Guest guest Posted July 4, 2012 Report Share Posted July 4, 2012 Re: OT: NutriBullet follow-up Message List Reply | Delete Message #36445 of 36696 < Prev | Next > Hi Lena, Re: Re: OT: NutriBullets, ticks, sprain remedies Hi Jim, I'm so very sorry (and scared) to hear about your tick population! And worse, the ticks on your person! This is serious, and not worth the risk; your being out there in the grasses, etc. Time to re-landscape if you can to keep the risk down or get guinea fowl to eat the ticks. Put paper tubes of cotton-balls saturated with permethrin or other tick-killing stuff. It will be taken up by the mice (which are worse vectors than deer) and their use of it as nesting material will help wipe out their ticks. I noticed today while doing a few things outside, that I am drawn into tickville by noticing something that I need to get done, today there were some weeds under some evergreen trees and on the backside of the fakahatchee grass, abouthalfway into clearing out these weeds, ticks dawned on me! But it was really too late to put something on me to hopefully keep them off, I had only 15 minutes more of work to do... and I think this is my problem, I often don'tgo outside to work where the ticks may be, I just end up there because I see something I need to get done.. Who's thinking about ticks! I can't remember if your cats are indoor or outdoor, but indoor would be better, for obvious reasons. Sprocket is an indoor dog, now that we're home: happy to use his bin or hang out on our tick-free decks, but he doesn't get the chance to pick any up. (I also keep his white hair short, so any tick or flea can be spotted fast. As he's only 11.5 lbs, there's not a lot of dog to inspect. My seven cats are all indoor cats, except they can lounge around the pool, but it is screen enclosed.. My two dogs only go outside to do their biz, they are never allowed to stay outdoors, again they lounge by the pool.. We have a lot of big birds here, includinghawks and they are strong enough to pick up a cat... so may guys never go outside.. And hawks are so fast when they dive, they may be 150 ft high, then all of a sudden they dive and they will smack right into the lagoon for a fish! They are brutal.. On our trip, I had a couple tick scares, finding one in my hair heading toward my scalp, another on my neck but not yet imbedded, and another that had tickled along my neck, causing me to brush it away, not knowing what it was, and then finding it later on my blouse, just as it fell onto my hand as I was typing. SO CREEPY! I squirm just thinking about it! Wow, very scary... See, you too need to be careful!! I was just outside working this evening, first skeeter landed on me, out came the Listerine and that was the end of them.. If one bites you, best to put it in a small bottle with alcohol, contactlens bottles are the perfect size, but small supp bottles should work.. Also a good idea to do tick checks daily, even if you don't go outside.. I've gotten out of the habit during the winter and I am usually a day late starting in the Spring.. I continue to hope that will a full body-load of Salt & C on board, if I did get a bite, the 'chetes wouldn't survive. Who knows? Perhaps I have been. The only creature who'd be attracted to my blood would be a porcupine (they crave salt). Each time this happens, I feel so menaced, so helpless, that it's really kept me from going outside much anymore. Our lovely big windows let the outside and its views in, and I avoid brushing against anything taller that a couple inches when I'm out. I'm in a constant state of dread/prayer for Bruce who still works outside (but is careful) and my grand-kids who are into sports, hiking, camping, horses, etc. There's only so much warning one can give before the words get tuned out. sigh. Deer ticks are very lazy, they may travel up to 3 feet for a blood meal, but prefer to remain and wait for it to come to them... LoneStar ticks on the other hand are very aggressive, they will travel 35 - 40 feet for a blood meal.. They generally carrySTARI (Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness), very similar to Lyme and yes it is in your area, all the way up to Maine now, I guess because of the warmer weather over the past few years.. I understand FL now has a new kind of tick,it is a Lyme carrier plus other TBIs... Donna is just like you, she does not like to be outside much, well she got Lyme from a tick bite in our yard, so who blamesher... Me, I am like Bruce, I fear ticks and snakes too and we have both.. When my Dobbie is with me I don't worry about snakes, she can smell them well in advance and she is on the attack.. But ticks we don't see, we don't feel.. It was funny, I was pruninga vine off a very tall pine tree, down by the fakahatchee grass, I just happen to look down and by my feet was a baby black racer snake, they are good guys... He popped back into the fakahatchee grass and a few seconds later, Mama, poppedout to see what all the excitement was, then she also popped back in.. Racers usually will run from humans, these two were enjoying me working! Meanwhile, the knee is so much better. Today I drove the car and with the help of a shopping cart to lean on, got some groceries. Bruce came as passenger, in case I couldn't make the knee work, but I was OK. The trick with the sprain was to apply a 50/50 mix of aloe and DMSO to the whole knee, every time I went to the loo. (otherwise, I'd forget) This made a remarkable change in the inflammation and pain. I highly recommend it. I found that DMSO works instantly on pain, my (past) Lyme knees were bad, especially the right one and DMSO was a saviour, but it was Natural Eggshell Membrane that really made the difference for me.. I also noticed that the flat jade-bead pillow cover seemed to amplify the effects of the DMSO. Jade is amazing stuff, and I know the Chinese have sworn by it for joint troubles for thousands of years. They were on to something. I got mine at a couple years ago without really knowing how well it could work for acute injuries. I got it for my neck and it wasn't all that comfortable to sleep on, but for placing along my leg, it was cool, then warm, then wonderful, and I'm so glad I remembered to use it. The funny thing is that my achilles tendonitis has disappeared since this weekend, after my nursing it along since last October! I'll never know whether it was the Tart Cherry, the extra shark cartilage, the celery seed, the DMSO or the jade, but somehow, this weekend's extreme injury and its rememdies has made everything else settle down. Interesting about jade, I always wondered if it worked or was just all fluff.. I've bookmarked the site you mentioned.. Thanks for the link for the eggshell membrane. I should have some on hand, and maybe forward the info to a friend who's having knee difficulties. Please don't get bit again! And take care of Donna, too I've been following the weather and you're really getting socked. Hope Debbie moves off soon. The first 21 days of June in Jax, we got as much rain as we usually do in 3 months, we figured 2 feet at least....Then last week when Debbie came through, we got 6 inches one night and 6 inches the next!!! I didn't think the lagoon would rise enough to come into my home, but it was well into the fakahatachee grass, highestI've seen in 11 years... Donna opened the front yard, we had a lake, both of us dug trenches to allow the water to subside.. We apparently had a low area where water gathered it was pouring so hard... Normally, raingoes right through this sandy soil, it was raining so hard the water could not perk through the sand!! I hope you are not too hot up there, we are at 96 - 97 and the humidity is 100%, it is boiling here.. I made the mistakeof working outside Sunday, I was drop dead tired after 6 hours of work... I am just recovering now, felt just like a herx, but I know it wasn't... Be well and tick-free,Léna You Too!Jim Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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