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Message to the group

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Dear Group,I am very saddened that the information I talked to Lena in a private email has now become public... There is a unwritten rule on the Internet that anything discussed in private remains private. ObviouslyLena felt this did not pertain to her, yet she is very familiar with this rule...The reason I asked Lena to stop trying to get new members to join another support group was from theconstant backlash of private emails I got from new members asking my why they had to join anothersupport group, they are sick and are having a difficult time just learning this groups protocols.. AND, I fully agreed with them because 5 months after joining my first support group I joined a second support group and found it difficult with a Lyme challenged mind learning a new group and I had difficulty keeping up with my first group. NOBODY back then was trying to others to join another support group, I did this on my own and lookingback, I would not do it again.This is a constant message from new members and most recently Lena ramped up her campaign to get other members to join another group.. I have quietly watched this over the last several months and finally this week with so many linksto another support group and several emails to me from new members, I felt this had to end.Lena is the ONLY person on this group who was aggressively trying to get new members to join other support groups, mostly one, and I had hoped by trying to deal with this privately as we are friends, would resolve the issue...I am truly sorry Lena has chosen this method of upsetting this group, something that I had hopedshe would not do.. I want everyone to know, Lena, I and others here were on another rife group 3 years ago and when the moderator of that group publicly blasted her humiliated her on group, it was I and another member that came to her rescue and this group was formed. What happened to Lena on that group was devastating to her, yet she never whimpered a peep about it to the moderator or to the group...And when the previous moderator of our group here was planning on closing the group, Lena and otherscried foul that this group meant so much to them... Never wanting to be a group owner normoderator, I stepped up when nobody else would and I took the lead on continuing this group,first by opening another group, then by taking over this group when the former owner agreedto sign it over to me.. I was very content just being a member of the group without the hasslesof managing the group that now requires 70 - 80 hours per week of me devoting to this group.I knew there would be times I would have to make tough decisions, this was one of them... I did nottake lightly what I asked of Lena, it was bothering me for some time, and I could have done this on group, instead because we are friends, I chose to do so off group, trying not to embarrass her in any way... Now it is she who is trying to embarrass me and it has not worked as I feel I did what I had to do.. and I am very saddened she has done this, brought a private conversation public.As far as I am concerned, Lena broke a very important trust by coming public with a private conversation.What I asked of Lena was well within my rights as the moderator of this group as it was affectingnew members. And this compared to what happened to her on the previous group was miner, yet chose to make a big issue of this here on group.. I consider this topic ended, there is no reason to continue this further as I will always do what feel is best to the group. If you feel you have to voice your opinions, do so to me privately andI can assure you they will remain private.. Respectively,Jim, Group Moderator

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Thank you Jim for clarifying and I personally don't think it's appropriate for anyone to publicly invite group members over to another group - I feel it's disrespectful. If they feel inclined to do so - they should in a private message.

Thanks for being a great moderator.

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Hi Jan & ,

I agree with almost everything you have said. But my understanding is that the

reason Lena may be leaving the group is not just because she recommended another

yahoo forum, but because she brought a disagreement between her and the

moderator to the group. Granted, it is important to be able to share useful

information with the other group members who might benefit from it. But when

Jim communicated his concerns privately to her, she did not answer him directly,

but shared their private disagreement with the group. Or part of it--there may

be more to this that we are aware of. My understanding is that she is a very

long-time member who is well aware of the rule that private communications are

not to be shared (unless both parties agree to do so).

It is possible that Jim may not have been perfectly tactful in his communication

to Lena, but it is also entirely possible that she may have over-reacted, which

is very easy to do. But this is between them, not us. I hope they can both

take a deep breath, get a fresh perspective on the situation, and repair their

long friendship. We will all miss Lena greatly if she leaves, and she knows

that. But I don't see how this group could continue without Jim. Therefore, I

think we should respect his request to end this discussion.

