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Digestive enzymes

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Who is your pediatrician?

bigcheech91 wrote:

>We use the Houston enzymes and think they are great! Once we got the

>dose right, my son potty trained for BM's overnight. Literally. And

>he's never had an accident since then. We " self-prescribed " them, but

>my pediatrician was willing to sign a note saying that they are

>medically necessary so that the public school would give them to

> for snack and lunchtimes. The two GIs we saw both said they

>were " harmless " . If you want real, expert advice, a DAN doctor is the

>one in the know. For your own information, check out the following:




>The book " Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Disorders " by


>The listserv. Open to all, off topic questions

>are welcomed, great, very active board.


>Also, you can email me with specific questions.


> in NJ





>>I've seen a few posts about this and I'm interested in learning more.

>> I'm just not ready to embark on changing everything about our diets

>>and lifestyle yet. The diets discussed on here sound promising, but

>>if I can get similar outcomes by adding another supplement I'm all















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I LOVE those enzymes! They literally save us...


[sPAM] [ ] Re: Digestive enzymes

We use the Houston enzymes and think they are great! Once we got the

dose right, my son potty trained for BM's overnight. Literally. And

he's never had an accident since then. We " self-prescribed " them, but

my pediatrician was willing to sign a note saying that they are

medically necessary so that the public school would give them to

for snack and lunchtimes. The two GIs we saw both said they

were " harmless " . If you want real, expert advice, a DAN doctor is the

one in the know. For your own information, check out the following:



The book " Enzymes for Autism and Other Neurological Disorders " by


The listserv. Open to all, off topic questions

are welcomed, great, very active board.

Also, you can email me with specific questions.

in NJ


> I've seen a few posts about this and I'm interested in learning more.

> I'm just not ready to embark on changing everything about our diets

> and lifestyle yet. The diets discussed on here sound promising, but

> if I can get similar outcomes by adding another supplement I'm all



> Bridget


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  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee, i went to ask health shop about digestive enzymes and i was

> told that i can only use them if i don't have ulser. i don't know

now but 5 or 6 years ago, they found very little ulser in my stomuch

and i still feel little burning on the top of my stomuch. Please

advise about this.

==>Hi Zaf. If you have enough stomach acid it cures ulcers.


> 2nd which probiotics to take and what should be there strength.

==>My article says to take 10 billion units divided into 3-4 doses

per day.


> Do know about oxy-sweep.

==>I haven't checked out that product.


> i really don't know what happen because i ate lamp meet with cabage

> last night with lots of raw garlic but i have been feeling

heaviness in my head and little pain in left ear(that little pain

stopped since i got on canadida diet).

==>Those are die-off symptoms so hang in there. Die-off/healing

symptoms will come and go as you progress. Read articles about

Natural Healing in our files. I don't have time to looks them up

right now, but check out the " B) Candida Symptoms, Help For " folder.


> Please tell me am i don't any thing wrong?.


> i am still feeling very sleep and dizzy aftre lunch.

==>You should be trying to get your coconut oil up to 5-6 tbls. per

day before starting on garlic or another antifungal, and probiotics

are last - re-check my article. If you go too fast you'll get more


Luv, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

> Can we talk about digestive enzymes? >



We use digestive enzymes and I don't plan to stop using them anytime

soon. Maybe after we've been on the diet for a while, we will taper

off. My hope is that we won't need them at all anymore.

I have had GREAT success with my son on Houston Nutraceuticals

Peptizyde chewable enzyme. We have made a lot of progress with his

behavior and clearing up his eczema since introducing these enzymes

over 2 years ago.

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  • 3 months later...
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Houston Naturaceuticals are good digestive enzymes. We have used Peptizime.

But I heard Trienza is good too. I am not sure about side effects, though.




Mother of Charlie 2.5 years

[ ] Digestive Enzymes

Can someone recommend a good digestive enzyme. Also, are there side effects

to these


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Trienza, by Houston Neutraceuticals, has done wonders for my 2 1/2

year old. We mix one capsule in with his food or drink at meal times.

He is mostly gfcf but we have been able to add wheat back into the

diet from time to time, which is wonderful. His language exploded

after being on the enzymes for three weeks. (averaging about 10 words

per day on the gfcf diet (which was great at the time!) to now

averaging over 30 words per day---yesterday was the all-time high

with 40 words). Keep in mind, with his apraxia, he is still

struggling with groping for words, but he is groping much less often.

His words are still muddled, but we know when he is repeating what we

are saying. And many times, when he says a new word, he gets so

excited that he was able to plan the sound, that he'll say it again

and again with a huge smile on his face! It is amazing to watch.

