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Borderline Parents and Being Compared to Pets?

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Hello. I am new to this list and happy to be here. Like others, hearing

stories that " sound like mine " is interesting. I have been aware of my mother's

craziness for years (recently through the help of my partner put the borderline

label on it ... he is a psychologist). In any case, she is definitely bpd and

sooo many things make " sense " about my childhood when seen through the bpd


One thing I am curious about ... and it relates to bpds' tendency to form

attachments (beyond the norm) with inanimate things or pets. When I was a child

my nada would actually compare me to the cats. As in " Cleo is nicer than you. "

" Rebel loves me more than you do! " " Cleo is a better daughter! " etc. etc. To

this day when we talk, which isn't often, much of the focus is on cats and she

will even try to get me to talk to my " sisters " over the phone! (I hope you are

laughing as this is so ludicrous you have to laugh.) So my question: anyone else

grow up being compared to pets or have nadas or fadas with pet issues?

Peace out and happy 2008,



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