It's hard, because we all care about both of them. But we're not doing anyone a

favor by dragging it on, in my opinion.


> >

> > Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend several

groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i know of

that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol which

works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs and

they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself and

others.Marc has no issue with this

> >

> >

> > The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you 

is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had

problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme  fan of it.Is that why

you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss

out names of other groups.

> >

> > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I dont

make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my brain

will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment

> >

> > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to

heal by knowing about what is out there.

> > Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the information

that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that information

> >

> > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and confusing.Simply make a

text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The

information will prove needed and valuable at some later date

> >

> >

> > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed

her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they

sell.nor does  she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a

miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc),

she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is

what this list was about,the sharing of information

> > Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are

easier to read and understand

> >

> >

> > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is  the purpose of the digest

form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to

read .

> > So that is what I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure

people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read

> >

> > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx  if you object to

informative posts

> >

> >

> > shakes head sadly

> >

> >

> > 8. Message to the group

> >     Posted by: " Lyme_and_Rife-owner "


> >     Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))

> >

> >  

> > " Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything

> > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth

,and to dare to love completely. " -R. Buckminster Fuller

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >


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Jan S,I think the PROBLEM here is I have been to kind of a MODERATOR of this group, allowingfar to many things to just slide not wanting to hurt anyones feelings... BUT DO NOT TAKEME FOR A WHIMP, that is going to change now.. Apparently you did not read my entire message, so I have copied below for you to read again... I am sure had you read it you would not have initiated this post.I would like you to pay particular attention to the very last paragraph, let me copy it here for you... Many have graciously contacted me privately about this issue and I thank them for doing so.. Some obviously feel they DO NOThave to listen to the MODERATOR of this group... >>>>I consider this topic ended, there is no reason to continue this further as I will always do what feel is best to the group. If you feel you have to voice your opinions, do so to me privately andI can assure you they will remain private.. <<<<<You have absolutely NO IDEA of why I did this, yet YOU are passing judgement on ME?There is far more to this story than what you know... AND there is only one MODERATORon this group, for your information, I am also the GROUP OWNER... If you wanted to MODERATE this group, where were you when the previous Group Owner was going to close down this group, I don't recall you wanting to step in and prevent thisgroup from closing forever.... Me, I was completely content on being a member of the group, being a moderator is NOTsomething I wanted to become... BUT I WAS THE ONLY PERSON TO STEP UP AND TAKE OVER THIS GROUP, AND AS YOU WILL RECALL MANY ON THIS GROUP WANTED ME AS THEIR MODERATOR, where were you, you could have owned this group?I am now putting in 80 hours per week for this group and gladly so when it helps others, but some of it on wasted time correcting what one other person was taking the liberty of doing AND, it worsened in the last week after another incident happened... AND, one of the few times I have exercised my Moderator power, YOU are taking the liberty to say I am wrong? So now I am having to commit to moretime because you decided you were going to keep this topic going on MY group.. WHEN I SAY A THREAD HAS ENDED, IT HAS ENDED! There are FIVE things I will NEVER STAND FOR on MY group:1. Anything that is told by ANY member to another MEMBER in PRIVATE email and