As far as side effects, there is some withdrawal when you begin,

although HNI gives you a great schedule to help you/your child build

up to the right dosage without overloading the system...the shedule

worked perfectly for us. But, there was a little bit of hyperactivity

at first, as well as yeasty poops (my son has yeast build up) that

looked like they had cottage cheese like curds in them and smelled

like bread baking. Other than that, he adjusted just fine. The

Trienza mixes perfectly with ketchup and my little one loves to dip

everything in ketchup, so that works great. You can also spread it in

margarine or butter on toast or pancakes. Feel free to email me if

you have any questions at all!

My son has sensory issues, apraxia,and before the enzymes, his

therapists (speech, occupational, developemental), thought an autism

eval. would be necessary...after one month on the enzymes, they have

each commented that he is a different boy. We are contemplating

cancelling that eval because he is such a calm boy who is now " with

us " every minute that he is awake! Enzymes have brought our son back

to us!

good luck!


> Can someone recommend a good digestive enzyme. Also, are there side

effects to these

> enzymes?


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Wow! So glad for your little guy!

> >

> > Can someone recommend a good digestive enzyme. Also, are there


> effects to these

> > enzymes?

> >


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Unlike fish oils -digestive enzymes should be taken under the

supervision of your child's doctor. Also if your child has celiac

disease you may want to read up a bit more since the one you mention

below is a mixture of AFP Peptizyde, Zyme Prime, and No-Fenol.

" It was found, in general, people with celiac reacted worse when

taking gluten + Peptizyde than when consuming small amounts of gluten

with no enzymes. Celiac is an autoimmune disease/condition with a

genetic basis. There are certain sequences of peptides which cause a

reaction in the small intestine of individuals with celiac disease.

The peptides can be as small as 12 amino acids long (that's pretty

small). These peptides are different than the peptides that get

absorbed into the bloodstream and cause the opiate problem which are

called gliadiomorphs. When the peptides get to the small intestine,

the celiac's body registers these peptides as The Enemy. A non-

celiac's body would just see the peptide as from gluten and let it

pass. Once the celiac's body detects The Enemy, certain antigens are

produced which increase T-cell production in the small intestine

villi. This causes the villi to breakdown. There are three common

theories being discussed as the cause for celiac and the specific

amino acid sequences have not been identified. It is an autoimmune

reaction with a genetic basis. "


or a bit on the creepy side:

" In theory, too much enzyme activity could be irritating because it could start

to “digest” parts of the body as the enzymes travel through the digestive

system. Fortunately, that does not happen with supplemental amounts. Research

has not determined the level at which such problems might arise. "

If " Research has not determined the level for adults " -2 year olds?!

Whole quote from University of Michigan Health System.

'Side Effects

Are there any side effects or interactions?

The most important digestive enzymes in malabsorption diseases are usually

fat-digesting enzymes called lipases. Proteolytic enzymes can digest, as well as

destroy, lipases. Therefore, people with enzyme deficiencies may want to avoid

proteolytic enzymes in order to spare lipases.6 If this is not possible (as most

enzyme products contain both), people with malabsorption syndromes should talk

with their doctor to see if their condition warrants finding products that

contain the most lipase and the least protease.

In theory, too much enzyme activity could be irritating because it could start

to " digest " parts of the body as the enzymes travel through the digestive

system. Fortunately, that does not happen with supplemental amounts. Research

has not determined the level at which such problems might arise.

A serious condition involving damage to the large intestines called fibrosing

colonopathy has resulted from the use of pancreatic enzymes in children with

cystic fibrosis. In some cases, the problem was linked to the use of high

supplemental amounts of enzymes.7, 8, 9 However, the amount of enzymes used has

not been linked to the problem in all reports.10 In some cases, lower amounts of

enzymes have caused fibrosing colonopathy if the enzymes are enteric-coated.11

Some researchers now believe that some unknown interaction between the enteric

coating and the enzymes themselves may cause damage to the intestines of

children with cystic fibrosis.12 Until more is known, children with cystic

fibrosis needing to take pancreatic enzymes should only do so under the careful

supervision of a knowledgeable healthcare professional. "

http://health.med.umich.edu/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0 & id=6 & action=detail & AEProductID=\

HW_CAM & AEArticleID=hn-2840008 & AEArticleType=Cam

Between the ages of 3 and 4 Tanner had amazing surges and he wasn't

the only one that did if you check the archives. At that time around

8 or 9 years ago we only used (this is going to be hard to believe)

one capsule of ProEFA a day. Prior to that a group of us used

Efalex. That was the answer for many. We didn't start any sooner

because back when Tanner was first diagnosed in 1999- some SLPs were

still debating even if it existed -I thought it was rare -and nobody

(not even 98% of the professionals I took my son to in NJ) had a clue

what it was. I'm positive however that if I took fish oils while

pregnant -or gave them to Tanner when he was an infant -I wouldn't

have had to start Children's Apraxia Network -or CHERAB.

