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Re: re: tolerance and understanding

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Hello Everyone,

I think is making a very good point. For myself I find the 'correct'

word or wording often evade? me, my thoughts and often the wording of a

sentence is not conveyed in words the way I'm thinking them, written or

spoken thought, an area I was very good at prior to surgeries, radiation,

and chemo. I try to wait for a good day before I respond, then find I am so

far behind. I don't think there is anyone on the crew that would knowingly

hurt someone. I don't think we want to be judging or analizing each other.

If we can't understand that people can say or have something happen in a way

other than intended how can we wish that of others. We are all under

unusally strong pressure. We have a very destructive rare disease, it takes

our hearing, a major loss and constant challenge in our struggle to be a

part of society. Many of us have had surgeries with results that didn't have

to be that way and wouldn't if done my someone or somewhere else or both.

Its easy to find fault or question motives if that is what we look for. Why

do that to ourselves and others. Yes we wish to be respected in spite our

differences and challenges in life. I'll bet many times each day we say I

wish I had said that diffently but hope and feel because of the stength of

this group, you'll understand possibly better than we do ourselves.We don't

know what anyone's day was like before they approached this machine.

Well...that's more than enough said. I'm so very happy to be a part of this

group, one and all. United we stand, divided we fall.


Re: re: spinal tumors



> Mark Sarmac wrote:

> > ----Original Message Follows----

> > Louis, dont sweat it, i didnt take any offence, you were just sayin


> > was on your mind- speedy


> >

> > So now I'm curious? Are you suppose to take it if someone gives us a

> > negative label?


> I didn't think Lois was labeling anyone... she was speaking from what she

was feeling

> for Mike. All's it takes is a moment and a click... and the words are out

there. I

> think that's cool... and it can allow us an emotional release. I'm more

for us giving

> people the benefit of the doubt than immediately taking the defensive.

Sure, be aware

> of the implications made... even key other people into them... but don't

assume the

> meaning we give to the words are what the writer intended.


> From what I've seen, people lead " quality " lives in a very, very wide

range of physical

> states... it's still difficult for loved ones to see us " losing " things

they can't

> imagine living a satisfying life without (and the physical and mental

anguish that's

> assumed to accompany the loss...)


> Hugs,


> See what's happening for NF2Con 2000!

> http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/DeckDr/earld/nf2convegas2000.html


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