thenis brought to the group PUBLICLY by the member receiving the PRIVATE email goesagainst the UNWRITTEN RULE OF THE INTERNET THAT ALL CONVERSATIONSSTARTED PRIVATELY REMAIN PRIVATELY. You do know the person you are defending BROKE THIS RULE, don't you?2. GROUP SUICIDE is when you TRY to EMBARRASS, DEGRADE OR ATTACKTHE MODERATOR OF A GROUP. I have had 3 issues with 3 different Moderators,one blasted me on group, I knew immediately I needed to take this private, oncehe heard the full story, he apologized and I also received an apology from the othermember that initiated the issued in the first place... The other two incidents withother moderators were privately settled with any Moderator being ATTACKED orEMBARRASSED... DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT MAKING A MODERATOROF A GROUP LOOK BAD ON HIS OWN GROUP IS A GOOD THING? You do know the person you are defending did this don't you? When group members haveissues with the group, the WISEST thing to do is talk to the Moderator privately.3. The above ALSO pertains to any MEMBER trying to attack or BELITTLE anyother member on MY group. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR THIS.4. Anyone who tries upsetting the group with any topic that brings DISARRAY TO THE GROUP.. You do know the member you are defending did this, don't you?5. Publishing any information that is FALSE, IMMORAL or ILLGAL... From You:>>>>>>The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme fan of it.Is that why you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss out names of other groups.<<<<<<<Jan, I DO NOT owe you any explanation, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? I am theMODERATOR of this group, I took over this group when you or nobody else would,that means I get to set the rules and I get to use my Moderator power as I see fit,and mind you I have only used this a few times...AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I HAVE CHOSEN MMS AS ONE OF THIS GROUPSMAIN PROTOCOLS, as well as ESSIAC TEA, and MAGNESIUM OIL. If you lookat the top of any MESSAGE page you will see this.. AND it has been there for a longtime.AND, you have NO IDEA what newcomers tell me privately, so don't even presumeyou understand anything about this... AGAIN, private conversations and I WILL NOTmake them PUBLIC nor will I share them with anyone privately. What is told to me privately, never is told to anyone else and is NEVER made public.. I respond to 20 emails daily on average, that is over 7000 yearly and I have been doing this forroughly 6 years, do the math, that is a lot of communication, yet I HAVE NEVERmade anyone of these PUBLIC.. and many thank me for what I am doing and for the good group they are now members of and how I have helped them.. yet I also get emails asking me why they are being directed to other groups and this goes far deeper than this, of which I WILL NOT SHARE WITH YOU. The fact these folks email me is not the problem,the reason they emailed me IS THE PROBLEM.DO NOT EVER CONFUSE MY DUTIES AS A MODERATOR with an EMOTIONALOVERLOAD HERX, you are insulting at the very least... I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS DOING WHEN I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO.. AND JAN, read #2 above and tread very carefully... I WOULD SUGGEST TO YOUin the future to post the good topics you always have and to STAY OUT OF TRYINGTO MANAGE THIS GROUP. There is only one OWNER AND MODERATOR of thisgroup and the signature below is this person. AND WHEN I SAY A THREAD HASENDED, IT HAS ENDED.Do you not wonder why she did not contact me Privately about this? After all, we are friends...... Why did she make it PUBLIC? She knew exactly what she was doing, trying to embarrass me (she did not) and trying to bring disarray to the group, and those who decide they too will continuethis topic on group add to this problem.. The person you are defending made bad choices and brought this on all by herself.. I hate to loose any good member of this group, what I did I had to do I will do itagain if need be... I will never allow any member of this group to make others feel uncomfortable or that they must do something they don't understand... AND, constantlypounding away at the same problem and even more so in the past week was herundoing.Jim, GROUP MODERATORMessage to the group Message List Reply | DeleteMessage #37576 of 37642 < Prev | Next >Dear Group,I am very saddened that the information I talked to Lena in a private email has now become public... There is a unwritten rule on the Internet that anything discussed in private remains private. ObviouslyLena felt this did not pertain to her, yet she is very familiar with this rule...The reason I asked Lena to stop trying to get new members to join another support group was from theconstant backlash of private emails I got from new members asking my why they had to join anothersupport group, they are sick and are having a difficult time just learning this groups protocols.. AND, I fully agreed with them because 5 months after joining my first support group I joined a second support group and found it difficult with a