight, levels of body proteins, lipid levels,

liver or kidney function, thyroid hormones, amount or kinds of blood

cells, and bleeding time (24). Even though this study provides

evidence that taking a vitamin E supplement containing 530 mg or 800

IU for four months is safe, the long term safety of vitamin E

supplementation has not been tested. The Institute of Medicine has

set an upper tolerable intake level for vitamin E at 1,000 mg (1,500

IU) for any form of supplementary alpha-tocopherol per day because

the nutrient can act as an anticoagulant and increase the risk of

bleeding problems. Upper tolerable intake levels " represent the

maximum intake of a nutrient that is likely to pose no risk of

adverse health effects in almost all individuals in the general

population " (5). "


So again -with one capsule of " normal " fish oil a day like ProEFA -

most of us would consume 8 IUs of Vitamin E -which is 27% of the

daily value of Vitamin E we are supposed to consume.

If there is a toxic amount of Vitamin E it's high and rare. " The

oral median lethal dose found in several species is 2 g/kg, and

adverse effects usually are observed at doses greater than 1 g/kg,

which is equivalent to 200-500 mg/kg in humans. However, vitamin E

has been shown to have few adverse effects, even at high dosages (up

to 3200 mg/d). Most deleterious effects have been observed in small

studies and in case reports. "


On the other hand...we all know the risks of not having enough EFA

in the body far outweigh the " risk " that consuming 27% of the daily

allowance of Vitamin E puts us in. I smell a T shirt slogan

" Danger...I'm pregnant...Do not feed me anything else healthy today! "

(I'm taking a fish oil supplement that has already supplied the

massive 27% of my daily allowance of Vitamin E which at dosages one

thousand times as high may not be toxic -but may be in the rare

situation that I go through a sex change operation and take up

smoking which at this point in time I'm seriously considering ) "


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  • 1 month later...
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i take gnc's womens mega multi + iron, coral calcium, flax, and

l-carnitine daily.

so far the only side effects i've had is that my urine is floresant in

the morning, no matter how much water i've had =)

my understanding from taking human nutrition and anatomy is that your

body will just flush whatever vitamins you give it in excess of its needs.




femininepersuasion wrote:

>Does everyone here take vitamins daily? I've read that vitamins can

>become toxic if taken long term.





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That's not true. You can overdo it on the vitamin supplements. For

instance, too much calcium can cause kidney stones, and there are a

bunch of others that I can't remember off hand. I think I'd ask a

doctor or at least do some research before adding too many

supplements. Sometimes more is just more.


> >Does everyone here take vitamins daily? I've read that vitamins


> >become toxic if taken long term.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Some vitamins are water soluable. For those, whatever your body doesn't

need it will just mostly flush the rest. Big example of this is Vit. C.

That's why many people take a time release C. Taking 2000 mg of C can be

just silly because most will just end up in the toilet, thus the neon pee.

Other vitamins are fat soluable. They don't flush out as readily.

Yes, you can OD on things, but that's true of anything in this world. For

example, too many frappucinos = one really huge butt.

Su the Hobbit

Re: Vitamins

> That's not true. You can overdo it on the vitamin supplements. For

> instance, too much calcium can cause kidney stones, and there are a

> bunch of others that I can't remember off hand. I think I'd ask a

> doctor or at least do some research before adding too many

> supplements. Sometimes more is just more.





> >

> > >Does everyone here take vitamins daily? I've read that vitamins

> can

> > >become toxic if taken long term.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> > my understanding from taking human nutrition and anatomy is that

your body will just flush whatever vitamins you give it in excess of

its needs.

Yes, for water soluble vitamins like B and C. For fat soluble

vitamins, A, D, E & K, they do not get flushed but I believe stored

in the liver. Altho someone correct me if I'm wrong here it's been 15

years since I graduated from college <G>.

That being said, you would really have to over-megadose to get

serious side effects.


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  • 3 weeks later...

> Just about every diet guru recommends them, some even sell them,

but who here actually takes them?


I was taking the ones I got with Sansones DVD's but they ran

out... so I picked up Xtreme Lean (ephedra free). It doesn't

necessarily have alot of vitamins in it, but it has the herbal

supplements in it that the Sansone ones had, so I grabbed them. I

don't know if I'll get anymore we'll see.


> Did it make any difference in how you felt, or just turn the water

in your toilet yellow?

I can feel the Caffeine in it for sure!! I normally don't have it,

but I'm kind of interested in seeing how I feel now that school has

started and I am normally exhausted with little sleep.

> So, what do all of you do?

Sooo that's me.. and now I really REALLY gotta get started or I won't

finish before the bus gets here!

