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Re:OT : subscibing to Lyme stategies group

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Hola Lyme Heads, I have requested to join the Lyme strategies group but no one has got back to me, I am unfamiliar with the Yahoo way of doing things because I am on AOL. How do I see the postings going to the Lyme Strategies ????ThanksJ From: Lena Guyot

To: Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 9:29 PM Subject: Re: Re: Scanning for best rife frequencies?/

Hi Barbara,I think you'll find all the aggravation worth it. I just wish it could be easier. When you talk with Dr. Loyd ask him about the best frequency generator for loading Sutherland's Lyme programs if that's the route you pick. I found the FScan 2 to be way beyond my mathematical abilities and truly, only desperation got me through. On the other hand, having the FScan 2 has given me peace ofRife machine that's able to deal with it. I don't know of others that could, although I could be wrong.Just to be clear,I was chastised not for confusing folks about my machines, but for,

and I quote " that you constantly try to get these folks to go to lymestrategies,"Apparently, providing links to info is OK, but heaven forfend I should short-cut and instead of mentioning just a protocol, mention the group where it can be found. I think forcing searching people to ask and re-ask where info can be obtained rather than just upfront, mention the group is by far MORE confusing and tiring for the average member. I mention Lyme_and_Rife in other groups all the time, for the same reasons. To help. I have no ego-ax to grind. To help.If I were to dignify that rebuke with a response, I'd say,"I find this request (to not mention other groups) disappointing. I don’t see groups as teams, like sports rivals, nor do I recognize rivalry between protocols. It was that sort of ego/mind set that led Dr. Fishbein to destroy Dr.Royal Rife, and we must all rise above that. Acknowledging other groups is merely making available all info that in good conscience I would feel wrong with-holding. I used to just mention protocols but then follow-up post would ask me for more info, until, to save some computer time, I simply gave all

info I could in one go: no 'trying', no recruiting, no member-poaching. How absurd that this is even an issue!I hope the one who rebuked me reads this and realizes the inappro-riatness and hurtfulness of this criticism.Be well, my friend, and good luck with your quest. Keep me posted!Léna

lena,tears are good, i use them all the time.i have no idea who said those things to you so i can speak freely. and freedom is the key here. we are all free to visit or be on ANY SUPPORT GROUP WE CHOOSE!!!! truth is truth no matter where is comes from.. anyone who is afraid of our finding truth elsewhere, and uses fear tactics and threats to keep one from helping 'us sick folks' from finding it, well they might want to visit a 'codependent' group. they specialize in control issues.

i do understand your frustration though. i was on a benzo support group while in the beginning of my w/d taper. i got attacked by a couple of people and got so upset that my husband told me to get off. one gal, after i commented about her harsh words, said, 'oh, i'v been off benzos so long i forgot how sensitive one still on them can be.' well, that certainly helped me.

being accused of being well and not identifying with those of us who are sick sounds like one of those negative political attacks about one politician not identifying with another group of people. (now, nobody get offended by this as i'm not being partisan -i'm an independent, just siting what the political groups say -and remember, no politics allowed here). truth is, as is often stated here, none of us will ever be truly free of lyme. the goal is to regain as much of our life as possible, THEN SHARE IT WITH AS MANY AS WE CAN!!!!!!!!!! you are doing that and we are grateful.

and yes, what you posted originally about the machines was confusing to us. BUT you explained what you were doing/did, gave links, names, and as much info as you possessed to help us understand. isn't that what we are all about. presenting NEW stuff to each other, then answering what you can, then we all do our research to learn more about it. then we toss the info back and forth, learning from each other. what you did was the purpose of the group. lena, you did it right!!!!!!!!!!!!

as far as 'if this is what other's believe', sounds like it was just one person. and we won't let one upset person control our flow of info. it is too valuable to all of us.

yes, you have been unrighteously persecuted. any of us would be upset to have our good intentions thrown back in our face. just remember, the rest of us are very grateful to you. your info may the info that saves my husband from his pain, giving hope to another for cancer, finally 'getting' my bart/babs, and others who this may work for. we need the info so we can make educated decisions for our health. hang in there lena, you are not alone in this.