Lyme challenged mind learning a new group and I had difficulty keeping up with my first group. NOBODY back then was trying to others to join another support group, I did this on my own and lookingback, I would not do it again.This is a constant message from new members and most recently Lena ramped up her campaign to get other members to join another group.. I have quietly watched this over the last several months and finally this week with so many linksto another support group and several emails to me from new members, I felt this had to end.Lena is the ONLY person on this group who was aggressively trying to get new members to join other support groups, mostly one, and I had hoped by trying to deal with this privately as we are friends, would resolve the issue...I am truly sorry Lena has chosen this method of upsetting this group, something that I had hopedshe would not do.. I want everyone to know, Lena, I and others here were on another rife group 3 years ago and when the moderator of that group publicly blasted her humiliated her on group, it was I and another member that came to her rescue and this group was formed. What happened to Lena on that group was devastating to her, yet she never whimpered a peep about it to the moderator or to the group...And when the previous moderator of our group here was planning on closing the group, Lena and otherscried foul that this group meant so much to them... Never wanting to be a group owner normoderator, I stepped up when nobody else would and I took the lead on continuing this group,first by opening another group, then by taking over this group when the former owner agreedto sign it over to me.. I was very content just being a member of the group without the hasslesof managing the group that now requires 70 - 80 hours per week of me devoting to this group.I knew there would be times I would have to make tough decisions, this was one of them... I did nottake lightly what I asked of Lena, it was bothering me for some time, and I could have done this on group, instead because we are friends, I chose to do so off group, trying not to embarrass her in any way... Now it is she who is trying to embarrass me and it has not worked as I feel I did what I had to do.. and I am very saddened she has done this, brought a private conversation public.As far as I am concerned, Lena broke a very important trust by coming public with a private conversation.What I asked of Lena was well within my rights as the moderator of this group as it was affectingnew members. And this compared to what happened to her on the previous group was miner, yet chose to make a big issue of this here on group.. I consider this topic ended, there is no reason to continue this further as I will always do what feel is best to the group. If you feel you have to voice your opinions, do so to me privately andI can assure you they will remain private.. Respectively,Jim, Group ModeratorWed Jul 18, 2012 5:53 pmLyme_and_Rife-owner Lyme_and_Rife-owner >> Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend several groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i know of that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol which works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs and they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself and others.Marc has no issue with this> > > The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme fan of it.Is that why you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss out names of other groups.> > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I dont make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my brain will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment> > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to heal by knowing about what is out there.> Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the information that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that information> > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and confusing.Simply make a text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The information will prove needed and valuable at some later date> > > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they sell.nor does she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc), she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is what this list was about,the sharing of information> Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are easier to read and understand> > > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is the purpose of the digest form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to read .> So that is what I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read > > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx if you object to informative posts> > > shakes head sadly> > > 8. Message to the group> Posted by: "Lyme_and_Rife-owner " Lyme_and_Rife-owner > Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))> > > "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller> > > > > http://www.purposefairy.com/4899/15-powerful-things-happy-people-do-differently/>

