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Re: BPD's Effect On KO's Fertility

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I had no luck getting preggers when I was in my early twenties. I went off the

pill when I

was maybe 30 just cause i was sick of it. My H and I were careful but not

consistently. I

got sick of one of my friends knowing I was PMSing before I did and started

using one of

those progesterone creams after checking into them. It was amazing. I went

from being a

bitchy crab with low back pain and headaches with a completely irregular period


regular as clock work with NO mood swings and very little low back pain.

Of course when I got pregnant almost four months later (at thirty-one) I thought

I was

going into early menopause! Waking up in a sweat in the middle of January in


and could not breath. I thought something was wrong with my lungs. My friend

that used

to tell me, " Carla are you pmsing, you are getting a little bitchy " he was also

the one that

said " Carla, honey, you are tired, you feel like you are coming down with

something, your

back hurts and you just asked me not to hug you too hard cause your boobs


ARE PREGNANT. " i just love telling him it is all his fault I got pregnant! I

would never have

used the progesterone cream had he not kept telling me what crab I was.

So to finally get to the point I found out after my son was born that I had


ovaries and that I never had enough progesterone to stay pregnant long enough to


know that I was pregnant much less have a baby. I did not know this until my


took this really extensive health history and took a few weeks to work up a

treatment plan.

During the return visit he kept looking at my son with this strange look. When

I asked him

if something was wrong that was when he says " everything in your work up says


hormones were never balanced enough for you to carry a pregnancy to term. " So


to my darling friend Mat I ended up taking the hormone cream that got me to stay


I know you have probably already had your hormone levels checked but keep this

in mind.

Hormone levels are based on averages. You may fall in the " normal " range and

still not be

where YOU need to be.

Hopefully that is something that is helpful.


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Wow Carla, that's amazing! I have not had my hormone levels

checked. I have had an HSG, (short for a fancy, long medical word

that I can't spell) to look at how my ovaries and fallopian tubes

appear and function. All is normal. My husband was tested and he

is normal. I have this nasty feeling that stress and fear is at the

root of the problem.

But Progesterone Cream!

I haven't even heard of that! Where do you get it? Does it need to

be prescribed by an OBGYN? My periods are not all that regular.

They were like clockwork and no pain when I was on the pill. Now

they start anywhere between 27 and 35 days (usually day 31 or 32),

and last 4-8 days, and are painful the first two days. I never had

bad cramps before. Oh, and I know I am ovulating too - I checked.

I guess I just need to chill. And maybe try this cream!

Thanks for the info!


> I had no luck getting preggers when I was in my early twenties. I

went off the pill when I

> was maybe 30 just cause i was sick of it. My H and I were

careful but not consistently. I

> got sick of one of my friends knowing I was PMSing before I did

and started using one of

> those progesterone creams after checking into them. It was

amazing. I went from being a

> bitchy crab with low back pain and headaches with a completely

irregular period to

> regular as clock work with NO mood swings and very little low back



> Of course when I got pregnant almost four months later (at thirty-

one) I thought I was

> going into early menopause! Waking up in a sweat in the middle of

January in colorado

> and could not breath. I thought something was wrong with my

lungs. My friend that used

> to tell me, " Carla are you pmsing, you are getting a little

bitchy " he was also the one that

> said " Carla, honey, you are tired, you feel like you are coming

down with something, your

> back hurts and you just asked me not to hug you too hard cause

your boobs hurt...YOU

> ARE PREGNANT. " i just love telling him it is all his fault I got

pregnant! I would never have

> used the progesterone cream had he not kept telling me what crab

I was.


> So to finally get to the point I found out after my son was born

that I had fibrocystic

> ovaries and that I never had enough progesterone to stay pregnant

long enough to even

> know that I was pregnant much less have a baby. I did not know

this until my naturopath

> took this really extensive health history and took a few weeks to

work up a treatment plan.