I heard about taurine -researched it seemed safe so have tried that for Tanner

the past 2 or 3 months...no change for him at all with it.

If I had to do it again -I'd probably just raise the oils faster

(and use the vitamin E too) I'd probably use the carn-aware again too.


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Is it totally safe to use Vitamin E (in addition to ProEFA) without a

doctor's supervision for young toddlers?

My son is 20 months old. I couldn't find the doctor to make an appointment

yet...and I am wondering if I can start with Vitamin E without waiting until

we see the doctor.

My son has been on ProEFA since the end of May and I haven't see any

improvements yet. I am also debating if I should add ProEPA...would you be

able to give some guidance?

Thank you very much!


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 7:05 PM, kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...> wrote:

> Unlike fish oils -digestive enzymes should be taken under the

> supervision of your child's doctor. Also if your child has celiac

> disease you may want to read up a bit more since the one you mention

> below is a mixture of AFP Peptizyde, Zyme Prime, and No-Fenol.


> " It was found, in general, people with celiac reacted worse when

> taking gluten + Peptizyde than when consuming small amounts of gluten

> with no enzymes. Celiac is an autoimmune disease/condition with a

> genetic basis. There are certain sequences of peptides which cause a

> reaction in the small intestine of individuals with celiac disease.

> The peptides can be as small as 12 amino acids long (that's pretty

> small). These peptides are different than the peptides that get

> absorbed into the bloodstream and cause the opiate problem which are

> called gliadiomorphs. When the peptides get to the small intestine,

> the celiac's body registers these peptides as The Enemy. A non-

> celiac's body would just see the peptide as from gluten and let it

> pass. Once the celiac's body detects The Enemy, certain antigens are

> produced which increase T-cell production in the small intestine

> villi. This causes the villi to breakdown. There are three common

> theories being discussed as the cause for celiac and the specific

> amino acid sequences have not been identified. It is an autoimmune

> reaction with a genetic basis. "

> http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionceliac.htm


> or a bit on the creepy side:

> " In theory, too much enzyme activity could be irritating because it could

> start to " digest " parts of the body as the enzymes travel through the

> digestive system. Fortunately, that does not happen with supplemental

> amounts. Research has not determined the level at which such problems might

> arise. "


> If " Research has not determined the level for adults " -2 year olds?!


> Whole quote from University of Michigan Health System.

> 'Side Effects

> Are there any side effects or interactions?


> The most important digestive enzymes in malabsorption diseases are usually

> fat-digesting enzymes called lipases. Proteolytic enzymes can digest, as

> well as destroy, lipases. Therefore, people with enzyme deficiencies may

> want to avoid proteolytic enzymes in order to spare lipases.6 If this is not

> possible (as most enzyme products contain both), people with malabsorption

> syndromes should talk with their doctor to see if their condition warrants

> finding products that contain the most lipase and the least protease.


> In theory, too much enzyme activity could be irritating because it could

> start to " digest " parts of the body as the enzymes travel through the

> digestive system. Fortunately, that does not happen with supplemental

> amounts. Research has not determined the level at which such problems might

> arise.


> A serious condition involving damage to the large intestines called

> fibrosing colonopathy has resulted from the use of pancreatic enzymes in

> children with cystic fibrosis. In some cases, the problem was linked to the

> use of high supplemental amounts of enzymes.7, 8, 9 However, the amount of

> enzymes used has not been linked to the problem in all reports.10 In some

> cases, lower amounts of enzymes have caused fibrosing colonopathy if the

> enzymes are enteric-coated.11 Some researchers now believe that some unknown

> interaction between the enteric coating and the enzymes themselves may cause

> damage to the intestines of children with cystic fibrosis.12 Until more is

> known, children with cystic fibrosis needing to take pancreatic enzymes

> should only do so under the careful supervision of a knowledgeable

> healthcare professional. "



http://health.med.umich.edu/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0 & id=6 & action=detail & AEProductID=\

HW_CAM & AEArticleID=hn-2840008 & AEArticleType=Cam


> Between the ages of 3 and 4 Tanner had amazing surges and he wasn't

> the only one that did if you check the archives. At that time around

> 8 or 9 years ago we only used (this is going to be hard to believe)

> one capsule of ProEFA a day. Prior to that a group of us used

> Efalex. That was the answer for many. We didn't start any sooner

> because back when Tanner was first diagnosed in 1999- some SLPs were

> still debating even if it existed -I thought it was rare -and nobody

> (not even 98% of the professionals I took my son to in NJ) had a clue

> what it was. I'm positive however that if I took fish oils while

> pregnant -or gave them to Tanner when he was an infant -I wouldn't

> have had to start Children's Apraxia Network -or CHERAB.