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Hi Khaya,

Jim has been a long time friend of mine as well, but I don't always agree with

his censorship of information that he may take issue with. I take issue with

MMS being all that it is cracked up to be just as I took issue in 's Lyme

and Rife group with Colloidal Silver in large doses to treat Lyme. I remember

Jim censoring Tamara over a post about going on natural cortisone. I have been

doing a natural cortisone/adrenal supplement for years and it has really helped


Jim had a bad experience with the steroidal pharmaceutical version of cortisone,

so he censored Tamara and it turned into a big fight and Tamara left the group.

I realize Jim is the moderator of the group, and I try to be very respectful

even though I don't always agree with him, but I believe that privately

censoring Lena stepped out of bounds. She has really had help from Salt/C and

is only diseminating information that she may deem as helpful to the rest of the

group. I am actually glad that she got this discussion started. BTW. I didn't

do well on Salt/C either but that doesn't mean someone else might not benefit

from it's use. The point is we are all different and by controlling the flow of

good information Jim could be impeding someone's recovery. I try to keep in

mind that works for me, doesn't always work for someone else obviously Burbur

didn't work for Terry. I do think this discussion is a valid discussion and I

realize it may be uncomfortable for both Jim and Lena, it needs to be had.

> > >

> > > Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend

several groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i

know of that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol

which works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs

and they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself

and others.Marc has no issue with this

> > >

> > >

> > > The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you 

is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had

problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme  fan of it.Is that why

you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss

out names of other groups.

> > >

> > > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I

dont make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my

brain will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment

> > >

> > > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to

heal by knowing about what is out there.

> > > Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the

information that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that


> > >

> > > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and confusing.Simply make a

text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The

information will prove needed and valuable at some later date

> > >

> > >

> > > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed

her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they

sell.nor does  she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a

miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc),

she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is

what this list was about,the sharing of information

> > > Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are

easier to read and understand

> > >

> > >

> > > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is  the purpose of the digest

form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to

read .

> > > So that is what I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure

people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read

> > >

> > > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx  if you object to

informative posts

> > >

> > >

> > > shakes head sadly

> > >

> > >

> > > 8. Message to the group

> > >     Posted by: " Lyme_and_Rife-owner "


> > >     Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))

> > >

> > >  

> > > " Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything

> > > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth

,and to dare to love completely. " -R. Buckminster Fuller

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> >


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,HAVE YOU NOT READ MY ORIGINAL POST ABOUT THIS, END THE THEAD!IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY I MANAGE THIS GROUP,YOU TALK TO ME PRIVATELY....YOU WILL NOT DISCUSS THIS ON GROUP...I HAVE HAD ISSUES WITH YOU ALSO, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ITIF I TALK ABOUT YOU IN THE 3RD PERSON TO SOMEONE ELSEON THIS GROUP?KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS MODERATOR TO YOURSELFOR BRING THEM TO ME PRIVATELY.AND KEEP IN MIND, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THIS GROUP WASGOING TO CLOSE? I DID NOT SEE YOU STEP UP TO THE PLATETO HELP TAKE OVER THIS GROUP... IF YOU WANT TO SET POLICYOWN A GROUP AND YOU CAN.I AM THE MODERATOR, I SET THE RULES AND I MODERATEAS I FELL I HAVE TO.. THE FEW TIMES I HAVE, YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE TAKEN IT UPONYOURSELF TO BRING IT UP HERE... Jim, Group Moderator> > > >> > > > Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend several groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i know of that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol which works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs and they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself and others.Marc has no issue with this> > > > > > > > > > > > The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme fan of it.Is that why you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss out names of other groups.> > > > > > > > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I dont make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my brain will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment> > > > > > > > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to heal by knowing about what is out there.> > > > Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the information that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that information> > > > > > > > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and confusing.Simply make a text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The information will prove needed and valuable at some later date> > > > > > > > > > > > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they sell.nor does she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc), she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is what this list was about,the sharing of information> > > > Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are easier to read and understand> > > > > > > > > > > > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is the purpose of the digest form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to read .> > > > So that is what I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read > > > > > > > > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx if you object to informative posts> > > > > > > > > > > > shakes head sadly> > > > > > > > > > > > 8. Message to the group> > > > Posted by: "Lyme_and_Rife-owner " Lyme_and_Rife-owner > > > > Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))> > > > > > > > > > > > "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything > > > > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > http://www.purposefairy.com/4899/15-powerful-things-happy-people-do-differently/> > > >> > >> >>

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Hi, I'm very new to this group & when i 1st joined, I loved to read thru all of the topics & what people was saying worked & what didnt & was really enjoying learning from different people. I have been reading the messages from the last few days & the arguing back & forth is just not good for me health wise so i unsubscribe! From: "Lyme_and_Rife-owner " <Lyme_and_Rife-owner > To:

Lyme_and_Rife Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:23 PM Subject: Re: Message to the group