> During the return visit he kept looking at my son with this

strange look. When I asked him

> if something was wrong that was when he says " everything in your

work up says your

> hormones were never balanced enough for you to carry a pregnancy

to term. " So thanks

> to my darling friend Mat I ended up taking the hormone cream that

got me to stay

> pregnant.


> I know you have probably already had your hormone levels checked

but keep this in mind.

> Hormone levels are based on averages. You may fall in the " normal "

range and still not be

> where YOU need to be.


> Hopefully that is something that is helpful.


> Carla


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Me, too. I had mild endometriosis and the Fertility Dr. said he had

seen people having a worse time with MILD endometriosis, than

severe. He seemed to think it threw things off just enough to make

the pregnancy weak in some aspect, and miscarriages the result.

I had to have shots and eventually we did GIFT (Gamete Intra-

fallopian Transfer). It worked. The next baby? Born 14 months

later. Freebie. I guess the previous pregnancy cleared up the


That was 12-13 years ago. Don't know what they're doing in that

field now!




> I had to undergo fertility with both of my boys. I needed the oral

meds and HCG shots. I believe all the stress affected my immune

system and also my fertility.


> Kelley



> To: WTOAdultChildren1@...: artwidow@...: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 20:45:29

+0000Subject: BPD's Effect On KO's Fertility





> So...since we all have such similar experiences, I thought I would

put out a feeler about this one.My husband and I have been

unprotected for three years and no baby. I've been tested and so has

he, and we are both completely fine. I'm 28, and he's 37. I'm

starting to think my stepnada has something to do with this.For a

long time I've been pretty terrified about having a child knowing

that my relationship with my father will end. This is what has

happened with my sister. Stepnada and dad have NOTHING to do with

her. Stepnada did not have biological children, and she married my

father knowing that he had had a vasectomy years before he met her.

Yet, we were forced to call her mom, screamed at if we didn't cry

with her over baby diaper commericials (I was 8), and raged at about

how we would never understand how hard infertility is. She doesn't

know if she's infertile or not! She didn't want to adopt because she

only wanted a bio kid from my dad. Nothing else was good enough.

Especially his two daughers. I know if they would have had children

together, our relationship with him would have ended then and there.

I sometimes feel that I am being punished with infertility because I

was not more emphathetic with her plight. Then I start feeling like,

what's the point, why subject another innocent child to a raging,

viscious bitch like her? How could I forgive myself if she said some

effed up thing to my child?So, why aren't they speaking to my

sister? Here goes, try to follow the logic (there isn't any) 1.