Have a good one!


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I take Women's One a Day when I remember to do it. That usually coincides

with times I'm controlling my eating. I started again today. When I popped

Ibuprofen for my ankle it reminded me to take a vitamin. I don't feel any

different when I take it. I just see it as a little insurance that my body

is getting what it needs. When the kids catch colds and I feel one trying

to get me I usually take vitamin C and echinacea. A recent study suggested

that echinacea's benefits are questionable though. My sister's doctor

recommended echinacea to her since she used to get sick all the time. My

sister swears by it now.


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When I remember, I take these fancy pants herbal vitamins that Morinda

makes. I was a Noni distributer for a brief while and I had them in the

house. When they run out, I will just take an over the counter multi

vitamin. I *do* feel better when I take them. More alert and cheerier.

I didn't know 's vitamins had stimulants in them. That makes me mad.

He tells me to limit my coffee to 2 cups a day and then he puts stimulants

in the vitamins? Grrrrrrrr


who forgot to take her vitamins

>From: " Sue in NJ " <susang@...>


> " ~~100-plus " <100-plus >

>Subject: Vitamins

>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 13:58:57 -0400


>Just about every diet guru recommends them, some even sell them, but who

>here actually takes them?


>If you do, what kind is it - regular multi-vitamin or a bunch of individual

>vitamins in mega-doses? Do you take one with added minerals?


>Did it make any difference in how you felt, or just turn the water in your

>toilet yellow?


>It's been a number of years since I took vitamins on a regular basis, and

>when I did, it was usually a store brand equal to the Centrum brand. I

>never really noticed any difference in how I felt while taking them or when

>I stopped.


>While on the McDougall Plan, Dr. McD says vitamin supplements aren't

>necessary, so I stopped taking them. If I do return to eating just a

> " balanced " low cal plan like the FoodMover, always

>recommends taking them, his brand preferred (Sorry, Rich. I can't tolerate

>the stimulants, nor can I afford them).


>So, what do all of you do?



>Sue in NJ

>A list is only as strong as its weakest link.


<b>MSN 8:</b> Get 6 months for $9.95/month.


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> I didn't know 's vitamins had stimulants in them.

The ones he sold for a couple of years and included with the FoodMovers

(Blast and Go and Lifecharge before it) had ginseng and I think the Blast

and Go also had caffeine. These new ones that he's now endorsing on

infomercials and was sent out with some of the Slimaway Everyday packages

(*I* didn't get any, even though the promo said they were part of the

package) I can't find any info on, but on his web site, this is what it


Energy Builder 4 vitamins give you energy, essential vitamins, bone building

minerals and cardio enhancing nutrients

which makes me believe that *these* do, too.

The Blast and Go:

Blast & Go Vitamins: You get a 7 count trial of 's advanced,

energizing supplement which was designed for people on the go. Blast & Go

provides increased stamina, energy and endurance for your workouts and will

keep you going through the day. Blast & Go Vitamins include: Complete

nutritional support with 9 essential vitamins and minerals Green tea, which

has been shown to help your body process fats more effectively B-vitamins

for energy and to support cardiovascular health Specially formulated ginseng

to help improve stamina and recovery Natural energy factors like yerba mate

Gingeng is a mild stimulant, and in quite a number of of people its effect

is as bad as caffeine. Here's what one web site said about the yerba mate:


Yerba Mate Online

The ancient drink of health and friendship



Energize The Body

Stimulate Mental Alertness

Aid Weight Loss

Cleanse The Colon

Gentle Diuretic

Accelerate Healing Process

Relieve Stress

Calm Allergies

Fortify Immune System

Increase Longevity

Yerba Mate (pronounced " yerba mahtay " ) is a medicinal and cultural drink of

ancient origins. Introduced to the world by the Guarani Indians of South

America, Mate contains ingredients that help keep its drinkers healthy and


More than a drink, Yerba Mate has become a cultural phenomenon throughout

South America. Its benefits are obvious. In Buenos Aires, where people carry

their Mate with them throughout the day, the site of an obese person is


So it relieves stress, yet stimulates you? And I'm sure the laxative and

diuretic effect really help in weight loss. And the sight of obese people is

rare? That's because they're all in the bathroom! LOL

> He tells me to limit my coffee to 2 cups a day and then he puts


> in the vitamins? Grrrrrrrr

Where do you think he gets *his* energy from? *Nobody*, even me on a good

day, is THAT peppy without help! :)

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...

it is iron and calcium that should be staggered. i take my multis

(they have some of each).... then i take iron at 10 am and calcium

at bedtime.just to make sure they arent cancelling each other out in

the multis.....does that make ANY sense?

be well!

cathy s in va

> I have a question. I heard that you shouldn't take a multivitamin


> calcium at the same time. Is this true?