Jan S,I think the PROBLEM here is I have been to kind of a MODERATOR of this group, allowingfar to many things to just slide not wanting to hurt anyones feelings... BUT DO NOT TAKEME FOR A WHIMP, that is going to change now.. Apparently you did not read my entire message, so I have copied below for you to read again... I am sure had you read it you would not have initiated this post.I would like you to pay particular attention

to the very last paragraph, let me copy it here for you... Many have graciously contacted me privately about this issue and I thank them for doing so.. Some obviously feel they DO NOThave to listen to the MODERATOR of this group... >>>>I consider this topic ended, there is no reason to continue this further as I will always do what feel is best to the group. If you feel you have to voice your opinions, do so to me

privately andI can assure you they will remain private.. <<<<<You have absolutely NO IDEA of why I did this, yet YOU are passing judgement on ME?There is far more to this story than what you know... AND there is only one MODERATORon this group, for your information, I am also the GROUP OWNER... If you wanted to MODERATE this group, where were you when the previous Group Owner was going to close down this group, I don't recall you

wanting to step in and prevent thisgroup from closing forever.... Me, I was completely content on being a member of the group, being a moderator is NOTsomething I wanted to become... BUT I WAS THE ONLY PERSON TO STEP UP AND TAKE OVER THIS GROUP, AND AS YOU WILL RECALL MANY ON THIS GROUP WANTED ME AS THEIR MODERATOR, where were you, you could have owned this group?I am now putting in 80 hours per week for this group and gladly so when it helps others, but some of it on

wasted time correcting what one other person was taking the liberty of doing AND, it worsened in the last week after another incident happened... AND, one of the few times I have exercised my Moderator power, YOU are taking the liberty to say I am wrong? So now I am having to commit to moretime because you decided you were going to keep this topic going on MY group.. WHEN I SAY A THREAD HAS ENDED, IT HAS ENDED! There are FIVE things I will NEVER STAND FOR on MY group:1. Anything that is told by ANY member to another MEMBER in PRIVATE email and thenis brought to the group PUBLICLY by the member receiving the PRIVATE email goesagainst the UNWRITTEN RULE OF THE INTERNET THAT ALL CONVERSATIONSSTARTED PRIVATELY REMAIN PRIVATELY. You do know the person you are defending BROKE THIS RULE, don't you?2. GROUP SUICIDE is when you TRY to EMBARRASS,

DEGRADE OR ATTACKTHE MODERATOR OF A GROUP. I have had 3 issues with 3 different Moderators,one blasted me on group, I knew immediately I needed to take this private, oncehe heard the full story, he apologized and I also received an apology from the othermember that initiated the issued in the first place... The other two incidents withother moderators were privately settled with any Moderator being ATTACKED orEMBARRASSED... DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT MAKING A MODERATOROF A GROUP LOOK BAD ON HIS OWN GROUP IS A GOOD THING? You do know the person you are defending did this don't you? When group members haveissues with the group, the WISEST thing to do is talk to the Moderator privately.3. The above ALSO pertains to any MEMBER trying to attack or BELITTLE anyother member on MY group. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR THIS.4. Anyone who tries upsetting the group with any topic that brings DISARRAY TO THE GROUP..

You do know the member you are defending did this, don't you?5. Publishing any information that is FALSE, IMMORAL or ILLGAL... From You:>>>>>>The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme fan of it.Is

that why you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss out names of other groups.<<<<<<<Jan, I DO NOT owe you any explanation, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? I am theMODERATOR of this group, I took over this group when you or nobody else would,that means I get to set the rules and I get to use my Moderator power as I see fit,and mind you I have only used this a few times...AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I HAVE CHOSEN MMS AS ONE OF THIS GROUPSMAIN PROTOCOLS, as well as ESSIAC TEA, and MAGNESIUM OIL. If you lookat the top of any MESSAGE page you will see this.. AND it has been there for a longtime.AND, you have NO IDEA what newcomers tell me privately, so don't even presumeyou understand anything about this... AGAIN, private conversations and I WILL NOTmake them PUBLIC nor will I share them with anyone privately. What is told to me privately, never is told to anyone else and is NEVER made public.. I respond to 20 emails daily on average, that is over 7000 yearly and I have been doing this forroughly 6