Sister refused to allow her in the birthing room (none of us went

in) because she wanted to give birth in private (*gasp*, don't most

people?), 2. Sister allowed stepnada to help out right after she had

the baby, but my stepnada mysteriously stopped coming around. When

sister asked why, she was told " you're always too tired. " Um...yeah,

she just had a BABY!! 3. Sister didn't invite stepnada to Easter

lunch at her house fast enough (my fault - I accidentally mentioned

it, thinking my sister had already invited her), 4. Stepnada showed

up on mother's day (my sister's 1st), and her birthday (the same

day) and gave MY sister attitude. For no apparent reason. When she

left, my sister emailed my dad and asked him to please fix whatever

was wrong since he knows how to talk to psycho bitch, 5. Stepnada

intercepted the email somehow and threw a fit about how dare my

sister not just talk to her about it (b/c she's insane and can't be

talked to), she also found out that my sister told my dad that she

would not allow my her to watch the baby alone. After that fight

blew over, things were still quite tense as you can imagine. 6. This

last May, my sister had my dad and stepnada over for lunch. She told

my stepnada how much the flooring guy (sister's friend) quoted them

for wood floors. Stepnada started getting very aggressive (she's

very loud mouthed) about how the guy was full of shit and how SHE

knew flooring pricing better than him because SHE was in the

industry (15 years ago). She followed my sister around the house

blah blah blahing about it until my sister nicely asked her to

please stop arguing about it. Stepnada got all huffy and told my

dad, they were leaving RIGHT NOW, and they left after my dad asked

her to apologize and my sister refused, saying she had done NOTHING

wrong, 7. A few days later, Dad relayed the message that my sister

needed to apologize and that my stepnada didn't feel comfortable in

their house, 8. Sister refused and told him how ridiculous that was

since she has bent over backwards to make them comfortable. My dad

has not called my sister for her birthday, my niece's birthday,

Christmas or Thanksgiving. My stepnada has told me that she is cut

out of the will and they will no longer have anything to do with

her. Last time they were over, I found a picture of my husband and

niece turned around, facing the wall. So, that's what happens when

you assert independence for yourself or your child around my

stepnada. If you have a baby, she expects you to make up for her

lack of having had one. She told my sister she cannot stand pregnant

women, and would not have a relationship with her granddaughter if

she wasn't the clear favorite of the other two grandmas - that she

can't share. She will lose her mind when and if I get pregnant and

tell her she can't come in the room. I want my mom in there, but

know I can't ask her if stepnada can't come in because it wouldn't

be 'FAIR' and all hell would break loose in the hospital. No wonder

I can't get pregnant.Thanks for reading,







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Interesting... I have PCOS - polycystc ovaries - and was told at 19

that having children was going to be very dificult for me. PCOS

often also involves insulin reistance. Once I was on drugs

(glucophage) for my insulin resitance, my hormones leveled out. I

have two kids now, 2 and 4 years old. For my first pregnancy, I had

to do progesterone in the first few months to keep the pregnancy

going - that was scary, but it was worth it! But then I was unable

to nurse, and there is a little quiet part of me that always thinks

that I was too stressed out/anxiety-ridden to produce milk like I

should have been able to. I just kept thinking, " If I could just

RELAX! " I am sure I had post-partum depression after the first

pregnancy, and I know I did after the 2nd - I ended up on anti-

depressants and in therapy, which got me back on track. No more

babies for me! Two healthy, beautiful children and no desire to see

how bad PPD can be the 3rd time around!



> I had to undergo fertility with both of my boys. I needed the oral

meds and HCG shots. I believe all the stress affected my immune

system and also my fertility.


> Kelley



> To: WTOAdultChildren1@...: artwidow@...: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 20:45:29

+0000Subject: BPD's Effect On KO's Fertility





> So...since we all have such similar experiences, I thought I would

put out a feeler about this one.My husband and I have been

unprotected for three years and no baby. I've been tested and so has

he, and we are both completely fine. I'm 28, and he's 37. I'm

starting to think my stepnada has something to do with this.For a

long time I've been pretty terrified about having a child knowing

that my relationship with my father will end. This is what has

happened with my sister. Stepnada and dad have NOTHING to do with

her. Stepnada did not have biological children, and she married my

father knowing that he had had a vasectomy years before he met her.

Yet, we were forced to call her mom, screamed at if we didn't cry

with her over baby diaper commericials (I was 8), and raged at about

how we would never understand how hard infertility is. She doesn't

know if she's infertile or not! She didn't want to adopt because she

only wanted a bio kid from my dad. Nothing else was good enough.

Especially his two daughers. I know if they would have had children

together, our relationship with him would have ended then and there.

I sometimes feel that I am being punished with infertility because I

was not more emphathetic with her plight. Then I start feeling like,

what's the point, why subject another innocent child to a raging,

viscious bitch like her? How could I forgive myself if she said some

effed up thing to my child?So, why aren't they speaking to my sister?