> I heard about taurine -researched it seemed safe so have tried that for

> Tanner the past 2 or 3 months...no change for him at all with it.


> If I had to do it again -I'd probably just raise the oils faster

> (and use the vitamin E too) I'd probably use the carn-aware again too.


> =====


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Hi June!

In high dosages there are no known risks to fish oil, and at low

dosages -one capsule of ProEFA is about the same as the dosage

approved by the FDA for infant formula. For vitamin E in this group

most of us stick within the guidelines for maximum dosage. There is

information you should share with your child's doctor/s regarding

vitamin E that's been posted here. Let me know if you need that.

I know I just said otherwise -but was making a point since one has no

known side effects and one does. All of us should consult our

child's ped before we supplement. It's awesome to have a medical

professional that knows your child and knows your child's diagnosis

that you can run things by and discuss with. I am aware that not all

traditional MDs know enough about alternatives to do this with -but

for fish oil anyway more and more are becoming savy as to so much

positive information in the news such as:

How fish oil may have saved babies' lives



Doctors: Fish Oil May Protect the Eyes of Premature Babies


Omega-3 fatty acids key to cell health


Is there a `smart pill' for children?



Fish Oil And Mental Health


In your child's MD doesn't know -share info with them!

Today as parents we have it seems so much more to worry about. Who

ever thought our kids could get really sick (or even die!!) from

eating a tomato?! What is spreading in the US is now being feared

in Canada as well:




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Hi ,

Thank you for the information you shared. Would you be able to send a link

to the Vitamin E post that you mentioned?

Thank you,


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:51 PM, kiddietalk <kiddietalk@...> wrote:

> Hi June!


> In high dosages there are no known risks to fish oil, and at low

> dosages -one capsule of ProEFA is about the same as the dosage

> approved by the FDA for infant formula. For vitamin E in this group

> most of us stick within the guidelines for maximum dosage. There is

> information you should share with your child's doctor/s regarding

> vitamin E that's been posted here. Let me know if you need that.


> I know I just said otherwise -but was making a point since one has no

> known side effects and one does. All of us should consult our

> child's ped before we supplement. It's awesome to have a medical

> professional that knows your child and knows your child's diagnosis

> that you can run things by and discuss with. I am aware that not all

> traditional MDs know enough about alternatives to do this with -but

> for fish oil anyway more and more are becoming savy as to so much

> positive information in the news such as:


> How fish oil may have saved babies' lives






> Doctors: Fish Oil May Protect the Eyes of Premature Babies

> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,288706,00.html


> Omega-3 fatty acids key to cell health

> http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/diet.fitness/07/06/hm.omega.3/index.html


> Is there a `smart pill' for children?







> Fish Oil And Mental Health

> http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/63631


> In your child's MD doesn't know -share info with them!


> Today as parents we have it seems so much more to worry about. Who

> ever thought our kids could get really sick (or even die!!) from

> eating a tomato?! What is spreading in the US is now being feared

> in Canada as well:

> http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Edmonton/2008/06/09/5824116.html


> or



> =====


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

RACHEL - i buy what is called - MULTI ENZYME - it contains papain from PAPAYA!! have nothing negative to say about the product!! been taking them for years!! purchase them at VITAMIN SHOPPE


Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Are there any particular enzymes you recommend? Should I just ask

for digestive enzymes? I know that papaya is supposed to be good

for digestion.

At 08:29 PM 6/27/2008 -0400, you wrote:


you can buy digestive enzymes in health food stores, pathmark, rite aid,

cvs, walmart, etc.


Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient



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Wobenzymes is a good one...a little more expensive than some of the

others but very good. The prices at the Vitamin Shoppe are usually

pretty good. Also I buy a lot of supplements at VitaCost.com...I've

bought from them for several years and they are (in my opinion), a

very good, dependable company. The shipping is very prompt as well.