years, do the math, that is a lot of communication, yet I HAVE NEVERmade anyone of these PUBLIC.. and many thank me for what I am doing and for the good group they are now members of and how I have helped them.. yet I also get emails asking me why they are being directed to other groups and this goes far deeper than this, of which I WILL NOT SHARE WITH YOU. The fact these folks email me is not the problem,the reason they emailed me IS THE PROBLEM.DO NOT EVER CONFUSE MY DUTIES AS A MODERATOR with an EMOTIONALOVERLOAD HERX, you are insulting at the very least... I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT I WAS DOING WHEN I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO.. AND JAN, read #2 above and tread very carefully... I WOULD SUGGEST TO YOUin the future to post the good topics you always have and to STAY OUT OF TRYINGTO MANAGE THIS GROUP. There is only one OWNER AND MODERATOR of thisgroup and the signature below is this person. AND WHEN I SAY A THREAD HASENDED, IT HAS ENDED.Do you not wonder why she did not contact me Privately about this? After all, we are friends...... Why did she make it PUBLIC? She knew exactly what she was doing, trying to embarrass me (she did not) and trying to bring disarray to the group, and those who decide they too will continuethis topic on group

add to this problem.. The person you are defending made bad choices and brought this on all by herself.. I hate to loose any good member of this group, what I did I had to do I will do itagain if need be... I will never allow any member of this group to

make others feel uncomfortable or that they must do something they don't understand... AND, constantlypounding away at the same problem and even more so in the past week was herundoing.Jim, GROUP MODERATORMessage to the group Message List Reply | DeleteMessage #37576 of 37642 < Prev | Next >Dear Group,I am very saddened that the information I talked to Lena in a private email has now become public... There is a unwritten rule on the Internet that anything discussed in private remains private. ObviouslyLena felt this did not pertain to her, yet she is very familiar with this rule...The reason I asked Lena to stop trying to get new members to join another support group was from theconstant backlash of private emails I got from new members asking my why they had to join anothersupport group, they are sick and are having a difficult time just learning this groups protocols.. AND, I fully agreed with them because 5 months after joining my first support group I joined a second support group and found it difficult with a Lyme challenged mind learning a new group and I had difficulty keeping up with my first group. NOBODY back then was trying to others to join another support group, I did this on my own and lookingback, I would not do it again.This is a constant message from new members and most recently Lena ramped up her campaign to get other members to join another group.. I have quietly watched this over the last several months and finally this week with so many linksto another support group and several emails to me from new members, I felt this had to end.Lena is the ONLY person on this group who was aggressively trying to get new members to join other support groups, mostly one, and I had hoped by trying to

deal with this privately as we are friends, would resolve the issue...I am truly sorry Lena has chosen this method of upsetting this group, something that I had hopedshe would not do.. I want everyone to know, Lena, I and others here were on another rife group 3 years ago and when the moderator of that group publicly blasted her humiliated her on group, it was I and another member that came to her rescue and this group was formed. What happened to Lena on that group was devastating to her, yet she never whimpered a peep about it to the moderator or to the group...And when the previous moderator of our group here was planning on closing the group, Lena and otherscried foul that this group meant so much to them... Never wanting to be a group owner normoderator, I

stepped up when nobody else would and I took the lead on continuing this group,first by opening another group, then by taking over this group when the former owner agreedto sign it over to me.. I was very content just being a member of the group without the hasslesof managing the group that now requires 70 - 80 hours per week of me devoting to this group.I knew there would be times I would have to make tough decisions, this was one of them... I did nottake lightly what I asked of Lena, it was bothering me for some time, and I could have done this on group, instead because we are friends, I chose to do so off group, trying not to embarrass her in any way... Now it is she who is trying to embarrass me and it has not worked as I feel I did what I had to do.. and I am very saddened she has done this, brought a private conversation