Here goes, try to follow the logic (there isn't any) 1. Sister

refused to allow her in the birthing room (none of us went in)

because she wanted to give birth in private (*gasp*, don't most

people?), 2. Sister allowed stepnada to help out right after she had

the baby, but my stepnada mysteriously stopped coming around. When

sister asked why, she was told " you're always too tired. " Um...yeah,

she just had a BABY!! 3. Sister didn't invite stepnada to Easter

lunch at her house fast enough (my fault - I accidentally mentioned

it, thinking my sister had already invited her), 4. Stepnada showed

up on mother's day (my sister's 1st), and her birthday (the same day)

and gave MY sister attitude. For no apparent reason. When she left,

my sister emailed my dad and asked him to please fix whatever was

wrong since he knows how to talk to psycho bitch, 5. Stepnada

intercepted the email somehow and threw a fit about how dare my

sister not just talk to her about it (b/c she's insane and can't be

talked to), she also found out that my sister told my dad that she

would not allow my her to watch the baby alone. After that fight blew

over, things were still quite tense as you can imagine. 6. This last

May, my sister had my dad and stepnada over for lunch. She told my

stepnada how much the flooring guy (sister's friend) quoted them for

wood floors. Stepnada started getting very aggressive (she's very

loud mouthed) about how the guy was full of shit and how SHE knew

flooring pricing better than him because SHE was in the industry (15

years ago). She followed my sister around the house blah blah blahing

about it until my sister nicely asked her to please stop arguing

about it. Stepnada got all huffy and told my dad, they were leaving

RIGHT NOW, and they left after my dad asked her to apologize and my

sister refused, saying she had done NOTHING wrong, 7. A few days

later, Dad relayed the message that my sister needed to apologize and

that my stepnada didn't feel comfortable in their house, 8. Sister

refused and told him how ridiculous that was since she has bent over

backwards to make them comfortable. My dad has not called my sister

for her birthday, my niece's birthday, Christmas or Thanksgiving. My

stepnada has told me that she is cut out of the will and they will no

longer have anything to do with her. Last time they were over, I

found a picture of my husband and niece turned around, facing the

wall. So, that's what happens when you assert independence for

yourself or your child around my stepnada. If you have a baby, she

expects you to make up for her lack of having had one. She told my

sister she cannot stand pregnant women, and would not have a

relationship with her granddaughter if she wasn't the clear favorite

of the other two grandmas - that she can't share. She will lose her

mind when and if I get pregnant and tell her she can't come in the

room. I want my mom in there, but know I can't ask her if stepnada

can't come in because it wouldn't be 'FAIR' and all hell would break

loose in the hospital. No wonder I can't get pregnant.Thanks for








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That's interesting. I nursed my first boy for a year and now am nursing my

second child. That is one thing I have been able to do without any effort. I am

so thankful because it is so good for my kids and helps me to relax.


To: WTOAdultChildren1@...: cld@...: Mon, 14 Jan

2008 05:51:34 +0000Subject: Re: BPD's Effect On KO's


Interesting... I have PCOS - polycystc ovaries - and was told at 19 that having

children was going to be very dificult for me. PCOS often also involves insulin

reistance. Once I was on drugs (glucophage) for my insulin resitance, my

hormones leveled out. I have two kids now, 2 and 4 years old. For my first

pregnancy, I had to do progesterone in the first few months to keep the

pregnancy going - that was scary, but it was worth it! But then I was unable to

nurse, and there is a little quiet part of me that always thinks that I was too

stressed out/anxiety-ridden to produce milk like I should have been able to. I

just kept thinking, " If I could just RELAX! " I am sure I had post-partum

depression after the first pregnancy, and I know I did after the 2nd - I ended

up on anti-depressants and in therapy, which got me back on track. No more

babies for me! Two healthy, beautiful children and no desire to see how bad PPD

can be the 3rd time around!>> > I had to undergo fertility with both of my boys. I

needed the oral meds and HCG shots. I believe all the stress affected my immune

system and also my fertility.> > Kelley> > > To: WTOAdultChildren1@...:

artwidow@...: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 20:45:29 +0000Subject: BPD's