I hope it is o.k. for me to make those suggestions...I absolutely have

no involvement with either company other than the fact that I buy from


> RACHEL - you can buy digestive enzymes in health food stores,


> rite aid, cvs, walmart, etc.


> _marshiris@..._ (mailto:marshiris@...)






> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars.



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Oh yes! Thanks for your suggestions.

At 01:41 AM 6/28/2008 +0000, you wrote:

Wobenzymes is a good one...a little more expensive than some of the

others but very good. The prices at the Vitamin Shoppe are usually

pretty good. Also I buy a lot of supplements at VitaCost.com...I've

bought from them for several years and they are (in my opinion), a

very good, dependable company. The shipping is very prompt as


I hope it is o.k. for me to make those suggestions...I absolutely


no involvement with either company other than the fact that I buy



> RACHEL - you can buy digestive enzymes in health food stores,


> rite aid, cvs, walmart, etc.


> _marshiris@..._







> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars.



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These are the enzymes that my daughter uses .. they seem to work wonderfully in conjunction with all the other things (diet, LDN, and Sulfazalizine) that she does . http://www.klaire.com/K-VCH_proddetail.htm

In a message dated 6/27/2008 10:11:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, rachel@... writes:

ThanksAt 09:44 PM 6/27/2008 -0400, you wrote:

RACHEL - i buy what is called - MULTI ENZYME - it contains papain from PAPAYA!! have nothing negative to say about the product!! been taking them for years!! purchase them at VITAMIN SHOPPE marshirisaol

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Looks like you have a typo there - it should be www.florastor.com ?

-----Original Message-----From: low dose naltrexone [mailto:low dose naltrexone ]On Behalf Of S. E.Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 8:41 PMlow dose naltrexone Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: DIGESTIVE ENZYMES

A friend of mine has had unbelievable results with Floristor. It has halted her U C / Crohns / Diverticulitis issues of diarrhea for the first time in 10 years!


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I take the capsule form of these with great results.



> RACHEL - i buy what is called - MULTI ENZYME - it contains

papain from

> PAPAYA!! have nothing negative to say about the product!! been

taking them

> for years!! purchase them at VITAMIN SHOPPE


> _marshiris@..._ (mailto:marshiris@...)








> ____________________________________

> Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient

_used cars_

> (http://autos.aol.com/used?ncid=aolaut00050000000007) .














> **************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

> fuel-efficient used cars. (http://autos.aol.com/used?



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  • 3 months later...


> Hi Bee,


> I'm into week 9 of your program and my digestion isn't great. I have

> bouts of diaahreoa and considerable wind. I've read that digestive

> enzymes can help people with irritable bowel issues. Do you


> taking these on your program? Or what about digestive granules?

+++Hi Amy. Yes, I recommend Betaine hydrochloric acid (HCl)

supplements, which is on the Supplements Chart, in my main candida

article, etc.:


+++Take HCl according to this article:


+++You should be doing what is recommended for Improving Your Digestion

in my main candida article:


+++If you have IBS you might need to do the 9-day Program:



> Also, I recently read a book called " You are What you Eat " by Dr

> Gillian Mc. She recommends drinking aloe vera juice before

> meals. What are your thoughs on this?

+++Aloe vera juice isn't necessary on my program - see my suggestions

above for helping your digestion instead. Also there is an entire

section on my website devoted to digestion:



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  • 2 months later...

i take a great broad-spectrum enzyme that also has a good dose of hcl and some

(yum) ox bile--the Health Concern health food store markets these as their

Superzymes. honestly, i have not found a stronger and better mix of enzymes

anywhere, and especially at their price!!! (Health Concern in Towson, MD--think



From: McCartney <katie.mccartney@...>

Subject: Re: Re: Candida/Leaky Gut

Are you taking digestive enzymes? I would try a broad-spectrum enzyme.

My mom has a pretty bad leaky gut from years of indigestion (I think her

body quick making digestive enzymes), long-term antibiotic use, and other

things. She takes 2 enzymes with first bite of her every meal, and things

are improving gradually. There are stronger enzymes out there that you can

try, but always start at a lower dose like 1/4 of the recommended dose.

Big companies send out free samples: Enzymetica, Houston Enzymes, etc.

More info:


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:47 AM, weighttrainer


> Thanks for this article link. I got rid of parasites and yeast

> overgrowth but I think I still have leaky gut. I still have chemical

> sensitivities and many food intolerances. I got very sick when taking

> probiotics. The probiotics did have acidophilus in them. I still

> don't know how to get rid of the leaky gut though.

> Christie



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