> I started to " stagger " them just in case. Just curious!!!


> Thanks

> Debbie B/MI

> 240/209

> Dr R

> Statesville 7/21/03




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  • 2 weeks later...

I give my girls (age 3 and 6) multis and zinc from Nutrition Now

www.nutritionnow.com I get them from the health food store or usually from my

coop I run with a few families that orders from Blooming Prarie. The multis are

like gummy bears and the zinc is 5 mg with vit. A, C and slippery elm. I use

Sodium Ascorbate from NOW www.nowfoods.com and give them a pinch or two in their

juice, milk, or applesauce each day (1/2 tsp is 1690mg), when they are coming

down with something I just keep adding about 1/8-1/4 tsp. to their drinks as

often as I remember along with more zinc and echinacea. I order the Vit. C

online but have lost the link due to switching computers. I think it's Vitaglo

I order from.



What sort of multi vitamins do you guys give to your kids? How many milligrams

of Vitamin C do you give? Where do you find chewable vitamins like zinc?

Have a great day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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I give my child a chewable multivitamin from Shaklee and a 100 mg of Vita C

everyday along with Probiotics. She loves them. I have not found any other

company that has the clinical research like Shaklee does.



How to Fight Childhood Infections Naturally and TurboBoost

their Immune System Now, without Drugs!

Click here: mailto:healthykids@...


What sort of multi vitamins do you guys give to your kids? How many milligrams

of Vitamin C do you give? Where do you find chewable vitamins like zinc?

Have a great day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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What kind of side effects for what conditions are you referring to?



How to Fight Childhood Infections Naturally and TurboBoost

their Immune System Now, without Drugs!

Click here: mailto:healthykids@...

Re: vitamins

At 11:36 AM 10/3/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>What sort of multi vitamins do you guys give to your kids? How many

>milligrams of Vitamin C do you give? Where do you find chewable vitamins

>like zinc?

>Have a great day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


I have been told that Calcium can reverse all kinds of side effects and

ailments, helping a body recover from damage it should not be suffering. Is

there anyone who has researched this and using a form of calcium that they

think is better than most others? We are beginning to realize that when

the Dr's mess us up, the answer is not Prescription Medicine.

Please help,


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There is a book called Super Immunity for Kids. You should be able to find it

at a Whole Foods or look up on the net. I forgot to mention that my child also

gets Flax Seed oil for immunity. Her skin is so soft since getting all her




How to Fight Childhood Infections Naturally and TurboBoost

their Immune System Now, without Drugs!

Click here: mailto:healthykids@...


What sort of multi vitamins do you guys give to your kids? How many

milligrams of Vitamin C do you give? Where do you find chewable vitamins like


Have a great day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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I recommend MRM liquid Ca/Mg/Zn because it has a reasonable flavor for kids,

uses calcium citrate, and provides zinc. It is inexpensive and you can order

it through many sources on the Internet. Just search for MRM liquid calcium.

Here are the supplements and dosages I recommend for children.



Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc

Classical Medicine Center

1779 Woodside Rd., Suite 201C

Redwood City, CA 94061

650 299-9170

Author of The Vaccine Guide, North Atlantic Books, 2002

Subscribe to my free email newsletter

at www.cure-guide.com

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Do you use Ester C? What about echinacea? The sites I looked at did not

reccomenend anything hardly for kids under 4! Thanks.


No I use Sodium Ascorbate from Vitaglo http://store./vitaglo/760.html.

Others on this list have posed studies on how Calcium Ascorbate could be harmful

and I know they have posted how much to take depending on body weight. I lost

the info in my computer switch over but you could search the archives for this

list or maybe someone else has it on hand. Most of the vitamin companies won't

publish over the FDA regulations for vitamins for little ones. It doesn't mean

that you can't exceed many of the doses esp. during an illness (things like vit.

C, Vit. A. zinc etc.) Hopefully more people more knowlegdeable than me will



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At 11:36 AM 10/3/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>What sort of multi vitamins do you guys give to your kids? How many

>milligrams of Vitamin C do you give? Where do you find chewable vitamins

>like zinc?

>Have a great day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


I have been told that Calcium can reverse all kinds of side effects and

ailments, helping a body recover from damage it should not be suffering. Is

there anyone who has researched this and using a form of calcium that they

think is better than most others? We are beginning to realize that when

the Dr's mess us up, the answer is not Prescription Medicine.

Please help,


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