Effect On KO's Fertility> > > > > So...since we all have such similar

experiences, I thought I would put out a feeler about this one.My husband and I

have been unprotected for three years and no baby. I've been tested and so has

he, and we are both completely fine. I'm 28, and he's 37. I'm starting to think

my stepnada has something to do with this.For a long time I've been pretty

terrified about having a child knowing that my relationship with my father will

end. This is what has happened with my sister. Stepnada and dad have NOTHING to

do with her. Stepnada did not have biological children, and she married my

father knowing that he had had a vasectomy years before he met her. Yet, we were

forced to call her mom, screamed at if we didn't cry with her over baby diaper

commericials (I was 8), and raged at about how we would never understand how

hard infertility is. She doesn't know if she's infertile or not! She didn't want

to adopt because she only wanted a bio kid from my dad. Nothing else was good

enough. Especially his two daughers. I know if they would have had children

together, our relationship with him would have ended then and there. I sometimes

feel that I am being punished with infertility because I was not more

emphathetic with her plight. Then I start feeling like, what's the point, why

subject another innocent child to a raging, viscious bitch like her? How could I

forgive myself if she said some effed up thing to my child?So, why aren't they

speaking to my sister? Here goes, try to follow the logic (there isn't any) 1.

Sister refused to allow her in the birthing room (none of us went in) because

she wanted to give birth in private (*gasp*, don't most people?), 2. Sister

allowed stepnada to help out right after she had the baby, but my stepnada

mysteriously stopped coming around. When sister asked why, she was told " you're

always too tired. " Um...yeah, she just had a BABY!! 3. Sister didn't invite

stepnada to Easter lunch at her house fast enough (my fault - I accidentally

mentioned it, thinking my sister had already invited her), 4. Stepnada showed up

on mother's day (my sister's 1st), and her birthday (the same day) and gave MY

sister attitude. For no apparent reason. When she left, my sister emailed my dad

and asked him to please fix whatever was wrong since he knows how to talk to

psycho bitch, 5. Stepnada intercepted the email somehow and threw a fit about

how dare my sister not just talk to her about it (b/c she's insane and can't be

talked to), she also found out that my sister told my dad that she would not

allow my her to watch the baby alone. After that fight blew over, things were

still quite tense as you can imagine. 6. This last May, my sister had my dad and

stepnada over for lunch. She told my stepnada how much the flooring guy

(sister's friend) quoted them for wood floors. Stepnada started getting very

aggressive (she's very loud mouthed) about how the guy was full of shit and how

SHE knew flooring pricing better than him because SHE was in the industry (15

years ago). She followed my sister around the house blah blah blahing about it

until my sister nicely asked her to please stop arguing about it. Stepnada got

all huffy and told my dad, they were leaving RIGHT NOW, and they left after my

dad asked her to apologize and my sister refused, saying she had done NOTHING

wrong, 7. A few days later, Dad relayed the message that my sister needed to

apologize and that my stepnada didn't feel comfortable in their house, 8. Sister

refused and told him how ridiculous that was since she has bent over backwards

to make them comfortable. My dad has not called my sister for her birthday, my

niece's birthday, Christmas or Thanksgiving. My stepnada has told me that she is

cut out of the will and they will no longer have anything to do with her. Last

time they were over, I found a picture of my husband and niece turned around,

facing the wall. So, that's what happens when you assert independence for

yourself or your child around my stepnada. If you have a baby, she expects you

to make up for her lack of having had one. She told my sister she cannot stand

pregnant women, and would not have a relationship with her granddaughter if she

wasn't the clear favorite of the other two grandmas - that she can't share. She

will lose her mind when and if I get pregnant and tell her she can't come in the

room. I want my mom in there, but know I can't ask her if stepnada can't come in

because it wouldn't be 'FAIR' and all hell would break loose in the hospital. No

wonder I can't get pregnant.Thanks for reading, > > > > > > >

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