Hi ,Now you've gone and made me cry!Thanks, and be well, my friend,Léna

LenaI am on several groups that your own...I find you one of the most helpful and passionate people of all the groups im on...I personally think your a shinning star and make these groups so much better!!!!!!!!!!!!


c The harder you work the luckier you get!

To: Lyme_and_Rife

Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:57 PM Subject: Re: Re: Scanning for best rife frequencies?/

Thanks Barbara,Your kind words help, but I'm feeling very upset.

Being accused of 'trying to get others to go to another group' was so off base, and has left me in shock. As well as I may feel sometimes, I still have Lyme, and such shock is devastating. I am shaking with the injustice of the attack, especially as I regularly recommend this group on other groups and have never offended by doing so, nor have been warned off before.


now I'm accused of being well, so that I can't understand how confusing my recommendations could be. How very patronising toward those who I might have actually helped!

I've fought so hard to come back from complete disability, from wishing for death (45 years of Lyme is intense), for this? To be accused of being well, and therefore somehow unable to empathize with the sickness in others?

If that is what others believe, who have seen me go through the many circles of hell this disease presents, if others feel that I haven't demonstrated my compassion for their present miseries and despair, then the countless hours

I've spent, pouring my heart out here was a mistake. Do I sound upset? I am!I don't need this, but I still want to help others as I know how hard this journey is. I'm just not yet convinced that being here is good for my recovery any more.

Thanks again and be well,Léna

lena,i'm a strong believer in FREEDOM OF INFORMATION. most people on this group are intelligent people who want all the information they can get to make the best choices for them. if it is confusing to them, they should be the judge of that. they can always skip a post here and there, which is what i do. i found that there are times i can't even come here, then times i can't even get off. my choice.

we all should know all there is out there for us to consider, study it, then choose. if it doesn't work, make another choice. no one group can have all the info there is, that is why there are so many groups. but it is our choice as to what group, or groups, and what info to follow.

diversity is always good. we SHOULD take what we can learn from one group and share with another, again, giving more choices. this is wisdom. if someone wants to 'silence' another person's input, if it is only what has worked for them, and stated as such, which you have done, that is controlling what info others receive. i believe that control is dangerous and should not be allowed on this group.

please don't go. we need your input, as well as everybody else's. i don't know where i'd be without your 'crappaccino' info. it has been truly inspiring and helpful to me. i talk about your input with others in my family and call you the c.e. guru.

you are a wealth of knowledge and very much appreciated. stay!!barbara

Hi Barbara,Yes, you're very lucky to be so near! I hope there's a good connection there for you. I envy you.

I've just been told that I shouldn't refer people to other support groups, that it confuses them and that just because I'm feeling pretty well, I should realize that more than one support group will cause confusion and distress in people who are very sick. ????

I was still very sick when I joined another invaluable group that has made an equal contribution to my good recovery, so I think this concern underestimates the intelligence, the will to fight and recover that other very sick people have. They should not be deprived of any promising avenue. They should be allowed to choose for themselves. And sometimes, they don't even need to choose, but can have a harmonious blend of more that one protocol.

I surely hope this isn't true, that my contributions haven't caused distress, as most people in this group know that I have shared at length, with diversity, respect for the many differences our diseases present, with compassion and optimism: something sorely needed in this awful disease.

This has made me sad. I may not be posting in this group any more, unless the group in general feels my approach has been helpful.

Be well,Léna

lena,thanks for the info on dr. loyd. i live in wa and will contact him. again, thanks for all your help. i know this is overwhelming to you, all of us trying to get as much info as we can. but what you provided is enough for us to go the rest of our way on our own. you're great!!!


Hi ,

The best way to find frx's that are effective is to post to the group what

you want to rife... You should get some good answers...

Take care,




> Hi, So many people seem to have trouble finding the right frequencies with rife machines.


> I was wondering if there were any accurate shortcuts to doing this such as using a machine to scan you for the best frequencies then using those frequencies on a rife machine.


> Anyone know any specific machines that can do this and any special ways it's done?


> How about other shortcuts like muscle testing?


> Any additional thoughts appreciated!



> Bay Area, CA


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