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Hello Everyone,

My name is and I have been suffering for years with pain. I had 5

surgeries due to stage 4 endometriosis. Eight years ago I had a complete

hysterectomy, both ovaries, tubes, appendix,and my sigmoid colon removed. The

endometriosis invaded large intestine and caused an obstruction.

The colon surgeon told my mother and husband that he had to cut low into the

rectum to get to healthy tissue to reconnect. I am now left with dibilitating

rectal spasms and pelvic pain.

Six years ago I found a primary who was compasionate and prescribed percocet and

anti spasmotics to help me function. Two years ago the meds were not helping as

much anymore, as you know your body

becomes tolerate to the dose, so you need to increase your pain meds.

I'm a medical profesional myself and I could no longer take care of

my patients because I would get these debilating spasms off and on

throughout my shift and have to leave.

I went from 32 hours to 20 and then to perdiem 18 hours a week. I called in sick

many times due to my condition. I never knew when the onset would occur.

While at work right, before I took my medical, leave I injured my back while

lifting a patient. I never filled out an incident report. I ended up with 3

buldging discs in my c-spine and 2 in my lumbar spine, which showed on my mri.

My employer was very good to me when I worked for them any other job would have

fired me for not being able to complete shifts and

patient care. I asked my primary about filing for social security

disability and she said no. She said if I didn't work there was no

need for my meds because treatment isn't working.

Within the past 2 years I have been through many tests which show rectal nerve

damage and was told I would problably need a total colon removal with an

ileostomy by a top colon/rectal surgeon in Boston.

He said do what ever you can from having this surgery. If I develop partial

obstruction do to severe adhesions go on liquid diet until it resolves itself.

Well I filed for social security disability and my primary said to me she would

no longer write scripts for pain, because she does not understand my illness.

My husband questioned her and she got very angry. I said to her I have been on

these meds for several years, you need to slowly

wean a pt off so you won't get withdrawl. My primary said your gyn can treat you

for your pain.

She found a pain clinic in Boston for me they advocate, but don't write scripts.

They spoke with the primary and she agreed to write for them. She has given me

no support at all!

I just got my 2nd denial from social security disability stating my primary felt

as long as I had ascess to a bathroom I'm ok to work. I seldom leave my house

because of this humiliating pain that I get. The doctor's office makes you feel

like your a drug addict. I spoke up many times and said walk in my shoes for one

day and then judge me. I said do really think people want to be on these meds

without them they have no life and there is a difference about work and quality

of life.

Everybody says get a new primary. It's very difficult in the state of

MA. to get a doctor to take on case like mine and prescribe. I don't

trust my doctor and I worry that she will not be compliant with the

pain clinic.

The psychologist at the pain clinic said, " you have been through so much

you shouldn't have to worry about this. " She teaches at a medical school on

pain. She told me many doctors in MA. will not write scipts. The pain clinic

said if I started getting nerve

blocks I would become incontinent.

I have a wonderful husband and 13 yr old son along with 2 dogs. I have much to

be greatful for and I am.

Financially this has been tough on us. I always worked hard did well

for myself. This illness drains me mentally and physically.

Sorry for going on and on. If there is anyone from ma. who knows a good primary

who is compassionate and understanding please let me know.

Nice to meet you all.

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