public.As far as I am concerned, Lena broke a very important trust by coming public with a private conversation.What I asked of Lena was well within my rights as the moderator of this group as it was affectingnew members. And this compared to what happened to her on the previous group was miner, yet chose to make a big issue of this here on group.. I consider this topic ended, there is no reason to continue this

further as I will always do what feel is best to the group. If you feel you have to voice your opinions, do so to me privately andI can assure you they will remain private.. Respectively,Jim, Group Moderator Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:53 pmLyme_and_Rife-owner Lyme_and_Rife- owner@yahoogroup s.com >> Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend several groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i know of that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol which works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs and they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself and others.Marc has no issue with this> >

> The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme fan of it.Is that why you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss out names of other groups.> > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I dont make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my brain will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment> > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to heal by knowing about what is out there.> Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the information that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that information> > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and

confusing.Simply make a text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The information will prove needed and valuable at some later date> > > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they sell.nor does she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc), she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is what this list was about,the sharing of information> Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are easier to read and understand> > > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is the purpose of the digest form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to read .> So that is what

I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read > > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx if you object to informative posts> > > shakes head sadly> > > 8. Message to the group> Posted by: "Lyme_and_Rife-owner " Lyme_and_Rife-owner > Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))> > > "Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth ,and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller> > > > > http://www.purposefairy.com/4899/15-powerful-things-happy-people-do-differently/>

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Guest guest

Hi Darla,

I've been a member for about a year or so, and this is the first time anything

like this has happened. I think it's over now and hopefully it will never

happen again. But it has been very upsetting, I agree.


> >

> > Sorry but I stand behind Lena on this one .I consistently recommend several

groups to people who are looking for other alternatives.The only group i know of

that Lena consistently recommends is one involving the salt/C protocol which

works for many people.It also talks about additional supplements or herbs and

they talk about rife there as well and are directed to this group by myself and

others.Marc has no issue with this

> >

> >

> > The personal issues that you have with that group leader and his with you 

is over his nay saying about MMS( of which he has known of people who have had

problems from it) which you are devoted to as an extreme  fan of it.Is that why

you object to it? and why target only Lena, just about all of us old timers toss

out names of other groups.

> >

> > Yes newcomers have problems with overloads of information at times.If I dont

make files about new things I find from groups that might be helpful , my brain

will still get muddled , even after 9 years of treatment

> >

> > .Information and knowledge bring power It brings power to our ability to

heal by knowing about what is out there.

> > Each week I get kudos in private emails thanking me for all the information

that I put out there and the links to the groups that back up that information

> >

> > To each of you who are new, I know it is hard and confusing.Simply make a

text file of all the additional things you read and save them for later. The

information will prove needed and valuable at some later date

> >

> >

> > Lena is one person who has healed a lot and shares what has helped healed

her , without marketing- unlike some people who try to market products that they

sell.nor does  she put out fanatical information about any product ( this is a

miracle cure , there is nothing better it does all the maker of it claims etc),

she puts out information of value that has worked for her.I thought that this is

what this list was about,the sharing of information

> > Granted , shorter emails with spaced typing between short paragraphs are

easier to read and understand

> >

> >

> > If people feel confused reading a topic,this is  the purpose of the digest

form of emails, is so that you can scroll through information you dont want to

read .

> > So that is what I advise if a subject gets you too bogged down, make sure

people are on digest and scroll past the things that you dont wish to read

> >

> > Perhaps you are having an emotional overload herx  if you object to

informative posts

> >

> >

> > shakes head sadly

> >

> >

> > 8. Message to the group

> >     Posted by: " Lyme_and_Rife-owner "


> >     Date: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:53 pm ((PDT))

> >

> >  

> > " Im not trying to counsel any of you to do anything

> > really special,except to dare to think, and to dare to go with the truth

,and to dare to love completely. " -R. Buckminster Fuller

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >


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